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I walked by an old lady parked in her car in the supermarket parking lot, and she gave me a terrified look and locked her car door. Go me.
@Sterno Do you have evil facial hair?
@OrigamiRobot The potatoes look yummy.
@Sterno Oh my :(
@Sterno That makes poor old Sterno feel young, terrifying and rebellious again, eh?
Crisis averted, 9.6 score secured, dvd-key delivered to Ivan the @Polygon Faux CEO. http://t.co/9jKNQTSayu
I have a beard, as all men of distinguishment do.
@Sterno Indeed, indeed.
@StrixVaria amazing
Reminds me, I need to yell at those stupid annoying kids out there with their stupid annoying fireworks, so they can call the cops and call me old and grumpy again.
I really, really do.
Because they're so bloody annoying.
Fireworks are illegal in NC :(
Q: Plugin for flattening redstone circuits?

fasIs there a plugin that will allow me to put at least half slabs on top of redstone in the same block?

@MichaelDunfield I love those guys. Their twitter is a hoot too
@BenBrocka Which guys
Devolver Digital, ForkParker is their fake social media guru
Oh, so this is all fake
Hahahaha I thought it was real
The CD key in the email is for Shadow Warrior classic (which is free on steam)
@MichaelDunfield go look for Fork Parker quotes from when Serious Sam 3 came out.
@Sterno how do I do that
Do it for me
Just pretend you looked, laugh a few times, and move on.
@Sterno Haha, that was great!
I want to see Gravity.
@Sterno Jump out the window. Should be plenty for you.
@3ventic Hah. I made that joke last night when the TV ad said that we had to go "experience Gravity!". I experience it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
@JasonBerkan Jumping out the window? That seems like a bad habit..
@3ventic Does that make it visible?
@Coronus Have you tried jumping from high enough without any safety equipment?
> "Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure."
I claim gravity turns visible if you make a lethal jump. Now, prove me wrong.
@Sterno If it doesn't have the song Major Tom in it, I will be disappointed.
@3ventic heh
@OrigamiRobot why is there carpet on top of your eggs
@badp That's fried livermush
Random religion-bashing quotes are classy.
Recommend me a good indie RPG. I would like to play.
@Shiester OFF-TOPIC
I don't know about RPGs, but I hear Skydrift is amazing.
@Shiester define "indie"
@Shiester Define good RPG.
Define "me"
World of Warcraft is an indie RPG
@OrigamiRobot You are "either a robot designed to fold paper or a robot made of folded paper. I forget which."
Blizzard is indie now?
If that counts, I recommend Baldur's Gate series
Uh, depending on your qualifications for indie, Genius of Sappheiros is a pretty snazzy great one.
@Sconibulus They self publish.
Though it's Touhou, so that alone may or may make it not to your taste.
The StackExchange rep game is an indie RPG.
i mean like, just something fun that I could play that wasn't made by a big company
preferrably an rpg
Sep 6 at 15:45, by OrigamiRobot
I will take every chance I can to point out that "indie" is a buzzword and is meaningless.
I like to think of it like "Romancing SaGa meets Etrian Odyssey meets extreme-anguish-inducing-difficulty", which that's actually pretty impressive to have on top of being RS and EO.
@OrigamiRobot divide by zero pls
@Shiester OK, Divide what by zero?
@Shiester Nethack is pretty amazing
@Shiester @GraceNote has some great suggestions for you, I bet.
@GraceNote romancing saga was great. EO is good.
it's also free, which is a plus
@Shiester Then go buy Genius of Sappheiros.
@Sconibulus Yeah, I like nethack, but I've played a lot of it before. That, and Angband, and DC:SS
@OrigamiRobot 1 divided by 0.
@GraceNote its.. touhou?
@Shiester Yes. I did mention this earlier as a potential halting point for some folks.
@Shiester Approaches infinity.
@OrigamiRobot plus or minus infinity
The limit approaches infinity, the result is undefined
@murgatroid99 Indeed.
@Sconibulus Only if you're not in the cool club.
@GraceNote You know what, screw it. I'll check it out later.
> > 1/0
also @everyone who thinks 1/0 is infinith
you're wrong
@Shiester Good. The gameplay is very solid.
@Shiester Nope.
@Shiester how so?
1/0 is 1 left somewhere that nobody cares about. it's like
like going to your prom, and being the only person there in the corner with no GF. then the prom ends, and then everyone goes home. you're still there though, standing in the corner in the dark.
thats what one divided by zero is.
@Shiester No, you're not, 1/0 is undefined, and as any C programmer knows, anything at all can happen in undefined behavior and it is technically legal.
One is the loneliest number.
Q: What does the dice roll affect when travelling?

