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Has anyone here ever actually seen a booster pack drop?
I have all the in-game drops from about half of my trading-card-enabled games, and I have yet to see any boosters.
@Brant I got a Fallen Enchantress booster pack.
The game that nobody plays except for me, apparently.
So I used it since probably nobody was going to buy it.
I think your chances of getting a booster pack are higher if you play an unpopular game.
@Brant I've gotten two, one for FTL and one for Surgeon Simulator.
The Steam forums for Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny are pretty fun to read.
@brant I've gotten 2; what game is that?
A: Is it possible to transfer a non-Steam Skyrim save to a new Steam installation?

happy_soilAs long as you place it in the correct folder, yes. You can learn about the locations for the save folders for Windows XP and 7 here.

@badp System Shock 2
Can you please confirm this q is indeed piracy related?
@Brant aww I don't rememeber that quote.
@badp I don't think it is.
@Brant I agree.
@badp Even if there is no non-steam version, he might not have realized that
While the retail version of Skyrim may integrate with Steam in the same way that the Steam version does, a lot of people really have trouble understanding this, and not just for Skyrim.
...then the question should be worded accordingly to specify "boxed" rather than no-steam
Right. Physical vs digital.
@badp Whether it's a boxed version or not doesn't make a difference though.
Maybe. I mean, if you read the whole question, he talks about installing from a CD. He's at least pretending it's a legit copy he bought.
Physical PC games now are literally Steam backups placed on discs with a product key in the box.
also I'm not sure how you can't know you're playing the steam version when you get a big fat steam dialogue in your face at setup and at every game launch
"Non-Steam" is a somewhat adequate description for the retail version if you take what @Brant said into account.
@Ullallulloo "I had a disc I installed from, and I now have a digital locker version. I want to move my saves." This is how I read it.
I guess what I'm saying is that I think the issue is more likely that the user is confused than he's trying to mask pirating.
@Sterno That's possible.
And what @Coronus said.
But the question would be the same if you just asked "Can I transfer my Skyrim saves?"
It seems highly likely to me that the DVD version lets you install whereverthefuck, and the STeam version does it's Steam thing
I find it unlikely. It wouldn't be our first "Do pirated saves load on legit copies?" question
@Ullallulloo Unless Steam stores the saves somewhere differently than the boxed copy.
2 mins ago, by Ullallulloo
Physical PC games now are literally Steam backups placed on discs with a product key in the box.
Then they have a graphical wrapper around the backup restorer thing.
@Ullallulloo I don't know, man. It's been years since I bought a boxed game.
I'd rather assume good faith on the part of the asker and fix the question if possible, rather than go "Ahh, probably piracy, GTFO"
again, ^
The question, as it is written, asks for a version of the game (without the Steam DRM) that is only available through piracy. If you wrote non-Steam but meant "boxed" please edit your question accordingly :) — badp 30 secs ago
@coronus They are the same game
I mean, maybe close as dupe of gaming.stackexchange.com/q/36202/3062 and be done with it
@Sterno I agree. I was largely waiting for him to clarify, but he hasn't yet.
(not really a dupe though, just closely related)
I'm just saying that the boxed version is an unnecessary detail.
I'm going to go play some games instead of talking about games. :)
@Sterno It would solve the issue though.
Q: Where are save files located?

wontonSince Steam Cloud support isn't implemented yet, we still have to move the save file around if we move computers, so where are they located?

Q: Shield destruction order

AlokWhen multiple shields are deployed on a portal, does the order of deployment or slot position affect which one gets destroyed first? e.g. if a VR is placed before a C, would that have a higher chance to disintegrate earlier vs having the C placed first? Note that Does the order of Portal Shields...

