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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

"We're running a charity campaign to help the poor needy children in Africa. They're dying by the millions every day, and not at your hand! With just one dollar per day, we can let 5 children survive for long enough for your horde to reach them, at which point you'll be able to end them yourselves. We got the Thieves' Guild as a sponsor and they will donate $100 for every person that sticks an arrow through their brains. That's 500 children! Easily worth a promotion!"
"This charity literally repays itself. It's the chance of your lifetime. Will you be the hero of your army?"
dorks & dragons
then you roll a d20 and you get a 3 and the orc sticks the arrow through your brains and that causes a lot of points reallocation so that next time you'll stack charisma harder.
Also, it feeds 500 children for a while.
Win win.
Anyone play Gmod?

 Monster Hunter

All Monster Hunter talk, all the time. Or, just about anythin...
I'm making a server, but get the error "Unable to load surface props file"
@Wipqozn Monster Hunter 3U is made in Garry's Mod?
@badp Yes.
@Wipqozn Where are the wildly flailing characters?
@avestar101 Have you tried asking on the site?
@badp Yes.
I can't run source engine at the moment
which is epically sad
@Wipqozn Will you donate $1000 for the Mod Abuse Support Group?
@badp yes, the site didn't really help, though.
@badp Ye- NICE TRY BADP!
@avestar101 then I'm afraid that if we had the knowledge to help you we would've answered on the site :(
Give it more than... 5 minutes though
Alright. I'll hit the bed. Insulting may commence in 3, 2, 1. Sleep well, feltheads.
Hey, anyone want to play on a private MC server?
I'm on there with a friend, but need someone to help test out how protected/good it is.
@badp Uh-huh, I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing personal behind this closure at all. — Scootaloo 4 mins ago
Scootaloo's going off the deep end again!
So, dance event tonight.
Who wants pics of me in suit?
*cough cough* @AshleyNunn @spugs
Q: How do I delete my Stack Exchange account?

ScootalooNo idea if this is a dupe or not, but I really don't care to be honest. I almost deleted my account awhile ago, but since then I've forgotten the process. So, how do I delete my SA account?

@PrivatePansy He is now named none.
Off I go! Be back...tomorrow morning, I guess.
Q: How would I fix the error "Unable to Load Surface Prop File"?

avestar101In Gmod, when I try to start my server, I get the error "Unable to Load Surface Prop File 'scripts/surfaceprops.txt' referenced by manifest file 'scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt')" I have bought the game on Steam. and am not pirating it. How would I fix this error, and what does it mean...

Why do y'all have to go just when I arrive?
Oh good, I'm stilled logged in on the steam browser.
IKEA shows up as IKANO on my debit card statement
FYI, that was 100% worth it.
What was?
@fbu I have literally no words
@less pop let me know if it was worth more than 100% so you can enjoy the rest
@badp It was 200% worth it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't see that
I'll credit the extra time for another time then
I had typed out a similar comment on his meta post, but decided that that crossed the line into pettiness.
@PrivatePansy I said a mean thing to a person who said mean things to me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He said mean things?! /feigns shock
@WorldEngineer He called me lesspoop
@PrivatePansy you're not wrong...
@fbueckert wait, that's why he's deleting his account? His question was closed?
@Scootaloo I don't know what on earth you're talking about. We're referring to a totally separate action/incident with which you have nothing to do. Unless of course, you're admitting to having a sockpuppet account, in which case, do tell. — LessPop_MoreFizz 21 secs ago
Also, I think I am going to take his advice and go have a drink because there is nothing else to do in Erie, PA besides drink and gamble apparently, and I can only handle one vice at a time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz niiiice
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wish I was still a room owner so I could see this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oooh, that reminds me, I have my bottle of wine yet... but I am going to have to either do dishes or drink it out of a mug
@LessPop_MoreFizz The phone rang. Can you do that again?
@StackExchange FUUUUUUUUUU.
I knew that was coming my way someday.
I'm so happy someone reuploaded that video.
@StackExchange oh snap
*golf claps*
This must be the first time you haven't been an owner since you somehow removed yourself from ownership.
@Wipqozn :(
I feel so feeble and weak.
debates doing the nice thing and fixing it
@AshleyNunn I'm considering that but then he'd probably just counter-remove me!
and he probably won't fall for the same trick twice.
You are now my least favourite person, @WorldEngineer.
ah, @LessPop_MoreFizz and @Wipqozn as room owners again
Now we can watch them remove and add each other as room owner until the end of time
normality restored
@Scootaloo pay attention
Oh my. Someone (@badp?) merged the questions.
@kalina Just leave him be. Drawing him in here will just cause drama.
I wish there was a way to invite somebody to a channel if they're not already in chat
I don't want to draw him in here, I want to be able to invite him to another channel
Do I want to know?
@RavenDreamer About which fight?
@RavenDreamer Depends what you're wanting to possible want to know about.
@PrivatePansy interesting...
@RavenDreamer possibly?
@kalina fyi, though - anyone can see and pop into said room
@AshleyNunn I like doing that in another browser so people won't know I'm eavesdropping.
@AshleyNunn it's ok, we're just talking about how much @badp smells
@Wipqozn ...how won't they? your avatar will show up, won't it?
@kalina gaming.stackexchange.com/review/reopen/40225 For the record, it's not just @badp that agreed with the closure
@AshleyNunn Not if you're just reading the transcript
Q: How do I delete my Stack Exchange account?

