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@AshleyNunn (๑•ω•́ฅ✧
@Krazer I have a strange cat. I love him but he is weird.)
@AshleyNunn I feel the same about my cat :p
even my vet says my cat is weird
@AshleyNunn how so?
and pix pls
@Krazer he is allergic to the tartar in his mouth so if I dont keep his teeth clean his mouth rejects them, and he also has a weird thing with his tail where he keeps it curled always
@AshleyNunn that second part sounds AWESOME
@Krazer Let me see if I have a good picture of it someplace
@AshleyNunn (ฅ’ω’ฅ)
I took a couple :D Let me just upload them :D
That's my kitty
@AshleyNunn ❤(´ω`*)
@AshleyNunn the eccentric curvature of the tail is a bit troublesome to discern
@Krazer Yeah, it is hard to see until he is standing, but that is hard to get a picture of
@AshleyNunn I shall patiently await the moment it arrives~
however long it might that
This shows it better
Q: Blademail damage return type

Ulfric StormcloakWhat is the damage return type of blademail? Does it matches the type of the damage source or has a fixed damage type(chaos,hero, magical or pure)?

Q: max level in skyrim

smitty69In Skyrim, is there a way to fully max up your character in all of the skills? Apparantly theres the level cap but ive never been able to find out what it is or how to use it. so if there is an easy way to level my character to the max level please answer.

In Sales News: Payday is going on Community's Choice sale at -75%.
I wanted the trine 2 thing :(
I hope that the daily deals of tonight are good, I only bought a couple games this sale and I'm leaving tommorrow.
I have spent $109.45
I have spent €12 or something around that for endless space, the other thing I bought was with money from cards. and that doesn't count.
I think i only bought 1 gift, 3 games and rest is spent on DLC
In Sales News: New Flash Sales: Company of Heroes (-50%), Deadlight (-50%), Forge (-50%), Prototype 2 (-25%)
In Sales News: New Community's Choice vote: Dragon Age Origins (-70%), Bully Scholarship Edition (-75%), Wargame European Escalation (-75%)
@Blem That's a lot of DLC
Yea, im thinking I forgot a game
store.steampowered.com/account should give you your transaction history
yea, kerbal space program, dark sector and Fallout:NV
then i bought football manager 2013 as a gift
then all the missing BL2 DLC and the 3 packs for warframe, guess it adds up
Q: Going for Religious Dominance in Civilisation 5: Gods and Kings

JimmeryIve played Civ 5: Gods and Kings many times now, and I'm interested in playing a game where I can get religious dominance. Can anyone suggest strategies in order to dominate the world with your own religion? Ways of spreading it faster and further, and potentially useful religious beliefs that I...

Now how on Earth did that happen?
@FEichinger Upvotes of course.
Hey guys. What day is it?
@tombull89 The day before I leave for a festival. the rest doesn't matter.
@tombull89 Don't you dare.
Unrelated: You gotta love how people use Humble Bundles as "cheaper deals than Steam sales" ... Blatantly ignoring the fact that it's charity - you're not supposed to pay just 1$, you cheap arse.
@FEichinger I've only bought a single one (not really swimming in money) and payed about 25 euro IIRC
@Arperum Indeed. All that matters to be is it's the day I'm off work.
@Arperum I don't buy any of them because I can't afford paying what I find reasonable.
Q: First game which implemented shift-queue feature

GeoStrikeThis is not a particular game specific question but I think its good for the knowledge purpose to know which game has introduced the concept of shift-queuing. Shift-queue is a feature which a game takes commands from keyboard or mouse while the shift key is on hold and queues the commands and ex...

@tombull89 I'm not :( but next week is a full week of music, river, mountains, music and fun (and drunk and/or crazy people).
A: How can I tell if a Steam game syncs my saved games to the Steam Cloud?

LordMahooIIILets face it though guys, the steam customer support is pathetic for a multi national company. And the problem is we can't even complain because there is barely any customer support! Unless someone somehow gets the message across to them that they need customer support we're going to keep on havi...

the depth, we meet again
But what about the other two dimensions?
Q: code words and abbreviations

Young GuiloMy little brother asked a question earlier about acronyms and code terms in Rise of Nations. However people have said that each one should be precise (where did he hear it, why did he hear it, what topic was it on). Should each code term receive it's own question?

Q: Are jack-o-lanterns opaque from monster-spawning point of view?

SF.I'm making a slime farm and since the wiki article comments argue slimes are quite picky when it comes to collisions, I plan "alternative lighting", like embedding the jack-o-lanterns in the spawning floors. Now, can I reasonably expect no common mob can spawn on them due to light level but since...

