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If you want to keep zombies out:
Q: Can you pause Terraria?

soulBitI can't find a pause button in Terraria, is there one? If I press the escape key, it just brings up my inventory - I tried pressing different keys but none of them seem to do anything.

@ArdaXi The crafting aspect is very similar, but Terraria seems much more focused on combat. Doesn't seem like playing "peaceful" is an option.
and there are more interesting and varied monsters. And bosses.
It's not hard to do Minecraft better.
tell us how you really feel
@Mana Seems like I'm not the only one to star this.
I feel loved.
Interesting feeling. How do I get rid of it?
Kick a puppy in a public place. You'll get more than enough hate to cancel out the love.
I think the Witcher 2 quicksaves don't overwrite each other, else I can't explain why I would have 3 gigabytes of saves ;-)
those must be efficient save files
How big is one save? As a general rule, I start to complain when a game's save is over 25 MB.
@MichaelMyers Between 2-20 megabytes
does math
I had more than 200 saves
How long is this game?
I'm not finished yet
@MichaelMyers He played it for about 5 minutes. ;)
A true engineer, then.
@MichaelMyers Sentry going up!
er... nm.
No. Real engineers capture buildings single-handedly.
Ninja engineers, presumably.
@MichaelMyers Been playing Command & Conquer have we? :P
There is only one true game. And Red Alert is its prophet.
Actually, I played through C&C again a couple of years ago, and golly are the controls primitive.
Last time I played any C&C game (this was years ago, btw) I was annoyed at how my troops just ignored the Engineer running into my base, despite me trying to get them to attack it.
The original C&C was one of the games that hooked me on gaming
@sjohnston It's too bad it took them until Generals to adapt the Warcraft 2 "right-click does the default action" instead of deselect.
Yeah, they didn't really keep up with RTS innovations.
I know. I kept getting into fierce battles and then accidentally deselecting my army just when I wanted them to all MOVE BEFORE THEY DIE.
Although when I first started playing Starcraft, I was absolutely flabbergasted that it limited the number of units in a group
Warcraft 1, on the other hand, was just a terrible clone of either C&C or Dune 2... not sure which.
Warcraft 1... the only Blizzard RTS that required you to build roads.
@MichaelMyers I loved single tank vs. infantry fights in C&C. Just keep pressing 'Z' to disperse, and hope they don't all get run over.
As I recall, you couldn't build a building if it didn't touch a road.
@sjohnston Yeah... and then in Red Alert the AI would use the same trick against you.
It's 5:30pm on a Friday, and I'm still at work.
Nothing like 2 men with sidearms taking out a tank for realism.
Clearly I need to fix this.
The Allies seemed severely underpowered, but I couldn't bring myself to play the Soviet campaign.
The whole allies vs. soviets theme always seemed kind of boring to me. I really wish more game developers could come up with an enemy other than WW2 Germans, Cold War Soviets, and planet-ravaging aliens.
Well, what else is there?
Besides zombies, of course.
But those are effectively aliens anyway.
Although I guess these days you get the occasional Generic Middle Eastern option as well.
@sjohnston Age of Empires ftw! :P
@Powerlord Sure. Or Civ. Really, with so many past wars, there are lots of options to choose from.
Aliens could provide a lot of options too, if they actually had some believable premise. But apparently every race in the universe is cruel and indifferent and desperate for our planetary resources.
Except when it's inverted, like in Avatar.
Past wars mean no modern weaponry unless you're doing Gettysburg: Armored Warfare or something like that.
Well, you could draw on the dozens of wars that have been fought around the world just in the past couple decades. But if one side has to be America, then yes, your options are somewhat limited.
@sjohnston Well, in StarCraft (the original), you had the Zerg trying to absorb everything (er... like Star Trek's Borg), and the Protoss trying to stop the Zerg. When the game started, the Zerg were attacking the Terrans, but the plot quickly turns out to be way more complicated than that.
@sjohnston Oh, sorry, when I hear "past wars" I'm thinking more than 30 years. Of course you're right.
@Powerlord Yeah, I enjoyed the SC story.
Then everyone started fighting over .
Anyway, I'm outta here.
Can't believe Gettysburg: Armored Warfare has no Wikipedia page.
Maybe because it's completely daft.
I'm sure there are counter-examples to everything I've said. I just feel like when a dev starts thinking about yet another WW2 game, they should really think twice
@MichaelMyers I would play the hell out of that game
ah. Steampunky
Naturally. It's the wave of the future. Or the past. Or something.
I often wonder why steampunk inherited the "punk" portion of its name from cyberpunk. "Punk" doesn't really seem to fit with Victorian sensibilities
Q: change league of legends server

GajetI've started to play league of legends (american server) but my latecy is usualy around 300 and there is alot of lag/delay experience when i'm trying to play, then I just find out there is a europian server so my question is if there is any what I could change the game I've downloaded to work wit...

I hope I haven't offended too many of you by the lack of anymooted lazers
In exchange, however, those lazers are red, like mother nature made them.
@ThomasMcDonald what about rapture?
Q: Why is Carl Gustav banned on some Battlefield servers?

synapseSubj says it. Battlefield in question is Bad Company 2.

Well I'm back everybody did anything interesting happen?
I hear my name?
Q: I want to remind me the tittle of a PS1 game..(car & weapons)

giannis filipIt was a game with cars..and other vehicles that they have weapons...(IT IS NOT THE TWISTED METALS..)...I remember few things..I remember a bus that used smoke for weapon...and a map with snow..Your aim was to kill the other cars..Plz help!!

Which meta questions are those?
@badp oh right
Yeah, just Google it or something. It starts tomorrow, gl&hf.
Q: Can I save King Foltest?

ManaI had grown quite attached to King Foltest in our brief time spent together. Sure, he had his weak points, as a man and especially as a father, but he seemed to be honorable enough and was grateful when I saved his life. THEN HE DIED. Well, that sucks. I just feel like a lousy king protector at...

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