@Lazers Oh, hey, I forgot I bought that! I should install it!
@Sterno don't forget that SteamPipe games such as - I guess - Skyrim can be installed in libraries located wherever the fuck you want.
I suppose it's a SteamPipe game because workshop support.
I don't even know what SteamPipe is, so I guess I haven't forgotten it so much as never knew it
Also, Skyrim supports Steam cloud, although I guess he made another Steam account?
@ull we're stretching this really far
I mean he still could've bought the cd for $5 from a friend.
...with a little extra files in it.
Ugh, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey waaaay too much.
Are there any other games where you have to map dungeons yourself rather than having some kind of automapper?
It's more plausible than buying the same game twice on two different steam accounts because you didn't realize what the Steam - Launching Skyrim dialogue you get every time you launch the game is for... or the big huge Login to Steam message he got on Setup.
I just got a bug report from IE9. I thought they'd all been upgraded to IE10...
Or he installed it from DVD, which didn't (or he didn't realize) go through Steam, and now he wants to install from Steam instead of the DVD and transfer his saves
Oh, he says he bought it again.
Still, I've done that. :)
I think I own Baldur's Gate 2 about 4 different ways :P
Q: How to emulate XInput device with DirectInput gamepad?

derickeI'm trying to get a Logitech Dual Action controller to work with Bastion, on Ubuntu 13.04. From what I've gathered, Bastion is only compatible with XInput devices, and my controller only supports DirectInput. In fact, the game will recognize most of the buttons except for button 7 (left trigger) ...

@ashleynunn HOW DARE YOU try to pin this on me.
These are native Canadian Germs.
They infected me in Canada.
Do any of you guys have Delve Deeper on Steam?
It's really sad that I have to check my Steam Library and don't just know the answer to that.
Congrats! You are now ready to open a business in Brooklyn.
Case in Point:
@LessPop_MoreFizz For a second, I read that as "BEAR IS CULTURE".
Frig, I can't figure out why this keeps crashing to desktop
So... I pre-ordered Pikmin 3.
People are so productive
Is that a plate or clock?
I think it's a plate
With a hole cut in it
Sorta looks like a clock, I think. Those black bars look like clock hands.
Not in the larger image
It'd be easier to balance a paper plate though.
@BenBrocka I need you to convince @RavenDreamer to get Skullgirls on Steam. <_<
@GnomeSlice I kinda want to construct a mini One-Ring out of a sticky-note, and fire it at the the tower using a Nerf gun.
@TrentHawkins ...why?
Is that what happens in the book or something, because I never read them
Or saw the last movie
@GnomeSlice ಠ_ಠ
I'm sorta interested in Skullgirls, but I've never been big on fighting games.
@GnomeSlice Not sure if it was How It Should Have Ended, Robot Chicken, or some other thing, but I distinctly recall some parody bit where they load the ring into a catapult and fire it into the volcano (and right through the Eye of Sauron).
@Yawus It's a straight up fighting game.
More to the point, I've never been good at fighting games.
I think the only time I could reliably beat someone was with one of the Tekken games where you had that one guy who could sweep the entire stage with lazer eye beams.
It was pretty cheap.
This has probably been posted a billion times before:
user image
@Yawus hahahah what
I just found it randomly.
Ok. Now, to lift a Kethane miner, and start mining those deposits I found.
@fbueckert ?
@Yawus KSP.
I feel like I'm not smart enough to play that game.
@Yawus It teaches rocket science pretty organically.
@fbueckert I can send you a rocket that will lift nearly anything. :P
@TrentHawkins Nah, I've got my own style.
I go for elegance, rather than brute force.
@TrentHawkins pick me, pick me
Agh... should I pre-order The Bureau?
@fbueckert What's not elegant about 36 large solid boosters around a mainsail?!!
@TrentHawkins Exactly that.
@TrentHawkins The fact that you don't have 40 large solid boosters.
@Yawus you raise a good point... hmm... back to the drawing board!
Play The Walking Dead for an hour, make $1. Thanks Steam!
Hell, throw in 2 more sails.
I'm wondering if I can maybe attach a rover to this thing while I'm at it. Hmm...
That would drastically change the shape of the ship
@fbueckert I sent a moon rover into orbit around the sun by mistake
I'm not going to be trying that again soon
Makeshift sun rover, go!
@Yawus Oh it's thousands of miles from every approaching the sun
millions, actually
I believe I will need multiple launches and KAS to do this properly.
For some reason, I thought of this:
If I do get KSP, I need to do that.
I wish KSP had an easy mode for people like me who don't have the intelligence or patience to go anywhere with it
@Sterno I hope you plan on finishing the game! D: Unless you have already. In which case, yay!
Hopefully KAS works in the latest version.
@GnomeSlice And me... "Oh hey! I made it to orbit! ...now what? And how do I go about doing that?"
@Fluttershy I got to mid episode 3 last November. Just started up again and am a few chapters into ep 4. I plan to finish. Probably. But I planned to finish last November, too :)
Wee! 10 upvotes on our favorite troll's "ragequit"
This is probably the most advanced thing I've been able to do so far.
And the last update wiped the save
@Sterno You're so close!
...Why was that flagged?
@fbueckert Probably because it's kind of rude? I dunno.
Why should people be upvoting it anyway
@fbueckert where?
You don't have to rub it in his/our faces =[
@GnomeSlice Because it's an answer?
Q: The state of this website