More people need to play The Swapper.
Q: Will summoning Durnehviir level up Conjuration like I used a Conjuration spell?

galacticninjaThe TES wiki says this about the 'Summon Durnehviir' shout: The shout Summon Durnehviir functions as a conjuration spell unlike Call of Valor. Therefore, if there is already a creature summoned, the shout will replace the summoned creature, also, summoning something else while Durnheviir is s...

@SepiaLazers Why was this downvoted? It's a perfectly acceptable meta question.
@fredley Hacker
@jeffreylin_ Abuse of Markdown is not hacking
Your second ... Is bigger than the first set.
@jeffreylin_ True
YouTube videos never load fast enough for me to actually hear the song whenever I click the link
@PrivatePansy But you hear it in your head, and that's enough
Now I don't trust links from @fredley.
@jeffreylin_ Now?
Rule one: Click no links on a Friday
@fredley yeah...
Rule two: Click no links on a Saturday.
This is my browser and I'll click a link if I want to!
def click(link):
  if datetime.datetime.today().weekday() == 4: return
Look., Garry's mod is on sale.
Hmm, didn't work as intended.
@jeffreylin_ Stop breaking the chat markdown.
Screw you Markdown
@jeffreylin_ Still broken.
@FEichinger Why can't I do it, but @FRedley can?
@jeffreylin_ Because reasons.
Round parenthesis first, rectangular second?
@MartinSojka Nope.
@FAE Can probably chalk the downvotes up to knee-jerk reactions to past sockpuppetry.
Oh, you need the embed link.
@jeffreylin_ now it looks like a proper none-steam link.
No, damn it
[Put what you want to say here.](link here, without line breaks)
@jeffreylin_ http://
That's not a real link. =P
like that
Oh, I forget that SE is stupid and needs the http://
It's not stupid. The URL protocol is important
Www.youtube.com vs YouTube.com
The fact that other sites don't care is stupid.
@jeffreylin_ http =/= www, dear.
@jeffreylin_ (psst don't put anything after the first / aside from an ellipsis)
So many Internet protocol rules...
So many troll links.
@jeffreylin_ No, that has nothing to do with Internet Protocol. :P


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@FEichinger nyeah
@FAE This upsets people?
@jeffreylin_ It lets you faff about without spamming a room and constantly editing replies that cause pings, etc.
It upsets me when people don't use replies >_<
The beauty of mobile chat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Bruegger’s bagels!
Brueggers is garbage.
But then, I am phenomenally spoiled when it comes to bagels.
I've never really eaten them, there's not one where I live. I just heard commercials for them all the time.
(I live up the block from what I am convinced is the best bagel shop in the world. It is a little known hole in the wall and it is magnificent.)
#13: Wegman's is obviously better than any of those other two.
@FAE Aaah, yeah, those are annoying as all hell. (There was a Brueggers up the street from me in Albany).
@LessPop_MoreFizz I had no idea Freihofer’s was local.
@FAE I agree. Though I do give points to Price Chopper's ownership structure/employee policies. Wegmans is so anti union that it is hard to shop there when Price Chopper is next door and so good at it.
> 18. Having a friend with a lake house.
I was that friend!
hahaha garbage plate
Pating text is causing system to crash
that is not good
I do love mini golf. <_<
@FAE So, you're devil incarnate then?
A: When asking about acronyms, should each acronym be in its own question?

LessPop_MoreFizzIs it acceptable to do this? Strictly speaking, it's within the rules, yes, and not worthy of closure. That said, I downvoted both questions, and I did it for a reason; Word salad list questions like this, with no context, no content, are a pretty perfect example of not showing research effort,...

