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@Sterno that's really obnoxious.
especially his "This isn't a duplicate because I didn't fully read the other answers" comment.
I should kill monsters.
I'm up to 100 cps
About to get my first shipment
I want to make a game like this cookie game.
Although I do 100% agree spoiler markup in answers about the thing being asked are stupid, and a really dumb downvote reason. :)
It's inspiring me.
I should fight some luccent nargacugas.
I don't think his constant comments asking for downvote reasons are at all constructive. His continuing comments going, "Poor me, I'm getting downvoted hard!" are also annoying.
@Sterno It depends. Based on the bit I read of the question having some spoilers makes sense.
Q: Is it possible to emulate my keyboard as a Xbox 360 controller or USB joystick?

NomineI would like to play local co op with my sis. How can I do this without buying a controller, but instead using the keyboard (as these certain games don't allow keyboard use for the 2nd player) Please reply! Edit: the game would be Sacred Citadel

Q: Getting the most out of an ancillary shield booster

cornjulioxI've been messing around with the following Slasher fit in EFT for a while now, and I had a question re: the effectiveness of the ASB. [Slasher, Mosquito-Fit] Damage Control II Micro Auxiliary Power Core I Limited 1MN Afterburner I J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I Medium Ancillary Shield B...

err, I agree with the dumb downvote reason being dumb
My grandmas are giving +7 cookies now, and I have no idea why.
but not that spoiler markup is wrng when it's about the thing being asked in all cases
And his attitude of, "I don't think it's a valid downvote reason" is stupid. It's not his opinion that matters for downvotes.
@Wipqozn If you ask what effect a choice has on the story line, and someone responds by telling you the effect the choice has on the story line, that doesn't feel like it needs special spoiler markup to me.
But even if I think it's still a silly downvote reason, I wouldn't argue about it in comments
I'd just leave my answer remarkably un-spoilertagged and tell people to suck it (in my head... not in comments, because that would be rude)
200 cps
@Sterno He didn't ask what effect, but did it have one.
@Wipqozn Ugh.
@Sterno Story line, yes. Major plot twists and the ending? No.
@Wipqozn While that's a fair point, that makes it a really crappy question.
The question didn't ask for specifics either.
Personally I find peoples anti-spoiler convictions to be really hostile.
@FEichinger The ending is part of the story line
I agree that people will go overboard with it
but to act like we should never use spoiler tags is just hang, and extremely hostile and unfriendly to users.
@Sterno Yes, but unlike generic events throughout the game, people tend not to want the ending spoiled.
I'm not saying that's what you're doing right here @Sterno, I'm not sure what your stance it.
But it just really annoys me when people act liek we should never, ever use the spoiler markdown. It exists for reason.
I'm not sure what value the question has if it is "Does this have an effect" and the answer is "Yes, but I won't say what because it's be spoilery." That effectively gives you no more information than if the answer had been no. YOu kind of need to know what effect it has
@Wipqozn I discussed it a little earlier today. I'm for it when you're adding information tangential to the answer. Anyway, I see your point on this one. But seeing your point just really makes me hate the question if it's supposed to be interepreted as a yes/no thing.
@Sterno We do say it. We just don't show it immediately.
We want people to choose for themselves if they want to know the specifics.
If they don't, the "Yes, it does have an effect." is enough for them.
@Wipqozn The opposite approach is also unfriendly to users.
If they do, they can read the spoilers.
@fbueckert Yes.
@StrixVaria They increase every time you build a new building type
Both extremes of spoiler markdown are terrile solutions.
that's why we have the middle ground.
USe it when apprioate.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, I see.
Tiptoeing around something someone specifically asked for, just to salve potential wounded users, can make for bad questions and answers.
My grandmas are up to +10
If you have to spoil something to fully answer, or ask something, there's nothing wrong with it.
not sure if they can be pushed harder
I've got 27 grandmas
Saving up for an Alchemy lab with 300 cps
My grandma's are +43
@Wipqozn I will concede the point that spoiler markup is nice to have. What I don't get is the people who get angry when they click on a question that says "Does it make any difference if I choose the Bird or the Cage Brooch?" and get spoiled beyond "yes/no"
My clicks are +182
@OrigamiRobot Wat, how many do you have?
@OrigamiRobot ?!?!
I mean, use a shred of common sense if you're that sensitive to spoilers and don't click it.
What magic is this?
@OrigamiRobot How do you increase the value of a click!?
I have 31 clicks
Still +1
@OrigamiRobot Hax
@RedRiderX I've been playing since before today
@OrigamiRobot Oh I see.
@Sterno Yes, I agree people are overreacting in those comments. I do think that spoilers would be apprioate here though.
First alchemy lab incoming
Pro Tip: You don't get cookies when the window doesn't have focus.
Dammit, I dare not play that at work.
@Wipqozn Check it out! We argued about it without doing it in the comments of the question!
@fbueckert No one's forcing you to read my comments.
@StrixVaria Ancient's Pledge
@Sterno Crazy stuff!
@OrigamiRobot How do you get that?
@galacticninja No one's forcing you to make them.
@StrixVaria I'm not sure, I think you get it when you have enough grandma's to invoke Ancient's Wrath
They help no one. Least of all yourself.
@Sterno That is what I did. I asked about this issue in Meta to avoid people downvoting due to their spoiler markup preferences regardless of the question quality.
@OrigamiRobot Clearly I need to just keep playing.
A: Does it make any difference if I choose the Bird or the Cage Brooch?