NoneOfYourBusinessI am referring to this after my opinion was deleted from a meta post: @NoneOfYourBusiness I flagged it. I'm not afraid to say it. I found it rude, offensive to people with disabilities, and it didn't add anything constructive to the argument (other than the fact you thought Seven's sugg...

Awesome, I'm mentioned!
...Question is, how the hell do I build a lander so I can release a rover?
@fbueckert Skycrane
Put it on the nose with a small set of radial rockets to lift it off the top of the lander
@GnomeSlice That's a rover and lander in one. I need enough lift to drop some heavy equipment, so that won't work.
I need to figure out how to attack a rover to my lander stage, without sacrificing the ability to land.
@fbueckert I'm pretty sure the way I suggested it would work
@GnomeSlice ...It may. I'll have to try it and see.
One sec, let me get you a screen
/pokes head into room
cc @fbueckert
@WendiKidd Hi
@WorldEngineer I came here because you told me to, but you don't seem to be here ;)
I... don't know what this question is asking:
@Ullallulloo Hi! :) How are you?
@GnomeSlice I have to make it bigger, because it need to do stuff beyond just drive around.

user53014The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software

@WendiKidd I'm good. :) How are you?
@Yawus T_T
oh I'm here
@Yawus haha wow. Sounds like a copy paste of a tutorial to me
I'm just invisible sometimes
@Ullallulloo I'm great, thanks :)
@Yawus NOYB?
@WorldEngineer INVISIBLE WOLRD? That can't be good ;)
It's not even phrased as a question...
@Ullallulloo Huh?
Q: The state of this website

NoneOfYourBusinessI am referring to this after my opinion was deleted from a meta post: @NoneOfYourBusiness I flagged it. I'm not afraid to say it. I found it rude, offensive to people with disabilities, and it didn't add anything constructive to the argument (other than the fact you thought Seven's sugg...

