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Wow, @ThomasKwa, you found this rather quickly. :P
I'll be transcribing some notes soon from my little notebook.
I see you have chosen your first words.
I was worried you'd get the first words. :P
I deliberated over the options—to reference a PPCG meme, or say something grand, or maybe even some self-reference—but decided it should be up to you, the room creator, to decide the tone of the room for all future occupants.
Haha. Well, a (debatedly) poor start will soon be remedied. :P
Goals for PyAcidic (draft):
- get rid of fluff where possible
- make it a lot easier to use common patterns (like nested loops)
- when feasible, make it readable/understandable
- flexibility with sensibility
- practicality-oriented (not simple/elegant like Lisp nor overly complex like C++ or Perl)
\chunk(\N,7) should be smart enough to know the result is an infinite list.
\cycle(\cycle(3),\cycle(7)) is an infinite list of infinite lists of 3s and 7s. Need a way to loop through these.
^ is discussed a little starting here:
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 days ago, by El'endia Starman
On a completely different topic, I'd like some thoughts on this: let's say I have a function \cycle that...well...turns the input into a cycle. So \cycle([0,1]) becomes [0,1,0,1,0,1,...] and likewise \cycle([2,3]) becomes [2,3,2,3,2,3,...], both of which are infinite lists. The question: what should \cycle([ \cycle([0,1]), \cycle([2,3]) ]) be? Or, alternatively, if you loop through it with a for loop and print each item, what should the output be?
\N is [1,2,3,...]; \cycle(\N) is [(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(1,3),(2,2),(3,1),...]
Infinite lists should have a period attribute, which may be infinity or unknown.
Elaboration: a known period helps with stuff like smart printing. \print(\cycle([0,1])) should be something like [0,1,0,1,...], and \print(\interleave( \cycle([0,1]), \cycle([2,3]) )) should produce something like [0,2,1,3,0,2,1,3,...].
Idea: looping over 3x3 subsets of a grid is common. Can be improved by reducing the number of "requests" to the grid. Depending on the desired action, [a further improvement is possible,] like summing up each subset because the running total can be adjusted on the fly. Requires: commutativity, associativity, inverse, no weighting.
In any case, provide \gridSubsets and options of toroidal (default: false) and strict (default: false; strict meaning that subsets are entirely contained in the grid).
Anything ⊕ (any operator) function = new function
\pairwise( makes any op ⊕ into one that takes two sequences and returns another one that consists of a0 ⊕ b0, a1 ⊕ b1, etc.
fundamental types: (draft)
- Number: int, float, complex, ...
- Sequence: string, list, cycle, ...
- Function
sequences can be infinite
\strict( - errors on mismatched-length inputs
\loose( does nothing with overflow
\short(, \long( - adjusts whether the length of the output depends on the shortest or longest input
Reasoning: it irks me that Python has the wonderfully useful tool zip that always truncates iterables longer than the shortest one, so you have to do import itertools to get itertools.ziplongest.
"5"+5 should throw ambiguity warning and return 10
\concat("5",5) => "55"
\copy and \deepcopy(/\shallowcopy(
Reasoning: likewise, how many times has shallow copying/copying by reference been a problem? Solution? import copy ... copy.deepcopy. Same issue.
\nestedLoop(*iterables) does a Cartesian product on the iterables
Justification: nested loops with no processing in between are quite common. It'd be nice to one-liner them (in an relatively clear way, of course).
Okay, that's the end of the transcribed notes.
I actually had a little function written on a scrap of paper that seems to have been recycled. Sadface.
But noteworthy aspects:
- variables can have their type specified with type:variable notation. I.e., func:foo(int:a, str:b){ ... }
Given that I plan to implement something like Python's dynamic/duck typing as the default, these specifications are useful for enforcing preconditions. For instance, func:fibonacci(int:n) means that n must be an integer, otherwise an error is thrown.
- \require(n > 0) will essentially be like assert in Java. Throws an error if the condition is not met. I'd like to make this a little more flexible, but conditions will definitely be included.
- \return(n) for returning. I really want to figure out a better way to do this. having to type out return every time seems like it might be a bit of fluff that could be disposed of. Maybe not.
Another thing I remember from that scrap of paper: it'd be cool to be able to do this:
   0 1 ?
0 1 ?
   0 1 1 ?
0 1 1 ?
   0 1 1 2 ?
0 1 1 2 ?
   0 1 1 2 3 ?
0 1 1 2 3 ?
Essentially, build a sequence by adding differences from a sequence that is itself.
Such a function would instantly make all Fibonacci/Lucas-type sequences easy without even needing to make a specific command for those.
But beyond that, I think the ability to self-reference could make for some very powerful (and very abuse-able) operations.
Incidentally, I'm considering changing the language name to PyTeX. The "words" will be very TeX-like and I'll be borrowing a lot of stuff from Python too...
in The Nineteenth Byte, 3 hours ago, by El'endia Starman
Okay, thoughts and ideas requested: let's say I implement a \track() command that "watches" a sequence and does something when something happens. As a specific example, let's say I have a sequence that is the number of factors of natural numbers, and whenever there's a new maximum, I want to print the corresponding number. How should this be written? What would be clear notation?
