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Does this mean that people running +item for farming will get even more +item?
New class
developer is a pretty cool dude too
@Wipqozn Sounds promising.
That screenshot of that staff shows some sort of customization going on.
@GraceNote And two new classes.
@fbueckert Aside from the level cap increase, it sounds awesome. All the Crusader stuff I've seen looks amazing.
I'm going to make one immediately.
@StrixVaria I want to like it, but all I see is, more of the same. More farming, blah blah.
Q: How to get better advisors?

atticaeI am currently overflowing with money as the Ottomans through trade and tax income from my many provinces, but to keep up with the large European nations I have a constant need for more monarch power (administrative, diplomatic and military points). As far as I know the best way to actively incr...

@fbueckert They promise a revamped end-game, although we'll have to see how that turns out.
That said, if you don't like farming, I'm not sure why you played Diablo in the first place.
@OrigamiRobot Those are new toys.
@StrixVaria I don't mind farming. I did a ton of it when D3 first came out.
I don't see anything really changing, though. People will burn through the new content, and then it's just back to the same old grind as before.
Why does there need to be an expansion for that?
2 mins ago, by StrixVaria
@fbueckert They promise a revamped end-game, although we'll have to see how that turns out.
@StrixVaria I hope so.
@fbueckert Why was Lord of Destruction a thing?
This expansion seems to be about the same scope as LoD was back in the day. A new act, some new end game stuff, some new classes, and some new mechanics.
@StrixVaria It added in new content and items. A new place to grind, too. Which is exactly what this is looking to do.
@StrixVaria And LoD was a huge improvement.
I guess it's just my annoyance of it being always online that doesn't let me like it.
Like, I don't even understand how I thought non-LoD was fun.
@OrigamiRobot Seriously.
The Mystic seems like a spiritual successor to runwords.
@fbueckert Someone asked about always online and the response was "we have some ideas, but I can't confirm anything."
The always online restriction has gotten in my way a grand total of 0 times since launch week.
@StrixVaria If they remove that requirement, I will happily enjoy the expansion.
Honestly, I wouldn't want to not play online, even if I could.
@StrixVaria Really? You never played on a laptop while travelling or anything?
@StrixVaria I probably wouldn't, either.
I just want the option to.
That's silly.
No, that's player choice.
"I refuse to enjoy this game because an option I wouldn't use doesn't exist."
Not everyone who wants to play has a stable internet connection.
I wonder if the story will be less stupid in the expansion.
@Sterno hahahahaahaha, no
@Sterno From the intro video it looks extra stupid.
Saying it doesn't affect you trivializes the entire problem with forcing always online in the first place.
@fbueckert What?
1 min ago, by fbueckert
Not everyone who wants to play has a stable internet connection.
And outages happen.
@fbueckert And those people have a right to complain. I'm not going to let it affect my enjoyment, though.
@fbueckert this
@GnomeSlice just agreed with @fbueckert. The world must be coming to an end.
I DO want a LAN mode, too.
So I can play it with friends in the same house, without needing to suck up that much bandwidth.
Or any at all, for that matter.
I have had no problem as of yet playing with other people in the same room as me.
It feels like you're just trying to find things to complain about even though they don't really affect you, personally.
Which may be fine. In an ideal world, the game would have been made differently.
@StrixVaria I want options that don't restrict me to Blizzard's servers.
I am against things that take choices away from me.
I dislike online DRM when it doens't make sense. Sim City? Fuck you EA, there was no reason for that, and i was proved afterwards all the reasons you gave were bullshit.
But the game exists in a state such that playing it is fun and I don't have any issues with it, personally. That state is good enough for me to enjoy the game.
Diablo 3? The majority of players will be online all the time anyways.
@fbueckert You are against things that take choices away from you, even if you would never take advantage of those options anyway, just on principle?
@StrixVaria If you don't stand on principles, it's a slow degradation until you accept things you otherwise wouldn't.
