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@spyder You missed all the fun!
@fbueckert yawn Wat?
@spyder Nope. Drama over. You missed it.
Drama meter fully recharged.
Time for bed.
@fbueckert You can announce a short summary?
@spyder That's no fun! :P
Q: When does a question "support piracy and pirated games"?

Sterno There's been a lot of talk recently about what it means to support piracy and pirated games. A very recent example is this question, in which a user asks a question that turns out to be a valid problem for a legitimate copy of the game, but in which he admitted in the comments that he's using a...

There's the aftermath.
@spyder There were three full sets of drama: Piracy, GraceNote's gender and my name change (again)
anyway, time for me to go to bed I think
@Weston.h it's began with Sterno's question?
@spyder something like that
anyway, good night
@Weston.h 'night
@OrigamiRobot Because we think the same things? Or because I'm ruggedly handsome, and you're a winsome young lass ready to be swept off her feet and taken on an adventure?
@RavenDreamer Can it be both?
@OrigamiRobot Hop on my motorcycle, and we'll ride off into the sunset.
omg wtf is going on in here?
@spugsley it's the bridge, what do you think is going on in here?
The revolver satellite launcher is almost complete.
@fbueckert Initiating Fisting sequence
IN 5.....4......3......2......1....
We have Fistoff!
That's at least mildly flaggable, dude.
Oh, nice little model:
I want to buy one :)
"Zvezda" is cheap and pretty good in 1/72
@Retrosaur, to answer your question, 17% lower than market price is not "dirt cheap" by any means.
Selling for $2 is a great price when you got it for free.
Q: Can't start Payday 2 says (app already running)

3vanEvery time I try to open the app it says that the app is already running.

@Strix You will like the rocket named after you.
@Lazers 3van, 3ventic. Sounds awfully similar...
It's probably just me, but everything Young Guilo's been doing is
Q: Question title that doesn't describe the problem

Adam Davis Pre Edit 4: Pointing out that thread's popularity is a direct result of programming community interest in said subject, and that someone likely stands to become rich and/or famous by solving the problem none of the answers, save my own, came even close to resolving. Long salutation desc...

1 hour later…
Q: Resume Mobage Login Screen in android

Muhammad OmairI am using Mobage Gaming API. And I want to resume my Mobage Login screen. I am using following code: @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (Mobage.isInitialized()) { Mobage.getInstance().onResume(); Log.d("MobageResume", "MobageResu...

1 hour later…
Q: diablo 3 demon hunter build

seldiabloIs there any efficient build for Demon Hunter to farm Gold? I got this diablo 3 demon hunter build to farm Demonic essence but not so good to get the power leveling.

@Lazers spam! kill it with flags!
@Arperum Way ahead of you
Also: Morning.
@5pike Good morning!
@Arperum I'm not so sure about the "good" part.
@5pike Bad morning?
Yeah - couldn't really sleep to well.
Also: more spam from the same spambot as above: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/128227/39891
@Arperum already flagged and downvoted
I told you, I was ahead ;-)
Well, as soon as the coffee kicks in, things get better
@5pike There should be more people waking up here, so I hope this gets those posts taking down a little bit faster :)
Semi-awake here, and flagged :)
Very good
Oh boy, the Payday 2 secret is thrilling.
morning people
@Blem hi
so did you have a good weekend?
Q: FPS in Starcraft 2

AtlasEUI am trying to play with the optimal settings regarding game performance. But yet again, I still enjoy playing with some great graphical settings. To balance this out, I would love to know; Are there any way that I can see my FPS in-game? Or track the FPS after a game? (EDIT: I often use th...

