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@Wipqozn Wow, that's crazy. It doesn't feel like it's been that long lol
likewise. only feels like it's been going on this year
1 hour later…
Q: What is this grey status effect in Dark Souls Remastered?

KaizerwolfI have a random status effect on my character. I looked up the status effect symbols for Dark Souls Remastered, but the wiki doesn't have it. For reference, even if I remove all armor, rings, and weapons, it persists. Otherwise, I wear Marvelous Chester's set, and use a +15 Iaito, a +10 Fire Gar...

3 hours later…
The second part is what I think is problematic, because I doubt there are going to be many developers who will develop a special version without effeminate male characters for China, so that's going to affect people outside of China as well
4 hours later…
@Nzall It is more worrying that there is a definition of "Effeminate" that is pushed down from a government agency.
@SPArcheon It reminds me a bit of how the Epic v. Apple lawsuit required the judge to define what a game is
@Nzall it is quite different at the same time. At least defining a "game" has less impact on the gender roles stereotypes.
BTW, the version I heard said that the "Effeminate" ban isn't limited to games.
5 hours later…
Genshin players: Raiden bad, not working as advertised, do not pull.
Also Genshin players.
........... Speechless
context: the new character probably released a few hours ago.
Healer archetype in a game that from my understanding heavily favors dps and fast clearing / crowd control.
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon :|
@Yuuki I am constantly baffled by how much money a whale can spend on a game. And quite frequently too.
i feel like the kind of people who go to extremes to whale would go to extremes in other parts of their life to support their whaling
like eating super cheap and/or unhealthily, for example
either that.... or the average customer for those wonderful shows like "Insane Pools Off the Deep End" (that I hate with the passion of over nine thousand burning suns....)
@Yuuki BTW, another fine meme I got by chance...
I finally caved on a purchase I've wanted for years
one of those tablets you can draw with and nothing else
I told myself I would use it for work, and I did
but I'm also using it for more... fun applications
the obvious thing is skirbbl
the new character Kokomi has a special feature: she can't hit critical damage (has -100% crit rate).
Weapon banner has currently two 5* weapon available. One is specifically made for her. Other one is this....
unfortunately it also seems to be one of the last corners on the internet where you can constantly scream the n-word and no one gives a fuck
@SPArcheon oh, i saw something like that
ah, here's a youtube version:
i don't play genshin so i don't quite understand the value of different stats, but in my experience, the inability to crit is a massive downside
like almost any game i've played that has a critical hit mechanic, the inability to do so leaves a big power gap
@Yuuki I don't get the reasoning behind that, but apparently she is supposed to be an healer, and apparently she can overheal by a lot (far more than you need).
So probably they were trying to make her pure defense by destroying her damage potential.
Little problem here is that from what I see basically every fighting related event in the game is... time based.
healers need to DPS too though, target dies faster -> less time for the target to hurt you or party members -> damage mitigation
For example, an event where you have to kill as many enemy as possible in 3 min and get prizes based on your score.
not sure if that applies to genshin though
For that reason, basically no one runs healers apparently.
even with games of the same genre, that's a concept in ffxiv but not in wow
Furthermore, there is something called "shield". Some characters have an ability that creates a shield that blocks damage for a set time/set amount (whatever expires first)
so everyone favors shielding over healing.
in wow, healers are healing full-time whereas in ffxiv, healers are more like DPS that occasionally stop DPSing to keep the tank from dying
May change, I remember reading something about a leak that mentioned enemies that bypass shields
@SPArcheon yeah, i was about to mention hearing something like that
anyway, she can still be replaced by other efficient healers that can also do damage
i don't follow genshin particularly closely, but it's big enough that i catch occasional rumors just by word of mouth
@Yuuki yep, but WoW, like Diablo, comes from the "can't avoid damage so you have to mitigate it" mentality.
Genshin seems to be more oriented to "find a way to avoid getting damaged"
@SPArcheon though i think the difference between wow and ffxiv as far as healers go is that healers actually have viable damage options in ffxiv
@Yuuki I wasn't making a comparison to FF there. I just meant that healing in WoW is kinda... inevitable.
Genshin players on other hand want to avoid damage, not getting damage and healing it.
So the healer find less space to be used most of the time. Unless the company tries to shift the meta game in another direction... and probably ends up destroying balance in the process.