Diogo GomesWell, not directly, so don't worry about it. The point here is that you made a choice that you will remember and notice it later on. More information with SPOILERS, read only AFTER FINISHING THE GAME:

Looking at that answer shows what I mean.
@galacticninja Just because Meta says something doesn't mean people can't vote how they want, though.
Meta doesn't control how people vote.
@StrixVaria You will definitely know when you've invoked it.
The asker really wants to know "Will this decision have a major impact?"
The point is, people can downvote how they want. If they want to leave a reason, that's up to them. Asking for it is pointless and unhelpful.
The answer is no, so great, he can carry on without any spoilers.
@Wipqozn I agree. It's better.
@Sterno That is true.
+14 grandmas now
@fbueckert You are saying that I shouldn't request for feedback?
@galacticninja Nope. You will get it if they have anything to say.
@fbueckert I disagree with that in the general case. If you truly have no idea where the downvotes are coming from and want to avoid the mistake with future questions, asking is legitmate. But if you don't like the answer, at that point you pretty much have to suck it up.
If comments were required, the system would require feedback when downvoting.
@fbueckert I know.
@galacticninja If you are getting downvoted for something you can fix, you will probably get a comment or it will be obvious.
There's nothing wrong with asking why something was downvoted. Just do so in a polite manner, and don't get into a huge argument in the comments because you disagree.
26 mins ago, by fbueckert
I can see asking if you get several downvotes, and no explanation.
At a single downvote, no.
Q: What governs how fast grandmas make cookies?

fredleyThey were making 10 each time, now it's 14. What governs the rate?