please delete meNo idea if this is a dupe or not, but I really don't care to be honest. I almost deleted my account awhile ago, but since then I've forgotten the process. So, how do I delete my Stack Exchange account?

ah, okay, yeah
@AshleyNunn That's why I go into another browser where I'm not logged in.
@Wipqozn I am not so sneaky I guess. I make a terrible spy
@RavenDreamer can you rename a user for me please? They've requested it but they're blocked by the 30 day time out
Go to another site, push profile to all sites
does that actually work?
Prolly, who and why?
@kalina Yes, of course
I've done it more than once before
@RavenDreamer follow the invite if you get one and he will ask you himself
An improvement in the hazy conditions today was due to a temporary area free of dense haze upwind of Singapore, and transient changes in the local wind conditions.

For tomorrow, hazy conditions can still be expected as dry conditions and winds blowing from the southwest or west persist.

The 24h PSI for the next 24 hours is expected to be in the Very Unhealthy band (201-300).
@PrivatePansy Ick.
I love it when the air I breath can kill me
(It's probably not that severe. I think.)
I leave for an hour and what to you people do?
@OrigamiRobot certainly not play dungeons and dragons!
@OrigamiRobot So far, lots of internet drama and one ragequit
It's been a good day
@PrivatePansy no, there are no ragequits
@kalina Awwwww
@PrivatePansy One almost ragequit
Oh you guys
@OrigamiRobot You also missed me eating a suspension intentionally.
Evening, all.
On a related note...
One hasty reaction to random events that was almost a ragequit but wasnt because people just react
I saw that part. Didn't see what you said though
@StackExchange I was waiting for that
Two things. Firstly, I want a slice of pizza from Big Rico's... Secondly, I am far more concerned for Telly the Barber than I should be.
That reminds me, now that my iPod isnt in my fridge, I should load NightVale on it
Telly is a monster
@StackExchange Not again! (cc @WorldEngineer maybe?)
> far more concerned [...] than I should be.
@Fluttershy But Big Rico's no longer has Pizza, ever since the ban on Wheat and Wheat By-Products was enacted by the City Council, in their infinite wisdom.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I must not have gotten to that episode yet.
Now I'm sad.
@Fluttershy Oh. No, you definitely haven't.
Anyone know @RonanForman's youtube channel?
Also, Telly is a jerk he cut off Carlos's beautiful hair, you have no reason to be concerned for him.
2 mins ago, by Fluttershy
> far more concerned [...] than I should be.
Emphasis on that last bit. <_<
So... 30 hours overtime on this paycheck. \o/
@Fluttershy weekly or monthly paycheck?
@Fluttershy yay monies
@kalina Bi-weekly.
@Fluttershy My next one is gonna have like 40, and it';s gonna be AWESOME.
@Fluttershy You go girl! fingersnap fingersnap
@Fluttershy you worked an extra ~15 hours a week? :o
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll get those in... August-November.
@kalina 12 last week and 18 this week!
I can't tolerate my job for the hours I have to be there, let alone that much overtime!
...my last cheque was.....$86? which was better than the $42 it was the time before....
95% of those hours were spent standing... So... I can barely walk now. <_<
Owww. What is this new job you got?
My last allowance from the Ministry of Defense is 80 cents short. I have no idea where those cents went.
@PrivatePansy I work at a grain elevator. Wheat harvest started a week or so ago, so we've been working 12 hour days 7 days a week with a rotating shift of 4 people. x_x
@Fluttershy oh, hun :(
Also, fireworks are now allowed here. It just scared the shit out of me.
user image
