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@ToxicFrog well to be honest the requirement of using the climent isn't too bad, so long as that client can run offline because (before it stuffed up on me) Don't Starve requires Steam but i could play it offline because i could run Steam Offline
@Memor-X I mean, there's also a lot of Steam games (KSP comes to mind) where Steam is basically a CDN and once the game is installed you can even uninstall Steam completely and keep playing the game
My point is that there does not appear to be any clear information on how the Epic Launcher or even any given game behave in this respect
Q: In Brain Creator, does unspent "atual" do anything?

Rebecca J. StonesBrain Creator is an clicker-type incremental game on Kongregate. When you ascend you gain "atual", but the rest of the game resets. Question: Does unspent "atual" do anything? I've been spending atual on upgrades immediately, thinking it doesn't do anything if unspent. But many incremental ...

No-one has any idea if you will be able to play Epic games offline, or if you can, whether it's "Steam offline mode" offline or "you don't even need the launcher" offline
Or, to whatever extent this is possible, if it's something that varies with game (like Steam) or if it's universal to all games on the platform (like GOG)
Q: Is there a way to spawn a zombie leashed to a baby zombie in minecraft pe?

user228840I was making a minecraft map the the game the binding of isaac, (should I know what that game is? No. No I shouldn't.) But I came across a problem. I was trying to recreate the Gemini boss. My plan was to leash a zombie to a baby zombie. But I don't know how, or what the command is to do it. Can ...

Q: Botw only one fairy spawning at fairy fountains. No fairies in inventory

RcatAs the title says. for the last week i haven't been able to get more than one fairy to spawn at fountains. It seems the game thinks i already have fairies in my inventory, but i dont. I'm trying to stock up to make the thunderblight gannon fight a little easier and this is starting to get irrita...

@TimStone So doing the elusive target gave me a bit of a hitman itch, so I decided to start doing some of the Hitman 1 levels again (I only played them once or twice on hitman 1). I started with Paris, and I planned to be SUPER SMOOTH SILENT ASSASSIN, but instead I just stabbed one target in the neck with a screwdriver and shot the other one while they were one stage.
I was never noticed, but obviously my killing of a person on a stage was noticed haha
aka they saw them die, but didn't see me do it
They're actually bringing back a Paris elusive target at the end of the month too, so figure doing a few paris runs would be good idea to prepare for that.
📲 🧑 Google is moving to three gender options for emojis in 2019: for improved consistency, and inclusivity https://blog.emojipedia.org/googles-three-gender-emoji-future/
Yay enby emoji
Like okay, designating a bodytype for enby is a tricky thing because it's making assumptions but STILL
Q: Getting Astroneer back on laptop

TinaSo my son paid for the alpha version of astroneer. Had it on both Xbox and laptop. When the game full game came out he tried to do the update on his laptop it wouldn't update. So he uninstalled it. It updated on the Xbox. He wants it back on his laptop. Can anyone help with this

2 hours later…
We are aware of a SQL load issue affecting Stack Overflow and are accessing it now.
Ugh I'm 30, gross
@TimStone Happy Birthday! you a wizard?
Thanks. And no, alas :P
@TimStone uhhh how tf am i older than you?
also happy birthday
seriously though, you seem to have your stuff much more together for someone so young
Also hey happy cake day.
random ramble: it's weird how much white privilege exists in turkey
I didn't get pulled over by cops in the last year (other than uber incident) even though they ID check most people on metro, and even when I did they even ignored my ID during checks. My partner gets ID'd whenever she's outside, same used to happen to the intern I used to work with
1 hour later…
Q: Darksiders 3 multiple weapons +11?

XtremeBaumerWith the release of "The Crucible" DLC, it is possible to upgrade at least one weapon to +11 after beating the crucible stage 1-101 in a go. This will award upgrade material to upgrade a weapon to +11. The question is, is it possible to obtain the material multiple times, by defeating all stages...

