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Q: how do i get skins in arkham city?

jwdob2when I put in the code in batman Arkham city for all of the skins, I hear the confirmation sound that I've done something, but when i chose to select continue game I didn't get the option to change skins, why is this?

Q: Snow in the nether

Marco GeertsmaSo i was wondering since one of the recent updates brought the possibility of crafting snow panels. This allows you to re-create a snowy biome. Now I was wondering what happens to the snow if you place it in the nether? I then also realised that i never tried placing snow blocks in the nether. Ha...

Anyone know any game like "Candy Box" and "A Dark Room"?
Mojangs Notch: I frequently receive emails from people who want to “help monetize minecraft.net“. My reply is usually “No”, sometimes “Go away.” Latest hopeful partner was avg, offering us 20k upfront to bundle it with the minecraft launcher. No. Not as long as I work here.
@tombull89 You already have to go through the Ask Toolbar gauntlet to get Java installed in the first place
@fredley I'll be honest, I use Ninite to get all the "nessecary" stuff on my machine when I do a clean install.
@tombull89 Yeah, me too.
The only problem is I always forget what it's called, and my Google-fu fails at attempts to find it
Anyone know any good ASCII browser game like Candy Box and A Dark Room?
Never heard of them, what genre?
(... before I suggest Dwarf Fortress and see you disappear for half a year learning to play that ...)
role-playing browser video game featuring ASCII art.
I'm pretty sure there's a Nethack-like for browsers somewhere ... let me check.
@Celta You can help find bugs in the one I'm making
It's very much unfinished and unbalanced. There's a lot of stuff still to do
@MartinSojka i already tried nethack and didn´t like it much
@fredley i will see about that ;)
Anyone uses IM+ messenger?
Q: can't start game (app already running)

RustyMembersI just installed TF2 and lauched it. A steam pop-up said the app already was running. That weird because I havn't played it on that computer. there is no task called team fortress 2, and the game dosn't seem to be running.

Q: Looking for 2 old games -> need help!

SherkasI'm trying to find 2 games that I played in my childhood, meaning about nine to ten years ago. The first game: Was similar to Diablo I'd say. (Hack and Slay) As I remember correctly, it had a Multiplayer mode also. The settting was rather dark and unpleasant. View was from top down and as I ...

@Celta Let me know how you get on...
@fredley are you working on a save feature?
@Celta That'll get added nearer the end I'm afraid, since adding it sooner would require changing it every time I change something.
didn´t think about that, but when you need to test it, you need to play all from the start
@Celta Yeah. While I'm developing I just set up functions to prepopulate game states to quickly test certain features
it's pretty good the game so far
Hmm. lots of them for Flash, not much luck with pure HTML/JS though.
@Blem What software were you using?
Also, if you were, don't watch the stream on twitch (even on mute) while you're recording, leave it on pause if you watch the chat
@Yawus I recently beat that game and never hit a single issue (other than the long load time when it starts up)
@OrigamiRobot A different kind of sloth...
Q: Do different species in Star Wars find each other sexually attractive?

DonmaxDo members of other species find one another attractive and then have sex with each other?