@FEichinger Most of my family golfs. My parents even owned a driving range for a while and I worked there. I also worked at another golf course.
> 32. Getting drunk in someone’s basement.
Guilty. Oh high school.
@FAE I kinda want your life.
@FEichinger Yeah, working at a driving range is not that fun man, it's a lot of work! Also I can rattle off over half a dozen golf ball brands off the top of my head.
> 38. Judging people based on which SUNY school they go to.
Hahaha, oh so true
> 45. Buying your produce from vegetable stands in the summer.
@FAE Sure as hell beats working in IT like that.
Yeeeees! We'd buy from the Amish in our area most of the time.
@FAE had I known you loved mini golf, we totally would've gone and played when you were here. o_o
@Fluttershy It was also like, December.
@FAE It's never too cold for mini golf.
@FEichinger It took hours to mow the range, and first you'd have to pick up all the golf balls with the tractor and such, and then if someone came along while you were mowing, you'd have to start all over. :| It was kind of relaxing though, I could just zone out and listen to music while mowing/driving the tractor.
Nothing worse than driving the ball tractor at a crowded driving range.
The instant you get onto the field, every single person hitting balls instantly makes hitting you their only objective.
@jeffreylin_ Yes, that's what everyone ever does who tries out the Sandbox for the first time. :P
@FEichinger what do they do next?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, we didn't have a cage either (low population area, so we didn't get enough traffic to warrant it) so if someone came along, one of my parents would blow an air horn to get my attention and then hope that I was able to get to the side before jerks started aiming for me.
@FEichinger Am I missing a joke in your comment on LessPop's answer? <_< It has nothing about cats in it.
@jeffreylin_ Try out if an image indented like that can break the sidebar.
Am I the new kalina when it comes to getting messages starred?
@Fluttershy Psh! He just ninja edited it.
@Fluttershy Yes.
@FEichinger Oh. Ha! I didn't even see it was edited.
Now you have to delete every message of yours that was ever starred.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They didn't always wait, but then they'd get yelled at by my dad, who worked as a Corrections Officer for 25+ years and is kind of protective of his daughters.
No can do, chief. Mobile chat can only delete the most recent message.
@Fluttershy Well, I updated my comment. :P
@Fluttershy Sucks to be you, then, I guess.
Mobile chat also can't reply!
(cc: @OrigamiRobot)
Good morning, Bridge
Fun fact: For the areas where you had to pick up golf balls by hand, you'd use a bag with a tube coming out from the bottom of it so you wouldn't have to bend over all the time. This is called a golf ball shagger, so if we had to do that, we'd say we were "going out to shag balls".
They look like that.
That ... That's just plain weird. In so many ways.
... TIL.
@flackbot hi
Hm.. Only works on the sandbox
@FAE Did you shag balls often?
@Fluttershy Pretty much every day!
@Fluttershy That was too easy
Sometimes several times a day.
So... Would it be safe to say you are an expert when it comes to shagging balls? >_>
The green in the middle was raised, so we couldn't use the tractor then. It required a manual job.
Yeah. This is way too easy.
But seriously... Why would they call it that? O_o
And this, folks, is why you keep your playlists separate.
@Fluttershy No idea.
@FAE Your driving range had a green in it? :o Fancy!
We had a special table for sorting golf balls too.
Ladies and gentlemen, your facedesk of the day:
Q: It's only your opinion because you don't know the answer

IanI've had this problem a few times and it is becoming noisome. One form is: A question is asked, readers do not know the answer and because of the type of question, invoke the "It's a matter of opinion" clause and mark it down/mark it for close. The example which prompted this was my question...

@Fluttershy In the middle, just to aim to.
@FAE Neat! None of the ranges around here have that, I don't think. Just a lot of grass and signs.
@Fluttershy We had a small chipping green too around front.
In baseball, shagging is the act of catching fly balls in the outfield outside the context of an actual baseball game. This is most commonly done by pitchers during batting practice before the ball game, where they assist their hitting teammates by catching or picking up their batted baseballs and throwing them back to the pitching area in the infield. Batboys also help shagging baseballs, and it is reportedly considered a great honor among batboys to be asked to do this. This pre-game activity is widely disliked by pitchers, who argue that it does not benefit them at all, since it drain...
Presumably that's why.
Shagging refers to, essentially, going to get balls and throwing them back.
@Fluttershy "The baseball verb meaning "to catch" (fly balls) is attested from 1913, of uncertain origin or connection to other senses of the word." Even the Etymology Online Dictionary basically shrugs and says "Well ... no idea. Your guess is as good as mine."
@Fluttershy If you want another easy one, given how many golf balls I've sorted, I've handled thousands of balls in my time. :P
Q: Steam Over University/School Network

GoofBallI recently bought Civilization V: Brave New World and am on a school campus where a proxy server is preventing me from using applications like Steam, and uTorrent. I am not an expert on networks and need a solution to allow me to: 1) Update my Steam client (trying to do this on the network throw...

@FAE nah. I already knew that part. =P
@Fluttershy I stand by everything I said.
Anyway, boring driving range talk aside now, I'm going to shut my PC down now because it's getting too warm in the living room, later all.
@Fluttershy Episode 2 is way better than Episode 1 so far.
I am pissed that I am at work instead of finishing it.
I also may need to play through this entire game again at some point.
Q: Steam Over University/School Network

GoofBallI recently bought Civilization V: Brave New World and am on a school campus where a proxy server is preventing me from using applications like Steam, and uTorrent. I am not an expert on networks and need a solution to allow me to: 1) Update my Steam client (trying to do this on the network throw...

Q: What is the best way to make a minecraft skin?

Benedict PinpinThe only I have found is by using Skincraft. Is there any other way to make one.