1 hour later…
@Memor-X Ooooh man, makes me wish I had the space and disposable income for that
It's like you'd find in a secret base in Ruby/Sapphire
@TimStone Happy birthday!
I'm younger then you!
Also morning chat
@TimStone I'm going to celebrate with a cake! Which I'm going to buy and eat, nom nom
Q: Why is it that when I go into minecraft and try to change my skin baldi, the skin pack is blank?

Dwayne Leeit said duplicate detected when I was trying to install skin packs. I went to change skin in Minecraft and it showed the column for that skin pack blank. Why is that ? Or is it just a glitch.

@TimStone Also, only two more years to a nice round number!
... old cooking gadgets are odd youtube.com/watch?v=n2ZZbuOeNmw
A hot dog cooker that is literally "skewer the hot dog on some electrical pins and run mains current right through"
There's a small scale drug war going on in Antwerp apparently. Every week or so a grenade or 2 blows up or a car gets torched
@PrivatePansy i have disposable income, but not space
MySpace has lost all the music users uploaded between 2003 and 2015 Backups? Nah.. they're not very rock 'n roll... https://www.grahamcluley.com/myspace-loses-music/
@Nzall hang on, myspace was still online?
@Nzall and 15 minutes walking from where I am there's been a shooting just now
@TimStone 30 gross! that's... 4320!
1 hour later…
@TimStone I turn 30 on Wednesday. I had no idea we were so close in age.
I turn 30 april 8th, why are you lot all so close to me as well o.o
@TimStone Youngin
Just cause you're old
are any of you close to being wizards?
i want to confirm if i'm going to get powers next year
@Memor-X can you explain?
@MBraedley if your a virgin when you turn 30 you become a wizard. ideally that will also come with magic too
Q: How to fill a hydrogen tank using hydrogen bottles?

Tomáš ZatoI started building a hydrogen powered rocket, but realized a fatal flaw in my plan: the rocket relies on a hydrogen tank and is not connected to anything. Therefore, there is no way of filling the tank. I have a bunch of hydrogen bottles though. Is it possible to fill the tank using the bottles?...

if i get powers i'm going to create an infinite energy device powered and Aqua/Frost Mana Canons for bush fire defence then develop a Broomstick and see if i can use magic to manipulate code and create a micro-climate where it rains/storms at night
@Memor-X how would code create a micro-climate
@ASCII-only oh no the code manipulation and micro-climate are separate things, though i could create some magitech to automate the micro-climent's settings
@Memor-X You... You do realize that @TimStone has kids, right?
@Wipqozn no i didn't and he could be a very kind hearted person who takes in orphans
Work week is going off to a great start
@Kevin prod environment died?
"Okay, this day and a half of work will need this meeting before I can start on it, when is that meeting?" "Don't know yet!" -- "Okay, this 2 days of work I don't know how much is actually going to happen, that depends on this other person that's not here" -- "Okay, this is just a 'reserve in case of bugs' thing" -- "Soooo, is there anything planned for this week I can actually do?"
There's about a few hours of things I can do today
Today is a normal 8 hour workday
@Kevin You don't have a backlog of issues? You don't have documentation you can write? You can't do something about technical debt?
There's no backlog of issues to pick from no
Documentation is what I am doing hence #bored
Besides, I don't actually know what to document because nobody has any questions about things because I'm the only developer on this project
@BunsGlazing i though exapunks was newer
@Kevin Find a nice idle game for bridge to play
If I wasn't in the office sure =p
@Kevin Do you have a manager you can ask for stuff to do? Maybe you can do some analysis of potential things to do? If all else fails, enter random values of varying length and type until stuff breaks
I'm mostly complaining because I have to complain or go mad
I am not solliciting ideas
Old man yells at cloud thing
Huzzah! Apple has *finally* launched a new iPad Mini. Now I'm just hanging on for a new iPhone SE. https://www.apple.com/ipad-mini/ #smallisbeautiful
@Memor-X lmao
@Wipqozn You did actually! You just forgot, because you too are now nearly Very Old
@GodEmperorDune Thanks and chuckles Good, good, I have everyone fooled
@Ash Cake! And if it's any consolation I feel like I'm 40, I should probably work on that whole exercising thing 🤔
And thank you to everyone else as well
@TimStone happy birthday, also, what the hell, how are you younger than everyone here
I think I'm more in the bottom of the middle :P
And thanks!
@ToxicFrog He's not! I'm not thirty yet!
I'm not old yet!
Q: I need help with DexNav and search level in aloha sapphire