@LessPop_MoreFizz This is an important question that demands expert answers.
Sometimes I feel like I should just start at the beginning and downvote every question on SciFi, up to my max downvotes per day.
@badp How dare you! No one has a better accent than me!
@spyder Did anyone else see the third cat?
@Arperum By the wheel? Only now you mention it.
@RonanForman I've been staring at that gif for too long now.
@badp reflections don't count! (and sneakily removing the message immediately doesn't work either)
I hadn't read the video correctly
@RonanForman Wrong
@fredley Oh, you think you're better than me! Well this calls for an accent off!
Besides, I can imitate your accent, and have my own, so I win either way.
@RonanForman I can do this too you know.
Also: your imitation is terrible
@fredley You said you were terrible at accents.
@RonanForman Yes, which is why when I attempt yours it sounds correct
Fun game: get someone with a Scottish accent to say 'Curly Wurly'
Highly entertaining
Heya bridge-folk
@JourneymanGeek Hi
0_0 at that gif
how the hell did the dogs avoid a mauling?
@Sterno :(
@Sterno: they need to stick tennis balls on the pointy ends of the horns.
@JourneymanGeek Or put it on a pedestal so that the horns aren't at head/chest height
lawsuit, museum is negligent
@Sterno Too bad for the family, but not everyone can go while riding a nuclear bomb.
I wish I could go while riding a nuke
that would be so painless
@kalina: if you do, do NOT forget the hat.
(or kids need to learn that things can actually kill them)
maybe I don't want a hant
says the guy who has gotten shocked twice ;p
@kalina Sorry, you're not riding a nuke properly without a cowboy hat. Common knowledge.
@MartinSojka Kalina is too young to get the reference.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Youtube is a thing that exists and that video's fairly famous :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Everybody loves Slim Pickens
@badp Yes, but Kalina is willfully ignorant of anything that was made before 1990.
It's not that she can't see it. It's that she goes out of her way not to.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that'd include me and you
oh, then it's just about right.
@badp This is true.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do the same thing, but '95
@ArdaXi you are not younger than me
@kalina How old are you?
@ArdaXi younger than you
You're a minor?
Well, could've guessed.
only in EVE
oh, minor
Minor, as in the opposite of adult.
fucksake you're younger than me
Q: How do I upgrade weapons?

Wojtek 'Charkz' HordyniecHow do I upgrade weapons in Fable 3? I see that my weapon can be upgraded in 3 different parts and I have to do specific things to level it up. But while I kill or do what the objective tells me to do it still stays at 0 eg "Get 100 Human kills

Q: No enemies to fight in age of empires 2

TylerWhen i start a standard game and choose my options and then play there is never any enemies on the mini-map why is this. Its not fun to not fight anyone

Q: Why does Mirror's Edge go choppy and unplayable on occasion?

HodorWhen playing Mirrors Edge the framerate drops until it is unplayable and runs at 1-2 FPS. At all other times it's fine, and opening to the main menu and resuming resolves the issue, as does quitting and then returning back to the game. The most recent time is when I've got to Ropeburns Office and...

