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Yeah :( Two days and already I'm feeling miserable
For my next javascript game I'm going to make something a bit like spore, but good
@fredley That sounds like a challenge.
@Arperum It's possible I think
The individual levels aren't too bad, the difficult thing is making the transitions between them seamless and sensible, and making death not too bad
Admittedly some of the later stages might be hard
@fredley Ascii graphics again? or something else this time?
@Arperum Ascii, but not fixed grid
At least three of the stages should be not too difficult
There are some I'm not sure about
Brainstorming it at the moment
@fredley I reserve a testing spot. Or if needed/wanted I could even help coding. (professional webdev and all that[only one year experience though])
@fredley See if some form of multiplayer is possible. That would be awesome.
Space stage with multiple people in the same galaxy.
@Arperum No way, that's a whole different kettle of fish
@Arperum No no no
Relatively easy with some AJAX magic.
I say relatively.
@FEichinger You also say magic
@Arperum Why, yes, but I'm a PHP core dev, so "magic" isn't exactly uncommon in what I do. :P
@FEichinger PHP core dev as in: working mainly with PHP or working on the core of PHP? Both cases require magic.
@Arperum Writing bare PHP and not this framework-laden nonsense.
Making a MMOG in PHP: NO. NO. NO NO NO.
@FEichinger I think we broke @fredley
@fredley PHP should be the least of your worries in that regard, actually.
> The referenced component 'Microsoft.CSharp' could not be found.
Writing a HTTP-based MMOG in itself is already a crime.
CRIME, I say.
@fredley You're missing a "NON".
@FEichinger See? @fredley is completely broken.
Have some cookies: NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM
@fredley Wait WHAT?
@Arperum This party is in power currently.
> David Cameron admitted in an interview at the weekend that leaving the ECHR was an option Britain could pursue.
@fredley HOW stupid are they?
@fredley wat
@Arperum Not stupid. The policy is stupid, but simple. It appeals to simple minded people.
I think the tories are on a mission to out-stupid UKIP.
Q: GTA5 Player Setback

MotoCody145I need some help in resolving this issue. I have GTA5 for the Xbox. I've been playing for the past week or so and the story mode is around 15 percent done. (I've unlocked the 3 guys, I think Michael, Franklin and that desert guy) I turned on my Xbox this morning and started playing gta5. I...

