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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Q: Grand Theft Auto 5 - Do wheel types affect driving?

DomI have to complete a number of off-road races, so first thing I did was drive to the nearest Los Santos Customs. While there, I decided to buy myself some shiny, new off-road wheels. Are there any advantages to using different wheel types, i.e. more/less traction or wheel-slip? Any help would...

Q: Is it worth killing the drop pods?

DavidYellEnemies teleport in using the drop pods, so is it worth destroying the drop pods whilst the enemies are spawning? Will destroying the pod prevent further waves from spawning?

Q: Final Fantasy VII: What File Is the Local Save Saved To?

WhitechapelI bought the game on Steam and the cloud service has become unnerving, always being down. Where does the local save of the game save to?

I wonder what's SO's font stack for monospace fonts
> Consolas,Menlo,Monaco,'Lucida Console','Liberation Mono','DejaVu Sans Mono','Bitstream Vera Sans Mono','Courier New',monospace,serif
Greetings. Has anyone else had some Steam coupons appear in their inventory for no apparent reason?
@Aubergine Yes
@Aubergine yes
@Aubergine Were you notified?
wow, 7:20pm
that's quite late
Huh, yeah, me too
33% OFF Foul Play, 25% OFF Volgarr the Viking
@kalina It is 1h later here so im considering going to bed
Not exactly the most exciting offers
I only got the 33% off foul play
@Blem I just woke up
You went to bed right before i got up this morning
I might go back to bed
bed was more comfy
and warmer
You woke at 7 pm
7pm is best wake up time
@kalina best time for payday 2
I'm going afk until @OrigamiRobot starts playing something else, so I can hold him responsible for not playing games with me anymore
Unrelated, I think my wisdom teeth are finally coming in.
does that mean you'll start acting wise?
how sad
if you can wait 5-10 minutes for me to play with jelly donots or whatever euphemism you're currently using
I will play payday 2
cc @3ventic @5pike @Yuki
@kalina Okay
I haven't had the chance to see the new patch
@kalina you roll in jelly donuts
Baby sitting :(
you? babysitting?
send them to bed, fire up payday 2
Crying babies? Feed them arsenic - solves crying baby problems 100% of the time
Q: What does the different furniture do?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftThe description for the desk says "monsters with desks learn how to resist magic." Presumably the other furniture affects their stats/happiness somehow, but the descriptions don't explain how. What does the furniture affect?

@kalina In a sec, eating lunch.
@Yuki mk
We're having STEAK.
Steak is not more important than payday 2
Q: What are the best modfiers for the good items on terraria?

HarrisofunnyI am worndering what is the best modfier for the Paladins Hammer, Vampire knives, Golem fist, Picksaw, The axe, and the magical harp aswell :)

@kalina you are a terrible person.
I played Dinosaur minigolf
that sounds awesome
It was actually pretty fun lol
t-rex is worst character, can he reach the club?
There was a big volcano that shot out fire every now and then
and you could feel it from like a long way away it was so hot
and there were like dinosaur sounds everywhere
awesome, wasn't aware dinosaurs even liked minigolf
@RonanForman Heyo
@OrigamiRobot Heyo
@James Hi!
@RonanForman Not sure how many people we have for this weekend, seeing if you were interested :)
Trying to get a head count
@OrigamiRobot Minecraft PvP :)
do you guys play on the FTB server ? as i dont know what version of FTB i need to join
@RhysW I do not, hee
ah thanks anyway
@FEichinger I didnt sound bad at all
nn people, time to get some sleep
@James Sure, I'm in.
@RonanForman Yeah man I was just about to call it a no go
We could do a Blocks vs Zombies if ya felt up for it
@James Nevermind then.
but for pvp it would be like a 2 on 2 and there just isnt much fun in that
@James Do you have a terraria server? We could play that?
@RonanForman You should get Sky Nations
@PrivatePansy Oh whoa, can I have the volgarr one? I've been hearing a lot about that game
it looks sick
Q: Where is Cicero after he is spared?

SeptagramIt's said that if Cicero is spared in The Cure for Madness quest, he remains in the Dawnstar sanctuary and can be later hired as a follower. Well I did just that and I can't find him anywhere. Where exactly is he? Does he disappear and only reappear after some other moment in the game?

Was uploading video to YouTube, and Firefox crashed. Not sure if it actually finished. FML.
@MichaelDunfield if you want I have a 25% off coupon for it
@MBraedley you should be able to pick up from where you left?
Q: Roccat Isku FX Multicolor - Color change

userg0I want to buy a Roccat Isku FX Multicolor as replacement for my G15. Will the color be saved after configuration (Windows Software)? After changing the color to green or to orange, will the same color be there using ubuntu/any other distro?

@Blem Where did those come from anyway? I noticed I had those coupons yesterday too
I assume they're tied to owning a specific game already
Q: How do I backpedal?

GigazelleSo I asked a question the other day regarding the writing on tombstones in Terraria. I did my homework, laid out steps to reproduce my issue, however it appeared to be a one-off issue and I no longer see the issue anymore. Since it is obvious that this question is void of any value to anyone els...

Whoa wait the XCOM DLC is actually out?
Oh, never mind, preorders
@Powerlord I have absolutely no idea what triggers it. I have both the Volgarr the Viking and the Foul Play coupon as well.
@badp I may not actually be able to use it because paypal, but I am interested.
@badp I just gave up and started uploading again. It wasn't due to go live until tomorrow afternoon anyways.
Q: Some players can't create Iron

ray023With my account on the Craftbukkit server, I can make objects with iron. But there are three other accounts that cannot. This is an image from another player's account; notice no shovel appears. Things I've tried: 1. stop/start server 2. reboot server 3. Disable all craftbukkit plu...

It could be a bug. — Timtech 5 mins ago
I have finally gotten around to writing this, so that I finally have one reference source on the topic.
@badp eh.
@MichaelDunfield It is necessary that the world knows.
France and England have always been at war until the Correct Earth Time timezone sharing ritual started - and have been allies ever since
this cannot be a coincidence
Two peoples that are so annoyingly proud, agreeing truly on One True Timezone, to share
we should celebrate CET as the Miracle of a Peaceful Humankind
My eyes water at the thought.
@badp I read this and for some reason unknown to me, my subconscious is telling me TIME CUBE.
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