> : Fink revealed to WIRED that a Night Vale comic book is “in the area of extremely likely."
...Was that really worth starring?
@fbueckert Ok, then while you're busy being angry at the world, I'm going to enjoy playing the game.
So it doesn't really bother me. I would prefer another solution, but I don't think it's a big deal in this case.
@fbueckert I stand on principles. I just don't happen to consider "WAAH I WANT TO PLAY GAMES OFFLINE AND DRM IS BAD" to be a principle. I consider it to be petulant.
Also, people having shitty internet connections isn't blizzards fault. IT's the ISP. Fuck those guys.
@StrixVaria Feel free! I'm not saying you have to agree with my principles, or support them.
@StrixVaria Aren't you? I wouldn't let it keep me from playing a game, but I'd still be annoyed about it.
I'm just pointing out my stance.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's strawmanning of the utmost degree.
@GnomeSlice I would never use an offline mode in Diablo 3, so I couldn't give a shit less whether it exists or not.
I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't trivialize it, please.
In fact, I would rather they spend development effort making the game I play better, rather than adding an offline mode.
Offline Diablo 3 would be a vastly different experience so it's not like you're rallying for the underdog to get the same product.
oh, it's vastly different?
I thought you could already basically go it alone
One of the best parts of D2 were fan-made mods.
@StrixVaria adding an offline mode? Offline mode is the thing you don't need to add, they spend time and effort to make it ONline.
That's part of what gave it the staying power it has.
I'd like to see what fans can do with D3.
@StrixVaria Guess I can't play D3 then.
Wasn't really interested to begin with though.
@fbueckert Nothing, because the EULA explicitly forbids it.
@KevinvanderVelden To make a fun offline mode would take work.
@Arperum Because THAT will stop modders. Yup.
@OrigamiRobot Make it the same as the online mode, except offline?
@fbueckert Not really. The fact that there is this online only bullshit going on at least slows down/ breaks it though.
@GnomeSlice That is literally impossible.
@Arperum Which is one of the reasons I want an offline mode.
@OrigamiRobot If you take out multiplayer, why?
5 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Offline Diablo 3 would be a vastly different experience so it's not like you're rallying for the underdog to get the same product.
Mods in D2 were friggin amazing. I remember nezeramontias. Brilliant mod.
@OrigamiRobot I've never played the game. Why would it be different?
@Arperum And I'd like to see what those same people could do with D3.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, you said that. The question was, WHY
But until they add in offline play, we'll never see what's possible.
@GnomeSlice If you have no point of reference, I'm not going to explain it.
Unless someone reverse engineers the D3 server client.
Or that one Belgian dude who changed the whole skillsystem. (was that mod called Median something?)
@OrigamiRobot You said it would be vastly different. Without a point of reference, you should still be able to explain the difference between the two?
I have played Torchlight and TL2 if that helps
@fbueckert Which would be rather hard and kind of require a hack of blizzards servers to do it properly.
@GnomeSlice If you took an MMO and removed multiplayer is it the same game?
@OrigamiRobot D3 is an MMO?
@OrigamiRobot nope, but diablo isn't an MMO, it's a game that you can play singleplayer
I thought it was like Torchlight
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, but not by simply removing the multiplayer aspects.
With a stupid auctionhouse added
@GnomeSlice I didn't say that.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, I thought it's what you were implying.
See, this is why it's not worth explaining to you.
@OrigamiRobot who said anything about removing multiplayer? We're just saying dont require online for singleplayer.
@OrigamiRobot If there's already a singleplayer, offline singleplayer seems trivial
And I'm aware that they are saying it would be a lot of extra work, so was EA
I was under the impression the Diable 3 did have Singleplayer, is this incorrect?
It was a simple change in the .exe to remove the timeout and be able to play the game offline
@KevinvanderVelden I am saying that creating a singleplayer version is not as simple as just removing the online elements.
@Sterno funwithvenndiagrams.tumblr.com