IlikehoopaI do not have shiny charm. I have beat the game. I have high search levels. Magnemite 518 Zigzagoon 400 Wurmple 200 but i do not chain. I found sone as hidden pokemon but i did not kill them. I found the rest in hordes. Do i have shiny odds? If i do does it add the chance to hordes?

@Kevin one day! then you'll see. You'll see what we've known all along.
@TimStone It's true. I'm practically as old as @Sterno now.
@Kevin I'm not 30 yet either. 2 more years before I turn 30
I have found that every age involves looking at how you were 5 years ago thinking, "What an idiot."
Q: Why aren't tags for released video games auto-generated generated?

kkarakkRecently i asked a question about far cry:new dawn and the tag didn't exist. This is a major AAA game release by Ubisoft- shouldn't atleast all AAA games get tags autogenerated to prevent the horde of "please create this tag" requests on meta? Is it to prevent tag confusion or is there some othe...

I'm a youthful 38.
@InvaderSkoodge Accurate
Q: Does fire aspect on a sword, destroy mob drops?

JohnTitle about says it all. I've been killing drowned for tridents with a Looting III diamond sword, which has fireaspect I on it. My guess, is that I'm killing about 1 in 20-30 for a trident, not the 1/10 I should expect with a Looting III sword. Obviously, my "guess" could be far off, but accor...

Q: How EXACTLY does the two-player mode work in Cuphead?

Twogirls onecupheadDisclaimer: I've been searching over and over for a detailed explanation of how does the two-player mode work in Cuphead, but there are tons of results linking to completely worthless articles from garbage sites. So far, I've found exactly zero useful information, so I'm asking here. So, is the...