spencerWhen travelling to another location via map screen what does the dice roll affect?

If it wanted to kill your father and elope with your mother to Antigua, while chanting "Negative seven" it could.
@Sconibulus That's not how undefined works in math
@Sconibulus Now, a variety of environments for a variety of languages defines 1/0 as any of the following: Infinity, undefined, null, *Error, *Exception, 0, 1, -1, ∅, "", NaN, .
Stop ruining math like you all literally ruined the English language.
what about FILE_NOT_FOUND; ?
@FEichinger Yep, anything you want to implement it as is legal.
Genius of Sappheiros is in English, right?
@FEichinger Is that an empty set? What language is that?
@Sterno Lets talk about different levels of infinity.
@Shiester Actually, that would be semantically incorrect. It could be, but it is not.
I won't be able to play it if it's in moonspeak.
EO should be out today. Waiting is boring.
@OrigamiRobot That sounds like fun
@murgatroid99 I'm replacing "no return executed" with that.
@Shiester There's a translation patch.
But there's also an empty result set, which would be the last element of that list. Could also be interpreted as "void".
@OrigamiRobot Are we talking about ordinals, cardinals, or the extended real line?
@GraceNote alright cool.
first they go from pre-loading
to ddos'd and crashed
How many levels are there? We only went into Countably Infinite and Uncountably Infinite in school
now they're "booting"
@FEichinger Is there any language where a function that's supposed to return a number legally returns void instead?
I just want confirmation that this is system shock three.
@murgatroid99 The difference between the infinite number between 0 and 1 vs the infinite numbers between 0 and 2.
@OrigamiRobot Those are both aleph_1
The cardinalities of those sets
@Sconibulus The number of infinite cardinals is an arbitrarily large infinite number
@murgatroid99 There's a couple languages that use dynamic data types. So, functions don't have a datatype assigned but instead return any valid mixed.
Or return nothing at all, in which case they just internally return void.
@FEichinger Oh, right, I guess there's that. What I mean is: is there any language that actually returns nothing for 1/0
@BenBrocka Those are adorable.'
@murgatroid99 It's definable. I've defined it void for a couple of environments, myself.
Point is: There's a lot of semantically correct solutions that are of varying degrees of usefulness depending on the environment they're used in.
@FEichinger That just seems like a return value that's not very useful to the programmer
@murgatroid99 Depends on the language. If the language interprets void as 0, it can be a storage-efficient way to do it, for instance.
Or it forwards the Math error as a syntax error to the interpreter/VM/whatever. Which can be a safer solution in some cases. Math errors can get nasty in some environments.
Really just depends on what you need it for.
@murgatroid99 All I know is there are twice as many in one as there are in the other. Or half, depending on if you are a pessimist.
@BenBrocka Raspberry @Wipqozn's ????
@OrigamiRobot Nope, there's the same amount, for any reasonable definition of "same amount"
@murgatroid99 For every number between 0 and 1, there exists that number and that number +1 between 0 and 2
@OrigamiRobot Let x be in [0,1]. Then 2*x is in [0,2]. Let y be in [0,2]. Then y/2 is in [0,1]. This creates a bijection between [0,1] and [0,2], so they have the same cardinality.
Guys. Take it to Math chat.
@JasonBerkan I'm done. I've proved my point
@murgatroid99 I'm not arguing against what you said.
@murgatroid99 You didn't say QED.
@JasonBerkan QED is just a Latin equivalent of "I've proved my point"