@kalina Many people have this reaction to me.
@BenBrocka I use OBS and i have the dashboard open for chat and click the hide button for the video
@ArdaXi just in general
your chat account still includes your reputation from arqade
this should get fixed I think
It should be 2.9k, not ~20k
I wonder if I downvote you enough that it needs to refresh, whether that will resolve the issue
Why do you hate me :(
Also downvote what?
Those tags are horrific.
@Blem Huh. OBS uses pretty low CPU
Okay, point taken. Stop spamming me.
What is this chat room for
@Ethan cake distrbution
@Ethan Chatting.
@StrixVaria YOU LIE!
@Ethan Pokemon, MLP and burning things
oh, and gifs of animals
worst cake ever! how can you cut it!
Dominix is so slow :o
@ArdaXi self destruct -> fly to a station you've not been to before -> get newbie frigate
Why the crap would I want a newbie frigate
@Blem With a knife or other sharp object.
what the fuck is that
@ArdaXi faster than your current heap of metal
I have a shuttle, this shapeless blob is for firepower
Well, mostly armour
yesterday I mined 2 million km3 of ore
I'm proud of you
It felt good, until I realised it took me literally 5 hours of my actual life
Let's see where my mining ship is
It's in nulsec
@ArdaXi you smell
@kalina /cc @ArdaXi Chat profile fixed
@ManishEarth ahahahahahahahahahahaha
@ManishEarth I hate you.
Why was the main account deleted?
because he's a noob
@ArdaXi Huh? Why?
and he ragequit in a demonstration of teenage angst
@ManishEarth he didn't want it doing
@ManishEarth That wasn't so much a problem more than an amusing bug.
@ArdaXi you're an amusing bug
I know
@ArdaXi Yeah, but later on you would be stuck without a chat parent user (and would probably be unable to chat, I forgot the details of this), if I didn't hard refresh it before the system did
@ManishEarth I am okay with this.
@ManishEarth (Hint, that account was deleted 6 months ago)
we were all ok with him not being able to chat
anyway my work here is done
thank you @ManishEarth for being an exceptional moderator, I wish gaming had moderators as awesome as you are
@ArdaXi Interesting. I've seen users have their chat accounts stuck because of similar reasons. Maybe they fixed it
@badp threatened to have 56 restored I think
Poor Arda, can't see flags anymore.
Arda No-Flags, we can call him.
14 hours ago, by Arda Xi
Arda, yesterday, when I jokingly suggested I'd do what @ManishEarth just did
@LessPop_MoreFizz 2k Arda is what I call him
@badp oh, oops
@badp But he knows neither where @ManishEarth lives, nor what he looks like.
@ManishEarth not oops, you did the right thing!
congratulations, you've earned a free +moderator vote in any future moderator elections you go for
@LessPop_MoreFizz Says who?
why are you in this chat room
to unleash pain and suffering on anybody who gives me the opportunity to do so
@Ethan Have you come to take @kalina away? PLEASE PROCEED
why are you in this chat room
@kalina I thought it was for the cake.
I am lonely
@LessPop_MoreFizz the cake is a bonus
@Ethan this isn't that kind of chat room
What do you mean by that
@kalina Well, not during the daytime it isn't.
@Ethan I mean that @ArdaXi is a really hot girl and you should chat her up for sexytimes
I do not deny this.
what does that entail
@Ethan I suggest you check the room topic before annoying people here, too
@Ethan sexual relations with a clock
@ManishEarth I left that chat room, what more do you want from me?
@ManishEarth I don't know how helpful the room topic is here.
(unless, of course, the room regulars want to chat with you)
@StrixVaria this
Oh, it's Ethan again ...
gaming discussions are off topic here
Hi @Ethan.
so are city state discussions
@Ethan You've been entering random chatrooms and annoying people. It's not just the comms room, I've seen you elsewhere, too.
Who are you to speak for other people?
@kalina Your face something something.
@Ethan He also speaks for me, as I fully agree with him on that.
@FEichinger ...is far more appealing to look at than your face
@ManishEarth Well...
@Ethan A moderator. People are getting annoyed.
@Ethan his name is in blue, that means he wields godlike powers and can unleash hell upon you
@kalina Why, yes, it is. But you know, I would never say that.
@FEichinger I'm bored
I blame @ArdaXi
@kalina So? What am I supposed to do about that?
that brief moment of awesome has died down now and it's all just boring again
This chatroom needs more @gnomeslice.
@FEichinger link pictures of sloth to @OrigamiRobot
What happened to gnomeslice
@kalina You can do that yourself.
@Sterno oh god, he's linked some properly dodgy videos to me recently
I really hope he doesn't get himself banned again the day he is unbanned
@kalina It is rather likely.
@kalina This is more likely than it ought to be.
@ArdaXi He's been banned for about 6 months now.
