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@Fredy31 and then they add the usual boss that has long "can't hit me" downtimes.
Alas, Mihoyo once said that surveys showed that Abyss was causing stress to players, so they wanted to avoid very hard content.
But that sentiment, actually shared by tons of players if you read thru the linked post, betrays a complete misunderstanding of the issue.
The Abyss is "hated" not because it is hard gameplay wise. All the "difficulty" is just artificial difficulty due to a timelimit.
And that timelimit actually proves that the combat is NOT hard. Quite the opposite. The combat is braindead.
Idiots call characters like Diluc "Unga Bunga" gameplay because their skill are very simple and "button mashing".
I ask you: isn't the very concept of "fixed rotation / attack order" a worse example of "Unga Bunga" gameplay?
I mean...
Here you have the National team (carried by the three most broken 4* characters in the game, there is a reason players joke that Xiangling is the Pyro archon)
Fixed sequence of attacks, no matter the enemy, no "avoid attack", just "try to not get interrupted by attack, if that happens, start room again until lucky"
Wonder why you don't get "skill rotations" for your average Soul-like boss, or for a Streetfighter clone?
Because (outside exploits) there you are reacting to the boss actions. Genshin min-max is you trying to ignore the boss actions to just repeat the "max damage in shortest time" button sequence. I wonder if you could put all the National rotation in a Dual Sense Edge macro...
Now, if this kind of gameplay hasn't already pushed you on the "Abyss is not fun gameplay" side of the scale, then you have also to min-max artifacts to stand a chance (or pay to try to get some rare characters to C6, Furina C6 or example removes all her balancing and turns her in a "she does everything" monster. But most players only have resources to go for C0, even as low spender who just pay the monthly welking sub)
And Artifact farming is the real trash.
And oddly enough... it seems to be the same trash in every Mihoyo game, the issues are always the same.
Too many RNG layers stacked one after another that means that you can play for weeks and end up with nothing. Growth isn't linear, the more you train, the stronger you get. You get stronger only when you get a better artifact by sheer luck.
And the RNG is so bad that this can very well never happen.
Imagine if in World of Warcraft you had to farm a boss for an Epic sword drop with 5% chance. Simple, right?
But then the sword can have a mains stat and 4 sub stat and those are random too. Some are useless, some are good, but the good one have a worse chance
So, when the sword finally drops, you have about 5% (on top of the 5% drop rate) to get the main stat you wanted. Then you have to hope to get at least 2 good sub stats out of four (but if you want to min-max you wanted all four).... Your drop chance is already probably less than one in a thousand.
But this is not the end: you also have to "level up" the sword four times, and on each level up you get a random bonus on a random sub stat. So you want good bonus (+10 vs +5 for example) on the best stats.
Want to get an EM Goblet with Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ER and ATK? that is 0,0006%.
YES, rarer than a rare character in the gacha. And... you know how most of the time you don't get those to drop outside of the guaranteed pity? Well, the artifacts have no pity.
Even getting a base good Flower has a 0.03% chance. (Flower has a fixed main stat, so one less rng layer)
then when you finally get one... all the rolls go in ER while you wanted critical. Toss the artifact in the trash and go looking for another one. Then get unlucky again. And again. And again. And all this time, you don't get any stronger.
And then you think players hate the Abyss because it is hard "dark soul" bosses.
No, players hate being forced in rotation gameplay (aka: can't play like I want, have to play like they tell me) and even more importantly having to get gear.
You can play the rest of the game perfectly fine with low/average artifacts. Only the Abyss and some combat event that have Abyss like mechanics and hp sponges require min maxing.
Wonder what? those event gets the same hate as the Abyss.
I don't get if the actual game devs don't realize this or think this is good for the game. Either way, this seems VERY VERY stupid.
@SPArcheon We had a time like that. In 8.3 Blizzard had added something called "Corruptions" that could appear on nearly every item. you had to get lucky to get a corruption, you had to get lucky to get the corruption you wanted, and you had to get lucky to get it at the max power level...
