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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

:15839 Any Diamonds around to delete that?
I hate my connection always dropping out at midnight
it seems to have a planned downtime every few weeks between 1-2am just to mess with me
2 hours later…
The ending almost redeemed force unleashed 2, but nothing could redeem how buggy that game was
:15846 That's a shame, I actually enjoyed the first.
It was short, not very good, butit was fun for what it was.
Yeah the first was great
thats why I bought the second
but this one was so buggy
it felt unfinished
oh well, more time for fable 3
OH!, and battle realms
that seems to be the pattern of Star Wars sequels the last few years
I always shed a tear at the thought of what KOTOR 2 could have been
I remember KOTOR2 being OK
not as good as 1, but good
I hear the mmo is going to be bad
:15859 I'm glad I'm not the only one hearing that buzz.
yeah, its disapointing
And yeah, Kotor 2 wasn't as good as 1, but good. But, with the amount of cut content and the rushed ending... it could've been spectacular
like, it could have been an all-time game if Obsidian had been allowed to finish.
I don't understand why more companies don't have the balls to say: "Its not done yet"
Blizzard does a good job of it
:15865 Pretty sure Obsidian repeatedly said "It's not done yet" and Lucas told them to fucking release or be sued into bankruptcy
in this case I'm talking about lucus
lucas has never had the balls to do that.
I just won a game without ever killing an offensive unit
I sniped a few buildings and workers but what really did it was keeping him on 1 base while I moved to 8
he scanned that and just gg'd
happiest moment of my life
2 hours later…
9907! Final Countdown is on! 93 to go.
2 hours later…
:15876 woo
It's disappearing
just adding the feeds; one moment...
(just kidding)
Q: Where on my system are the current/original maps stored for Starcraft 2?

marcamillionI would like to either edit current maps to increase the money on them, or get money maps. Where, on my Windows 7 system, can I find the original Blizzard maps? Or are they not stored on my system? Also where can I get good money maps?

I don't get it :/
ooh, right, channel 4.
I fail.
ah! yes, now I see it.
if you are UK based, note that there are some very odd channel adverts for 4, things floating in mid air that can only be seen from a specific angle
there are sillier (some NSFW) channel adverts on b3ta :P
silly brits.
The Channel 4 adverts are really annoying
Back to Minecraft I think
Alright, cheers
32 messages moved to Chat feedback
in Chat feedback, 4 mins ago, by Thomas McDonald
@MarcGravell I also have no idea how to post as an image so I'll just drop this in here: http://cl.ly/dac96896ccf637c7e80e
2 hours later…
Q: Fallout New Vegas shutting down (PC)

RHaguiudaJust installed Fallout New Vegas. After some time of game play the game just quit to Desktop without any error messages. Can someone point me directions on why this is happening and how can I fix it? Running on Windows 7 32-bit, nVidia GTS250 MB. Thanks