@fredley Shouldn't that be tagged as, ?
@fbueckert No idea, not sure what the game is called
@fredley What's in the title bar?
@fredley Browser title bar reads "Cookie Clicker".
I don't need to ask for a comment explaining those downvotes.
Ugh, I have 193 SciFi rep. Unacceptable.
@OrigamiRobot Can you pick out some of your shittiest answers for me so I can go downvote you too?
I know the question is clear. I know they are just voting because those are my posts.
@Sterno Too much?
@Wipqozn I initially responded to this chat message, in chat, not through comments in my question. See the chat history. Notice that I was politely asking people for feedback.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, it's happening to you, too.
@MBraedley Too much by 92
@Sterno I've got 497, so you have nothing to complain about
@fbueckert gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/128463/… - currently at -7 downvotes
Lately, I've been garnering downvotes on the order of one per day. Always different questions. I figure somebody doesn't like me.
I have 101, so I don't know why y'all are having so much trouble with this. ♪
@galacticninja Yeah, and?
You're still at a net positive.
@galacticninja How many of those were before you started to argue about it?
3 mins ago, by fbueckert
At a single downvote, no.
@galacticninja The reason that comment "makes me want to downvote" isn't that you are asking for a comment, it's that you are giving this huge wall of text about it.
@galacticninja "and don't get into a huge argument in the comments because you disagree"
Personally, I left it alone, until you decided to argue against downvotes. I didn't like it, but I didn't do anything.
I think it comes down to this. @galacticninja would like to know why people downvote his stuff. He has the right to ask, even if some find it annoying. People have the right to downvote how they want, even if he finds their reason annoying. You all have the right to argue about it in comments, even if I find it annoying.
@OrigamiRobot So you're downvoting due to the comment and not the question itself?
@Sterno THIS
@galacticninja No, I was the first downvote.
@galacticninja So why the bloody hell are you arguing against it, then?
Downvotes will happen. Suck it up, and move on.
@galacticninja except I'm trying to convince you that my opinion is the best one and you should all stop arguing in comments. :)
Notice I put "makes me want to downvote" in quotes because it is a joke.
@galacticninja You do realize that that also means you have to accept their reasons then?
Instead, you try to prove them wrong, convince them that their downvote reason is crappy and go to meta to whine about it. You just have to do one thing: Deal. With. It.
I downvote question I think are impractical because I think they are bad for the site. These are my opinions and not because of some site policy I am following.
@FEichinger I can't do anything about the downvotes. My main issue is with people complaining that I shouldn't comment to request for feedback.
Categorizing @galacticninja's arguing as "whining" is not constructive to this discussion.
@OrigamiRobot Ok. I realize that some people do that. I know can't do anything about that.
@galacticninja Because it's not constructive.
And you do it each and every time your questions garner even a single downvote, as far as I can tell.
I don't really care who's arguing about what, but... Stop doing it in the comments of that Mystara question. The comments were removed for a reason.
@galacticninja It's more that you leave the same wall of text comment every time you get a downvote.
man, I'm getting a suntan from the hate waves coming out of the screen in here
1000 cps
@agent86 Really? This is pretty tame compared to the piracy debate.
@Sterno Yeah, that one, we were going it with hammers and tongs.
@Sterno it's a pretty constant stream of hate. sometimes we have "hatespots" of increased hate activity.