This is what I've been up to tonight.
@MBraedley this is gorgeous
@MBraedley Taking pictures?
@AshleyNunn That's Halifax for you.
Nova Scotia is a pretty fancy place./
@AshleyNunn Well it's not great. I was a little rushed. A couple of the pictures are out of focus, and the auto stitch didn't work so well in some spots
Thankfully I didn't get guard duty. That involves standing around for three shifts of four hours with a loaded weapon and the skeletal battle order
@MBraedley I like it...
Also, that's not the resolution I uploaded it at...
@PrivatePansy I remember those days!
The entire thing is stupid, because we're not trained for close combat. I'm not sure about the actual procedure, but during training we're required to switch from a blank magazine to a loaded one in 6 seconds
A fast runner can close 50m in 6 seconds
Wow. my internet is even shittier than usual
why is @Wipqozn no longer a room owner?
and for some reason my guest account keeps dying even though the main house account stays up
@0_0 @LessPop_MoreFizz is a bully.
@0_0 @LessPop_MoreFizz went crazy one day
20 mins ago, by Stack Exchange
have you heard the quickmeme scandal?
So, today again, apparently
@0_0 Do I want to know?
so the owner of quickmeme
had bots on reddit
to vote up quickmeme posts
and downvote non-quickmeme posts
and now quickmeme is banned
have you heard the penny arcade controversy btw?
@0_0 No.
@0_0 That doesn't surprise me. He tried to stop people from directly linking to images too.
well the penny arcade controversy is so bad some devs pulled out of PAX cause of it
Oh I remember hearing there was a controversy. Never read into what
something about sexism?
@0_0 not surprised
@Wipqozn sexism, and a shitload of transphobic behaviour
Never liked their comics anyway
All I read about it was someone saying that "chicks have v; dudes have d"
Didn't spell out for fear of THE FLAAAAAAAAAAAAG
sometimes I wish people would grow up
Also, I really like the qkme thing.
I never liked qkme, and anything that makes it more difficult for people to post memes will derrease the number of memes and therefore increase sub quality;
@LessPop_MoreFizz I appreciate the concern! But I don't do that part of the job. There's a separate crew for that.
@Wipqozn yeah that was really the catalyst
.....holy crap on a stick DKCR3D is hard
throws her 3DS out a window
@AshleyNunn Donkey Kong Country in general as a series is hard
@WorldEngineer This is true
@AshleyNunn Wait, that's expensive.
@Ullallulloo but I am so frustrated :P
@avestar101 howdy
Anybody know some fun, first-person-shooter Mac and Windows games?
Preferably a teamwork-focused one^
@avestar101 TF2
I've got Tf2, BF3, CS:GO, L4D2, Battlefield games, and call of duty games
Anything I've missed?
@avestar101 Planetside 2's fun if your computer can run it, but it's possibly larger scale than you're looking for.
Nuclear Dawn's kind of neat.
I've heard good things about Monday Night Combat and Killing Floor, but I haven't tried them.
Starsiege Tribes
Argh. My internet is so flaky tonight
Its frustrating
I cant play anything
Oh my.
@StrixVaria Guess that edit needs rolling back.
Okay, I am super confused. On my desktop, netflix has 4 seasons of Drop Dead Diva. on my laptop, however, on the same internet connection, same site, same everything....it shows 3 seasons
@AshleyNunn Because you should be watching a better show.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Shush I like it
Q: Are prices random or fixed?

bd33As I was playing the Organ Trail, I noticed along the journey, prices started to change, mostly going up but occasionally going back down by a few dollars. Are there fixed prices (or availability) for goods at certain stops, or is it completely random? Also, what is the rate of increase for pric...