so, we moved, now, where is everybody?
Fallen is figuring out how to get here.
NoScript gets in the way.
Actually let's pin it.
Trouble logging in? Get help here.
It's kinda weird to be thrown into the SE Tavern when you expect the mothership bridge
@ArdaXi yeah, a brawly bar instead of a clean bridge...
Have you noticed, thanks to my whining we also inherited the MSO backlog :)
Jul 16 at 17:10, by MatthewMartin
XN--ABAB-FT8AAFAKBGB80AS41C.COM has a lot of advantages. It is unlikely to be confused with any other URL, except maybe XN--ABAB-FTBAAFAKBGBBOAS4lC.COM
history attack!
that brings us to a hefty 50k messages. Take that, AskUbuntu! :P
that's how many messages/day?
There seems to be some askUbuntu favouritism going on. Custom domain names, individual chats, duplication of existing sites. All trouble for existing sites, fine for askUbuntu
@Macha they are sponsored.
I guess.
Still irritating :P
Yeah, that's the point
We could've sought backing from, say, Valve.
but then we'd have to at least focus on their games.
also, check hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com at the bottom ;)
the fun part is, the SE team didn't even want askubuntu in the first place
@ArdaXi who knows, maybe the team is as annoyed as we are :)
@ArdaXi when are you going to support not asking me to reauth Twitification at every browser launch? :)
@badp err, it shouldn't, really
@ArdaXi could it be that I switch browsers often? (= dual boot)
@badp It should only happen when it loses your keys for some reason
well that was annoying
I had to login/out 4 times to get this to work
@tzenes at least you can make it in eventually...
Fallen can't get it to work with NoScript (and balpha can't repro)
Alright, that's enough Minecraft in one go
wonder how the user experience of: It doesn't work compares to having to click on an iframe in terms of suckyness
also, why did I have to login again to post that?
Bleh. Using another browser so I can actually chat.
Did you login in a different tab?
So why'd we get migrated anyway? We were all excited about having our own chat domain, then it gets yanked out from under us. :P
I guess that, eventually, balpha and mark will make the "many" changes StackExchange.com needs so that logging in there works here too.
@FallenAngelEyes All *.stackexchange.com domains got moved.
Probably the OnStartups one too? Apparently that too.
Wow, that's an obnoxious notification sound.
ok, and when I open another room in another tab, I have to log in again
@tzenes status-norepro
Yeah, I haven't had any of those problems
I'm still going to go on MSO and complain
that's what it's there for
Wait, does this mean "insert coin" doesn't work anymore?
insert coin does work.
time to remake the coinslot.
That won't work immediately @alex
New rooms by default are not associated with a site
But you can change the host manually (unless they changed that)
Mods can.
@CRoss you can do it as diamond.
I can't find the option anywhere for this room :)
It's under edit for me, probably because I'm a diamond
yep, no repro :)
they're talking about taking away my diamond in rooms where host!=null && host!=rpg
Actually having a shitton of mods around sounded like the best part of a chat.stackexchange.com deal
so I hope that doesn't happen
I like the idea of having a bunch of people on call too, but whatever
oh, nice, now I can restar everything!
would I report a chat.se bug on MSO or MSE?
(@tzenes refresh if you haven't already)
Q: Starcraft II - League distribution

Wadih M.Hi, Is the league distribution for Starcraft II a pyramid? Does anyone have an idea of the ratios? Like 5% diamond, 20% gold, etc... Thanks

@CRoss Did you just get an email from a site you dont know yet?
@ThomasMcDonald Yes, yes I did
Hmm, thought it might do that
wait, no, that's from Funcom, whom I haven't dealt with in many moons
what's Bloodline Champions?
In that case it has nothing to do with me
raises eyebrow Are you sure
I thought you might have received a "New User Notification"
S'alright then, WP is surprisingly trigger happy when it comes to sending emails and I don't want to disturb everyone yet
ah, ok
I did not see that coming
Q: How can I make a skeleton shoot a creeper?

KurleyI beleive this is the way to get records. Has it always just been a matter of luck for everyone, or has anyone set out to deliberately do this? If there is some kind of technique to this, please share. ;-)

annoying triple feed is annoying triple feed.
Wow, that question needs some cleanup
2 messages moved to Sandbox
Q: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm achievement changes

perloxIn preparation for Cataclysm I've been trying to complete achievements I feel will be lost or converted to "feats of strength"; achievements like Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor lore master, Classic Dungeon Master and Raider, etc. My first question is, does anyone know of a resource that lists whic...

feed fixed, maybe?
seems like it
Mornin' all
annoying notification sound is annoying!
only racing? for that price, I want the plane version!
@alexanderpas The plane version? For that price I want a plane
@CRoss I get that plane when I sell this thing and have practiced enough ;)
if I'm doing my calculations right, that thing costs about the same as a new Ferrari California
it's less expensive to maintain however :)
@badp or use for that matter.
Minecraft has now sold half a million copies! Cake for everyone!
So he's grossed about $6.5m... Not bad for a game that's still in Alpha.
hey, we do still have a minecraft chat. I thought it was gone, but it turns out I just lost my favorites in the conversion
in Minecraft Talk, 1 hour ago, by alexanderpas
On second thought, I can't afford 6.75 billion cakes.
Q: What does agility affect in Fallout New Vegas?

