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@VoteToClose You around?
@quartata [citation-needed]
He turned it off
Then appeared to go AFK
I'll just start it myself
Bot started.
!eval jelly "¬" "" "1"
Bot restarted after crash.
Bot restarted after crash.
Bot started.
That was me desperately trying to kill it without realizing that it respawns
@quartata You don't have the privilege to execute this command.
Yeah - I have a bot killer run config setup.
@VoteToClose Bot terminated.
So I have no idea what the error was
I'll try again
Bot started.
!eval jelly "¬" "" "1"
Bot restarted after crash.
Bot started.
!eval jelly "¬" "" "1"
Bot restarted after crash.
> AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'join'
Not <list>.join(<string>
@quartata I removed the kill bash statement. Hopefully that helps - just means that they always need to be run through run configs.
Bot started.
^ That dude's the stable one.
@quartata If you ever need any run configurations, just look at the tabs I have open, I think I've got everything set up.
@VoteToClose can you restart the experimental bot? you seem to be a bit better at that than me
Bot started.
There you go. :D
@quartata Has the Unicode issue been fixed?
!eval jelly "¬" "" "1"
@quartata 0
nailed it
@Dennis think so
Are multiple arguments supported?
!eval jelly "“Hooray!»"
@Dennis []
So all strings after code and input are treated as arguments
!eval vitsy "+N" "" "5" "4"
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at java.util.ArrayList.elementData(ArrayList.java:418)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:431)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.index(Vitsy.java:735)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.top(Vitsy.java:732)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.opHandle(Vitsy.java:588)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.main(Vitsy.java:88)
@Data That's an improvement, but still wrong.
@quartata See the workspace; there are some fixes needing applying. xD
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
@Dennis [6, 16, 10]
sorry I gotta go
Different args are getting parsed as 1+2+3.
what's going wrong with it?
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1"
@Dennis [1, 16, 10]
I'll fix it the best I can - there's always file revision if we need it.
oh shit I just realized th plus is getting encoded
@VoteToClose map encode over the slice and take out the encode in format
that will fix it
I have no clue what you just said.
(I don't python)
"+".join(res[2:].map(lambda a : urlencodethingy(a)))
then take out the encode in the format call on cargs
So: "+".join(res[2:].map(lambda a : urllib.parse.quote(a, safe="'/")))
Bot started.
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
It did not like that.
.map is not supported for this, apparently.
oh is it because map returns an enumerator in python 3
put list() around the call to map
"+".join(res[2:].list().map(lambda a : urllib.parse.quote(a, safe="'/")))
around res.map
"+".join(list(res[2:].map(lambda a : urllib.parse.quote(a, safe="'/"))))
on mobile cant test
Bot started.
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/EDIT THIS/SE-Chatbot/EvalModule.py", line 53, in cmd_eval
    "+".join(list(res[2:].map(lambda a : urllib.parse.quote(a, safe="'/"))))
Oh, wait, I'm an idiot.
Bot started.
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
full error pls
Still no dice.
File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/EDIT THIS/SE-Chatbot/ExceptHook.py", line 38, in run_with_except_hook
    run_old(*args, **kw)

  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)

  File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/EDIT THIS/SE-Chatbot/ChatExchange3/chatexchange3/browser.py", line 696, in _runner

  File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/EDIT THIS/SE-Chatbot/ChatExchange3/chatexchange3/rooms.py", line 81, in on_activity
    event_callback(event, self._client)
wheres the exception
Sorry, missed that bit.
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'map'
2016-02-01 01:39:41.476856 UTC
huh wat
er ok
Would this work:
    cargs = '+'
    # args support?
    #av = ''
    av = ' '.join(args[1:]).replace(r'\\', '\ufff8').replace(r'\"', '\ufff7').replace(r"\'", '\uffff')
    res = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', av)
    if res:
        code = res[0].replace('\ufff7', '"').replace("\uffff", "'").replace('\ufff8', r'\\')
        cinput = res[1].replace('\ufff7', '"').replace("\uffff", "'").replace('\ufff8', r'\\') if len(res)>1 else ''
        # cargs = "+".join(list(res[2:].map(lambda a : urllib.parse.quote(a, safe="'/"))))
ima tard nvm
map(lambda,list not list.map
Can you just write it out? I really don't know this stuff.
list(map(res[2:], lambda))
losing connection one sec
Bot started.
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
TypeError: 'function' object is not iterable
oh wrong wy around
swap array and lambda
Bot started.
!eval jelly "³;⁴;⁵" "" "1" "2" "3"
@VoteToClose [1, 2, 3]
Uhh... @Dennis?
try vitsy
!eval vitsy "W++N" "5" "5" "5"
@VoteToClose 15
hell yeah
Nice one, quartata. :D
first time ive ever fixed a bug in the rain
all right bai for real
Bai. xD
I'll add you to the contributors list.
Bot started.
@Mego Can you push the content currently located in the folder "EDIT THIS"?
!eval jelly "“Hooray!»"
@VoteToClose []
!eval Vitsy "255N"
@quartata Something went wrong with your request, sorry! Are you sure that language is on Try It Online?
I'll fix it so that it auto lower cases it later
!eval vitsy "255N"
@quartata 5
@VoteToClose how do I make it push a one number?
!eval vitsy "'255'.N"
@VoteToClose 53
!eval vitsy "'552'nN"
@VoteToClose 552
@VoteToClose 255
Use the eval character n.
Or a character. :P
!eval vitsy "'552'nO"
@VoteToClose ÿ
!eval vitsy "'ÿ'N"
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall.