@galacticninja It doesn't look like you're requesting feedback, though. It looks like you're discounting the downvoters' opinions, by pulling it all into a lengthy argument about whether or not their downvotes are valid. If you were just accepting the feedback, we'd be perfectly fine with it.
@FEichinger This
now I'm thinking of some massive global array to collect all the hate and use it to power my electronics.
@FEichinger No. That's not what I'm doing.
@galacticninja But it seems like it.
@galacticninja It sure looks that way.
@FEichinger Every time someone actually responds with their downvote reason, we get a, "That's not what meta says, so you shouldn't vote like that."
@fbueckert This.
Nobody wants to see a lecture on downvoting on every question that gets downvoted.
@Sterno This!
my cookie production goes way way down when I go off-page
This x2!
I don't bloody care how people vote, so long as they're not voting on the user, and not voting to counteract other people's votes.
Everyone else was this-ing. I wanted a this.
Everything else is more or less fair game.
@fbueckert I can't reference meta on comments?
@Fluttershy This.
@Fluttershy Should have self pinged.
@galacticninja Why would you?
@galacticninja Referencing meta isn't the problem. Trying to convince them they're wrong because meta says so is the problem.
@galacticninja That is beside the point. You're not supposed to argue the validity of downvotes to begin with.
All this thising seems inappropriate
Or, at least, the perceived problem that people who are arguing with you have.
@galacticninja, FWIW, I think a) you have a point, and b) I upvote your stuff :)
You're essentially saying, "What I'm doing is acceptable due to site policy, so you shouldn't be downvoting it."
Almost 1000cps
We should add the ability to downvote downvotes, clearly that will solve all of these problems
Also, I never referenced meta on the mystara question. I believe the first link to meta on that question came from fbueckert. =)
@agent86 Turning the hate rays up to 11!
Something about that meta post calling out Ender.
@galacticninja No, but you did tell people to go downvote on meta instead of downvoting your question.
@galacticninja it isn't about the one data point, it seems to be about the pattern
Stop this argument and make cookies
@galacticninja You were also conflating downvotes with off-topicness, which are two entirely separate things.
@BenBrocka Do you use Adobe Illustrator?
@OrigamiRobot I did. Because if you're voting due to site policy, you should do it on meta.
@galacticninja But nobody said they were voting due to site policy.
@galacticninja Yeah, because what it looks like you did is, "I don't agree that comments aren't necessary, so I'm going to attempt to enforce comments on my questions when you downvote."
Up/Down votes are your own to do with as you please.
Yes, this was relevant.
@GnomeSlice no
Close votes are for site policy.
I have upvoted to cancel a downvote, and this drives @fbueckert insane.
@OrigamiRobot I directed to those voting due to "annoyance" to my comments. If you're downvoting due to hating lore questions, carry on, by all means.
But it's my vote, so he can suck it. :)
How the shit do I make text write vertically instead of horizontally.
Hmm... We need a sub-room called "Hateful Debates". That's a better alternative than a potential room freezing.
@Sterno Yes. I bloody hate that. But there ain't a damn thing I can do about it.
@agent86 Thanks. But could you explain why the heck are you upvoting my stuff? =)
It's also not how you should vote. That's a misuse of the voting system. But, again, there's nothing I can do about it, so other than my Meta post about it, that's the end of it.
Any Don't Starve players around?
I've played don't starve and I own it.
@Fluttershy That depends on why you're asking.
@Fluttershy I have played it before... was bad at it though
"Hey, guys, you shouldn't be voting that way, alright? Oh, you'll vote that way anyways? Well, fine. Carry on, I guess."