@JasonBerkan Wait, does that mean we can flag this conversation?
Hey, I already stopped. The passive-aggressive stars aren't necessary
@FEichinger It probably would get flagged there. They seem to talk about math about as much as we talk about video games.
@JasonBerkan So they have one user who constantly spams them with obscure proofs and youtube videos about said proofs?
@Arperum From what I have heard (I haven't been there, nor can I see flags), the Math room is worse about stupid flags than we are.
@Unionhawk In all fairness, we whine more about stupid flags than we actually produce stupid flags.
@murgatroid99 OK, based on a quick reading of what a bijection is, I disagree that there is one.
@FEichinger This is true.
awww, I missed the math discussion? Now I'm sad.
Math is awesome.
@OrigamiRobot Then you are incorrect. Each number in [0,1] maps exactly to its double in [0,2]. That is a bijection.
@OrigamiRobot You are seeing infinity as a number here I think. It's not. This whole thing is about having infinity numbers between both points, and you can map them one on one.
@Arperum No, I'm not. Infinity describes the behavior of numbers.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, and the cardinality of the continuum (the real numbers) is equal to the cardinality of any real interval (such as [0,1])
@Jin hahaha
the ending satisfied me.
I have never watched the show
But I still get it
A bijection is where you can map them one on one in both directions. you can map every number between [0,1] to a exactly one number in [0,2] if you use the relation 2*x. Every number in [0,2] also matches to exactly one number in [0,1] using the opposite relation x/2.
@Arperum Yes, I see that, I just disagree that that makes the set sizes the same.
@OrigamiRobot Do you agree that 0.9999... is the same as 1?
@OrigamiRobot By definition, two sets have the same cardinality if there is a bijection between them
@OrigamiRobot infinity=infinity. infinity+1=infinity
@StrixVaria No
They are the same size, one just gets there faster
I have now acquired over 200 rat corpses during my battles against the rattus faber infestation.
@Batophobia This is the whole point.
CC: @PrivatePansy @AshleyNunn
@Batophobia With cardinal numbers, that is true
@OrigamiRobot Ok, then unfortunately it's not worth arguing with you about math.
@StrixVaria That one confused me until I saw the proof.
@JasonBerkan The algebraic proof is so nice.
@JasonBerkan I saw the proof and am still in disbelief
My wife still doesn't believe it.
@StrixVaria It's 0superscript+ smaller
@OrigamiRobot Do you mean 0?
Then you're wrong.
@StrixVaria He must be a truncating robot
@Arperum that relationship only works one way
oh, wait, nevermind
That proof is really nifty.
There's really no room for opinion in math.
@StrixVaria That's your opinion
@OrigamiRobot There's no such thing as an infinitessimal number. And they can be proven to be equal
Math is inherently flawed because it's inherently arbitrary. But that's an entirely different topic.
@FEichinger But within the framework of ZF set theory, it is entirely provable.
@FEichinger Your face is arbitrary.
@Wipqozn Your arbitrary is face.
@murgatroid99 At what point is it infinitessimal?
@OrigamiRobot Do you agree that there is always a number in between two different real number? (namely the average)
@OrigamiRobot When you run out of numbers
@murgatroid99 I don't disagree that it's conclusive. But it's inherently arbitrary no less.
@Arperum Sure
@FEichinger All modern math starts with the implicit assumption of the set theory axioms. In that case, every proof is completely correct
@OrigamiRobot And that 0.99999... is the biggest number under 1?
Wow I thought we stopped the Maths in here almost half an hour ago.