Q: When do I link Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages?

Mag RoaderNote: I found this question but it wasn't quite was I am looking for. I just picked up Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages on the 3DS. I recall that these games can be linked together via a password system somehow. My question is: when do they link together? Do I play one of the games to comp...

5th run ended at the third form of the flagship. I was that close, damn it
Q: Why is the Giant Hothead/Flashwing not working?

jarettThe Giant Hothead seems to not be working - do you have any ideas on whas is causing the failure, and what we can do to fix it? We also have a Flashwing that wont work - again, do you happen to know how to fix it?

Q: What factors determine enemy levels? How do enemy levels scale to the player character's?

galacticninjaI finished Playthrough 1 at around Level 36. I noticed that the enemies I find are now very easy to kill, meaning they didn't level up (or hit a level cap). I decided to started Playthrough 2 to fight higher level enemies and play the DLCs. I went to Jakobs Cove ('The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned' DL...

Q: Skyrim nVidia Surround

SgtCracker308I'm not at all familiar with nVidia surround. I have 2 1920 monitors side by side and was curious if there is a way for me to run Skyrim on both monitors like a partial surround, or do I have to have 2 cards and 3 monitors to do any type of surround display? Thanks!

Q: Converting a trianglestrip to trianglelist

emistI'm trying to convert a model represented by a triangstrip to a trianglelist representation. When I input the model into 3dsmax it is missing about 66% of its polygons (as it should be I guess). Does anybody have a function to do this?

Also, how many name changes did Scootaloo go through!?
@fbueckert three? 4 if you count his original. (I think)
@AshleyNunn We had None, pleasedeleteme, and Jinx, that I can determine.
@fbueckert Ah, then I was right
I mean the pleasedeleteme makes sense, I guess, in his whole I wanna delete oh no I dont stage briefly today
Either way, that's a ragequit far out of proportion to what happened.
And aborting said ragequit just makes it funnier.
You know, they only asked for the "about me" section to be edited to contain "please delete me"
@fbueckert I am not even sure anything really did happen other than the closure.... :P
Renaming yourself is so hardcore
@PrivatePansy really? I thought a name change was required too, but I havent looked at the rules for deletion in a really long time
@AshleyNunn Question closed, he flips out, posts on meta, gets it deleted, decides not to delete his account?
There's no logic in that process.
@AshleyNunn No, changing your name was never required
There's no point in making you broadcast to the entire site through your name (which appears everywhere) that you want out
@fbueckert yup that was the chain of events. What I meant, was, that really, all it was was a closure, and it became a THING, which is weird. I think he was conflating events that weren't even related to him
@PrivatePansy I suppose that makes sense yeah
@AshleyNunn I think he's taking it personally. Again.
It's just a final sanity check to make sure you're the actual owner of the account
@fbueckert I think also it got conflated with issues with a different user
@PrivatePansy Ah, okay, that does make sense
I honestly rarely pay attention to that stuff, because someone's decision to leave never affects me, and I doubt I will ever need the info (face it you're stuck with me)
@AshleyNunn Yeah, he definitely conflated it with some other issues.
Blergh, storm killed my Stacking download, and I cant figure how to make it go again
I just want to play with matryoshka dolls omg
Q: In what order should I put my skill points if I want to maximize the damage that Roland's Scorpio Turret inflicts?

galacticninjaI've just maxed the Refire and Deploy skills of the Soldier / Roland to maximize the reduction of the cooldown of the Scorpio Turret skill. I am now thinking of increasing the damage of the Scorpio Turret. It seems that I have three skills (from the Infantry and Support skill trees) to choos...

3 hours later…
Goodmorning people!
Q: Does anybody know a good sniper drop location or chest that you've gotten good snipers

DeathDealerI use snipers mainly and can't find any really useful ones the only okay one is night sloth it does around 554 damage. So please help if possible

1 hour later…
Competition Objective
After a long and drawn out requirements gathering process, one that lasted almost all of the time between the last contest and now, we decided that that we need a (nonlethal) decision making engine to match to our internal decision-making processes. It should be a program that randomly outputs 'yes' or 'no' (or heads/tails, 1/0, or any result with two options).