@Yuuki anyway, watched the video. Seems the joke was topped by the reality. They joke that the second weapon should be an useful one so that you try to get that but RNG gives the Kokomi one.
In reality, both are spellbooks, but one doesn't even work for Kokomi since it has.. a critical rate bonus.
huh. apparently, harry potter does not intentionally and successfully use magic on-screen until halfway through the second movie
i mean, i'm trying to recall now... and i think that's right
For moderators: I've recommended this question for migration to our community. It doesn't seem to have a direct duplicate, but the combination of answers from multiple questions on our site could answer it indirectly. I think it would be a great addition.
@Tacoタコス if i recall site policy correctly, questions without answers generally aren't viable candidates for migration
Do you mean questions that haven't been answered yet?
yes, questions without posted answers
Just making sure I understand what you're saying is all
for the most part, migration is to be avoided and in the case of questions without posted answers, i believe it is recommended to ask the asker to simply post their question on the other site rather than go through the migration process
@SaintWacko whoops, sorry i'm a bit late to this but i used the item interface
@Yuuki With that, I don't think that's a firm policy (unless it's arcade specific). I've had several questions migrated over time, some of which didn't have answers at the time of posting.
Additionally, I know CodeReview allows migrations from SO that are unanswered, though I'm not sure how often it happens.
They even have a bot that scans for those recommendations in comments.
@Tacoタコス it's not a strict policy, no
but i think the idea is that the asker is better served by them posting their question on the other site rather than wait for diamond mod approval to migrate a question
This particular question is more likely to have an answer here than on Puzzling as it's about the mechanics and probability within the game.
@Yuuki I concur :)
But, IMHO it should still be flagged for moderator intervention with a recommendation for migration, if it fits. The moderator can then decide if the post should be closed/deleted/migrated, etc based on the situation.
okay, my mind is in the process of shattering right now
Sorry, hopefully nothing I did?
this isn't an adaptation difference either, harry doesn't cast a single spell for the entirety of the first book either
@Yuuki Not in any of his classes?
@PrivatePansy not in the body of the text
it's heavily implied in both the movie and book (because i imagine you'd have to cast spells to pass your magic classes)
but he never does it either on-screen or in the text
I mean it does seem a bit redundant to describe the act of casting a spell every time it happens
Or do you mean we never see him do anything that involves spell casting either?
depends on how you define spellcasting?
because there's that scene in the wand shop where magical things are clearly happening, but that probably doesn't fall under the category of intentional magic
Hmmm, yeah, I could see the books not doing it but it is odd the movies don't either. Aren't there some very common spells like the one that lit the tip of the wand to use it as a torchlight?
but he doesn't do the whole "wave your wand, say a phrase, magic things happen" until halfway through the second movie with the dueling club
@Yuuki First years are likely taking introductory lessons.
Their class list is: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology
@Tacoタコス ron and hermione cast the levitation charm in the first book
Right, and ron learned it from hermione
Harry likely did too, but didn't have his wand IIRC
During the troll scene anyways
i mean, they're clearly doing magic
Of course :)
it's just mind-boggling that he never does it on-screen or in the text
I get your point, I think lol
However, to play devil's advocate here; the first book is rather introductory to the entire world of Harry Potter. So it's likely Rowling decided to focus more on the wonder of the world during the first book.
Great question for an SE site though :)
@Yuuki Isn't Hermione's Levios-aaaa scene in the first movie?
@Fredy31 He's talking about Harry specifically
@Yuuki it doesn't apply in genshin unless you're running a 4 people multiplayer party where you only have 1 character each. And from what I've heard, she has really good damage potential without crits, especially for a heal focused character
if you're playing solo or 2 people (idk how 3 people parties work), you just switch off of the healer once you drop your heals
3 hours later…
hey nerds how is everyone doing
wow that's a horrible way to say hi after months
@Ave no u
I've never denied that I'm a nerd
also heh, never thought I'd feel nostalgic towards the "dink" notification sound
I still hate that it's a local setting that's not persisted or synced
Also hrm, this is very bright, and I've misplaced my css. What was the thing I wasn't supposed to google again? "pork chat"?
It's quite warm in SF today - I think it's about 30 degrees C
I've resorted to sticking ice packs under my laptop to keep it cool
@Ave Hey! How's it going?
I'm currently playing OSRS and figuring out how much it's going to cost to build a deck

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