@Blem yep! And hail size of a ping-pong ball >_<
@Blem some cars lost their windshields...
@Blem Weekend was short. Two days is not enough.
...But I do not have a car :D
I had 3 days
@Arperum 2 days never is enough
@Blem DAMN YOU !!!!
2 days, 3 days... Even a week never enough
@spyder a week of weekend every week seems about right, though for safetys sake I'd say we standardize at 8 days of weekend per week.
Mhh... a 3 day weekend would be nice. As it's now - Friday is pretty much over, because of work, Saturday - do whatever, Sunday - think of work on Monday.
Two days in a week are not so much to deal with bunch of unfinished models :(
Still unfinished :(
@5pike do you know what is this?
Looks like a tank ;-P
Is it an existing model?
Or just made-up?
@5pike this is soviet heavy tank prototype Object-260 aka IS-7. Very powerful but very heavy (comparison with other soviet tanks), about 68t. USSR never used tanks with weight more than 50t.
One still remain, you can see it in Kubinka Tank Museum.
Googling it, I found many "world of tanks" related stuff.
Is it in this game?
@5pike yep. Tier 10 heavy tank.
Mhh... this has to be the longest support-chat I ever had. 2 hours now and no end in sight.
@spyder You know what's an easy fix for that? Make the heals a % value and not a fixed number.
Like in the "Tales of .." series
Never had a problem with "I'll use it for that special boss"
@5pike Fallout 2. Limited number of cartridges for Gauss Rifle
@spyder Peculiar thing - happens always in FF games
@5pike Did it end already or is it still going strong?
@Arperum Already ended.
Lasted 2 hours 20 minutes
Wasn't annoying, just very long
@5pike And were you succesfull in helping?
@Arperum Sadly not, but wasn't our fault.
@5pike At least you narrowed the problem somewhat.
"Not our fault" is the best kind of problem narrowing.
Yeah - client wanted to set-up email on his smartphone
Server was there, info was correct, his internet was working, so it had to be his phone.
I think my record for a support call is 50 minutes waiting until they pick up the phone, and then 40-50 minutes of trying to convince the other person that I was not a retard and that they had to fix it on their end. Wich failed.
@Arperum Ouch.
I never succeeded in reaching them twice on a single day, I think they blocked my calls for the remainder of the day afterwards.
@Arperum "Ugh, not that guy again. He wants to help us, but f**k that. I rather stay angry the whole day"
@5pike It took them three weeks of daily calls until finally someone manned up enough to tell me that they could give me the service they promised.
@5pike I was the client, and my ISP was being stupid. (1Mbps is worthless if you pay for 30Mbps)
@Arperum Ah yeah, you mentioned that you had problems with your ISP
And I know that they can be dicks and cheats
I'm lucky that I found a good ISP with good support.
@5pike Hey, they lost a client, I got a better service elsewhere. (Although I should start calling this ISP about the random downtime I'm having every friday afternoon)
I always wonder why in many RPGs MP regenerating stuff is called ether.
Makes it seem that every mage is a drug-addict.
... only if you both have no idea about chemistry and don't realise they actually mean "æther".
"æther or ether, is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere."
So, you are consuming pieces of the universe....
@5pike So mages are basically high on space?
Yes, I know that it also stands for other things
In the Pokemon series, it is Ether, not æther
Animal abuse
Non-Standard Game Over very interesting
Wait, Pokémon has MP?
Not MP, I think it's called AP
Action Points or something
I could only find "PP" on the Pokémon Wiki (Power Points).
Mhh... could be that AP was used in the German translation...
Haven't played it in a long time
Hmm... Where is my foil hat? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station
@spyder Pretty interesting
Maybe. Anyway, the stuff to gurgle down for it to go back up is called "ピーピーエイド " ("PP Aid", +10 PP to one), "ピーピーエイダー " ("PP Aider", +10 PP to all), "ピーピーマックス " ("PP Max", full PP for one) and "ピーピーリカバー " ("PP Recover", full PP for all).
... at least if I understand the Moonspeak on the wiki correctly.
searching for "pokemon ether" turned up that.
@Arperum Game translations are shoddy and full of errors, thus I looked up the original to be sure.
@MartinSojka I kind of don't speak nor read the original.
The names are in Katakana anyway, that's easy and quick to learn; there are online translation tools for the reminder. :)
[16:35] xxx: we watched them
[16:35] xxx: also
[16:36] xxx: no, no any "also"
[16:36] spyder: xxx: secrets?
[16:36] xxx: close enough
[16:36] xxx: in general, spyder, these transmitters are used actively
[16:37] xxx: what exactly transmit - we do not know
Q: Matching players in turn-based multiplayer game

BartI'm working on a turn-based multiplayer game for iOS using Cocos2D and trying to come up with the best way to match players. I'm using Stackmob as my backend. I figured that whenever a player wants to play against a random opponent , I'll first check if there are any open games that require a se...

For the Emperor!
@spyder Are these yours?
@5pike Unfortunately, no. But I have figures like this, I can try to convert it
@5pike Pretty random thing that.
@Arperum Some kid got bored, I guess.
@5pike I don't know what the times for school holidays are in other countries, but Belgium is still going until the end of august. So it's very possible.
@Arperum Austria is the same
School vacations just ended last week here. It's easy to notice too, I lost over an hour in car accident induced traffic jams on both days of this week so far.
I'm leaving 10-15 minutes later for work then during school.
For a trip that is 30-35 minutes during the holidays.
@OrigamiRobot We march for Macragge! And we shall know no fear!
@StrixVaria lol
@fredley Saw it on kotaku - freaking amazing
Q: How can I use the Steam app to download a game I already own?