Q: I did the puzzle in the wrong order on the island

txbilboI blew up the powder kegs and opened the mechanical door before I brought the boat into the cave. Now, it appears that I am stuck and there is no other way to get the boat to the other side of the island. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this without having to start the game over?

@Lazers "Help me deliberately circumvent my school's network security!"
Solution: "Connect to a different network."
Also, doesn't Steam have an offline mode?
Ah, right. The guy wants the online stuff as well.
May I (shamelessly) direct you to the following question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/84612/…
Easy +60 (or more!) guaranteed :)
@MadaraUchiha That seems primarily opinion based.
@fbueckert Not really
The question is whether the story lines are connected enough that there is value with playing the first game.
If TL2 relies on the story from TL1, the answer is yes, if not the answer is not.
Torchlight has a story that's worth paying attention to in any way?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dunno, that's what I'm asking.
I thought the Torchlight story was roughly analogous in depth to the story found in, say, Bad Dudes.
The Torchlight story is: "There's a bad guy doing bad things. Kill him I guess."
user image
(This is the entire story of Bad Dudes, FYI).
@StrixVaria Or don't. You know, whatever.
Morning, Bridge
I do think the point of the game is to, uh, kill the bad guys. Negotiation isn't an option, apparently
@SaintWacko And a wonderful morning to you.
@RedRiderX A sleepy morning
@PrivatePansy If they negotiated, it would just encourage other ninjas to kidnap the president, too!
I was at work til midnight last night
We were upgrading a system
@SaintWacko, you poor thing.
@fbueckert Also, what about me?
@SaintWacko You are one bad dude.
@RedRiderX Ikr
Were there any ninjas involved?
There's always ninjas involved.
Even if you don't see them
@ShotgunNinja True.
Especially if you don't see them
@LessPop_MoreFizz Man, I wish I was bad enough of a dude for that.
> But rather than seeing the former hub of North America’s automotive industry picked clean by creditors, Global News puts forth another suggestion: What if Canada just buys Detroit?
> The FBI recorded 15,245 instances of violent crime in Detroit in 2011, including 344 instances of murder and non-negligent manslaughter. For context, that’s more than double the homicide rate for the entire province of Ontario (which had just 161 recorded homicides in 2011).
@Wipqozn The Japanese should... because RoboCop.
@Wipqozn I had no idea that Global was capable of trolling like this. I have a new-found respect for them
I think we should just put Detroit out of it's misery. Like Old Yeller.
@RedRiderX Same here
@Wipqozn A slim sliver of respect, but new-found all the same.
> Something that's always bugged me about Canada is that you don't have a dollar store chain called The Loonie Bin.
It makes so much sense.
Someone get on that.
@Wipqozn A single city has double the homicide rate of an entire province.
I'm thinking Canada doesn't want or need a city with that kind of crime rate.
@fbueckert over double
@Wipqozn Exactly.
Q: Traps sometime stop working in OMD2?

VordrellerI'm playing the "Passages" map on endless with my warmage. I made a killbox, but sometimes there's, like, an electric storm that happens in the killbox and all my traps stop working for a little while. Is this normal?

For all the hand wringing over Detroit being bankrupt, the city is actually in a better place in some ways than New York was in 1979. And, well, NYC has kind of turned things around.
Detroit is scary.
I didn't even realize that a city could declare bankruptcy.
@Wipqozn Neither did I
@Wipqozn The way our province is going, it won't be far behind.
Spend money you don't have and never pay it back. It's the American way!
And apparently Canadian way too!
apparently the largest US city to go bankrupt before Detroit was Stockton, CA in 2012 with $700 million of debt
@Krazer Only because of the special circumstances surrounding the NYC financial crisis at the end of the 70's.
That the city didn't declare bankruptcy was mostly a technicality
@Sterno Our province just upped the PST by 1%, in direct opposition to their election platform, and, indeed, currently illegally.
Read. My. Lips.
@Sterno I told you that ink is toxic and not to write on your lips.
@LessPop_MoreFizz WAT
@OrigamiRobot It should be noted that there have been a dozen shootings within a block of that location in the past year.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's probably haunted.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And it must be stripped of all pipes and wire.
> The internet will never smile when you make it harder to masturbate.
Sentence of the day
@LessPop_MoreFizz The catch is that it's in detroit
And that house's estimated worth is only 33k o.0
8 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@OrigamiRobot It should be noted that there have been a dozen shootings within a block of that location in the past year.
You can get decent homes in foreclosures but there's always a lot of work that needs to be put into them. And like you implied, the neighborhood might not be great either
Shame, looks like it could be a nice old home
@Wipqozn Wouldn't they also acquire detroit's several billion dollars of debt?
@BenBrocka I would assume.
They'd also inherit Detroit, which is problematic.

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