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I wonder if they'll stream more first party games in dev since they're partnering with Twitch now
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I don't see this as an option
controller porn
They're live with the Ratchet and Clank stream, I think they'll be answering questions: twitch.tv/insomniacgames
@Lazers I'm not even sure what to leave as a comment on that to help the user.
I don't think it can be fixed.
Oh, it can't be, but I know wha to say.
@Wipqozn What's wrong with it?
@GnomeSlice Have you even read it?
Then you shouldn't need to ask that question.
Seems answerable to me. It even has two answers.
@BenBrocka I wonder how much smaller than a Nexus 7 would a 2DS be
because the price of that thing is rather right
now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat Sushi.
@Wipqozn what? I can not excuse you? NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT NOT EXCUSING PEOPLE
@Wipqozn So you're committed for life to those pants you're now wearing?
Did you guys not even read the question
how can you not tell what she's asking, are you dumb
Even I can figure it out
And I'm dumb
So being dumb isn't an excuse.
@badp It's not as tall but wider I think
There's no narrow side
what's the average price of a 3DS game?
@badp ~$40.
I has power again!
@TrentHawkins Squirrels again?
@OrigamiRobot He pulled a page from my book and took down an entire section of the city.
My training is shaping up nicely.
@OrigamiRobot Unknown. a 'significant' portion of 'west winnipeg' lost power for an hour, due to unknown reasons.
@TrentHawkins Stop throwing metal bars at transformers!
night vale is a thing you can see?
@OrigamiRobot I haven't done that since grade 7!
Can we talk about why this was closed?
Q: How do I find new quests in wow?

annaI'm a level 13 Paladin in World of Warcraft, and I don't have any quests left to complete. I can't find any more. Is there some way to get more quests?

I thought it was a surrealistic radio show.
@GnomeSlice I like how you complain when people assume they know why you voted, but then you do the same thing.
This is why my opinion is worthless.
@OrigamiRobot Also it was a joke.
@OrigamiRobot Not even that is needed!
@Mana I find that comment by @Wipqozn kind of useless. I'm sure there's at least one page with a list of quests in that wiki
@OrigamiRobot I love you!
I know that in its original state it was practically unreadable, but I think the intent behind it was pretty clear -- around level 13 in WoW, they ran out of quests and were looking for more. "what do?"
@Mana I'm not sure it really needs a close. But it's definitely crap right now and needs a lot of information to become a reasonably distinct question.
Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus looking pretty
It could probably be salvaged somehow (by the very people who assume to know the answer), but it really doesn't look like it.
@badp Live shows.
@spugsley Did you wind up with anything keepable last night?
@Mana Ran out of quests in WoW? It begins to dawn on you that everything you just did may prove to have been a colossal waste of time.
@StrixVaria yeah about 3/4 of a page or so. How about you? Did you write for a whole hour?
Still alive so far
@FEichinger what sort of info are we talking about here?
@FEichinger It doesn't need to be salvaged, there's nothing broken about it
Passed a big UN convoy heading to Syria earlier though
@fredley Congratulations on your continued survival
@spugsley I finished editing a chapter which took a half hour then stopped. But I wrote more this morning to make up for it.
@badp thanks
FIFY! Combo x2
Wait, where is @fredley?
@Mana What has the asker done to this point (how did they even get to that point without guidance on where to go next), where did they look, what did they do in an attempt to solve it? Context of all sorts.
@FEichinger makes sense
Heading to Ramallah tomorrow
@FEichinger That makes it a bad question, not a closeworthy question
@StrixVaria yay. I'm about to write some right now before @OrigamiRobot gets here
@GnomeSlice Now read above.
Is it just I who can see that user52800 got like 20x nice answer 12h ago?
@spugsley Yay!
@FEichinger There are hundreds of chat messages above.
@OrigamiRobot just never show up so she has to keep writing forever.
@GnomeSlice mm, but you can't really answer it effectively without that sort of info
@StrixVaria I'm only going over to wait for Ian so we can go get comics.
@StrixVaria yeah writing last night helped me to realize I wasn't as stuck as I thought I was. I know I need more description in that section but it doesn't take away from the actual story
@GnomeSlice I very much said it doesn't necessarily need closure.