FabianI've read a lot of conflicting information about what the agility SPECIAL stat does in the game. The factors it affects I've read, of which some are almost certainly false are the following: Total number of APs (Action points) Regeneration rate of APs Reloading speed Running speed Accuracy with...

Posted by Joel Spolsky on October 29th, 2010

Did you notice anything different about MSDN search lately?

MSDN is Microsoft’s mega huge developer information portal, and we’re happy to announce that starting today, Stack Overflow search results will be incorporated into the results when you search for something on MSDN. That lets you see official Microsoft developer documentation alongside the community conversations that you need to actually make sense of the “official” developer documentation.

Let me just say that I have been using Microsoft developer documentation since the Windows 1.0 API. In those days it was a big .HLP file with one entry for every Windows API call, and searching on my Zeos 386SX was instantaneous. In the early 1990s MSDN first appeared (it predated the web by a few years), shipped as a subscription service on monthly CD-ROMs. …

ping @badp or @tzenes feeds are annoying once again.
I can't move messages sorry
or maybe I just don't know how to
@Feeds hehe stackoverflow/stackexchange has been recognized by Google(Android) Canonial(Ubuntu) and Microsoft(MSDN Search Results) :D
@tzenes you have owner, you can do it
refresh the page, then room → message admin
I'm doing it this time
3 messages moved to Sandbox
Awww, we got back our old backlog and stars, but I can't see what I starred anymore.
Stars by me is blank.
hey, we just hit 3001 questions!
3001...? We're within striking distance of 10k.
Unless @badp is wrong.
10k posts, answers + questions increment the same counter
isn't that just the post id?
Ah, my bad. Post/question.
3000 questions! Woo!.
Quick, some moderator delete a couple so I can make #3000 myself and get all the glory
Just saw JohnRudy's edit to the Caravan question. He calls these pretty pictures?
aaaaah bitmaps
@ArdaXi sarcasm?
@alexanderpas I might hope so, but it didn't seem as such
That guide kinda sucks though. He says he always discards jokers, why not remove them from your deck then? They're not useless either, they're actually really useful if you use them well.
Jokers are amazing.
they're a tactical nuke, but a remarkably effective one.
especially if, for example, you build your deck with only 2 suits.
@badp I don't have an admin option
@tzenes reload
done, still nothing
← does your name appear in italic in the left bar?
then you have access :)
oh wait, I figured it out
I see italics too
ignore my comments
no worries
bug report: mine isn't italic. ;)
I kept going to the message not the room
I see Italicized People.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really need to figure out proper deck building
1 message moved to Sandbox
@Brant [status-whoknows]
So far I've just discarded most of my lower value cards (twos and threes) in favour of higher value cards and face cards I've come across
I found the source of the bug, it was between the keyboard and the chair
Owner access is fairly unexciting, so I wouldn't mind spreading it to regulars
I don't see italics on @tzenes either
@ArdaXi would you know if RB3 is available at the Media Markt?
@ArdaXi refresh
Hm... haven't been looking for it, so I wouldn't know
@IvoFlipse YES!
Which platform?
I'm afk
@ArdaXi There are a couple of decent strategies you can build with.
then I'm going to get it right now
@ArdaXi when you'll reload you will.
> Uw zoekopdracht naar "rock band 3" leverde 1.274 resultaten op.
didn't bother to check after messages of it being out of stock or delayed
One popular one is a 30 card loadout of only 5,6,7,8,j,q,k,Jo from one deck with nothing else. You'll win fast in many cases, but you'll lose prolonged matches pretty badly.
@IvoFlipse They have 'Lego Rockband' at least
well I guess Ill just have to take a look
Das MediaMarkt has it anyway
but every store has a different stock
My personal favorite is to build a deck with 2 suits exclusively for all cards but Aces - and then stack the fuck out of Aces of all suits and jokers such that I can basically nuke my opponent into oblivion at a whim.
@IvoFlipse they should have it, otherwise, check at e-plaza nexdoors ;) (was in the mediamarkt yesterday.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, but you're still bound to luck for the cards you'll end up with, to start with anyway
@alexanderpas which?
@ArdaXi Yes, but that's why you stacka whole lot of jokers and aces.
@IvoFlipse Need to talk to you about SU Blog, going for some food now though
@LessPop_MoreFizz can't put those at the start
unless you intend to remove entire stacks and rebuild them later on
@ArdaXi That's the idea. It's high risk, high reward, very offensive playstyle.
(That said, it's not hard to win with even a mediocre strategy)
I think the best deck strat I saw though, which is hilariously effective at fast wins, when it works, is to have a deck consisting entirely of 6's and Kings.
nothing else.
@ArdaXi Rotterdam Centrum
6+2 Kings = 24.
You can win in 4 cards from the initial deal.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 6+6+6+6=24
Kings apply multiplicatively.
well @ThomasMcDonald, I'm not at home sadly tonight, so not sure if I will be avilable
@alexanderpas That's the idea.
but we will definitely chat @ThomasMcDonald :)
@ArdaXi (techncally the idea is 6*2*2)
but did you get the midi controller too @alexanderpas?
@IvoFlipse was just window shopping there, didn't really look for it.
@alexanderpas x*2*2 = x + x + x + x
@ArdaXi mathematically, yes. but what I meant to say was that even if you get only 6, you still can win.
@ArdaXi x*2*2 = x + x + x + x = x*(2^2)
@alexanderpas You actually can't win in that case. Because you can't play a 6 on a 6.
You'd need to discard until you get some Kings.
right... forgot about that.
It's a risky deck, but when you win, it's damn near instant
Q: How to change the language in Medal of Honor 2010 on PC

