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Ah I like this @IvoFlipse
it'd be good for discussing the admin stuff, and then the more public stuff we can talk on the regular chat
hi @nhinkle, I made a private room, where we can discuss stuff about the blog that we don't need everyone to know
Great. Thanks for the heads-up
I still have 2 more finals to get through, but as soon as those are done, I'll be able to start doing more stuff for the blog :)
@KronoS still no word from kingston :(
@nhinkle it took two tries for me... and I've also noticed that they didn't 'retweet' my blog post... I've gotta get this second one done quick and then write up that actual reivew of the drives
Hm. Guess they're a bit slow on the whole twitter thing
if I don't hear back from them by the next time they post something (indicating they'll be on), I'll send them another one
if they don't ever get back to me or aren't able to send me one, might i be able to use one of the ones they sent you when you're all done testing? they sent you 3, right?
@nhinkle, Jeff told me I was allowed to sponsor hardware for blog posts, just pick something interesting :)
I'm considering writing a post about building my pc, though I don't have pictures of installing the water cooling, because I didn't have to disconnect it
perhaps installing silent fans or something else to make it less noisy
and I still need to solve that problem that prevents the overclocking, so I can write a post about that as well
perhaps measure my power usage
@IvoFlipse I need to clean out my case a little more... I can take it apart and take pcitures for an 'overall' view of building the pc
@IvoFlipse mk, we'll see. I was already hoping you guys could buy an HDD caddy, and didn't want to ask for too much by also asking for the SSD if we could get one for free. Also, regarding NXTs/mindstorms, I'm going to see if I can get ahold of somebody at NI or LEGO after I'm done with exams. It might be something fun to do in conjunction with electronics.SE and mindstorms.SE if they ever get through to beta
cross-network things are great, it fits nicely in the stackexchange spirit
As I don't have a desktop computer with me at college, there's not as much I can do for the blog in terms of hardware hacking :/
do you guys know the story about smugmug's area51 proposal?
i know they really wanted to get an SE site and the founder went around asking all the people on the site to PLEASE PLEASE COMMIT TO THIS PLEASE I WANT YOU TO
@IvoFlipse no what happened?
I don't think they ever made it through though
they couldn't attract sufficient existing users to get through the commitment, they got told: go use other sites you like and become existing/experienced users yourself
a lot started using photo.SE
that's cool
is one of the requirements that there be a certain % of committed users who are established SE users?
I like that rule...
@IvoFlipse why is this on meta.SO, not on SU?
oh I connected it with the wrong site
room topic changed to Super User Blog Editor Room: Where the editors drink coffee and try to get things done!
hehe. any way to change it? doesn't make a huge difference, though the different colors definitely threw me off for a moment :P
done :)
Q: What can be done to get Smugmug into Beta?

PearsonartphotoProposal: SmugMug Okay, I just posted a question on MSO, but I thought I'd post one here as well. What can we do to get this site into beta? There are 3 tactics which I can see working to get this site into beta. Recruit more SE users to join this site. The most likely spot this would work is...

anyway, that's why its a great thing to get users to use multiple sites (especially experienced ones)
so if we start to write blog posts for guitars or electronics and fitness, that will inspire more sites to start doing it too
the same applies to the contest
there's a contest?
What is smugmug anyways? A photo hosting site?
and why would you need an SE site dedicated to it?
the owner of smugmug loves SO so he wanted one

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