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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@GrumpyLazers Will it rain? That is the question. cue the jingle
Let's make it rain! throws an absurd quantity of snails into the air
@BenBrocka ewww
So apparently Camtasia Studio can't process mp4s nearly as fast as it's own file format. Usually takes 5-10 minutes to process a 30 minute video, now it's taking 30-60 minutes to process 15 minute videos
Waiting is so exciting
Computers: letting you watch progress bars fill up excruciatingly slowly since the 60s
(see also progress wars)
It's usually pretty fast. Also for some reason it's only using 2 cores. I swear it used to use 4, maybe that's only with camrecs
Even nVidia itself can't look at my GPU without saying, "oh god nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope"
@badp: Do the 9000 series have the sudden death syndrome?
also, laptop?
I found a copy of BBC Radio 4's radio drama adaptation of Iain M. Bank's The State of the Art
@JourneymanGeek no and yes.
Oh, good then
And now I feel like uploading it onto YouTube
cause I've lost two 8800s (granted desktops, so they took longer to die) to that
one in interesting ways
A: What explains the garbled message "Start Wandows Ngrmadly" in text mode?

Journeyman GeekYour graphics card is very likely to die soon. Its an old system and you need to replace either the graphics card or the system. I've had a similar thing happen in the past, without further information, its just guesswork though. It happened in both the bios And the windows XP installer T...

totally not repwhoring, but I LOVE Showing off that horrorshow
Mind you, this thing overheats like rabbits in mating season, which is ALL THE TIME, VERY QUICKLY and WITHOUT BOUNDS
cooling pad?
and from day 1
might knock a few degrees off it
@JourneymanGeek Not as much as using the laptop upside down
I have a cheap one that sounds like small helicopters having an orgy
which is what I've been doing for more than a year now
18 minutes left with 38% to go. It is at times like this when I wish I have a symmetrical connection
Futile medical care is the continued provision of medical care or treatment to a patient when there is no reasonable hope of a cure or benefit. This may be in the form of a surgeon operating on a terminal cancer patient or doctors keeping a brain-dead person on life-support machines for reasons other than to procure their organs for donation. It is a sensitive area that often causes conflicts between medical practitioners and patients or kin, who expect everything possible to be done for their loved ones, regardless of the cost or implications for other patients. Proponents of evidence-bas...
@badp: I figure if the piece of junk in question dies, Its already quite old, and we can throw it out with a clean concience ;p
Unless you're a believer in "Thou shalt not kill, yet need not strive officiously to keep alive"
@badp Are you spiderman?
@JourneymanGeek yeah but I'd... like to replace it before it gets to that and I must buy something in a hurry yes?
@badp: What's stopping you? ;p
other than lack of death?
@BenBrocka nope. I do have, however, an external monitor, an external mouse and an external keyboard
I used to do that
@JourneymanGeek Dunno how much liquid cash I'll need to kickstart my Munich adventure
(mainly cause my ideal laptop is tiny, but on a desktop I'd rather have a keyboard I can beat someone to death with, and a screen no less than 20 inches)
(then I got a new desktop ;p)
@JourneymanGeek When the singapore police comes for you, you better have something better than a keyboard... or somebody shooting worse than @YiJ
actually, I picked up a desktop from a dumpster and... sort of... changed everything except the power cord.
I went from
Q: Dead Space 3 saving compatibility

AubergineJust initial warning this is not about piracy.. :-) This is about mechanics of save files in general and as conveniently if the result is positive(or compatible) it will fit into my context. Basically I have save games from Dead Space 3 + DLC from pirated version where I completed the campaigns....

Q: usb storage device

Younes Younessok , so i want to get a new emtec 2.0 16gb USb,but before i buy it , i need to know if , this usb meets the standards of the XBOX 360 requirement ? . here is a picture of the USB https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=requirement&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.d2k&biw=1366&bih=638&pdl=300&um=1

to that
Ok, same speakers but thats not visible ;p
oh, and different mouse, the wireless is my spare
@GrumpyLazers Piracy support.
@GrumpyLazers Shopping rec.
user image
Upload complete
If you have 44 minutes this is a pretty good listen for anyone who's interested in sci-fi
@PrivatePansy I'm youtube-dling it for good measure
@PrivatePansy damn you, I do not have 44min to spare right now!
You can listen to it while doing something else
I need to take a shower...
Holy fuck, the heat wave going on here.
> Tonight: Clearing this evening. Wind southwest 30 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 21.
A low of 21. It barely even gets below room temperature.
Q: Can I safely trample my saplings?

GwenFrom this question we know that flowers can be healed from careless trampling through watering, and that walking over flowers don't hurt them, but does the same apply to saplings? Saplings 'bounce' when you walk over them (similar to flowers), and I don't want to accidentally kill it by running...