97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall.

96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall.

95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer.
@VoteToClose 255
!eval vitsy "'012'nO"
@quartata Ò
Just wanted to test a few unicode things.
!eval rotor "'©"
@quartata ?
Yeah Unicode is probably not entirely fixed :p
If you look on the workspace, you can see what it's actually querying...
Just wanted to see if that needs to be on my hitlist.
hm what else
!eval python print("vulnerable");
Bot restarted after crash.
? crash
Uhh, did you give it python support?
Anyways get that shit out of there or make it an admin command
@VoteToClose mego did
evals it locally not tio
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
!eval python print("vulnerable")
oh semicolon hurr
Bot started.
Anyways I'll make that an admin command tomorrow
what else
What, the eval for python?
I can just disable that...?
Well you might want it for quick debugging.
Lemme test something here.
Don't. Cat. The. Password.
!eval rotor "1{}|"
Bot started.
Sorry, I just stopped it to remove the python evaluator.
I commented out the eval for python.
!eval rotor "1{}|"
Ah. It'll only go for 60 seconds.
lets see if this hangs it until the timeout
!eval rotor "'a"
I've done this before with earlier versions - it just waits.
@quartata a
needs threads
This is fun:
!eval vitsy "["
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at com.VTC.vitsy.OperativeHandler.doOperation(OperativeHandler.java:5)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.opHandle(Vitsy.java:162)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.loopHandler(Vitsy.java:152)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.opHandle(Vitsy.java:365)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.loopHandler(Vitsy.java:152)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.opHandle(Vitsy.java:365)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.loopHandler(Vitsy.java:152)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.opHandle(Vitsy.java:365)
at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.loopHandler(Vitsy.java:152)
I didn't even mean to implement it.
That's just something that happened.
Also, something that might change how we do this:
Q: Chat Onebox Raw Text File Links

VoteToCloseOftentimes, while testing code or linking to raw GitHub, I find myself wishing that raw text or program files would one box. For example, the link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VTCAKAVSMoACE/Vitsy/master/examples/MathTest.vt should one-box; I want the person with whom I'm working to be abl...

If that gets worked on, we don't have to query TIO ourselves - we can just make chat do it.
OK so current hitlist is: concurrency, str.lowercase lang name, unicode, pyth and a message for empty output
I know how to do all of these things in java.
Pin it?
Can't, but I'll star.
Some are small some are not
ah k
How easy is concurrency? i.e. Could you tell me how to do it?
No that's something I'll have to look at. I have not done threading in python in years :P
Especially since it was made a method. We basically would have to rewrite how it outputs to chat through eval.
It'll be tricky but needs to be done
Yes, it really does.
I'll look it up.
think I have an idea but it means I will have to slog through ProgramFOX's code bleragh
it is pretty cool that this cloud9 will let us host this. are you paying for it?
c9 is weirdly free for 40 workspaces like this.
These are my workspaces:
what makes it cool is that each one is basically a mini vm
Is there a list of supported languages?
Each one is a mini VM.
There are some non-free things (the private workspaces, for one. I had to reallocate some stuff so I could hide bot.pwd).
Plus, y'know, it's Ubuntu 12.04.
Whatever you can run in amd64, you can run there. :P
@VoteToClose \o/
!eval "“Hooray!»"
@Dennis Syntax: !eval <language name> "<code>" "[input]": Error: not enough arguments: got ['"â\x80\x9cHooray!»"']
!eval jelly "“Hooray!»"
@Dennis []
Unicode is still getting fixed.
Yeah unicode is still borked. I got args working though so feel free to play with that
!eval 3var "ip"
@quartata 1
@quartata Neato
vtc helped
The Python eval was just a temporary measure to test what is actually getting passed in, since the unicode sillyness seemed to come from the ChatExchange API and not the actual eval module
I have no intention of leaving it accessible after we work out the wonkiness
Do you want me to leave it as an admin command?
VTC took it out after args got fixed
At least until we work out the unicode stuffs
I will put it back in when I have access to c9
You on mobile right now?
Concurrency and Unicode should be our top priorities
@Mego ye
Why is there versioning in the workspace?
although now I have a stable connection
@Mego Because we broke the stable copy at one point.
And I had to fix it.
We should have two copies.
git branch && git gud
This is easier
...granted, that would be easier if I wasn't the only one with repo access
You and VTC have been added as collaborators on the GitHub repo
So you two can commit/push
I don't know why I didn't do that sooner

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