Dave McClellandOn the few occasions where I have bought a game on Steam from my mobile phone, the app gave me the option to start downloading and installing the game on my desktop. What I don't see, however, is any way to start downloading a game that I previously bought (in this case, a preorder for Saints Row...

I am so ready to get off work
Hell officially frozen over
@FEichinger The cynical part of me says they'd never have launched this along with SimCity.
I'm not sure how Steam's complete lack of returns isn't breaking some laws in some countries
@fbueckert Considering they were actively and vociferously refusing refunds at the time, yeah
Even Google Play allows that, even if it's completely stupid 15 minutes
What's the policy on ARG apps? Are they considered games and therefore able to have questions asked of them? Where's the line drawn on these sorts of things?
The 24 hour period they used to have was much better
@PrivatePansy Well, technically in a lot of countries there is no requirement to allow a refund after a product is used (which, more often than not, is already the case when breaking the seal). That said, Steam does offer ways to get a refund, if certain requirements are met.
Said requirements just cover their asses from stupid people who bought the game without doing any research whatsoever and then whine that the game is crap. Well, tough break.
@skovacs1 I would say it depends on the gaminess of it. Ingress is yes, Layer not as much
@FEichinger You pretty much have to get customer support personally, who will deal with it on a case by case basis. Not really a return policy
@FEichinger EA is doing all kind of non-EA things lately.
@fbueckert I haven't read it, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was (going to be) a clause about pre-orders and the like not being covered.
The origin bundle doesn't keep a single cent for EA, and everything to some charity of choice.
@PrivatePansy Why, yes, never said it was a policy. Just ways to get one.
@BenBrocka Okay. I don't know either of those so I'll list similar examples. There was that mass effect tie-in app where you would conquer spots for war assets, and the Darksiders 2 tie-in app where you would "collect souls" - essentially the gaminess of it amounts largely to tapping on a geo-located spot semi-strategically with some kind of timeout and resource management.
Q: How do I obtain the Fishcake?

ScootalooAs the title states, how do I obtain the fishcake? is it still obtainable or will I have to trade for it?

Q: What are the chances of a spy stealing your cities' information?

David TohI understand that in the espionage tab of the game, there are stars next to the your cities and that they refer to the potential that each city has. However, I have more cities with 5-star potential than the number of spies I have (I have 4 spies by the way). Thus, I would like to know how to cal...

> eligible for a refund if we receive your request within the earlier of: (i) seven (7) days from the date of purchase, (ii) seven (7) days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered/pre-purchased or (iii) twenty-four (24) hours after the first time the game is launched or run.
I saw Ittle Dew and Death Rally in that video.
(emphasis mine)
Dammit. Guess I'm getting it.
It's 2:45PM bridge waking up again.
@PrivatePansy Colour me surprised.
@skovacs1 That mass effect thing wasn't really ARG was it? More like a mini-game
@BenBrocka true, but the resource management and general mechanics of it seems to share similarities to the one I'm looking at right now which is an ARG.
@FEichinger I don't get this "MS sets the price but you pick the price you "sell" it to them at" thing. Do devs get a 70/30 split of the final retail price or the "price" they give microsoft?
Mar 13 at 15:23, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert Every time someone quotes a wiki page and says "emphasis mine" I die a little inside.
replace "wiki page" with "TOS" or w/e that is
@OrigamiRobot I was actually going to try and pre-empt you on this.
Emphasis mine:
> Every time someone quotes a wiki page and says "emphasis mine" I die a little inside.
@Wipqozn That is actually a valid use so I don't care.
@OrigamiRobot emphasis mine
@BenBrocka I have no idea, it might as well mean that Microsoft gets to determine their own cut completely on their own.
@BenBrocka Probably more like an actual retail store.
You "sell" it to Microsoft for a certain dollar amount per copy.
And they can sell it for whatever price they feel like.
@GnomeSlice Hey, good for them.
How many did they sell?
@RedRiderX It hasn't been featured yet, but that's a post from the dev on my suggestion thread. So it sounds like he's interested in getting it on IGS.
Which means it may be featured at some point in the future.
@PrivatePansy So if you preorder 8 days early, and the delivered game doesn't work or whatever, it sounds like you're screwed.
@fbueckert That does very much open the gate to Microsoft price bullying, though. "I'm sorry, but we can only sell it for 60 bucks, if you want us to pay more than 20 for that." Which is a fine line with PR, but on the console Indie market? That could actually work. :/
@Sterno I believe it's 7 days from the launch date
@Sterno No. You'll still have 7 days after the launch date.
Yes? No? Anybody?
I'm confused why. Doesn't it say the earlier of those dates? Wouldn't the earliest date be the one that's 7 days after your preorder (and thus, your "purchase")?

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