Hey, Does anyone think that Counter-Strike 1.6 will go on sale for Steam again during the Summer Sale of 2013?
@avestar101 Probably.
@MBraedley I think my room must be the only comfortable place in nova scotia right now.
I have PJ pants on because my legs are too chilly without them on.
I left a hot but breezy sicily for a not-so-hot but air-still lombardy
the net result is a big loss
@Wipqozn I could go for a drive. A tank of gas would be cheaper than other AC options.
Although I should check the coworker lotto max group buy.
Dammit! I just had an awesome Rogue Legacy run cut short by my computer randomly shutting down...
just invested €.75 in a mysterious card. Hopefully it'll be worth it. Probably it won't.
Hey guys, do you think this question gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/122895/… is "unclear" what they are asking? Based on the recent edits I think its ok.
@Fluttershy overheating. I blame global warming
@MBraedley I have two fans on it at all times. It's not even that hot. It's just a piece of shit.
@SimonL I don't touch LoL questions, unless they are obviously bad.
Thanks for taking a look @MBraedley
I voted to re-open.
It looks fine to me.
Thanks for taking a look Wipqozn
You're welcome. You owe me. I expect your first born son as payment, et cetera.
and now it's re-opened.
Q: How do I improve my chances of getting silk touch when enchanting?

KurleyI'd like to have an item enchanted with silk-touch, but of course the enchants are all random. Is there a combination of enchantment level and item material that would give me the best odds of getting the silk touch enchantment?

All the decent answers are incredibly out of date.
@SimonL go post your answer and delete your comment.
Q: Magic Launcher for 1.6.1 shuts down when I try to get into a server

PaigeOkay so I struggled with Magic Launcher until I realized I had to change the enviroment, minecraft.jar, etc to 1.6.1 (By the way, "Configuration" is set as default because there is no 1.6.1 option, is that the problem?) I set up all my mods in this order: ModLoader X-Ray Mod ReiMinimap Flymod I...

Q: Advantages of Chain Mail over Studded Leather

ParalyticSo my goal of becoming a Chain-Smith was slightly hurt when I was looking through the wiki trying to figure out how Quality of the armour affects damage reduction. When I noticed that Studded leather has the same damage reduction as Chain Mail being Moderate (Source). Not only that but Chain Mail...

Did the retagging privilege go away?
@MBraedley yes
when did that happen?
Q: Bullets on the help page on bounties are patially cut off in Firefox

UllallullooOn the help page on bounties, the left half of the bullet points in cut off for me in Firefox: This isn't a problem on most sites like M.SO though because there's no white area thingy because the background's the same color. It also works fine in Chrome.

Also, new privileges page looks pretty good.
not all that long ago, but I don't know the exact time
Q: Propose a privilege to sit in the 500 reputation mark

Grace NoteAs determined from earlier discussions, the retag privilege serves a lot more confusion and a lot less of its benefit due to the suggested edit system. It must be done away with. It will be done away with. ♪ In light of this decided course of action, we're going to need a new snack for the road ...

@MBraedley done
Q: minecraft forge has a error, how do i fix it?

kingstevenrulesOk I am installing minecraft forge through magic launcher and i'm looking at youtube videos, which are making no sense at all. Anyways I install it, and it says there's an error. How do I get rid of the said error?

Hmm... I seem to be getting randomly downvoted.
@Fluttershy Only two votes
@MadScientist One of which was on a completely right answer.
It's probably someone who doesn't like you, but not enough to do anything about it or to worry
Q: Force games stretch into full screen in lower resolution?

JatSingThis is my story : I am playing Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition in Windows 7. I can't run with my max resolution (1680x1050) because my video card doesn't have enough power to support 60 fps (ATI Redeon HD2600 Pro) so I decide to edit the configure file to make it run at 1024x640 (still keep the r...

A: Propose a privilege to sit in the 500 reputation mark

Emrakul the Aeons TornLet users cast the first duplicate close vote. We want users to seek out duplicate questions, however, experienced users should be the ones to confirm the duplicate. Therefore, if a question does not have outstanding close votes, let 500-rep users cast only duplicate votes. The noise generated...

I... kinda like this, but I dunno
It's like, not very different from flagging as dupe right?
@badp If a flag gets confirmed, does it count as one of the 5 votes?
Actually, a mod confirms it, so it wouldn't matter.
@RonanForman nope. That'd be the difference but...
I dunno, the other ideas don't sound appealing to me
There just aren't many useful high-level privileges except editing, closing and deleting
@Fluttershy Close or comment on any bad questions lately?
@Wipqozn Pretty much daily.
Dunno how new
@Fluttershy Chances are it's a conspiracy by the entire site.
@badp That's already live on all sites, as far as I can tell
@murgatroid99 I edited the link to point to arqade
Q: New design for the privileges page on meta. Open for feedback

Jeremy TunnellThe changes have now been rolled out across the network! Most of these changes are cosmetic. We moved the list into the main content area, increased the font size a little, and used the check marks from badges to show progression. Each privilege gets a one sentence summary so that you can ea...

