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.. Damn lack of one-boxing when you want an image to go to someone
@James Unless it's a direct reply, I think.
@RedRiderX Yeah but I did not feel like scrolling up :D
@James Understandable.
Q: What causes a Yeti zombie to run away?

spartacusI was on a level against a Yeti zombie. I don't remember having this problem previously but it could simply be due to the plants I was using. In this case, I was using the short range snapdragon plants so I was not covering the right most columns. I wasn't paying full attention, but by the tim...

@SaintWacko oh, cool
it wouldn't be that hard for them to add some kind of command to chat to force oneboxing (limit one onebox per chat entry), to allow mixing of content and onebox in one post, would it?
Well Ill just leave this here as a warning to others:
user image
@James cc @Wipqozn
@James I half expected Hallo! (: to be his response, but then realized he lacks a certain thing on the back of his shell
mind turtle, not mine turtle
Why did my screen just refresh?
@OrigamiRobot mine did, too; I think our periodic GET /event?.... background requests triggered some kind of cookie clear, maybe due to recycling the chat servers
huh, never seen that before...
Googling, I can't find any other claims of this, which you think would be pretty rampant, given how much ARTS players like to complain.
in Super Hostile Minecraft, 16 mins ago, by SaintWacko
@John If @OrigamiRobot doesn't have a nice voice, I'M DELETING MY ACCOUNT!!
@GnomeSlice What?
Is that like the minecraft room where you shout at one another or something
@GnomeSlice Totally
@James My favourite part is that you've gotten all the stars that @STerno had right sto.
Wait...you were the one tha tposted it originally
I thought it was sterno
@Wipqozn LOL
Ok, NSFW But a very neat website (Music video has some scenes with a naked girl in it but she ends up being mostly censored) donottouch.org Again, NSFW, but still pretty damn cool :)
@James 'Mostly censored' being people putting their cursors over her junk I'm guessing?
also that is really cool
I'll watch it when I get home
@GnomeSlice Yeah, its pretty neat though :)
I forget if I linked this already
but aaaaa so much yes
@OrigamiRobot Hah. I'm the best.
Jan 21 at 20:17, by GnomeSlice
I am a failure at life.
Q: How Large is the Wurm Client?

GnomeSliceThe game client download from the Wurm Online site appears to be a downloader. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell the filesize of the actual game client. Does anyone know roughly how big it is?

I think we should close this again
@OrigamiRobot I am the best failure at life.
@GnomeSlice why?
@Ullallulloo I don't know isn't it out of date
@GnomeSlice I don't know. The question would never be, and the answer wouldn't be much.
Plus that's not a close option now.
Plus we have other questions like that.
Oh, okay
nevermind then
Q: What do each of the bonus wizards do?

GnomeSliceThere are 6 unlockable characters in Solomon's Boneyard: Wegnus (The White) Griselda (The Sorceress) Vorpus (The Magician) Athicus (The Diviner) Andra (The Medium) Wazoo (The Storm Mage) What are each of these wizards' abilities?

whoa, almost 7k views
@Ullallulloo Comment that shit
> Explore a unique RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.
Evelend Games is awesome too
@Ullallulloo I've just been googling a bit too and came upon this: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=70618
Relevant quote: "the longer you search for a match, the broader the search range gets. unbalanced matches might be results of a broad search range"
@tugs That's for giving them feedback though.
@tugs Yeah, in skill level, but I don't think they would put a premade in a Solo Only game.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, since I haven't played the game I have no way of judging this
@Knorke: I don't see any other claims of that though. PCGamesN says, "The new queue will only be populated by solo players; cutting out the chance of going head to head against pre made teams.", and up until recently, there were a lot of complaints about really long wait times in the solo queue, so that wouldn't have even been doing much good. Are you sure they couldn't have just been making a joke? — Ullallulloo 19 secs ago
Exactly 600 characters.
@Ullallulloo Sexy.
But it looks like the system is quite fuzzy, I'd be surprised if anyone could say for sure one way or the other.
@tugs Yeah. Looking at Google though, there used to be a lot of complaints about getting matched against premades, but I can't find any about that now iwht the solo queue.
@alexanderpas wow, that's really deliberately annoying.
Q: Why do pro players make these little sidesteps when fighting creeps?

clampPro players always make these little circular steps when fighting creeps. Why is that?

Q: Is there an option to increase the number of turns in a game?

SaintWacko25 turns doesn't seem quite long enough. Is there any way to make the game last longer? Edit: Just noticed that turn count varies based on the map, but the question still stands.

Q: Is there a way to force a sync between Facebook and your mobile device?

BeofettI play on both my desktop, through Facebook, and on the Android Candy Crush Saga app. The app is linked to my Facebook account. Occasionally the two accounts stop synchronizing for a while, up to a few days. During this time, levels unlocked on one platform will not be unlocked on the other....