I hereby propose the following:
1) People refrain from personal attack on @galacticninja, even if his requests annoy them.
2) @galacticninja try his best not to argue with people when they tell him why they downvoted. Either silently disagree and leave your question as-is, or agree and fix it.
3) I be named supreme overlord of votes, and can change any question or answer's tally at will.
I've never seen a pig or anything die from leaving my rot around. But I have no official sources. So, be my sources! If you can.
@Fluttershy how'd you survive 100 days?
@Fluttershy Neither have I, but then again, I've hardly ever played that long.
@Sterno I take issue wit the last rule.
@Sterno I agree with #1. Highly disagree with #3, and neutral on #2.
@Sconibulus It has been difficult. I'm still going strong! At the start of my 3rd winter currently.
Change @Sterno to @Wipqozn.
there are seasons?
@Sterno Can I still comment requesting for feedback without people hounding me, accusing me of being annoying and/or being passive-aggressive?
God damn it, you people are never happy.
I think the furthest I made it was 9 days
@galacticninja most of your stuff seems well researched, has good references, often contains pictures, is interesting, and thought provoking. In short, I like it. If I may offer some constructive criticism, I don't believe that fighting the hate is going to go well. The fight for hate is not easy, and lord knows I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for my work on the site as a result of hate-battling. if it stresses you out, accept the downvotes and move on.
@galacticninja That's #1
As a sidenote, are we actually making personal attacks? I haven't seen anything that I'd classify as a personal attack.
I've got to run now, hopefully some positive feedback in this time of mainly negative feedback was somewhat refreshing. Good luck :)
@fbueckert Categorizing it as "passive aggressive whining" counts, I think
It's hard not to take that personally.
@Sterno I don't see that as a personal attack. I classify an action that has been undertaken as such.
@Sterno If that is included with # 1, then I agree with all your proposals, and pledge my allegiance to you, Supreme Overlord of Votes.
@fbueckert I don't think I have it in me to debate this one. I'll just say it's how I feel and maybe I'm in the minority.
Any time you play it on the person, it becomes a personal attack. -- If you provide constructive criticism on an answer, independant of the person, it is not.
@alexanderpas It's criticising the pattern. That's perfectly fine.
@agent86 Thanks. I was partly bored, which is why I ventured into chat that fateful day.
Especially when said action has no real constructiveness inherent in it. It really seems to do nothing but attempt to enforce a policy that is, by design, not enforcable.
@FEichinger as long as you don't play it on the person (and are constructive).
@Sterno I know how we can fix this, lets post pictures of fluffy animals, that usually makes people happy, like bunnies, sloths and kittens!
If you can go, "Hey, I've gotten a ton of downvotes on this, and I don't know why. Somebody please tell me what's wrong with this?" That's fine.
hmmm this idea might not work...
Going, "I'd really like a reason why I'm getting downvotes on this" after a single downvote, and then arguing the equivalent of, "You're doing it wrong.", doesn't help anybody at all.
@galacticninja The pattern I'm seeing from you is the last here. For the record, if you were to adopt the first, I'd have no issues whatsoever.
@fbueckert Alright, I'll amend my 'feedback request' comment template to something like that.
@galacticninja See, you shouldn't even need a feedback request template.
@galacticninja It might help if you weren't to use a template, so it looked less like you were automatically responding every time
Q: Did I just accidentally force someone to associate their account?