@murgatroid99 I don't believe in axioms
@GraceNote Yeh, right. Because that's a thing that happens.
@OrigamiRobot That doesn't even make sense
In fact, one of our mods answered this question on Math SE.
I just realized Bridge is trying to teach math to a robot
@OrigamiRobot See the infinite series proof for that
@murgatroid99 Sure it does.
@GraceNote Math never stops
@Wipqozn Math has got some sweet moves.
@OrigamiRobot What you are saying, then, is that you reject the standard math that is taught in schools and instead use your own brand of personal math with different rules, which no one else uses.
@Batophobia Math slept with my wife!
@Wipqozn and she liked it.
@Wipqozn Do you feel like you have slept with maths?
@StrixVaria Nope.
@StrixVaria It doesn't matter, you have to start with some assumptions or you can't do anything
@murgatroid99 Right, but if he's rejecting core assumptions that normal math is based on...
Standard math is close enough, I suppose.
@Arperum 0.99999.... doesn't exist. Everything is 1 or 0
@Arperum @OrigamiRobot And since it is different from 1, it has a number in between itself and 1 (the average), but this number is bigger then 0.999... so we have an impossibility.
@Batophobia Well, the transitive property says that I have.
@murgatroid99 It's conclusive within the system. But the system is arbitrary. And that makes the system inherently flawed. The system itself is a conclusive representation, but arbitrary as well.
@Wipqozn Touché.
Now I'm getting more into philosophy though, so I'll leave that one for another time.
@Wipqozn Then consider yourself gifted from the Gods
@FEichinger You keep saying that it's flawed, but what makes arbitraryness a flaw?
@MichaelDunfield coincidence - I ignored a thing
@Batophobia :/
It's like 8 seconds long
I like the normal mathematic axioms because they have produced a brand of math that lets me actually do useful things.
I would click it but newgronds doesn't like work
@Batophobia Ah...
@MichaelDunfield That's 8 seconds we could be talking about Math.
@Batophobia Most of the time it's the other way around.
@Batophobia Try this one jmp.sh/v/M1nx6NXyVxMeVs0qwpPw
@StrixVaria I'm not rejecting them, I'm just recognizing that they are just that. Axioms.
@Arperum Only on Tuesdays
@murgatroid99 We cannot, because of the inherent nature of the thing, prove that it is an exact representation. With that being the ideal, the arbitrary system is flawed.
@OrigamiRobot I seriously have no idea what you are talking about
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
Now I'm getting more into philosophy though, so I'll leave that one for another time.
@OrigamiRobot But that can't be used as an argument against something that was proved with those axioms.
It was still proved, and it is still true within the framework of math.
@MichaelDunfield O_o
@StrixVaria Proved with those axioms
@Batophobia what, what's wrong
@FEichinger It's not supposed to be an exact representation of anything. It's just math
@MichaelDunfield I take back everything I said about it
24 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
It's great
@Batophobia What did you say about it
@OrigamiRobot Okay. One second.
There, I just ignored @OrigamiRobot!
@StrixVaria Math might be wrong
Hah, thanks.
Just like he asked.
@MichaelDunfield I said I ignored it, which is now false
@OrigamiRobot What do you mean by "wrong" in this context?
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
Now I'm getting more into philosophy though, so I'll leave that one for another time.
@Wipqozn That looks like fun! let me try
42 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
24 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