@ArdaXi For being too awesome.
makes sense
because he ate all the cake
@ArdaXi Because reasons. Also: Your face.
@FEichinger what is it with you and people's faces today?
I forgot how friendly the people here were
@kalina I'm drunk, that's what's with me and people's faces today.
@FEichinger why are you drunk at 2pm?
@FEichinger EXCUSES
@kalina 3pm. Because reasons. Also: Your face!
@ArdaXi I am officially the most friendly person on the bridge
there was a vote and everything
I do not doubt that.
@Unionhawk Kinda, sorta, yes.
I didn't publish the link though
@kalina The question is, why aren't you? It's not like it's a Tuesday or anything
so there was only one voter
good ole ban time wasters
The three-martini lunch is a term used in the United States to describe a leisurely, indulgent lunch enjoyed by businesspeople or executives. It refers to a common belief that many people in such professions have enough leisure time and wherewithal to consume more than one martini during the work day. Steaks, oysters and lobster are among dishes cited as a staple of these lunches. As business matters may be discussed at them, three-martini lunches are therefore considered a business expense (which includes travel, meals, etc.) and thus can qualify for a tax deduction. The three-martini ...
@Unionhawk because I am about to get disciplined at work for being late every day for 3 months
hence why I ruined @ArdaXi's day so I could feel better about myself
@kalina It took three months for someone to care?
and as a reward
@FEichinger I'm going on, well, years.
I should(hopefully) get a free day off, a free trip to London, and a verbal telling off
if it goes bad though, I could lose my job
That's what they get for hiring you. Their fault, really.
I really doubt that will happen though
primarily due to there being nobody to fulfil my workload if I weren't here
@kalina So then the company would need someone else to come turn this chatroom into a fiery inferno every now and then?
@kalina Logical enough... speaking of not being late... self defenestrates
@kalina SF mod chat-banned him.
How "late" is late?
@kalina If you lost your job, when would you find the time to hang out in chat?
@Sterno good point, I wouldn't
@tombull89 between 10 minutes and 2 hours
@Arperum probably
@TimStone >_> Don't you work at home?
@FAE There's (supposed to be) three days a week that I go into the office.
Which is about an hour's drive away.
So, apparently MathOverflow has been migrated to SE 2.0 now.
you mean there are two math sites ?
@kalina One for math and one for high-level math
@kalina As far as I can tell, yes, and they won't merge.
@TimStone So do you just not go?
@ManishEarth does the first site know they're "low level"?
@ManishEarth is the first site the one that keeps purging their mods?
Technically high level math is allowed on both
MO is quite famous and well used in math circles
Math.SE is well known, but not so much used by mathematicians.
@FAE The last few weeks there have been various reasons why I cut it down to two days a week, but usually I'm just late.
I am going to go and do stackexchange a favour, and become a mod on the low level math site and rule them all with an iron fist until they migrate to the other math site
@kalina Low-level math, as in addition and subtraction?
and troll them with 1+1=11
I should get there between 10:00 and 10:30, but on days like today I find myself not starting to get ready until about 9:00, so that doesn't play out so well.
Which is kind of confusing since I was awake at 6:30
@ShotgunNinja low level math as in algebraic topology, group theory, reimannian manifolds, etc etc
@FAE side note: it seems jochem can connect now
@ManishEarth Well, I'm not the one who defines terms, but I'd consider that rather high-level conceptual stuff...
MO is about bleeding edge math
I designed a tattoo for my girlfriend last night
Today is her birthday
Anyone care to see it?
@ShotgunNinja For your birthday present, I'm going to brand you!
not at all creepy ;)
@Sconibulus Hey, I'm getting a tattoo as well, and she's the one who asked for it.
joins the Math channel and says "HA! You have been replaced by a better site. DIE IN A FIRE!"
@kalina y u site not called maths? silly americanisms
@TimStone I'm not a morning person at all so it makes sense to me :P
@M'vy Haha, he told me and I was like "Yeah, M'vy already told me" and he said "Dammit, I can't even sneak onto Minecraft with the speakers off without you knowing!"
@ShotgunNinja What's the text?
@FAE ahah. Was it a secret?! :P
@Wipqozn Already bought it a few months ago.
It wasn't that much fun to play solo, and everyone else was already way past me :P
@M'vy I make fun of him when he plays during work, haha
I guess that's what I get for waiting.
well he's working at home ^^
Yeah, he works at home 4/5 days of the week most of the time.