@fredley All it does is kicking you a couple centuries back to the times where you could get whipped for saying stupid things.
@RonanForman They mistook a general election for a stupidity contest.
@Arperum Dropping out of ECHR has chilling consequences
@fredley For some reason they think that UKIP 'won' in some way, which is odd, because they didn't.
@RonanForman The best thing to do with attention seekers like UKIP is ignore them
Oh yeah, I forgot that the Euro version has snakes instead of chutes.
@fredley Don't ignore them, treat them seriously and actually show people UKIP is wrong rather than just saying "people who vote for UKIP are idiots".
@GraceNote I never understood how a snake would get you back down though.
@Arperum Snakes are slippery!
@Arperum Slippery and slithery.
@RonanForman ... So you are saying that the game promotes the stepping and slipping on snakes?
I should probably submit a chat bug report, or see if it alread yexists.
Whenever you land on 'em, sure.
The past few days (week maybe) everytime I open up chat in a new window it pings me with some old message.
@RonanForman Nope: they're buffoons. If you ignore them they'll just try and seek attention by being bigger buffoons.
@GraceNote Chutes sounds like a better alternative though. Doesn't sound as fancy, but physically correcter
@Arperum Yep, luckily we don't have any venomous snakes over here, so standing on them is a safe past time.
@GraceNote What is the non-Euro version called? Snakes and chutes?
@fredley I'd assume Chutes and Ladders
@RonanForman Lies, we have adderss
@fredley This.
@Arperum I didn't sleep last night, please ignore everything I say >.<
@fredley Chutes and Ladders, which I thought would've been easier to think since I compared snakes to chutes...
@GraceNote shhhhh
I'm too tired to think coherently
@Arperum This is probably why we localized them as chutes and assume that our kids can't forsake intellectual logical bridges to embrace contextual imagination in the heart of rules.
@fredley That's where the spore in JS idea comes from. Could you stay up another day? Multiplayer might start to look reasonable then.
Also the snakes look prettier on the board.
They have little cute faces.
@Arperum shhhhh
@RonanForman As a child I understood that if you landed on a snake, you would be eaten and fall down it. What happened at the other end was always unclear to me though.
Hello again
@Arperum :(
I just realized I had accidentally upgraded my Debian from 6 to 7.
@fredley here, I'll fetch you a coffee or 10, and remember: sleep is for the weak
@KevinvanderVelden Weep is for the sleek.
@fredley we're getting closer to multiplayer it seems :)
Pony problems: I can't tell @KevinvanderVelden and @Arperum apart that easily
@fredley mine is red-ish, his is gray
@3ventic well that sucks, how did you manage that? =/
@fredley Mine has glasses, his has not.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not sure how or when. Probably when I was messing with php5-mysqlnd
Glasses aren't majorly visible at that resolution when you're all grey to begin with.
@GraceNote shhhhh
@fredley naah, mine is red
That said I just go by the red/grey split myself. And Kevin has a stubbier tail.
@fredley You'll see it when you've been awake for longer
Alternatively I could read words
@GraceNote Why do I keep getting Ether Diseases when there is no Etherwind and I am not wearing any ether items?
@OrigamiRobot Blame @Wipqozn.
@fredley You know ... you made them yourself.
Etherwind speeds up the progression of Ether Disease, it'll still progress on its own at a very slow slow pace.
@fredley Why would you do that?
@FEichinger shhhhh
Part of the deal is that your character, on arriving at North Tyris, contracted Ether Disease already.
@RonanForman I don't know. Too much effort.
@fredley shhhhh yourself.
Wods r hrd yo
Well, at any rate, I got the Lucky Dagger last night.
That was fast.
Fishing is pretty easy
It's more the faith growth that's the limiting factor.
I can't believe I wrote that
@GraceNote I get a brillion Faith Dreams and have the Faith feats.
My base Faith is 20
Ah, I didn't grab the Faith feats. Handy to have if going that way, though.
They are pretty awesome fun rules it has to be said
Lucky Dagger is a really nice deal though.
I'm ashamed that we need that tag. I blame @fredley.
Since I don't dual-wield my black catsister is currently using it.
> it is permissible to on occasion have a little fun with each other
@RonanForman We need tags for everything, even fun it seems.
My next game will be called
@fredley Only a little. Make sure it doesn't get too much.
@fredley The multiplayer spore one?
Fallacious Urban Nova
Addition of quotes to <title> text is excellent
@Arperum sounds like
I want to go home :( My productivity took a bigger crashdive then on fridays.
@Arperum Is it Friday?
@fredley @blem already linked rebecca black, you don't need to anymore
@fredley Not yet. I want to play terraria, and I still have to work two more hours :(
@fredley you where even tagged in it
@Blem Too tired
@fredley Not tired enough. You still didn't confirm the multiplayer part of your sporegame.
2 hours ago, by Blem
@fredley loves when we promote speed-warp.net!
Meanwhile, at the guardian...
@Blem :(
@fredley I'd have thought that was the daily fail
@KevinvanderVelden There are no other news stories more worthy of the front page banner
@fredley I... I... WHAT!?
Is this for real?
@fredley I'd think that train crash Number ILostCount in Belgium would be a better thing. (Only material damage this time, and not even poisonous leakage).
@Arperum Or the aforementioned tory plan to scrap Human Rights
@fredley or ANY of the other posts on that page
@fredley Cheer up, it could be monday!
@KevinvanderVelden The one about chocolate round or square thing excluded maybe.
@fredley sigh I don't think there is a scenario where this is a good sign for the Guardian.
> David Cameron basically forces imprisoned orphans to bake his bread for him. That's what I'm taking from this.

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