3 mins ago, by FEichinger
@Mana I'm not sure it really needs a close. But it's definitely crap right now and needs a lot of information to become a reasonably distinct question.
@FEichinger Oh, cool.
@spugsley When I say "edit" I usually mean "go back and add missing description".
I dunno if I'd call it 'crap'. Things can be more than just 'amazing' or 'shit'.
Crap is such a hateful word.
It's a lazy question, but that's normal for new users. They have a problem and spew it out. It's not closeworthy.
@OrigamiRobot I tried to read X-Men from the beginning once. I didn't get very far.
@GnomeSlice I think it was a typo of carp.
@GnomeSlice Meh, 'amazing' and 'shit' is a pretty fair dichotomy in many cases
@Mana Well, apparently you can, but it's mostly assumptions. Likely true, sure, but that doesn't make the question better.
@StrixVaria I am so behind on all my comics.
@3ventic That's kalina in disguise.
They're probably still salvaging stuff from her previous account.
@fbueckert She hasn't come back you know.
@fbueckert Yep, it would appear so
@GnomeSlice There's three states: Upvote, downvote, ignore. Amazing, Shit and Average. Close votes are unrelated to that, in my opinion.
@GnomeSlice She isn't here, no.
@FEichinger If I don't think something is very good, I usually won't vote on it. If it's terrible i'll usually downvote it.
@OrigamiRobot To the site, I meant.
@FEichinger Indeed; it could be an amazingly written, yet totally off-topic, question.
@GnomeSlice She has.
@FEichinger Source?
@GnomeSlice There are more sites than just gaming
@GnomeSlice I linked to it some time back, I believe.
@FEichinger Yeah you linked to an old sock puppet of hers or something
a long time ago
or a different network account
Nope, it is her network account.
And the sock was apparently merged into it.
Why are you so concerned about it anyway
That network account has (at the very least reading) activity on gaming, if I recall correctly.
@GnomeSlice I'm just pointing out that you're wrong.
@FEichinger How nice of you
I don't think she's still posting.
Now that is correct.
Or, last I remember it was, at least.
She has no intention of coming back to gaming.
@OrigamiRobot ^
I blame @badp
@OrigamiRobot seen 23 hours ago :P
Just saying.
She may have no intention, but she's still regularly visiting the site.
Can we reopen the paladin question please
And she does have activity. Hah.
Q: How do I find new quests in wow?

annaI'm a level 13 Paladin in World of Warcraft, and I don't have any quests left to complete. I can't find any more. Is there some way to get more quests?

afternoon folks
Hi everyone! Are there any Pokemon fans around?
@user1306322 A few of us, yes.
@GnomeSlice badp links closed question when asking about reopening it -> closed question gets a downvote from somebody
@skovacs1 Yep.
The last pokemon game I played was version Yellow and that was quite some time ago, and I'd like to find out if I'll be missing something by not playing some of the later games, moving on to the latest
@OrigamiRobot Ugh I hte it when I do that.
@user1306322 You're never really "missing" anything. It's pretty much the same thing over and over with new features left and right.
@GnomeSlice I just thought it was funny and that there may be a connection.
@user1306322 Missing things how so?
seems like a pretty legit question to me- she's missing a breadcrumb quest for the next area
I do that with sweater pulls too.
everyone's brand new once.
in wow, at least
@user1306322 You'll miss some of the progression of gameplay features, but it's not like there's a consistent story or anything. I'm sure you'll be fine starting with the new one
@GnomeSlice That's not nearly as gross.
@OrigamiRobot they taste gross though
So has anyone else tried war thunder? I've been playing it (lightly) for about a month now and I'm really starting to like it :)
They taste like cloth.
@OrigamiRobot frequently shows up in the hospital with the entire contents of an old lady's purse in his mouth
@Basil I like you.
@OrigamiRobot Not the purse, just the contents.
@GnomeSlice Thanks, but I'm happily married.
also, gnomes are weird.
I'd totally trade them for goblins if blizzard would just listen to me
@Basil masterstroke
@Basil But GoblinSlice doesn't really roll off the tongue as nicely.
Can someone explain this to me.
Oh, the girl is battlefield 3?
@skovacs1 We call him GnomieBear
Hmm. I'm trying to upvote her question but I can't seem to log in with my regular SE account
On serverfault it's connected to my google...