The game is a 3d action game, there is basically no way to make you require a new character without causing an huge backslash. This is not your card game when you can tailor a new event to be doable only with a new card.
So yeah, I get how you feel
@Nzall Still seem "better". One corruption, one power level. Get lucky once, you are done. Here you have 5 corruptions, each with its initial level and then on level up one random corruption gets a random bonus.
You can...
get bad "corruptions", get low level corruptions, get level up bonus on the wrong corruption, get a low level up bonus...
plenty of ways to ruing the artifact even after you got it.
@SPArcheon getting a bad corruption and a low level corruption was possible. In fact, originally Blizzard also planned for a FOURTH level of RNG. Corruptions were kiss/curse bonuses where along with the bonus effect you also get a set amount of a negative stat with increasingly worse downsides. Originally Blizzard wanted that negative stat amount to be random as well...
@Nzall Amateur. Four?
(and now I get why the seven archons have demon names...)
(actually, you could say EIGHT since the upgrade amount is also random)
@SPArcheon Yeah, but isn't the game balanced such that most if not all content beyond the hardest content is completable with any random build?
meeting now, feel free to keep talking, i'll catch up
@Nzall like I said before that is exacly the point. Basically only the Abyss (and badly balanced combat events that usually get ton of hate) forces you to min max.
So, it is idiotic to think that "players hate Abyss because hard." and it is even more idiotic to say the usual "get gud"
Players hate the Abyss because it requires going thru this trash of a system
And my second point is that the system has no reason to exist.
14 mins ago, by SPArcheon
The game is a 3d action game, there is basically no way to make you require a new character without causing an huge backslash. This is not your card game when you can tailor a new event to be doable only with a new card.
They can't hope to sell character based on a "you need them to complete content" gymmic since the game is story based. If you made side content require character, player will focus on the normal content instead. Just like most players don't even play the Abyss.
So, the only way to sell character is not powercreep but instead making the players like them by any means.
Fanservice, emotive exploits, moe "must protect" appeal, whatever goes. That is how they sell.
So.. why in the world you would make getting a new character painful????
Do they really want players to skip a character because "don't want to farm their artifact"?
If your product is the characters, you want the player to have fun using the characters, and there is no harm to let them get strong since "power" never has been your way to sell them.
like... Yoimiya has been considered "weaker" than average. Still has tons of fans. Do you think her quest ending like this says "pull me because I am OP" or "I am super cute get me"?
@SPArcheon And the Abyss is fully optional, right? There aren't any exclusive power rewards locked behind it?
@Nzall none. The only "reward" is some gems that... amounts to less than 4 pulls every 21 days. And even then, you can get at least half with little effort (chamber 9-10 are easy for max level characters even with bad artifacts)
So there is no real reason to "gatekeep" the door.
@Memor-X its quiet... to quite.... BE CAREFUL! It's is a trap
3 hours later…
@SPArcheon wait, it's not gacha?
@Memor-X See the message above. I totally expect it to be a gacha.
But what is important, your money or placing Madoka and Homura haply together in your party?
Do it for them. Your credit card can make them happy :P
well it's likely not set post Rebellion so it wouldn't count
@Memor-X I am actually fearing it is related to the new movie and will dastardly spoil details of the plot.
everything pre-Rebellion are just terminated timelines where Homura failed to save Madoka so really their only hope is what happens with the new movie and for Gen Urobuchi to let them be happy and not screw them over
I mean, the logo has HER
the movie is called Walpurgisnacht: Rising
Won't be surprised if the game is a walking spoiler
Alas, if you wait a bit on the page, you get a nice wallpaper.
^ there you go, for your pc @Memor-X
now you just need an Homura on the other side.
... or cut it in half and use it on your phone
2 hours later…
Q: What do these bars and timer on defense missions indicate?

GGMG-he-himDefense missions on planets have two bars, one blue and one yellow, and a timer. What do they indicate?

4 hours later…

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