Diablo3 already has a singleplayer game
@FEichinger doesn't exist
@OrigamiRobot Sorry. Forget it.
@GnomeSlice Which is why I didn't make it a link.
@Sconibulus You can play by yourself, but that's not single player. You still have access to the AH.
Thanks anyway.
@FEichinger oh
@OrigamiRobot yes, which is something they added, we're saying "Hey blizzard, that was a dumb move and we hate you for it"
Although I did check before if it existed, because that's the kind of thing I could totally see someone doing.
@OrigamiRobot Is the Auction House vital to your average character?
@Sconibulus Sadly, yes.
Is this like a thing for buying and selling your items to other players
@KevinvanderVelden One thing to note is that the client for Diablo 3 doesn't perform most of the core gameplay logic (map generation, attack damage, procs, etc.). So you would have to mess with the client code in a non-trivial way to get it to be a complete game. It's possible, sure. It's not worth spending time on.
Ahh, ok, so it would require a reasonable amount of rebalancing
because I probably wouldn't use that
@fbueckert I disagree, I've played for dozens of hours and never touched it.
@fbueckert Never used it much though, bought one item and replaced it in 5 minutes. And I was able to beat Diablo on Inferno.
Setting aside the feasibility of changing it now, Diablo 3 should never have forced always-on to begin with.
Are you guys even listening to me? I am not saying you can't remove the online elements. I am saying that removing the online elements makes it a vastly different game.
@Sconibulus No. The game is 100% manageable without ever touching the AH.
@StrixVaria that's a design decision made early on
What @FEichinger said
@KevinvanderVelden Really? What do you play at? Inferno?
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, but at this point changing it requires work, which would be better put into making the actual game better.
@fbueckert You can easily get into Inferno without the AH now.
I'm asking because I only have a single character in Inferno, and that was pre-1.03 nerf. The AH WAS required at that point to make progress.
@StrixVaria Just run a local version of the server, split in server/client works too on a single PC
Maybe not at MP5, but at MP0 the progression is smooth.
@StrixVaria agreed, but I'm saying they should never have done it this way.
@KevinvanderVelden I contend that that's a silly thing to argue about at this point.
@StrixVaria I contend that it's not because people are copying them
@BenBrocka wat
@StrixVaria It wouldn't be the 'actual game'?
@GnomeSlice It's a Pomeranian.
@GraceNote I see that.
@Arperum THat doesn't mean what it used to mean. :(
@GnomeSlice Adding an offline mode would theoretically not touch the core gameplay, which needs work.
What is it doing in his Gmail inbox?
Holding a pink laptop and talking, from the looks of it.
@Sterno It was MP0, and most of the progress was done pre-MP whatever
It's the best game ever
I ran into a pretty big wall in Act 3 Inferno (before the nerf) without serious grinding or AH gear
@BenBrocka ???
@Sterno Yeah, ditto. It was brutal.
The fact that they added in enrage timers on the bosses was also stupid.
It required a specific level of power in order to progress past them.
I really enjoyed Act 2 though. Huge wall, but once you got over it it felt good to beat the shit out of packs of mobs that used to eat you for breakfast.
@fbueckert They removed enrage timers.
@StrixVaria After HOW much backlash?
The designers under...Jay Wilson was it? made a ton of bad moves.
@GnomeSlice It's a game I'm let's playing. It is great
I still can't believe how easy they made the first playthrough. It was actually kind of insulting.
@BenBrocka this looks great
@GnomeSlice It's only like an hour long
@Sterno Do you mean Normal or the first playthrough of Inferno?
There's basically no challenge, it's all jokes
@BenBrocka remind me tonight
@StrixVaria Normal
I haven't played the game since before 1.05
So I'll reserve any outrage until I actually try the new Inferno
I died a few times on Normal my first time through.
Mostly to tree poison and because I hadn't slept in 30+ hours.
Honestly the game never felt like it got harder until maybe Act 3 or Act 4 of hell.
And then, barely
I think most of my trouble on the first playthrough was that I was always in a group of 4 people, and the scaling was stupid at launch.
Oh. Yeah.
@StrixVaria Fuck those trees.
There was a while where I'd crush Act 2 Inferno solo and die horribly if my wife joined the game.
Q: What can additional keys do after I unlocked all gates?