@OrigamiRobot No we don't.
@Mana I voted to close because it was, and I've played WoW for years, unclear what that person was asking. It was formatted horribly, and was overall a bad question. I'm also on my phone, and it's a pain in the ass to edit stuff that badly written. I cast my close vote knowing that it was completely reversible if the asker or another user with better tools came along and fixed the problem. I view that as perfectly acceptable use of putting a question "On Hold".
@Fluttershy if it's on hold, someone like me can't edit some structure into it, can they?
@Basil Yes? Why wouldn't you?
@Basil It absolutely can be edited when on hold.
@Fluttershy Oh, cool :) never tried
I'll take a look when I figure out how to log in
The entire point of "on hold" is to do just that. Put it on hold until something else can be done about it.
Of course, if you're under 2K, it's only a suggested edit.
Whether that's editing a lazily posted semi-question, or just deleting, it's what it's there for.
Closing (on hold) is not a punishment.
Would 'BioCock' be an inappropriate Arqade name?
About Pokemon: when I tried the Red and Green, I was upset that I couldn't start with a Pikachu right off, so I player Yellow. Later I discovered that the Yellow was one of the games made after the main pair of games. So should I expect the newer "third" games to be slightly better in some aspects than their "main" counterparts?
Also, @GnomeSlice, yes. The girl is Battlefield 3. Sean Astin (Steam) wants her (it), but the other dude (Origin) says no way.
@Fluttershy Heartbreaking.
@GnomeSlice In what realm would you think this is a good idea?
@OrigamiRobot Oh, not for me.
Well, yeah okay for me.
@GnomeSlice If you have to ask, it probably is.
@user1306322 Considering that there hasn't been a "third" game for a couple of generations, it's kind of hard to make a prediction about that
Well BioShock is too generic
And BioClock sounds like newgrounds
ineed a sockpuppet
I'm thinking of writing a game with a friend of mine
@murgatroid99 There very much have been third games.
Something built from the ground up to have a player driven economy
@FEichinger What was the "third" game from Black and White?
Or Black 2 and White 2?
@murgatroid99 Arguably, it would be the sequels.
@GnomeSlice Is BioSock taken? It seems appropriate for a sock puppet and kind of funny.
B&W and B2&W2 are generally considered the same gen, aren't they?
@skovacs1 That's funny... but now everyone knoooooooows
@FEichinger Yes, both are Gen 5.
@Basil What scale are you talking? Like an MMO or something?
@FEichinger But they are clearly different from how the "third" games in a generation normally are
@murgatroid99 Gen 4 had a "third" game, though, so it's only one generation that's been missing it.
@murgatroid99 They are different from traditional third games, but they build on top of the "original" ones just the same.
@RedRiderX something small enough that I can make it with two people who have day jobs and families
@GnomeSlice Your sockpuppets are always painfully transparent anyway.
I don't even know what we're arguing about, BTW.
@OrigamiRobot No they're not.
but yeah, probably at least the economy will be multiplayer
It took you guys a long time to get @JohnGore
At any rate, X & Y definitely opens up for a Z.
...like a month anyway
@FEichinger But they are direct sequels, unlike any of the others. And there are 2 of them
I'm thinking either single player or multi-player cooperative
so cheaters aren't as much of a problem
@GnomeSlice Playing along doesn't mean we didn't know.
But you didn't
@murgatroid99 There are 2 of them because B&W were the first to feature such distinct differences between the two base ones.
@GnomeSlice You don't know what people know, man.
@Basil Sounds ambitious.
Aug 24 '11 at 4:15, by Kevin Y
I feel more new users should be like @JohnGore and come to chat and talk.
@FEichinger OK, there is that
Mind you, I'm not saying they aren't different, but they are the same gen and the same region. Seems very much like a third-game-ish thing to me.
@RedRiderX that's what my friend keeps telling me :\ I was hoping it wouldn't be that hard to write
@GnomeSlice Is Kevin Y a chat regular?
I am a pretty competent C programmer and apparently Unity is dead simple to use
@Basil It very much depends on what format you are planing on implementing.
@OrigamiRobot He used to be...
Wipqozn is
@Basil I'm unsure of what netcode Unity has in the box, if any.