But this is The Daily WTF – we don’t want a simple, elegant solution. We need someone to implement a solution suitable for enterprise applications.
@fredley go
1 hour later…
Q: Did you spare or killed the orcs at Gloombound Mines?

user50331I was just curious, did anyone kill or spare those orcs? I killed them because I wanted to keep the gauntlets. They seem to have a useful trait for when I'll be improve my draedric armor or dragon armor.

Q: When does Poopy the Bird come to drop poop on people?

jeffreylin_I have a mission from Zoe to drop poop from Poopy the Bird onto my citizens. However, I have not seen it yet. When does it arrive?

Q: Can projectiles pass through enemies?

galacticninjaIf yes, what weapons allow this? How does the damage work? Will the impact on the first enemy hit by the projectile, lessen damage to the second enemy hit? This is so I'll know if it's worth it to position myself so I could hit enemies in situations like this:

Q: HD Texture Packs In Minecraft

Ethan BaconI was wondering, I have optifine and I can get HD yexture packs but if I get anything over 128x Minecraft crashes. Why is this happening? My computer is very new and has great proccesors and graphics cards. My processor is an intel i7 3,4Ghz and my graphics card is a one of the higher AMD Rath...

Q: Why can't i log in in my minecraft launcher?

combatops336So i logged in at minecraft.net so i opened my minecraft launcher then i logged in after logging in it said login failed i am sure the username and password is correct but it says login failed. WHY?

@fbueckert I don't recall the first one.
U.S. Military

Proposed Q&A site for current or future soldiers and family members looking for answers to questions related to military regulations, rules, enlistment, laws, etc. (Not to be used for confidential information.)

Currently in definition.

Pastafarianism and other modern religions

Proposed Q&A site for members and supporters of modern religions - like the faiths of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, and the Church of Kopimism (which is officially acknowledged as a religion in Sweden).

Currently in definition.

MeatStare @NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment
@Fredley isn't even here? What is this?
I can't rely on any of you people.
@StrixVaria =(
@StrixVaria a lot of people are here a lot...
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I give up. I've gotten 3 Pastafarianism proposals closed at this point, but I've lost the will to fight it.
You want a fucking Q&A site for your silly joke religion that only exists to insult people who believe something else? Go the fuck ahead you fucking asshole holier-than-thou atheist piece of shit without a shred of tolerance in your body. Go the fuck ahead.
To be clear: I do not think all Atheists are holier-than-thou pieces of shit without a shred of tolerance in their body. Just the ones that self describe as 'Pastafarians' and think their silly noodle joke isn't really gravely insulting to somebody.
@fbueckert Huh, what did I miss?
@FEichinger Scootalloo had a question closed. He got irrationally angry at badp and asked on meta about deleting his account. Then he looked at the bridge transcript, and saw me saying mean things about the target of yesterdays other drama in a chat with badp, and assumed it was about him, and got even angrier and said mean things to me.
Then his meta post got deleted and kalina talked him back off the cliff so he didn't delete.
Geez ...
Just let him leave, for crying out loud.
He very deliberately overreacts over pretty much anything.
@FEichinger Mainly, I am just laughing at how he immediately assumed that he was being talked about by me and badp last night when I was talking about how I said nasty things to Mr. Thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, that's reasonable. He usually is one of the people one says such things about.
Alongside Retrosaur, NOYB and Johann. Btw, what happened to that guy?
Hey, this is a real old question from the early days when we didn't understand our own rules, and I'm still getting rep from it, but we ought to close it because honestly, it's going to get thrown in our faces sooner or later as a "WHY IS THIS OPEN BUT MY QUESTION GOT CLOSED" link:
A: Why has the game "Oregon Trail" remained nostalgically popular for so many in the US?

LessPop_MoreFizzBecause it was a video game that we got to play in school. It was installed on every machine in every computer lab I set foot in from second grade on through 8th grade, in some iteration or another, and that experience seems to have been mirrored by everyone else I've spoken to about the game. F...