But yeah, it would be basically impossible to totally disprove.
@alexanderpas Why does yours get a star and not mine
I found it first.
@GnomeSlice because they love me?
@alexanderpas =[
Q: What's the meaning

user49116Thank you my friends for answering my last question. I have a new problem. I'm reading a play that I can't understand some parts. What's the meaning of this sentence in simple english? (( kent : fine.we need to get up there,anyway-got,like, thirty pallets of cereal backed up)) Thank you

Thank you my friends
Damn Sony has lots of sweet shit lined up for the Vita..including, somehow, BL2
More interested in stuff like Binding of Isaac rebirth though
I probably linked it already to you
I don't know if you're familiar with Evelend Games.
They made Pixelry and the (failed) kickstarter for Pixelry Champions
which is sad =[
in English Language & Usage, 25 secs ago, by RegDwighт
His last question was not answered, either. It was closed as unclear and then deleted.
@GnomeSlice unrealistic file systems that aren't littered with unsavory images.
@tugs ^
@Ullallulloo ?
@GnomeSlice ?
I don't get it
@origamiRobot ?
@Ullallulloo wow shibe wow
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
I will ignore you both
@OrigamiRobot What, why
Don't do that, I'm sorry
Our God walks the Saint's Row.
Guys, I think I wanna have Elon Musk's babies. <_<
@Fluttershy Don't we all?
@Fluttershy Who?
PS4/Vita remote play looks great
@OrigamiRobot <insert stare because I don't have a fancy keyboard>
@FEichinger @OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
@GnomeSlice Thank you.
@FEichinger Try 'MeatStare @OrigamiRobot'
I think fredley's script is still going
Me might have blocked him though
it's kind of a dumb script
@GnomeSlice I don't want to use their scripts when I'm not sure they're actually working. ;)
MeatStare @FEichinger
@GnomeSlice And now you look like a fool. See? That's what I meant! :P
@FEichinger I don't get it.
It worked like 10 minutes ago!
@fbueckert What have I done wrong now? I ask a simple question you complain about it, and I fix it. Then to make things worse everyone is having a wondering time trash talking about my question on The Bridge. I really do want to ask/answer questions to the best of my ability, but rather than telling me clearly what needs to be done you and the others just talk garbage behind my back. — Scootaloo 20 mins ago
If I respond to this, it probably won't be very nice.
Somebody else, do so, please.
@fbueckert I'm not even sure there's a response. Just leave it at that maybe.
Somebody could have invited him to chat, though.
@fbueckert There, I replied.
@Mana I thought there were no enemies?
It's a horror game?
I thought it was more like a psychological exploration thing
@GnomeSlice I don't know if it is yet or not!
that's why it's scary!
because I'm not sure what I should be expecting!
anyways gonna get back to playing.
@OrigamiRobot Don't tell me what to do.
@Mana I gchatted you a thing
@GnomeSlice Nowadays, the lack - but constant threat - of enemies is a lot scarier than actual enemies.
@FEichinger I don't think there's a threat of enemies in this game, but I'm not sure. Having not playing I have no idea what it feels like
@GnomeSlice Could you please not do it all the same? Consider it a request for your ceasing, not a demand of action.
@OrigamiRobot I have no idea either, I'm simply saying that it doesn't have to contain enemies. As long as it could, there's a lot of scarinesss one can build up.
@OrigamiRobot How is this different from the way I normally fill chat with useless messages?
@OrigamiRobot Elon Musk is the co-founder of PayPal, founder of SpaceX, co-founder of Tesla Motors, and the guy behind the Hyperloop.
@GraceNote I just reply to it so other people can see the discussion chain if they so desire.
But okay...
@GraceNote To be honest, I see absolutely no problem at all with him talking at @fbueckert, just because there's an ignore involved.
@Ullallulloo I don't even know if that should be approved or what
@GnomeSlice No, of course not.
> (the guy above is clearly on the shortbus and lacks any type of analytical thinking.)
Nevermind, reject.
Every reject reason applies to it.
@Fluttershy I only vaguely know what 2/3 of those are.
@Fluttershy Oh, whoa
I know all of those things
Never heard of 'Elon Musk' though.
@OrigamiRobot Tesla Motors just (literally) destroyed the crash test safety thing.
Now that we all know who Elon Musk is, can we start bashing his hairbrained ideas?
@Fluttershy Destroyed it?
@GnomeSlice How people still don't know him at this point is beyond me. I mean, he is everywhere.
@Fluttershy That is one of the ones I vaguely know about.
@OrigamiRobot And SpaceX will send people to Mars.
9 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Fluttershy That is one of the ones I vaguely know about.
I only know about SpaceX because of KSP
Yo, so what just happened between Microsoft and Sony?
@SpaceX #Dragon: Proving that private businesses can do space too. Visit Jeb's Junkyard, and get into space on a bargain!
@GnomeSlice Yes. Literally. They broke pretty much every crash test safety record and then actually broke one of the pieces of testing equipment because the car just wouldn't break.