AlexVI bought the retail English version of Medal of Honor 2010 (everything on the box is only English). When I installed the game, the installation was in French and when I start MoH, everything is French (dialogues, text, UI). I run Windows 7 Ultimate English but my keyboard and locales (date forma...

@Ivo: belatedly, most places I've looked at have keyboard+RB3 delayed til next week :(
@Ivo No problem, I'll speak to you at some point
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10 messages moved to Sandbox
@FallenAngelEyes RB3 was released here in Canada on Tuesday, but there was some kind of manufacturer problem and almost nobody got any hardware
I picked up a copy of the game but there were no keyboards or bundles anywhere.
So it wasn't just you.
@badp notice the pun in the PO BOX!
Q: xbox 360 Fifa 2011 Secret 100 pt Achievement?

ChrisAnyone know what this achievement entails? I have never seen someone who has it.

@badp You got it?
2 messages moved to Sandbox
I've raised beeps to all messages
this should reduce the need to @-mention me
sorry :(
so he should get notified for this message.
4 messages moved to Chat feedback
@badp you ninja'ed me.
well, I did get notified by those messages. =)
So, anyone have any experience with Fleet Operations?
nope :/
I need to find the documentation for it, so I can at least ask reasonable questions
@CRoss clicking the guide button on the homepage brings you there ;)
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Once you go black, you'll never go back. Because you don't have that option!"
I was one of the people wating for a white iphone 4, but it's taken so long that now I'm waiting for 5/Verizon.
the more I see the less I'm impressed.
notice the view counter.
@alexanderpas you're second
sorry to break it to you
yes, but @LessPop_MoreFizz was first!
8 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
well, so we get first and second (and thirtythird) views of an unimpressive video :P
@badp on a channel with 300+ uploaded videos and 1200+ subscribers
I think my PC is rebelling, it's just about keeping up at buffering.
more impressive
basically more than 50% of the run is waiting
My connection approves.
@badp why am I watching the gameplay between the transitions.
@alexanderpas you're watching a camhack - delays are added by the ingame camera struggling to catch up
especially noticeable in stage 1-1
I just mean those transitions between the levels... they take longer than the level itself.
oh. yeah. I guess they were unskippable.
I wonder if he could've done it faster by doing the level slower, thereby shortening the time waiting for the time bonus to deplete
@ArdaXi I think he considered that
What, seriously?
That question comes up naturally, I mean.
I guess he found this doesn't really save time, or we'd have more level times of 20.00
by "Optimised camera scrolling." he must mean he took a longer route so that he would take more time and the camera would catch up faster.
also, sometimes it looks that he is missing rings intentional.
who cares about rings?
less rings means less waiting at the end for the rings bonus.
nah, rings count down together with time
(I think)