^ I think this "tracking" idea could be a new/unusual form of flow control, potentially very useful.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 28 secs ago, by Quill
a generator, maybe
9 mins ago, by El'endia Starman
Essentially, build a sequence by adding differences from a sequence that is itself.
sounds like a generator
Yes, generators will underlie a lot of this language's features.
I'm asking about notation, though.
not helpful =_=
well, if your power went out or something...
javascript has their generator notation like function*
versus a normal notation of function
Notation in general is more TeX-like, though.
But that's kinda beside the point.
func*:fibonacci(int:n) gen:fibonacci(int:n)
Why is it called Pyacidic?
If we're talking about the Fibonacci-producing thing, then it'd be something like x = [0,1]+\addDiffs(x,[0,1]+x). I don't know if that's clear notation.
(not frankly appetizing)
@Calvin'sHobbies i'm guessiing cuz of p-adic orders and stuff
sounds super l337
or like an IRC username from 2003
in The Nineteenth Byte, Nov 30 '15 at 8:02, by El'endia Starman
Well, that's what it should be if you want it to match my PY-ACIDIC code.
IIRC, it's a pun on TI-BASIC (because of tokenization) and Python.
I do plan on having an encoding/compiled version (perhaps called PyAc) where every command becomes a byte or two for purposes.
For \track(), I still don't really know how I'm going to go about doing that.
@El'endiaStarman listeners?
It depends on these things: sequence(s), trigger(s), and action(s).
@Quill I'm not talking implementation detail at this point.
> - when feasible, make it readable/understandable
Oh hai @ThomasKwa. Lots of goodies up at the top. :P
So... what exactly is PyAcidic? :/
It's......somewhat hard to describe.
In part because I'm not 100% sure yet.
This sounds an awful like PHP
It's hard to describe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
bad dum tss
Well, I do intend for it to become a language I use.
It will be general purpose.
Based off of python?
Yes and no.
@El'endiaStarman so there's where PHP and PyAcidic differ, then?
I'll be taking some of Python's stuff, like and and or, probably, and in too.
Duck typing too.
make sure to take chained comparisons
So it's an actual language, not stack-based or anything?
But also, one thing I really like about Blitz 2D/3D, the first language I really learned, is that it's so easy to do 2D and 3D stuff. In Python? Not so much.
your syntax looks like lisp
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Correct. I initially thought about making it prefix notation like Pyth, but then my desire to make it really usable won out.
It makes more sense to have a+b than +ab or \add(a,b).
@Quill Hmm. I don't really like Lisp all that much, probably in part because I haven't used it very much. In particular, I dislike how many parentheses there are.
And yet...
I am considering figuring out a good way to let you close all parens/brackets/braces with a single character.
@Maltysen Like?
@El'endiaStarman like a semicolon?
@Quill Precisely.
@El'endiaStarman a<b<c actually works like expected
@Maltysen I am absolutely doing that.
@Quill The question I have is basically "what if I only want to close the last four pairs?"
Still mulling over that.
#n / ;3 or a similar character
So like ;#4?
something like that
yeah, perhaps
or even a carriage return if you want to get funky
About your track idea: I'm considering dropsort-by for mine :)
I have seriously considered using carriage returns. Problem comes in when you want to indent code like this:
@El'endiaStarman Unless you'll be heavily overloading everything, I'd be in favor of prefix.
@ThomasKwa I said postfix? Shoot. Meant prefix. Edited.
@El'endiaStarman Jolf is useful o^o
@El'endiaStarman double carriage return
or maybe even like Python's required indentation
@Sp3000 I like the idea of dropsort-by in general. That'll probably become its own command.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ PHP is useful.
PyAcidic looks a lot like (La)TeX...
@El'endiaStarman It's a hose.
33 mins ago, by El'endia Starman
Incidentally, I'm considering changing the language name to PyTeX. The "words" will be very TeX-like and I'll be borrowing a lot of stuff from Python too...
Or maybe Pytek.
:) (I'm crashing the party because we seem to be making slightly similar languages again)
PyTeX sounds like its an official deriv.
@Quill Oooh, I like that idea. Maybe carriage return + ; + carriage return?
I think anything except prefix, Jelly-like tacit, or stack-based with implicit input like ...Adnan's langauge or MATL, I forget which... will be at a disadvantage against the existing languages.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hence why I was a bit iffy about it.
@El'endiaStarman So go with Pytek! :D
or maybe even an empty loop
I do like that idea. Pytek. Easy to say, easy to type...
@ThomasKwa Expand upon "disadvantage against the existing languages"?
@Quill Risks visual clutter.
@El'endiaStarman ...sounds like Hi-tech..
@El'endiaStarman IMO (La)TeX already looks cluttered.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Aye, and that's worrying me somewhat.
@El'endiaStarman Are the `\`s necessary?
On the other hand, programs may become vastly shorter, so that might not be so problematic.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I figure that's the indicator of a command.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pyth is already at a disadvantage against a language like Jelly, because it needs bytes to express lambdas and such.
@ThomasKwa Oh, byte-wise disadvantage.
Yeah, implicit stuff helps a lot. If you need to have explicit input, well, then, you're already at a disadvantage.
That said, my goals for this language have evolved to the point that while I do still plan on making a heavily compressed "encoding", the golfiness should come from the sheer number of usable patterns.
Therefore, @El'endiaStarman, you need to have a golf mode for PyAcidic.

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