For some reason I'm having trouble getting newgrounds to loop it properly
@murgatroid99 Yes, and I'm saying that Math is flawed, because it isn't (meaning "isn't conclusively provable to be") an exact representation.
@Batophobia It isn't fun at all
This conversation gets dumber by the minute.
@OrigamiRobot Welcome home
THis is terrible. What's the point in living if I can't see @OrigamiRobot's messages?
@Sterno See how you have 3 sticks now
@Sterno Could be ponies, eh?
@Sterno I lost them at 0.999... != 1 because math might be wrong
@FEichinger It's not a flaw that it doesn't fulfill a purpose that it wasn't designed for. Math doesn't represent anything, it's just math. Sometimes, it happens to correspond to real world things
@FEichinger It sounds like you're saying what I'm saying so I'm just going to direct people to you OK BYE I AM LEAVING
@Sterno But it's fun and I'm bored
I should ask a question on Math.SE: "Is math wrong?"
@OrigamiRobot I think you mean "Powering down"
@murgatroid99 "It's just math" must be the worst justification I've ever read.
@Unionhawk Just cakes
@Unionhawk Yes (including this)
@FEichinger You're arguing that it doesn't do something that it's not supposed to be doing, and that therefore there's something wrong with it. That just doesn't make sense
@murgatroid99 You're arguing that Math is "not representing anything", which is ridiculous. Math is supposed to represent real-world phenomena in a reasonably tangible form.
@StrixVaria Closed as not a real question, "wrong" is not sufficiently defined to provide an answer
Which it largely does.
I'm not sure how you can get so philosophical when discussing math. They are just made up numbers and made up rules for playing with those numbers.
@JasonBerkan exactly
But the system is still inherently arbitrary, cannot provably be an exact representation, and therefore is inherently flawed.
@FEichinger Math, at its base, is sets. Just sets. Everything is built on that. It happens that in that framework, we can define additional constructs that correspond to the real world. That doesn't make those definitions the purpose of the entire exercise
@JasonBerkan That's exactly what I'm saying, except that I'm adding on top of that that is just does not fulfill the ideal of being a representation of phenomena in a tangible form.
@Unionhawk I'll just leave this here: youtu.be/KThlYHfIVa8
@FEichinger I'm really not certain what real world phenomena you expect math to represent.
@JasonBerkan If I have an apple and you give me another, math says I have 2
@FEichinger You are imposing your own unrealistic expectations on math as a field and then claiming that it is flawed because it does not meet those expectations.
@Batophobia Math also defines "2"
@Batophobia Simple counting says you have 2. That counting and abstract math agree on this point does not mean all of math has to match to the real world.
@JasonBerkan Simple counting IS math
@Batophobia And I don't see any problem yet. Math appears to represent the real world perfectly so far
@murgatroid99 Not really. Observation says there are multiples of similar object. Math gives a word to it
or language, maybe
If you agree to the real-world phenomenon that 1+1=2 then most the rest of math is an extention of that
The issues come into play when math discusses non-real issues like infinity
1+1+1+1+..... is simplified into infinity but never really reaches it
in real world example, you gather apples one-by-one but eventually you run out of apples
Is infinity ever used concretely in math?
You ask science to help and you rearrange sub-atomic particles to make more apples but then you run out of protons and electrons
Q: What do the various skills do in Star Command?