user1032613I've got enough keys to unlock every single gate I see in Ancient Egypt, yet new keys still get dropped when I play in Egypt. I notice the keys are different in Pirate Seas. I wonder what my extra Egypt keys could do for me.

Have they said anything about how much this expansion is going to be?
@OrigamiRobot probably the same cost as heart of the swarm
That tells me nothing.
49.99 space buckazoids
@Sterno How many Earth dollars?
you might get downvoted for an off-topic question, might be acceptable tho. — Paralytic 3 mins ago
@LessPop_MoreFizz off topic and acceptable?
Someone give me 1223 rep so I can VTD stuff right away.
@OrigamiRobot no.
@GnomeSlice I published my let's play of the game because it's too good not to youtube.com/watch?v=KY6y_OTs5dw
I have a schedule but I can't wait
@OrigamiRobot You have so much more rep than me
@OrigamiRobot VTDing right away is generally bad anyway. You want time for the people to see what they did wrong and learn not to do it again.
Except spam answers, I guess.
@StrixVaria Offensive/spam flags can take care of that.
@StrixVaria I was just referring to the ability, not the practice.
Also, I should start reading your story again, I forgot...
I miss when sound tests and jukeboxes were more commonplace in games.
@GraceNote Nowadays you just buy the soundtrack and stick it on your mp3 player
If and when it exists.
@GraceNote Not like they're super hard to make either
They aren't. And yet, they are absent.
@GraceNote That's another thing I'll add to my "the best game ever" list.
I really hope they are also adding new aliens, since new more powerful stuff for you will make the end game even easier.
Q: What is a Good strategy game to play in the office in the background

LeeMany moons ago I used to be addicted to a game called Corporate Heaven. It was a strategy game you could leave running in the background and each user had a role to play, wither it was a farmer or whatever, it was played in like hex shape land Is there anything good like this that can be played...

Q: GTA San Andreas automatically running too fast?

mjoshIts running in 150 % of original speed. I already tried setting affinity to single processor but its still the same.

The new XCOM was really fun until I realized that even on Hard and losing my entire team every other mission, I could still grind to victory.
@Sterno True to the original. But, yes, research is unaffected by anything other than time, and once you have the end game stuff researched, it's much easier to keep your soldiers alive.
I still love the tactical combat, though. Best I've ever played.
@JasonBerkan In the first one if you did a shitty enough job early on the shut you down didn't they?
@BenBrocka Individual countries pulled out of the XCOM project, just like the new one. I can't remember how many had to pull out before you lost the game, though. Never happened to me.
Happened to me a few times on hardcore hard.
@Sterno In the original? That always reset to Beginner difficulty after every battle?
But pretty much if you could survive the first time the "dudes that make zombies that I now forget the name of" show up, you were golden from then on.
Q: Are there any differences between current and next-gen version of the game?

musefanAre there any differences between Fifa 14 on current generation systems (PS3, XBox 360) and the next generation console versions (PS4, XBox One)? To clarify "differences" I mean in terms on features, game modes, etc. (not things like graphics) If there are, then which console will the PC versio...

The new one, sorry.
@Sterno I'm right at the end of my first Classic playthrough. I found the game punishingly hard until I got Laser Weapons. After that, it was a piece of cake.
@Fluttershy: Actually, it can be answered as there is information out there about this. I actually know the answer is "yes", but I want to know what the differences are. I just worded the question this way to be more "useful" for the future — musefan 1 min ago
That's not how things work!
I'm the voice of reason!? How does that happen!?
@fbueckert The problem is none of the kerfluffle is about bypassing DRM.
@OrigamiRobot That's how the whole thing started, actually.
@fbueckert And Seven admitted to being wrong about that. It is no longer about that.
We're getting sidetracked by whether or not we, as a site, should enforce other terms.
I don't think we've ever enforced company EULA's before.
Just go on YouTube and watch the Obsidian installation video. You will see that it contains it's own minecraft.jar. That is a violation of copyright law.
@OrigamiRobot Since when does that matter to us?
I'm serious about that.
We don't support piracy, but where does it say that it's up to us to enforce copyright law?
@fbueckert Violating copyright law is piracy. Piracy isn't just "breaking DRM"
@OrigamiRobot Not every violation of copyright law is automatically piracy.
I'm trying to wade through some Meta posts (heh, @BenBrocka), to see how we really do stand on it.
@fbueckert Piracy is by definition synonymous with copyright infringement.
@fbueckert There is no difference here.
A: What's our procedure for asking about not-quite-legal games?

agent86When it comes to legality, we tend to err on the side of assuming good faith here, and only prohibit questions that are clearly on the wrong side of the law, the terms of service, or the EULA for the software in question. (Do note that we specifically prohibit things that ask "is X legal?" as we...