@RedRiderX I'm thinking 2d with nothing but simple shapes and sound, and apparently graphics and sound are by far the largest investment of time in getting a game off the ground
@Basil Unity is Mono (C#) so it's more Java than C
@GnomeSlice You need a sock puppet? Bring back PicnicButton and we'll all act like we didn't know it was you again! =P
@RedRiderX unity has a few server modules I looked into. It seems pretty straightforward from a server perspective
@Fluttershy Hey, that was a good one.
@GnomeSlice SexRobot
@skovacs1 I've not used C# but I know C++ and java, and apparently it's a combination of both
@GnomeSlice Like 99% of us knew it was you, man. <_< Before you had Mana tell us all post-suspension.
Jan 22 at 3:52, by Wipqozn
Sep 29 '12 at 23:48, by Tim Stone
user image
@Fluttershy You lie.
Jan 22 at 3:28, by OrigamiRobot
@GnomeSlice No, we still need @Mana and @fbueckert and @Fluttershy and @PicnicButton and @AshleyNunn and @Ullallulloo
@Basil Definitely can be, if you want that polish.
@OrigamiRobot I even played what's itcalled Conclave with you guys with that name
Nobody knew.
@Basil So what will the main types of interactions be in this game?
@GnomeSlice Everyone knew.
@OrigamiRobot Ah. I keep forgetting y'all are kids.
Or are you just toying with the idea of player defined economies?
@GnomeSlice 1) PicnicButton was in here talking about Akaneiro while I was talking to you in the Akaneiro chat room. b) Every time PicnicButton would show up for the first time, someone would say "Hi Gnome."
Everyone knew.
Nobody knew.
Jan 22 at 3:16, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice A new guy to the bridge, @PicnicButton. You and him seem to have similiar interest in games.
Jan 22 at 3:16, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice A new guy to the bridge, @PicnicButton. You and him seem to have similiar interest in games.
@GnomeSlice that looks a lot like teasing because he did know
@Basil Sort of. It's essentially Java with a C-like syntax. Important thing to remember is that you can't really get anywhere near as low-level as you can in C. You should also brush up on your js too, since lots of Unity code you'll find is written in UnityScript which is a type of unity js that is interpreted into Mono.
@GnomeSlice I can't tell if you are doing this on purpose.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
I don't even remember the names of all my sockpuppets.
I remember @Mana gave me up with the best one like right away.
@GnomeSlice Stop saying nobody before its meaning is changed to include its opposite like "literally"
@TrentHawkins Hah
@TrentHawkins Literally nobody knew.
@RedRiderX I'm still a little unsure about that. All good games have a few things in common that I'd need to keep around- that feedback loop of doing something to earn things that let you do things better, for example
but I'm really excited about the idea of the player economy
@GnomeSlice uh, it might be hindsight, but this line reeks of sarcasm to me
I think a game that is exciting enough to play single player becomes a lot more fun and interesting if you can trade meaningfully with other players
@badp ...It does?
@Basil A game industry term for this is a "compulsion loop."
Jan 22 at 3:08, by spugsley
Where is this @PicnicButton I've been hearing so much about?
This was when I told @spugsley about it.
"Hey! There is this new guy! He has your same peculiar tastes! Maybe you know him, eh, nudge nudge wink wink knowhatImean knowhatImean nudge nudge?"
I was scared she was going to ruin the jokes.
@GnomeSlice Definitely. In fact, later on, he deliberately asks PicnicButton a question that was supposed to go to you.
@OrigamiRobot how would she ruin them
@skovacs1 sure, but it's as old as gaming. It's the cornerstone of any well designed game
Jan 22 at 3:19, by Wipqozn
I can't imagine how I made that mistake.
@GnomeSlice By making it too obvious that we knew.
Some games cough wow cough try to make it a perpetual loop and have had varying success, but I think I'd want to make a real ending. Where you can beat the game somehow.
@GnomeSlice feed bots don't get deleted automatically
@Basil I was just giving you the term so that you didn't have to give an elaborate description. You don't have to defend its inclusion.
and he's feed -69!
@skovacs1 oh thanks :)
and it's "your" feed! so that's like too perfect to throw away!!
even though it'll never post anything.
@badp Because it's feed 69?
...That is pretty funny I guess.
Why won't it ever post anything?
@GnomeSlice No - 69.

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