@Ullallulloo Doubt it.
Guy that just rage quit because people got mad when he said that blind people don't play video games so we don't need to cater to screen reading software..
@fbueckert Yeah. I doubt it. It doesn't sound coherent enough be a proper attempt at trolling.
@fbueckert I was mostly joking.
I think it was pretty lame for people to flag the "Blind people can't play video games" comment.
Blind people can play video games...
You don't flag things because they're incorrect.
@Sterno You flag them if they're offensive, though.
There's a pretty weak case for "offensive" there
@James ಠ_ಠ
@Ullallulloo What What What??
He made a generalization about blind people, and therefore it's offensive?
Generalizations do tend to be offensive to the people that are being generalized.
@Sterno Generalizing any group runs the risk that someone will find it offensive. \
Hmm, twelfth doctor will be revealed on Sunday... interesting
LOL @WorldEngineer you read my mind
@WendiKidd I'm pretty sure none of the people who flagged it were blind.
@Ullallulloo Did you want something?
We make generalizations about newbies all the time in here.
@Ktash !!!!! I don't know if I'm excited or afraid. bites nails
Better start flagging all those as offensive.
All right.
@Sterno Eh, I didn't mean to argue over it. I don't want to start a fight on my first time here xD
@Sterno No, what was offensive was that he argued that web usability and being sensitive to people with disabilities is pointless because of [grossly incorrect stereotype].
@WendiKidd Starting a fight here is tradition
@WendiKidd That's what The Bridge is for!
I'm sorry but "Blind people don't play video games" is just as offensive as "Girls don't play video games" or "Black people don't play video games".
Bridges are for fighting. How many epic fight scenes take place on bridges? Gandalf vs. Balrog comes to mind.
@WorldEngineer LOL, not another room like that! When people argue in the ELU chatroom I post pictures of kittens to try and stop it, and when that inevitably fails I run xD
@Ullallulloo My name on Steam is Crysyn
@WendiKidd This room will have multiple concurrent fights every now and then
it's like a bar
@LessPop_MoreFizz I disagree that the degree of offensiveness is the same, but clearly I'm in the minority here AND it's bedtime.
@Ullallulloo ... wow.
@James Oh, right.
run by a Muppet and his assorted associates
Sorry. :P :X
@WorldEngineer haha. okay well I will hide and/or ignore them then. Also, wow. Not to insult the decor, but the bright yellow color that pings are highlighted in in this room is blindlingly awful
@WendiKidd you get used to it.
@WendiKidd It's more of a Saffron color on my mac, tbqh.
I work at Georgia Tech
@WorldEngineer /longs for the shiny pink of the TL
Q: Merge Request: [xbox-controller] -> [controllers]

RobotnikAn xbox controller is a controller (obviously), but also: Most questions under xbox-controller have the controllers tag as well. Any questions specific to the xbox controller already specify this in the Title/Question body.

@Ullallulloo Haha, Np man.. I have no idea who that is.. I do not invite people, I am not friendly :D
so I'm used to yellow
@WorldEngineer haha. my elementary school had a goldish color that was similar. I don't know that I ever got used to it though ;)
@James I don't think I've ever seen him before. His profile's private.
@Ktash do you have a link for this? will it be on the BBC website?
@WendiKidd Dad and Uncle are Tech Alums
@WendiKidd BBCA Sunday at 2pm EST (if you're in the states)
@Ktash Oooo~ I need to quickly finish up Series 7 then.
Actually, I need to find out if I get BBC America...
@Ktash Matt Smith is the 12th Doctor
@OrigamiRobot Matt is 11