Ah. We do enforce EULA and TOS violations.
Okie dokie, then.
@fbueckert But this is more than that.
@OrigamiRobot Why bother delving further into it? It doesn't matter. As it stands, it's clearly off-topic.
@fbueckert Because you don't need to know whether or not we enforce EULAs and ToS to know this is off-topic.
@OrigamiRobot I don't think redistributing a game automatically makes it piracy.
For all we know, the company in question could say, "Yes! Distribute! We don't care!"
@fbueckert But they don't and that has been brought up many times in this case.
"the Minecraft license allows for redistribution of the game", NO, NO , NO and NO. — alexanderpas 1 hour ago
This isn't freeware we're talking about.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, so it's a violation of their terms.
You're pointing at the terms of service to say it's piracy.
Q: Are there any differences between current and next-gen version of the game?

musefanAre there any differences between Fifa 14 on current generation systems (PS3, XBox 360) and the next generation console versions (PS4, XBox One)? To clarify "differences" I mean in terms on features, game modes, etc. (not things like graphics) If there are, then which console will the PC versio...

Q: What is stored on the Xbox Console, hard drive and Xbox Live

Mom2MACPlease be patient with me. I am a mom not a gamer. We have a Xbox 360 S w 250GB that we are having to exchange for a new one. I have several questions. 1 - What is the difference between the 360 S and the 360 E (i believe stands for Elite) Would this be an "upgrade" 2 - What is stored on the co...