spartacusI had a bounty on a question that a relatively new user posted an excellent answer for. After awarding the bounty, I noticed that his rep went up by 200 instead of the bounty amount of 100. After looking at his rep page, I saw this: +130 35 secs ago 4 events What is the benefit of...

Q: What governs how fast grandmas make cookies?

fredleyThey were making 10 each time, now it's 14. What governs the rate?

Q: bf3 constantly crashes

Mickeyi bought the game a few days ago, and since than the game crushes alot when trying to launch. it doesn't give me any messege, just "stop working". when i'm already in a game (1 in a 10 trys), it plays normally, and doesn't crash anymore.. hope you give me a solution, hate it when it happens. ...

Was the designer blind
@GnomeSlice Blind or funny guy
@Lazers I love answering questions for games I don't even play.
@FEichinger you were quicker, with a better answer.
@alexanderpas It was all at the same time.
I clicked the submit because I got the notification that new answers were posted, in fact.
Everything is creepy faces
@FEichinger I was answering it too, when I saw your answer, I knew I didn't had to.
@alexanderpas Oh, well.
If only there was a way too see which investment is the best at a certain time (how many seconds until you've earned it back.)
@alexanderpas Well, the code says it all, someone would just have to bother and do the maths.
Since I have no spreadsheet software on this install, I won't be that someone, though.
well, it seems like the only thing that keeps that from being simple math is 1) mystery about what things will produce before you have one of them, and 2) grandma inflation
@Sconibulus Neither of which is valid, because code.
@Sconibulus we know what things produce, those are "static". I don't care about granny inflation, just output their current stat.
then isn't it just cost/cps?
@Sconibulus Essentially, yes.
It was upvoted and accepted within ten seconds of posting.
@fbueckert The explanation is also factually wrong, if I'm not mistaken.
@FEichinger I don't know how mods work with Minecraft, so I can't judge accuracy.
@Sconibulus cost/cps of that item at that moment (remember grannies), not the global cps.
I'm just saying those actions are making my sockpuppet senses tingle.
@fbueckert Yeh, that definitely. Just modflag it.
@alexanderpas but you don't really care about the actual value do you? Granny produces 4xclick, so if granny costs more than 4xclick, get a click, if less, get a granny
at least, that's the mental math I've been doing
@Sconibulus Granny produces anywhere between 4 and 25/click.
yes... but it's still a relatively easy multiplier, if you don't factor in adjustments to granny value
adjusting for granny value makes it too complicated to do in my head
@Sconibulus The point is that we have the code for it. It's simple to calculate if you set up a spreadsheet that takes the actual math the code uses, it's simple to do. Doing it off the top of one's head, probably not that simple.
@FEichinger If the answer is factually wrong, that reinforces the sockpuppet senses.
@fbueckert I think it is. As far as I recall it, Minecraft just replaces mod-dependant blocks with air, so there should be no corruption or anything of the like with mods.
Of course, I have no idea how many bugs there are related to that, but it sounds a lot less likely than flat-out broken mod install.
@fbueckert And? If it's sock puppetry of some sort a pattern will emerge and something can be done about it, but as a one off... who cares?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do, obviously, or I wouldn't have mentioned it.
Holy crap the flashing
@fredley You might want to ask how to get rid of it on the site.
@alexanderpas I've worked that out
MODSLAVES! Handle them!
@fredley Still, it's a valid question ;)
@fbueckert This sounds remarkably similar to my answer to the 'who cares/it's not an actual problem you face' arguments about site posts.
@GnomeSlice More like the photographer took a picture from a shitty angle.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's still a golf trophy...
But yeah, you're right, you can tell by the shape it looks fine from pretty much any other angle.
@GnomeSlice Right, so the designer wasn't blind
the designer was perfectly sensible, you're just a pervert.
Well excuse me for not examining it very closely.
I just thought it looked hilarious.
@fredley Yeh, that spoiler isn't necessary.
@FEichinger Eh, ok
Anyone who gets the flashing, is already at that point.
That said, perhaps the more specific part about the Pledges and all might need a spoiler in the answers.
@fredley I can't figure out how your title matches your question body
@fredley also there's a little link on the left to toggle flashing
This is an excellent first answer, but in the future some users will request sources. Be sure to find a youtube video or forum post or walkthrough detailing the information you have from first hand knowledge, as most people are skeptics. — Cole Busby aka cheat117cole108 48 mins ago
@GnomeSlice It's not the animation I'm concerned about, but the actual waking of the elder gods or whatever it is
@LessPop_MoreFizz I left a comment to his comment. Let me know if it could be worded better. or leave your own.
Q: Can I prevent flashing?

fredleyI notice that once I'm

@Lazers This reminds me of what we
@Sterno I agree with you. This time.
@Sconibulus Don't Starve has season. Just one! Well... Technically two. Winter, and Not-Winter. Winter is when the Deerclops comes. Winter is when you are hunted by gentlemanly walruses with blowguns. Winter is when you can freeze to death. Not-Winter is everything else!
does anybody know how to use this meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/137584/…
@GnomeSlice I think you need to enter it in the javascript debug console
@MBraedley UGH
Someone should really make a userscript for it.
Yes please
what's a userscript
@Fluttershy Just sum it up: Not-Winter is when you don't die.
@GnomeSlice Make it a Chrome extension
@fredley ooo yes please
@GnomeSlice Just copy the code on the page, go to your url bar while on chat page, type in javascript: and paste the code. Then just enter and it should work
@fredley what is this, russian or something
@GnomeSlice What on Earth did you do to your PC that everything you use has a wrong language setting?
@FEichinger No, it's English, but I don't speak computer
All the results are incomprehensible
@GnomeSlice You read all of them? Wow.
@fredley awesome
So Dungeon of the Endless looks pretty decent.
2 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
It looks amazing.
It's also apparently made by the devs of Endless Space.

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