@murgatroid99 Y U NO PIN???!?!?!
I leave my shitty laptop for a week and that's what happens
I would have pinned it but I figured it was better to leave it as a post-birthday surprise.
On the Help Center > Privileges page, there are "2" things you get at 1000 reputation, but on the next privilege link it says you get one of them "Create gallery chat rooms", shouldn't both privileges show up, "Established User" & "Create gallery chat rooms"?
It is kind of confusing that you get two things at the 1k rep mark instead of just lumping it all together or something...
A: Propose a privilege to sit in the 500 reputation mark

badp's kittenUnlock the inline tag editing interface that's now apparently reserved to 10kers. I mean, the whole point of the 500 reputation milestone was retagging, but retagging sucked because you have to remember to hit the 'retag' button, not the 'edit' button — until the 'retag' button goes away at 2k r...

↑ I guess this is my shot at it
I got an upvote in the first 10 seconds since I posted it, so that's how you know it's a good one :P
@RonanForman You Around?
@spugsley it's called "night"
@RedRiderX PvP?
@James Are we using 1.6?
@RedRiderX 1.5.2
@James I'm up for it then.
@RedRiderX Sweet :)
@RedRiderX Going to do Tower Control
@badp That's total eclipse of the sun.
Grr. Pentadactyl, remember my settings. /o\
Oh, it doesn't do that by default.
@user56 The visible portion of a planet that normally shines from direct sunlight lays in shadow of the Earth
It just so happens the planet is Earth
During the night, the Sun isn't in the visible portion of the sky, so that doesn't count. It's just a star setting down.
Uh oh, I awakened him
YES YOU HAVE, but I'll return to my afkness soon
so you only have limited time to make your feeble attempt at a counter
I'll have you know I've trained myself with one of the leading arguers in Netherlands as determined by some kind of university contest UN simulation sorta thing. There's even a video on the internet or somesuch.
I pass, for I am currently battling a fierce pentadactyl.
@badp You did an MUN?
I'm sorry, I don't do Pokèmonâ„¢
@badp You mean you're not really into Pokèmon
I'm not into Pokèmon at all
well, haven't in the last few years anyway
except for that one LP
but watching is barely doing, is it?
That wasn't the subject matter at all.
If I make a recovery disk for my laptop, could I use that to put my OS on a desktop? O_o
@Fluttershy Depends on OS, and how you installed the OS (OEM or retail)
But likely, no
License is tied to information about the motherboard it installed on. Retail gets up to three installs, OEM is tied to the motherboard (if I remember correctly)
@Ktash I bought my laptop with Win7 installed. My laptop is on the verge of dying, I think, so I'm looking to piece together a fairly cheap PC. Just trying to find out if I need to buy an OS or not.
@Fluttershy If you deactivate your laptop, you could call MS and have them transfer the license to your new PC
I had to do that when I built my new PC
just have to tell them you are building a new PC, and they usually activate it for you
but activation has to occur over the phone
Gotcha. Thanks!
Ugh, OEM
I have a Windows 8 licence embedded in my NVRAM and I can't get rid of it.
Win 8 is a different beast that I have yet to (and refuse to) deal with
If you buy a new system, it will have Windows 8 on it.
I got it with my Lenovo Ideapad
That's why I build my own systems :)
@Ktash I build my own desktops, yes.
Notebooks not so much.
meh, same process, just more expensive
also, harder to find all of the parts at retail
Anyway, Lenovo makes amazing notebooks, but they do come with Windows 8 preinstalled. Which is a bitch to get rid of.
You first have to disable Secure Boot to install anything else.
I did manage to get my Linux system booting directly from UEFI, no bootloader necessary.
Q: Moga Pro Controller on Windows 7

DanielI bought a Moga Pro Controller for my Android phone and Windows 7 computer. I am able to connect to it to the computer via the Bluetooth adapter and play Grand Theft Auto Vice City. All of the buttons work except for the triggers. The game controller's properties don't show any triggers. How ...

Q: How does quality help damage reduction?

ParalyticBeen trying to figure out how quality helps damage reduction. For example is an 8 quality plate helm better then a 30 quality chain helm? Or even better what's a good ratio for determining when quality is better then type of armour?

