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Q: Make individuals distinct

gsamarasI am trying to construct an ALCQ knowledge base (KB) for some sentences. Here is what I have: Abox (Yiannis is a person and he drinks only one kind of a coffee, frappe): Person(YIANNIS) $\forall$ drinksCoffee.frappe(YIANNIS) Tbox (A Greek person is a person who drinks only one kind of a coff...

Can you use identity? And thus add e.g. "TSIPRAS $\ne$ VAROUFAKIS"?
Yeah that's what I thought, but I am new in this, so I do not know if it is that simple @BrianO, is it?
I'm just guessing. You, however, know something about ALCQ KBs... The question must have an easy answer.
Hmm OK @BrianO, are you going to answer, or should I delete the question?
I have no answer beyond that. You can't determine whether identity is allowed in the KB system you're using???
I am saying to convert your comment to an answer @BrianO. Well, from my understanding it is not, but the assignment says strictly to do so with ALCQ. I cannot check, since it's all in paper (!). So I think my understanding is wrong and what you are saying is correct.
I'm almost embarrassed to do so: it seems I have questions but no answers! And I don't know the notations involved (ABox, TBox, things that look like first order logic, from a distance, but aren't, etc.) When I search ALCQ, I don't find much, and what little I do find is behind paywalls. You only have hardcopy (paper), not a link?
Well BrianO, you are the only one who helps, so you should be proud. This is the best link I got:
Very well
Lol, OK let me examine that...
Slide 41 states the Unique Names Assumption (UNA): We will assume that if
a and b are distinct individuals then a^I != b^I.
That is, distinct names are assumed to denote distinct individuals, in every interpretation.
So you don't have to add anything to guarantee that the 3 distinctly named pets are in fact distinct — you get that "for free".
That's it, now you should for sure be able to add an answer!
Can I cite the paper you linked to?
If not, I can talk around it
Of course. It's not a paper though, this are the slides of the course.
Yes of course "slides" not "paper". Ok, I'll write it up. Thanks!
I thank you! :)

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