It's a violation of their copyright which they talk about in their ToS.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, so their terms make it illegal to distribute. If we enforce company terms, then who cares if it's a violation of copyright law or not? We don't even need to dig that deep. It's, "company doesn't allow this, so your question is off-topic."
@fbueckert No, it is already illegal to distribute even if they didn't specifically say you couldn't.
You're the one digging deeper than you need to.
@OrigamiRobot We're not lawyers, and focusing on any sort of law is pointless. Let's focus on the things that don't need a lawyer to figure out.
You don't need a lawyer. Copyright infringement is piracy. We don't allow piracy.
You're focusing too much on, "It replaces the minecraft files! You're not allowed to do that!", and referring to copyright law to substantiate it.
Simplify it. "You're not allowed to redistribute the minecraft files, according to their terms."
I don't think we need to bring copyright law into it at all.
I'm not talking about explaining it to the asker.
I am telling you that this is piracy.
@OrigamiRobot And I don't agree with that definition.
That is the definition.
@OrigamiRobot What if the company says, "Distribute! Don't care!". Does downloading it from a pirate site make it piracy?
@fbueckert No because that is them giving up their copyright.
> 3 How is Intern Dana doing? I was just handed a note that says only: "September 1st, episode 30, 'Dana', guest starring Jasika Nicole of 'Fringe' and 'Scandal'." Not sure what that means.
And what are you referring to to say that you can't distribute it? Their terms.
Technically, I think downloading from a pirate site, unless they themselves uploaded it, still counts as piracy.
Laws are silly.
@fbueckert This is their license. Which is copyright law.
@FEichinger Which, according to copyright law, is still freaking illegal.
@fbueckert No, copyright is implied automatically.
@fbueckert No.
There are enough loopholes and grey areas that I don't think it's constructive to debate this.
I wish I cared enough about this topic to be interested in the potential drama here.
They waive their copyright claim if they distribute it under a license that does so.
That's the whole point of distribution licenses.
Their license explicitly does not waive their copyright claim, as such any redistribution is illegal. Period. Full Stop. End of Discussion.
We're not in court, and there's no reason to debate copyright at all.
If we can focus on the things we, as a site, enforce, that would be more constructive than trying to convince me you're right.
There is. Copyright infringement is piracy. We don't support piracy.
Their terms are just them saying "We will (or will not) enforce our copyright." The copyright exists independently of that. If they choose not to defend it, they lose it.
@FEichinger You ever notice that when people say "End of Discussion", it never is?
13 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
He should listen to me, I know what I'm talking about. I stayed awake for nearly the entire presentation on trademarks/patents/copyrights during Senior Design Seminar.
Woo! One more downvote for a Peer Pressure badge!
I'm thinking English isn't his first language.
It seems to be more talking past each other than anything else.
Just to twist the discussion a bit, with an actual question. Is using Minecraft Forge illegal then? It doesn't come with the jar, but it will download it for you (and I don't know where it downloads it from).
And almost everyone uses Forge.
@JasonBerkan Wee, muddying the waters!
It's an honest question for myself. I don't care about our policy regarding Forge.
Does everyone at least agree if you can apply Obsidian like a standard mod, we'd be allowing it?
@fbueckert If Obsidian modified your existing minecraft.jar in place, yes it would be fine.
So if we can get him to point at files that do that, the entire discussion is moot.
Good grief. I write mods. I can tell the difference between a download that is just a mod and a download that includes Mojang's code and assets. For science I will download Obsidian and open it up to see what it includes. — SevenSidedDie 1 min ago
Jul 1 at 13:54, by Sterno
Filthy pirate.
@fbueckert only if he didn't create the upload himself.
@JasonBerkan forge downloads from minecraft.net, and is therefor in compliance with the EULA. what's the difference between forge and wget?
@OrigamiRobot He's lucky we recently had a meta about what constitutes piracy, or we might have to close all his questions!
yesterday, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert TBH, I'd be in favor of burninating any user who admits to piracy, but other may see that as harsh.
Never admit anything. Best policy in life.
@alexanderpas Nothing. But I couldn't find anything in Forge that said where it was downloading things from. Also, it can (or could) download old versions of Minecraft. Where is it getting those from?
I do not admit to being alive.
@JasonBerkan Fairly certain old versions were never dropped on minecraft.net.
New launcher does it, too, if I'm not mistaken.
@FEichinger That's true. The new launcher does do old versions. Problem solved, then.
A: Is it possible to download a previous version of minecraft_server.jar?

BlaXpirithttp://assets.minecraft.net/ has all the Minecraft versions since the Beta 1.8 prereleases and until 1.5.2 inclusive. To get the needed version of minecraft_server.jar, you replace the dots in the version name to underscores and download, for example, /1_3_2/minecraft_server.jar. You can also g...

@fbueckert I found the code! Just download this and use Notepad++ to add it to the .jar. It's easier than using programs like 7zip and Jzip. Here's the code you have to add: timtechsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ObsidianCode.txtTimtech 3 mins ago
Good lord ...
@alexanderpas Pfft. Why would I check a Q&A site for an answer to my question?
I ain't downloading nothing from this guy.
Q: How does energy loss work in Redstone Energy Conduits

Ender In this situation you see I have my conduits linearly running along the line of engines. It says on the wiki that the conduits have a 5% energy loss, implemented at points where energy enters the line. Does this mean that with 5 entry points linearly spread (like I have here) that by the time t...

Q: Are there any good custom skin makers?

sing_craft_creeperI've been making my own custom skins with http://freeminecraftskins.blogspot.com/2012/11/free-minecraft-skins-creator.html but I can't get it as precise as I want it. Does anyone know any good custom skin makers?

@OrigamiRobot He just pasted java bytecode into a *.txt.
And says "just add this".
@JasonBerkan forge installation instructions don't require you to download anything except forge and (via the official minecraft launcher or similar) minecraft, see minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Universal
With notepad++. To a jar.
I'm inclined to say "Minecraft teaches horrible practices, can we please ban it?"
@FEichinger can we ban this user from the whole group of sites?
I'm not going to respond to him anymore. This is painful.
@FEichinger I flagged his posts.

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