Proposed Q&A site for gardeners and green-fingered lovers of plants, trees and the Lorax.

Currently in definition.

@FAE So he should be online more often?? or... wait?
@Wipqozn wish I could use my steam credit
@M'vy Well, he shouldn't be but he takes "long lunch breaks" sometimes. :P
Ooooh, MO has finally made the jump.
@FAE It says "MYNE"
speaking of which I should also idle more on MC and less on work
and the homepage looks really odd
@Wipqozn By the way, I love these Pokemon merges.
@ShotgunNinja Hm, maybe consider making the left leg of the Y diagonal instead? It parses heavily as a 4 in the current design.
@FAE Yeah, that's kinda the point. It's supposed to look like one of those crappy logos on old electronics boards.
@FAE Or bring the tail to the left to fill in the empty space below.
@FAE Or place it centered under the top part instead of on the right
Don't ping me with suggestions, ping him! :P
Besides, it's too late to change now.
I have 111 reputation on MO!!
@ShotgunNinja Also in the bottom right, you can see part of the circuit hanging outside of the border, unsure if that's intentional.
@FAE The other left!
The outside lines are a little smudgy, but I'm assuming your artist can just draw straight, so shouldn't be a problem.
@FEichinger Hush!
@Wipqozn Is this site legit? Never heard of it before.
@fbueckert I found it via /r/gamedeals, which makes me think it is.
I'll probably hold off until Steam's Summer Sale, which is right around the corner.
@badp when is it expected to happen? beginning/half or end of july?
@Arperum yesterday
As a sidenote, deleting your question to shed downvotes is NOT the way to go about it. — fbueckert 26 secs ago
Eh? Deleting your own question is fine if the community doesn't like it. Unless he reposted it...
@Brant That's exactly what he did.
(There's even a badge for it)
Anyway, off to work!
Oh man. Way to go @badp. No, no, I'm going to call you radp!
Q: Dead island most amazing craftable weapons

Marco GeertsmaSo i restarted playing dead island a few days ago (after some time off) and i was trying to remember some of the late game weapons What are the best (most powerful, fastest, most practical) weapons of Dead Island?

@Wipqozn it'd help if I did play the game
as it is I can't really help him
I was about to comment «I'm afraid it's not really much better now. What do you mean by "most powerful" or "most practical"?» but it might... actually be pretty obvious in the context of the game.
Like, if that was BL2 I could hazard an answer at this point, e.g. four elemental SMGs
@badp Weapons are randomized drops. You can craft stuff, but there are so many permutations that it wouldn't be really tenable to list in an answer. It's sort of ARPG-ish in how it treats loot.
same as BL2, then
yet, I'd suggest a level-appropriate Mad Moxxi's Good Touch and Bad Touch to basically anyone
plus something to shock and something that either slags or deals normal/explohsion damage
because PT2 relies on elemental damage so much in my experience
Similar in scope, yeah. Not quite as many, because you're not stuck only with drops and he's specifically asking for stuff you can make, so it narrows down the options people would use, but I'm still not sure that it's entirely answerable
I honestly have no idea.
Oh look, an "answer"
Screw you dilbert.com: tommedley.com/dilbert.xml
@badp anything etech. I got this utterly insanely powerful rocket launcher that does 10 times the damage of anything else, AND is a tedore ;p
did I mention it makes things explode into spheres of light? ;p
rocket launchers won't get you through BL2
I don't get the flag, but it got community approved
@badp "Paki" is a disparaging term for people from Pakistan which is also often used just as a general negative term for "non-white people"
@FAE oh. I thought it was some web 2.0 company <__<
@badp It's apparently common to use in Scotland. I only just learned this this past week through something else, actually.
@fredley Permalink goes to the home page?
@ShotgunNinja Yeah, aware of that
I'm sorry
So, I started playing Flower, Sun, and Rain. Weird game.
The kerning is all wrong
@Powerlord How do you like it? I've only heard of it, never played.
@FAE It's pretty good.
Although at the moment, it's unclear if the other characters I'm interacting with are aware of what's going on. :P
This isn't really a spoiler since it's mentioned on the box, but the game is essentially a Groundhog Day loop
Isn't every game with quicksave/quickload like that? ;)
@Powerlord That sounds awesome.
Anyways, I'm out the door!
@MartinSojka Well, I mean this game uses it as a game mechanic.
@ShotgunNinja Fixed
The funny thing is, I still haven't made it far enough in the game to get back to the lobby of the Hotel. Which means all the sidequest items I've grabbed (which may only be in the DS version) can't be turned in.
Lets just say... I'm jealous that Bill Murray's character had an entire day before the loop.

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