I'm not here much. But from what i've seen of Ash, they're mostly just capslock
ugh, I just realized that I intended to do my taxes this past weekend, and completely failed at even starting them.
I still haven't gotten what I need to do my taxes which is always fun :|
@TimStone That's ridiculous.
One of my things isn't available until mid-February and that's already stupid.
@InvaderSkoodge my last 5 years of memories that i would look back on, all merge into last year into one giant mess
Yeah, it's an annoying side-effect of being a partner and also having bad accountants who manage to make a mistake every year in preparing my K-1
Always fun to wait until the very last minute to find out I have to sell a kidney to pay the IRS
I haven't actually owed money yet.
I always get a refund.
In Brazil, most of the things related to taxes are already taxed at the source. For example, if I had to receive 100 and it had 20 in taxes, I only receive 80 but get a statement that 20 was paid in my behalf to the government
Even though it's not financially the best way to go about doing things necessarily, it makes tax season kind of nice instead of just the worst.
@Moacir Yes, we have this too, but for some reason they can't get the amount right so at the end of the year you calculate the actual amount you owe and compare it to how much you gave them and settle the difference.
The sad part is that usually you pay more taxes than you own during the year, but then you get it back from the gov, with interest
@InvaderSkoodge Oh, same as here then
@InvaderSkoodge a friend of mine is apparently used to getting about $11k back and isn't this year but like,
Oh yeah I should do taxes soon, by which I mean essentially "Say yes on a bunch of forms" because the netherlands is mostly sane
I have several questions
I never had to pay taxes here yet, so this means I am not doing this capitalism thing right
Yeah, I get a refund every year from the CRA, but the IRS has spent the past four years attempting to collect $11k in taxes on $43 of actual income
silently watches tax dicussion, has absolutely no valid input because he doesn't have to pay income taxes yet
@InvaderSkoodge Same here, I get a refund every year too. Haven't had to actually pay anything yet, though that might change this year
And one of the things I'm most looking forward to once I finish repudating my US citizenship is not having to deal with their incompetence anymore
@InvaderSkoodge I don't have taxes deducted automatically so I have to pay estimated quarterly and I am not great about that
@ToxicFrog Oh yeaaaah that's a thing
It's a lot of money to do isn't it?
@ToxicFrog Urgh, yeah :|
on a sidenote. RAM prices are going down \o/
@InvaderSkoodge One of my things isn't available until usually mid March, but that's because Canadians can claim RRSP contributions for the first 60 days of the year.
Oh, yea. There are some laws that you have to pay taxes on income you had on another country, right?
I once got a $9k bill from the IRS because I forgot to file a form, and the firm that sent me the form sent it to the IRS (obviously). Using the information only from that form to re-file I actually owed $150, not $9k.
$40 for GSkill Aegis DDR4-3000 8GB
i'm debating on nabbing it now or waiting for a potential lower price
@moonheart08 How low would you expect it to go?
idk, maybe $35
not much lower tho
Is $5 worth the wait?
If you dont need it, sure, wait
If you are having performance issues and is it worth it pay $5 extra, buy it now
yea the RAM i need immediately that i dont think would be a good investment is DDR3
My pc is ddr4
But I need to exchange everything to get new ones
So Im fine for now
I have a Xeon X3470 from 2009
@Moacir The US is special in that it taxes citizens even if they don't live within the US, for the privilege of being a US citizen
what the fuck
guy supposed to check my bag prepared to do so, looked at me then just let me walk without checking wtf
@TimStone Huh, I hope I never need US citizenship
@Ave Maybe he thought you are not a threat?
@Ave We got free chicken the other day because it was missing the price sticker and the cashier just said screw it, lol
Arguably different levels of security concern but :P
checks DDR3 prices
oml. It'd cost me more to grab DDR3 for my older x3470 now than it would to prepare for my new PC
Good morning Bridge! I hope you all have the best day full of light and joy and maybe even cake cake is good
@moonheart08 Will you nab one or 2 sticks? Because honestly, at this point in time I'd recommend getting at least 16 GB
@Ash I decree cake for everyone! waves magical government wand
@Ash I hope the same for you, with fluffy animals and everything
@Moacir likely. I talked about white privilege that I'm realizing that I have recently, and I feel like this is one of those things.
@Nzall i'm a highschooler with no income besides parent given tasks. Sometimes i have to make compromises with plans to buy the second half later
@moonheart08 getting a 2x8gb kit is going to be cheaper overall
....fair point
although I did get a single 8gb stick myself when I built my PC with the thought of getting the 2nd stick later
I ended up getting a 2x8gb kit later, so I have 24gb now :P
@Ave Could also be related to gender, not race
@Nzall possible.
My x3470 is set up in a 4x2GB config of DDR3-1333. I want faster RAM ):
As in, I feel like in general, security staff are less likely to do checks for women
@moonheart08 the effect of ram speed on your system is negligible in most use cases
which still is a can of worms, but it's a different can than white privilege
Does Dwarf Fortress and Factorio count as a RAM speed dependant use case
@moonheart08 I'm willing to bet your cpu is the limiting factor there