user53014The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software

@Ktash Nope, he is 12
@OrigamiRobot depends on the theory you buy into
Ahhhhhh, really conflicted on whether to get The Bureau.
Eccelston is 10 and Tennant is 11
@OrigamiRobot [needs citation]
@WorldEngineer Not really.
Also, theoretically, he is more than 12
There is mention of incarnations before "1"
but, canon wise, 12 is tbr
@Ktash He is 12 as far as we know.
@OrigamiRobot Nope, the other guy was SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER so they SPOILER SPOILER, so he doesn't count.
Or at least, that's how I reckon it.
@Yawus It's old enough to not worry about spoiling people.
@OrigamiRobot If it is older than 7, yeah
@Ktash but but but.... It says 7pm UK, simulcast in america. That's 1pm for me. And at 1pm my TV guide shows they're replaying a doctor who marathon, specifically "The Eleventh Hour" at that time. What gives??
@WendiKidd It was so that the tv guide didn't spoil the announce for it
it will be at that time
@WendiKidd Is 1p at the tail-end of that marathon?
If so, it's most likely going to be the reveal.
@Yawus No it's in the middle! The marathon starts at 10am and ends at 6pm. It's completely random episodes
Ah, maybe not random. Seems to be The End of Time + beginning of season 5. Still!
Nothing about the announcement
Eh, if the reveal isn't going to be a whole episode, then they're most likely just going to do a mid-marathon by-the-way-news-for-Doctor-Who-fans sort of thing.
Must I tape them all? lol
@spugsley ahoy
@spugsley Hihi!
@Yawus Lame, I want to see the whole episode with the interviews with Matt Smith and Steven Moffat and the new guy. Ah well, I suppose it'll be on the internet at some point
@spugsley Lantern + Cave = <3
@WendiKidd Well, they might do that. I can't say for sure since I'm not a TV exec or anything.
@Yawus Well the article says they're doing that: bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/…
But my TV says NOT FOR U
@WorldEngineer OMG I KNOW RIGHT! I hit 10k views yes TEN THOUSAND from that picture today.
Thanks Explore!!!!
News about the new Doctor is really big news so they probably didn't want to give hints before the official (read: BBC UK) go-ahead.
@Ktash ahh I see. thanks. :D
@spugsley Also, you've lost weight
@WorldEngineer I don't think so :/
I think it's just a really good angel
@spugsley maybe
I had my camera pointed up instead of straight on
@spugsley How does that compare to other pictures you've posted?
@StrixVaria I usually average 600 per day :3
@spugsley Wow, then 10k is ridiculously awesome.
I mean 10k isn't anything to sneeze at anyway.
I don't even understand the expression I just used.
yeah. The highest I've ever been before now is 1500 so yeah I'm freaking happy
@StrixVaria :p
@WorldEngineer What is this?
@Yawus Spugley's latest photo, link to flickr in her profile
Not the kind of gear I'd be wearing for a spelunking adventure, but pretties~
@spugsley Wow, that is an amazing photo
@Yawus :D Yeah it's definitely less about practicality and more about pretty :3
Makes me want to go hiking in the nearby woods now.
@WendiKidd thanks!
But I probably shouldn't considering how dark it is right now.
yeeeah maybe do it tomorrow :p
I have to upload for today and I'm kind of really anxious that I will never ever top that shot .
and by "kinda really" I mean I definitely had a panic attack about it today. Yay GAD
@spugsley It's pretty amazing. I feel like I'm in a fantasy novel about to explore something magical :) I was going to make it my desktop background (I do that when I find the newest shiny picture I like) but it wouldn't let me. Point is, you did good :)
Hmm... I originally started wearing bow ties just because I'm a Doctor Who fan, but now I'm really starting to like the look.
@WendiKidd here, I'll get you one you can use. Give me a sec. I have my images protected
@spugsley oooh, yay! :D awesome. you should totally write the fantasy book that goes with the pic now xD
Not to mention the fact that I don't have to take off my tie or sweep it over my shoulder when I'm eating.
@Yawus Bowties are cool! Do you also have a stetson and a fez? ;)
@WendiKidd I'm a Texan, of course I have a Stetson.
Working on the fez, however.
I did get a deerstalker while I was in London, does that count?
@spugsley yay! <3 thank you :D
It should, under 'quirky-hats-that-nobody-wears-anymore'.
@Yawus I'm a texan too, but I didn't own any hats until my SE mod hat came in the mail yesterday xD
@WendiKidd Curse my TF2-borne-hat-philia, I want an SE mod hat now...
Ok, I think I got my rover built, now to add the mining component to the lander.
Seriously, how are there no thesaurus entries for "harrumph"?
@spyder And a good evening to you as well, good sir.
Or madam.
@WendiKidd Wait, mods get hats?
@Yawus You are so kind, sir.
@Yawus get elected and you can haz one! :D
@Ullallulloo yup, we just started getting them in the mail yesterday
I need to take a picture of the Doctor Who merchandise I got in London and post it on the webz.
see here moderators.stackexchange.com (scroll down a bit)
Or at least one social networking site.
Or in chat!
Oh yeah, I have one that I definitely need to post by itself.
@Krazer :D So pretty! It's a modapalooza in here ;)
@WendiKidd I prefer to call it a "blue streak"
Better than the bright yellow
@Krazer nice
Hmm... I need to remove that price tag. Carefully.
Look in the lower left-hand corner.
Hm. I think I may have found a rather strange dupe bug, but I don't know what's causing it...
(in Skyrim, that is)
Q: Kerbin Stationary Orbit

CoomieIn Kerbal Space Program, I put up 3 geostationary "GPS" satellites. I spaced them evenly around Kerbin, around 120 degrees apart. They're all at the same (KSO) altitude and within 0.1 m/s speed, but after a few years of gameplay they're bunching up. How can I get multiple satellites in KSO witho...