I'll check with frame advance.
2 messages moved to Chat feedback
Sorry, @alex, but balpha and pals need to see those problems
@badp you're right.
@badp no worries, I expected you to do this ;)
Who was the one scared of FireSheep again?
well, isn't that cute.
that won't take much to be worked around
that's like finding out that your front door is unlocked, but instead of locking it you stand out front making kicking motions and shouting "I'm just gonna stand here kicking the air, if you get in the way trying to come inside it's your fault!"
that's like finding out that your front door is unlocked, but instead of locking it you start building similar, unlocked doors with nothing behind them
sure, now there are many doors, but it won't take much to pick the one door with a house behind
@badp white noise is considered an effective strategy in intelligence.
@alexanderpas you see 500 doors. 499 lead into the void. 1 has a house behind it.
Sure, today your computer may ask you to choose between all 500
The whole point of FireSheep was to point out and bring attention to an extremely common security flaw, this FireShepherd thing is like plugging your ears and shouting "IF I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M SAFE"
Soon enough those packets will be filtered
because, I mean, firesheep is like evercookie: a proof of concept.
You don't want to fight that implementation, you want to fight the problem those implementations show.
Yeah, the stuff firesheep does has been possible (and a problem) since like 2003, it just created a convenient one-button process. Taking away the button doesn't fix the problem.
still fireshepherd is kind of a clever hack I guess.
I think firesheperd simply notices cookie auth data and crafts bogus logout packets with them.
I'd have to view the source though, and I don't care enough about this.
still kind of a clever hack.
oh, lol.
request+="Cookie: lsd=spsse;
asdf=??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%�e��҈Y������h�F4�A����S����t��v5�h��&%%��$Fsnċx��vVfi6����_7ν��QlX�F��~~�����,�7���y��>h�_o����G�5�yy{�Z�|��,�ʝjo���W�y��y5�|�mk�P��t�[%�ԓ�)7��f���Dk�0v�_ykW���=���V�&����tf���S{/Z9Y��n��l�������/u#8��×�������y��O^�n73����Њ�L��1MK�GG�: ��d3MÇi�_�{[�s��0g�� ���n~)���F7�K�zG_O~9}���1Xә4�wSA��<خ�u�ߓ��S�2��,����11��N��|���I����a����gt�Ӵ�e�m?�0�b:K�R�v:Kӯ�������o�n�t�-Ӏ@c�tͦo�����L+>��5-	��X&b�l�[ $�DZJ\r\n\r\n";
it just spams get requests every 500ms with some funky malformed cookie data which I presume would make firesheep blow up
that's even less sophisticated and easier to patch than I previously thought
"Take THAT, proof of concept!"
That looks like /dev/urandom garbage
He probably disables Firesheep by crashing Firefox :P
I'd try it out but I'm sort of at work right now and I doubt it would be looked upon favorably
yeah, your network admin sniffing your packets wouldn't be amused.
uh oh
I love the fact that she's holding a tray of still-cooling cookies
also, xkcd is oneboxed automatically? hahahaha. they thought of everything.
Now now, let's not diminish Nethack :P
okay, let's check back the ring thing
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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