spartacusApparently my weapons officers have been leveling up and gaining skills, but I have no idea what they do. When I clicked on one of them one time, it seemed to cause my weapon officer's health to drop. Are there any explanations of these skill icons? This is for the android version if that matt...

I always heard it as "approaches infinity" or "continues infinitely"
@Sconibulus Infinity is more of an idea than anything else.
It cannot be an endpoint, basically by definition
so we can easily have things continue infinitely
So "Continues to infinity" is just a continuation of the 1+1+1+1+1+...
like a line on a mobius strip
@Sconibulus wrong
you eventually reach the beginning
@Sconibulus oh yes
It's like saying 0 and 360 are different
@Batophobia 0 yoga pants and 360 yoga pants are different numbers of yoga pants
@Batophobia 0 and 360 are different, they just represent the same point
@Sconibulus Exactly.
Oh, hey, so I guess the Steam Controller is a thing.
I had forgotten about that last announcement.
@RedRiderX Observational skills, GO!
@Batophobia I don't understand your argument
@RedRiderX Yeah. It looks weird, but I definitely think it's worth checking out
@Sconibulus You can continue around a circle infinitely, but you reach the same point
@Batophobia Observation check failed, target loses all perception skills for 1d6+2 days.
@Batophobia Yes, and?
@Unionhawk And also gains Slowpoke status.
@Sconibulus I'm not sure
Say you extend it into the time-space relation
@RedRiderX I imagine some games would be a lot more amusing if people transformed things into Slowpokes instead of Toads.
space is limited, therefore time must also be
@GraceNote Do you play minecraft?
Yep, I'm totally lost here.
@GraceNote That sounds like the type of thing you would find in Elona.
@GnomeSlice Oooo chiptune. It's sort of looping in my head now.
There we go, I'm validated.
Or any rougelike, I guess.
@RedRiderX Welcome to last year, jeez.
@Wipqozn ...you're a bit slow on this, ironically.
@GraceNote I was eating food.
@Wipqozn You are also alot of turtle
An excuse is ultimately an excuse.
@GraceNote haaaaaaaaaa
Dec 18 '10 at 18:51, by Grace Note
I can't prove that statement because I'm forbidding myself to play Minecraft. My job is to get everyone else to play Minecraft, leaving myself the only remaining productive person on the planet.
@MichaelDunfield Nifty/
@GraceNote Then I shall make your struggle harder: pixelmon.wikia.com/wiki/Slowpoke
I haven't played Minecraft in like 2 years
Sky Nations is reminding me why I used to like it though
A quick google search suggests Lotus Games doesn't exist.
@Batophobia ...Struggle? I've got tons of PP.
But in seriosity, I've yet to even be really interested in playing Minecraft. Some parts of it may amuse me but not in any way that's really inspired me to spend my own time on it.
@Batophobia is a mod Heh, nope. I had my fun with the modded Minecraft. Never again.
oh well if I've learned anything it's that nothing solves an identity crisis better than a pot of KD and a subscription to brazzers
@Unionhawk New launcher makes it much easier
@gnosfnsadidjKA;SJ @MichaelDunfield Your chiptune is nifty. It loops perfectly.
@Wipqozn No it doesn't. It should have looped perfectly, and then newgrounds was like 'nope' so I added a bit of silence to the end and now it sounds like it loops pretty close. I bet if you downloaded it though it wouldn't loop properly because of the space.
Oh, I see.
Fucking newgrounds.
They don't support uploading .wav files any more apparently... and they even have a thing on their FAQ that says 'mp3 doesn't loop properly, use .wav'
Kind of annoying...
> You can import your audio in any format, although if you intend to loop it, we recommend .WAV format. Loops that are imported as .MP3s don't loop properly, and no one likes a crappy loop.
@MichaelDunfield Maybe they are testing your hacker abilities
Except you can only upload .wav files now
They probably changed it to keep the filesize down
@Batophobia Ease isn't the issue. It's just... I had my fun with it, and now, there's only so much that can be done.
@Unionhawk Like catch ALL the pokemon?
@Batophobia Well, mods like that and Mo' Creatures are just not my cup of tea anyway. I mean, I played FTB for a while, and the big thing for me there was a slight engineering challenge with mods like Redpower.
@murgatroid99 Do I have you on steam?
But now a lot of that kind of stuff can be done in vanilla, with more challenge, and it's vanilla.
@Unionhawk mmmmmmmmmmmmm vanilla
Q: Is there a way to more easily rearrange table seating besides using the Tavern?

spencerI'd like to rearrange how my players sit at the table, but clicking, dragging, and other attempts don't give me an option to change seating. The only way I know currently is to go to a Tavern, remove all from the table, then add back in the order I want. Is there an easier or more intuitive way t...

Q: Cost of texture filtering methods

user1200340I've seen a lot of questions and answers regarding the visual differences between texture filtering methods (bilinear, trilinear, anisotropic2x etc), but I've not been able to find any information regarding the cost of these filtering methods. I'm not sure if this is perhaps due to the cost being...

I haven't played too much vanilla lately either, though, except in an attempt to answer a redstone-related question, or something like that
dat graphics
> If those are nicotine stains, then that thing on the floor could very well be a lung.

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