@FEichinger There are plenty more examples.
@StrixVaria Hardly any repeat offenders in the recent weeks, though, as far as I can tell.
Maybe not recent, but game addict and danRuhl are on the same level when they stop by.
I think danRuhl got a year ban, though.
@StrixVaria He did. He was easily the worst by an order of magnitude.
@StrixVaria Banned, yes.
oooh ... so this is what happened to Johann ...
ChrisHatez has stirred up some drama in chat recently.
@StrixVaria Oh, right, forgot about that one.
@FEichinger Yeah, basically he mellowed out and is no longer a problem.
Which, Scoot mostly had as well... but my god is he prickly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Careful.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, now it's just his name. :P
@StrixVaria I've run out of care.
Q: Why is everything taking so long to craft nothing?

jeffreylin_My workshop, as well as Nyok's house, is taking about two days to craft nothing. It doesn't tell what's being crafted and doesn't have a status bar above it. What's up with that?

Unicorns weep when you delete your Stack Exchange account.
A: How do I delete my account on Meta while keeping Stack Overflow?

Tim PostFirst, an account is never really purged, it is denormalized. The following spaghettification takes place once your request is processed: All posts by you will be denormalized. This means that an anonymous user gravatar and name such as user123456 will be shown as the author of your posts. All...

Q: Need help in Bowling Game in OpenGL C++

Umair AyubI am a beginner and creating a bowling game in openGL C++. What I have done so far that I have drawn a bowl and three points(obstacles). The bowl is moved upon key-pressed. I want to make illusion that when the bowl hits those obstacles, they should be dropped. To do this, I have code like wh...

I don't want that much good looks in my game. I just want that When that ball reaches to those obstacles, they should be scattered. — Umair Ayub 2 hours ago
You obviously don't understand how game physics work.
Someone should write an answer to that in which the pins are turned into missiles that fly straight at the camera.
@Ullallulloo Thanks for the games, but is Planetside 2 for mac? Did they update it or something?
@Ullallulloo Also, my PC can run any game out there right now on max settings with a high FPS :D
I have never seen so many people excited for features that have not been announced in any way. Er except for Apple rumors.
@BenBrocka The comparison with Steam is bullshit, plain and simple.
@avestar101 Oh, right. I forgot about that. I don't think it is.
I feel like I slept on my head
> we're finally reaping the rewards [of DRM] in the form of [...] Humble Bundles.
@FEichinger I don't think people are thinking it through. Just because you treat physical games like digital ones doesn't mean the overhead goes away. The extra cost is intrinsic because they are physical, how you treat them has no effect whatsoever
@Ullallulloo Ah yes the infamous Humble Bundle DRM (uhhh I guess they're almost half right if you count the very few games that are Steam only)
Come thin think, wasn't the THQ pack the only bundle that was Steam only and thus DRM only?
Q: Does anybody know a good sniper drop location or chest that you've gotten good snipers

DeathDealerI use snipers mainly and can't find any really useful ones the only okay one is night sloth it does around 554 damage. So please help if possible

BL2 players: is this even answerable?
Or are drops completely random?
Depends if you accept "no" as an answer, only legendary/unique drops have an increased rate of appearance from any particular area (chests are 100% random)
@BenBrocka I will just say that I was already in the camp of "well that's what Steam does..." and didn't understand the fuss. I guess this is proof that you should listen to me more
@fbueckert Completely random, as far as I know. There are certain enemies that will drop a certain item, but those are rare.
@kalina no
yes :(
@BenBrocka There were two THQ ones, but yeah, even the Alan Wake one had DRM-free versions.
but but but
@Fluttershy So he's just looking for, "A better sniper rifle than he currently has".
Which, essentially, he'll get during play.
@fbueckert Correct. I'm perfectly fine with it being answered with "No." So... <_<
Like... I don't think it merits a close unless we already have an answer somewhere showing that loot is 99.999999999999% random.
@Fluttershy Personally, "No" is a rather bad answer. We might be able to salvage it to go, "How can I find better weaponry?"
@kalina I will listen to you more when you watch Tucker and Dale vs. Evil in its entirety.
that's mean
@fbueckert No is an answer. Answers don't need to be detailed paragraphs or essays. I know it looks nicer, but it's not necessary.
@Fluttershy Yeh, the answer should pretty much be "Drops are completely random, except for X, Y and Z, which drop from unique mobs A, B and C."
Asking for a particular generic item in a game that is built around randomly generating these very items ... is still pointless.
@kalina I promise you, once you get past the horror movie-esque setup, the movie is hilarious.
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