Q: Is it possible to set a custom resolution (window size) in Dark Souls?

ArianeI'm playing Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition and I'm having a bit of an annoyance. I always play my games, if possible, in a custom resolution (in my case 1900 x 1000), so that the game's window almost takes my whole screen, but there is room for its title bar and Windows' taskbar. I tried to ...

Q: Best team fortress 2 hat?

SparkzWhat is the best hat in tf2? I have lots of hats but I don't quite like them. WHAT SHOULD I DO!?

Nice easter egg:
Wait, that's not a Sectopod, that's an XCOM squad.
@Brant the mech is vaguely Sectopod like
@Brant yep. This is "Brave New World" addon
I really ought to start playing Civ V some time. I've always been perfectly satisfied with Civ IV, though (as I keep saying to anyone who will listen).
I need to play with more Civ V mods.
@Yawus XCOM squad added in "Brave New World"
@spyder Yeah, I'm not going to pick that up until another sale.
@spyder Speaking of XCOM, should I pre-order The Bureau?
You shouldn't preorder anything because there's always the chance it'll be crap.
@Yawus I do not know. I pre-order Europa Universalis IV already and I do not have much money to spend.
@Brant Eh, I pre-ordered Pikmin 3 without a second thought. I regret nothing.
Review embargos usually drop the day of release, so you can still get the bonuses.
Also, I'm sure you're aware of this but I always want to warn people: The Bureau is a third-person tactical shooter, not a top-down turn-based strategy like Enemy Unknown
Spec Ops: The Line is tempting as well. I usually don't like shooters too much, but I've heard good things about the story.
Blah blah something something blasphemy they changed it now it sucks etc
I'm glad that I didn't pre-order Company of Heroes 2. This is not a game, it is a propaganda bullshit.
There's so many parts here, the VAB is stuttering.
@Brant Oh yeah, I know that. There was a big hubbub about it so they had to change the title.
I bought SO:TL a while back and played the first mission… It was Generic Cover-Based Military Shooter #246 and I was completely turned off. But someone told me later that that's the point.
Not that it's motivated me to give the game a second chance or anything.
@fbueckert Needs more rockets.
@Brant Yeah, I wouldn't like it if The Bureau ended up your typical third-person shooter, a la Gears of War. Hopefully, they added in some XCOM stuff, like classes and harvesting alien tech.
@OrigamiRobot That should hopefully be enough to not only GET me to Mun, but land, and drop a rover, too.
I can see that you get alien weapons, but I wonder whether that acquisition is story-driven or you have some sort of in-between mission hub where you can research that.
I read a preview in PC Gamer that said that there was almost no between-missions metagame stuff at all, which kind of sealed the deal for me
@Brant Ugh.
@fbueckert Always needs more rockets.
Finding link.
@spyder Clarify?
Page 2:
> Absent from The Bureau is any base-building, research trees, economic management, or equipment manufacturing. On the surface, that’s disappointing, but I actually think it’s foolish to suggest that The Bureau would be a better game if it mimed Enemy Unknown. Shoehorning in some sort of XCOM Council mechanic, for example, wouldn’t have made sense in the context of a mysterious, shocking attack on the United States–why wouldn’t the USA give XCOM a blank check to prevent our extinction?
Which is a valid point, but still, Ugh.
The last part is a valid point. The first part? Not so much.
I would've liked research trees at the very least.
Oh jeez, no weapon progression?
Yeah, not pre-ordering...
@WorldEngineer German army shows as a sweet, kind and fluffy, and the Soviet army, on the contrary, only as a cruel, evil, and consists only of commissars and penal battalions.
This is nonsense
@spyder hmm

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