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@studiohack it sounds like we're receiving PSUs with our computers
jeff emailed me. the stuff is in the mail
@nhinkle wow nice... yes, I got the email as well, and he was nice enough to include a tracking number...
2 hours later…
howdy @simon
Hey @nhinkle, how's it going?
pretty good
Actually very good today, getting some stuff done finally.
Preparing my MVSU nominations early :p
nice, nice
i've already recruited @jcrawfordor to write some more blog posts for us. he has some cool ones lined up.
We can make more than one nomination, right? I had 2 users in mind
also @berk98 may be joining us on the blog
@SimonSheehan yep, more than one is fine
That's really good. Wonder how many more the contest will wrangle in :)
we shall see. hopefully a lot :D
i picked up two used LCDs yesterday. now i've got 3 monitors. i can only use 2 of them at once right now though because my laptop only supports 2 simultaneous displays
Got a desktop? Triple monitors can be really fun :D
@SimonSheehan getting. Jeff put the parts in the mail today, and I'm deciding what other components to order
You could always convert one into a TV. if it supports DVI
have you used a computer with 3 monitors?
I have once. Most people like even numbers, dual or quad :P
i think 3 is better - that way you have a natural middle to look at, and then something on either side
i'd take 3 over 2 any day of course
Good point. I saw an iMac with 2 cinemas display one day, was really cool :D
I still use a single monitor myself though
hmm. do well in the SU contest, maybe you could win a monitor ;)
Perhaps :)
I'm sure I'll find something fun to blog about too.
Well, gonna go find a charger. Cya later @nhinkle
toodles @simon
1 hour later…
@nhinkle @studiohack remind me again, what're you 2 getting?
the computer hardware that Jeff was giving away to US-based Super Users @Sathya
@Sathya hoping to build my first pc with it :P
nice, what're the components?
@Sathya simply put, a Core 2 Duo + mobo+heatsink+psu is one pile (mine), @nhinkle's is an i7 processor, + 25gb ram, +mobo (I think? @nhinkle) + psu
need more details :P
@Sathya tbh, that's all I know at this point :P
haha ok
@Sathya wish you could have been in on that... :(
I'd have grabbed the i7 :p
but seriously, even if I could, I'd have to turn it down
me too :P - but nhinkle deserves it more...
@Sathya time? $$?
@studiohack there's no place.. I stay in semi-dorm/paying guest kinda place, there's absolutely no place
no place and no space... sounds like fun... not @Sathya
I'm eagerly waiting for the upcoming couple of weeks.. have an .. interesting delivery waiting to happen
oh? what would that be @Sathya? (if you don't mind my asking
@studiohack 25GB of RAM? That's preposterous - nobody needs that much RAM. I'm getting 24 GB. ;)
@nhinkle haha :P
@Sathya whoa! nice
laters @nhinkle @Sathya :)
Hm. If I blogged about how to set up a computer in a car, could Ivo's funds pay me for a car? :D
@studiohack my first car :) see ya :)
@nhinkle heh
congrats @Sathya
@nhinkle thanks!
my first car:
i've already put over 2500 miles on it, too
theoretically here's mine
haha, yes, i do a lot of walking too. i can't even begin to count how many miles on my legs
(although not mine mine)
did you just google "legs" or are those... oh, ok
that's not actually my bike either, but it's the same model
former @nhinkle :P
I get a ping from this chat room, load it up, and there's a leg.
hahah ;p
(ping: @nhinkle )
eh @Sathya?
oh. it's @jcrawfordor. yeah I mentioned you a while ago. hi
yeah, I looked back and saw the ping. Just found it funny that for some reason it scrolled to the wrong place and left me with the leg.
I'm working on that one blog post right now. maybe half done.
already? that's quick
i'm planning to put up the one i was working on (about laptop security) on Monday
so we could probably get yours up wednesday or thereabouts
@jcrawfordor I just noticed you've surpassed @jtbandes in rep now
oo. I WIN I WIN I WIN. Now to get my Reddit karma past him.
he's got you way beat on Stack Overflow though
oh yeah, I really don't pay attention to sites other than superuser.
I have to say that GadgetTrak is looking pretty cool, mostly because of the price. I might take one for the team and try it out. By which I mean subscribe my laptop.

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