Rained for 64 points.
@Ullallulloo This is how I play Scrabble.
@StrixVaria I'm guessing that's a game similar to Words with Friends?
@Fluttershy ಠ_ಠ
@StrixVaria =P
@Fluttershy It's the boardgame version I think.
Not entirely sure why they made a boardgame out of a videogame, but oh well.
I know, I know.
@StrixVaria It's on this planet dammit
Don Mattrick will soon introduce a board game of Words with Friends that sets itself on fire if it's disconnected from the internet for more than 24 hours
@user56 Futurama sucks anyway.
@StrixVaria From this point forward I will refuse to acknowledge your existence.
People like you should just go into the dog park.
@BenBrocka If Stephen King can convince Michael Bay to direct a reboot of Firestarter, they could do a cross-promotion.
@TimStone Carrie is on the way. Give it time. We'll see Stephen King's entire library redone.
Okay. We have a Slender question tagged . Apparently, the actual game is called Haunt: The Real Slender Game. This is completely different from Slender: The 8 Pages, and is most certainly not the XBLA Kinect game Haunt that came out early last year.
I, too, think @StrixVaria is a monster for not liking Futurama.
I was planning on retagging the question tagged with the tag . That should be okay, right?
I see @fbueckert was on the same page as me. <_<
He stole your thunder. Are you going to take that?
So, are booster packs not a Sunday only thing?
@TimStone It's a common occurrance.
@TimStone I messaged him on Steam calling him an edit sniper. =P
Nicely done.
@Fluttershy Steam is converting TF2, so I can't respond.
@fbueckert Aaaah. Okay.
As a sidenote, I hate it when people use the glitch tag without reading.
In other news, I put my extra Maya card on the market about 1 minute ago. It sold about 10 seconds ago.
@fbueckert That was the tag that caught my eye, actually.
I was also going to remove the unnecessary Mark Slender quote, but... you stole my thunder and now I am unmotivated.
@Fluttershy How much did you get for it?
@fbueckert $0.50
Q: Slenders Head In A Door?

EthanBaconGamingI was playing Slender Haunt and just came back into the game, all was normal until I turned my head and Slender had his head in the door! Also I lose almost instantly as soon as I see him in the door. :( This only seems to happen if I turn towards the door when the beginning static is playing a...

Q: How many times do I have to play New Game+ to be able to unlock all blacksmith plans?

SternoAccording to this answer, new blacksmith plans are unlocked in New Game+. I know once you beat NG+, you move on to NG++, and so on. What's the maximum "+" I need to be able to unlock all blacksmithing plans?

wow, got a hat (braniac goggles) and a name tag drop on the same night
Someone should make me pack
@Ktash Go pack.
@FAE But but but...
If you don't pack, you have to fly over here and make me food. Those are the rules.
@Ktash You can idle for hats while you pack.
@badp I don't play TF 2
@Ktash Pack now.
@Ktash This is the perfect moment to start. Load up the test map and idle for hats.
@TimStone Don't know why you'd want to be poisoned by my cooking, but whatever
The download will take a while, which you can use to pack.
After that leave your home with the map running and come back to find many riches*
(*riches not guaranteed, actually quite unlikely)
@Ktash No excuses, go get it done, so you don't have to worry about it later and are less likely to forget something because of needing to rush.
I'd do what she says. She can be pretty persuasive otherwise. <_<
@FAE Heh, well I'm moving, so it'd be pretty hard to forget something ;)
@Ktash Hey, it happens!
@FAE I forgot all the things last week
@Ktash Did you remember to check the mousehole?
@badp Only mouse in my apartment is Mickey, and that stuff is already packed
@Ktash So you're like halfway there! Time to kick back and relax and start downloading TF2.
Once TF2 has started downloading you can go back to your earthly belongings
@Ktash Rule #1 of packing: Close your chat windows.
@FAE if he does he'll never find out about rule #2. :(
Step 1, close your chat window.
Step 2, pack.
Step 4, profit.
(obligatory meme is obligatory; that's rule 2.)
You forgot the ???
@Fluttershy That'd be step 3.
None knows step 3.
That's rule #3.
Addendum #3-bis is that Half Life 3 is confirmed.
Corollary #3-ter is that Half Life 3 is always confirmed.
??? == Half Life 3
Step 3 == ???
Half Life 3 == Step 3
Half Life 3 confirmed as step 3 of my packing process
Basically. We can't get HL3 until you're done packing.
@Ktash You are error. (Half Life 3 == Step 3) is false because you defined (Step 3 == ??? == Half Life) <-- No 3 there.
Your third step is in fact the original Half Life.
mod abuse
gives thumbs up
I'm ... sorry. Did anything happen?
:10228049 You do know about that guy who got $YEARS of jail time for threats on the internet
like very recently
@badp I'm well aware. I've grown tired of ridiculous justice systems, though. Could not care less.
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