@Fluttershy That's amazing!
@GnomeSlice Not so much when you're the car that gets crushed by one of those. :P
@OrigamiRobot Hyperloop is Musk's theoretical transit system that could get people from LA to San Francisco (400 miles) in 35 minutes. Using technology that can actually work.
@FEichinger So if two of them crash do they just bounce off one another like bumper cars?
yesterday, by GnomeSlice
Have you guys seen this Hyperloop thing?
^ See link for more info
@GnomeSlice How do you link to it but not know Elon Musk? ... I mean, seriously.
@FEichinger Oh yeah I saw the name in the article
but just thought it was some tech company or something
Also here's an interesting rundown on Hyperloop: greatergreaterwashington.org/post/19848/…
Elon Musk: Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Hyperloop, and PayPal. Also, he is Iron Man.
or guy
or whatever
@FEichinger To be fair, the indestructible portion was the roof. You can stack at least 4 more Model Ses on top of it without the roof collapsing. =P
Has Tesla fixed their bricking problem?
Because fuck fossil fuels, fuck governmental control of space travel, and fuck mailing checks.
@ShotgunNinja Also fuck trains
@ShotgunNinja Who mails checks?
I've only ever written like two checks in my life.
@GnomeSlice Well, technically it's still a train. It even has wheels.
@tugs Tesla warranties now cover almost any battery failure.
Sure, they're for backup only, but it does have wheels.
@OrigamiRobot My grandparents. everything is mail and checks with them. Their grasp of most modern technology after tube based televisions is limited.
"Except in the cases of collision, opening of the battery pack by non-Tesla personnel, or intentional abuse (lighting the pack on fire with a blowtorch is not covered!), all damage is covered by warranty, including improper maintenance or unintentionally leaving the pack at a low state of charge for years on end."
@Fluttershy So, only everyday damage is covered.
@Fluttershy That's much better than last year
@OrigamiRobot I mail my rent check and electric bill twice a month. I wish my apartment accepted PayPal.
@fbueckert Wonder if they'd cover battery failure from being around you for too long. :P
@TrentHawkins I'm not a proven cause of electrical component failure.
Until I am, I suspect it'd be a good way to replace worn equipment.
@ShotgunNinja wait, what... how about just Electronic Funds Transfer?
@alexanderpas Because every artist who does online commissions has the capabilities to do an EFT. Right?
Also, PayPal streamlined the entire purchasing process.
Not to mention the ability to connect it directly with bank accounts, and to allow person-to-person money transfers.
Isn't it spelled cheque?
If you want a higher score in Scrabble, maybe.
Not in the US.
@GnomeSlice If so, it would kill both drivers probably.
Cars collapse for a reason.
PS4, PS3 and Vita
@BenBrocka ?
Pretty cool. At least for the weird people that don't just get it on PC
@GnomeSlice Minecraft
@BenBrocka Oh. Why didn't he say that then?
@GnomeSlice Because Twitter is stupid.
He broke it up into two vague tweets for some reason.
@Ullallulloo Those don't add up to 140 characters.
@OrigamiRobot Correction: A lot of people who use Twitter are stupid.
@Ullallulloo because he's notch
@GnomeSlice That's why I said "some reason."
No, Twitter itself is stupid.
@GnomeSlice It's actually both.
@OrigamiRobot I disagree strongly.
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's stupid.
And to anyone who was watching Gamescom it was pretty obvious, minecraft was a major arrow in their quivver
@GnomeSlice That's not what makes it stupid.
@GnomeSlice I like twitter. It's still stupid.
Have you guys seen Rime?
Journey + Wind Waker, apparently.
@Mana Gome home is really enjoyable.
It's only about 2 hours long, but it's just the right length.
@Wipqozn that sounds really dirty, especially with the typo
@GnomeSlice You don't measure that in hours.
Is Starbound Vita only or PC too?
@BenBrocka I thought it was PC only
Oh, really?
What is this vita thing anyway
@BenBrocka eeee N++
Lots of love for the Vita today
@BenBrocka Enough love to compensate for no release of Monster Hunter 4?
The full list of PS Vita indie titles
Age of Zombies (BlitWorks/Halfbrick)
A-Men 2 (Bloober Team)
Assault Android Cactus (Witch Beam)
Avoid Droid (Infinite State Games)
Broken Sword: the Serpent’s Curse (Revolution Software)
Eufloria HD (Omni Systems)
Fez (Polytron Corporation)
Final Horizon (Eiconic Games)
Flame Over (Laughing Jackal)
Gravity Crash Ultra (Just Add Water)
Gunslugs (Abstraction Games)
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Dennaton Games and Devolver Digital)
Joe Danger 1 (Hello Games)
Joe Danger 2 (Hello Games)
@GnomeSlice It's a Sony handheld.
Is PS Vita a new thing or something?
@5pike I'd never get a game like Monster Hunter on 3DS anyway
I thought it was like the sequel to the PSP
hasn't it been around for a long time
No it's the PSP successor. It's been around for a year an some I think
@BenBrocka There's too much detail for such a tiny screen.
@GnomeSlice Not super long, no.
Well, stop making me want one.
I've already resolved to buy a GameStick on launch day.

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