the frequency of your ram won't have a noticeable impact on performance
the ram speed is most noticeable when everything else is already pushed to the limit
@Chippies Or when the cheap laptop you bought from Walmart has tried to reduce costs by using very slow RAM
@Nzall I don't believe ram speed is noticeable in normal use
@moonheart08 both of those only care if you have enough ram to load the entire game at once
I'm running ddr4-2133 3x8gb and while I could get few more fps in certain AAA titles, it's quite negligible
going from 1x8gb to 3x8gb made a ton of difference though
Games with streaming worlds like open-world games or MMOs generally work better with more ram
(that is, factorio crashes (or pages to hard drive, which is unplayable) if you don't have enough, open-world games are just slow)
DF is known for being RAM bottlenecked tho
due to poor memory optimization
ram speed is VERY important, if you're running an integrated gpu
specifically an AMD integrated gpu
Hmmm, don't recall that
i luckily got a 1050 ti
as it was the first part i knew i could upgrade
if you're running a dedicated gpu, your ram speed is mostly irrelevant
so i did so
if you're running a 1050ti, your money is better spent on something else
(although fast ram is not that much more expensive nowadays than slower ram)
when I built my PC, 3000mhz was at least 2x more expensive than 2133, so the choice was easy
i'm likely going to go for the inbetween choice of DD4-3000
Yeah, apparently RAM latency is quite important for DF
latency goes up with frequency tho
a higher frequency ram will have higher latency
Really? Sounds counterintuitive
so if it's just the latency that matters then high frequency will be counterproductive
@Nzall most things care about both things, so the higher frequency cancels out the higher latency
DF usually needs up to MB blocks of memory in random order. very mean to cache.
but there are applications where latency is more important than frequency
in general though, higher frequency will be slightly better than lower frequency, even though the latency goes up as well
more expensive sticks will have lower latency than cheaper sticks as well
it's kinda like with overclocking a cpu - to increase frequency, you have to increase voltage
with ram sticks, the latency is what goes up with frequency
I'm not sure I entirely follow
@Nzall when I talk about latency, I mean CAS latency
which, I've heard, in very niche applications is more important than speed
but like I said - in general, faster speed = faster operation
Idk specifics on how all this works :P
I just know that as frequency goes up, so does CAS latency (even though frequency goes up more than cas latency does)
@Nzall actually no, just realized smth
my partner is a female poc, and she gets ID'd and bag checked. I'm white and female, I don't.
Airport security doing racial profiling is unfortunately pretty much common knowledge.
@hekili808 Every. Damned. Time...
I like how every disease in Two Point Hospital is fatal, so you can have patients dying of unibrow
About that tweet: the text bubble has a quote from Lady Jaina Proudmoore in the Battle for Dazar'alor raid
@TimStone I love this plan.
@Moacir aww yes
My girlfriend (long distance) was joking yesterday about finding a plushy to cuddle instead of me =p
@Kevin Have you considered getting a pair of Internet Cuddle pyjamas?
I have no idea what they are so no
@Kevin that's why I have a giant body pillow
They're essentially smart clothes that allow you to send hugs and touch to another pair of clothes over the internet
Sorry that had to come out
It's a shame DF is so poorly optimized internally
I.e. if i remember right (Don't quote me, i may be a complete idiot) DF, when searching for the nearest item of a type for pathing or similar, doesn't have the items presorted into categories which could absolutely save cache and lower memory usage requirements
instead it iterates the entire item pool to find matching items, puts them in a list, and sorts that
@moonheart08 "i ... a complete idiot" - moonheart0
@Kevin Though I don't think there's actually a commercially available product for remote hugging.
I think the funniest part of DF is that the version number relates on how % it simulates real life or something
@Moacir 42% done. :)
So version 4.7 means it simulates 47% of RL
Yea, something like that
it's currently at 0.42.12 i think
Also, can you kill babies in DF yet?
Looking forward to 1.07
the "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy edition" as i decided to nickname it right now on the spot
@Moacir the community likes to use babies as shields in the military
they're really good at it too
@moonheart08 There is also some ERSP or whatever that has some requirements in case of infant death
@moonheart08 That sounds crazy
Thats why you cant kill kids in skyrim, for example
DF is coming to steam... And it's not going to be rated.
Rating DF is impossible for one, and two it's against the point
It's already on steam
@Moacir yeah, I doubt babies were ever not killable
No it's not released yet
Release date: time is subjective
Don't bring pregnant dwarfs into danger rooms, it's annoying to clean up
I miss playing dwarf fortress
go play it again then
Wonder how my laptop runs it..
it should run OK
FPS death isn't as bad as it seems, just do DF with other things to do too
I think what I will play most is the world generation thing
@Moacir Yeah, I believe it was one of the reasons why Rape Day was so controversial: it had an actual scene of a baby getting drowned and then beaten to a pulp
Legends mode?
I like the other DF alike games, like rimworld or something
@Moacir well Steam DF is coming along with proper graphics
Rimworld's in for a fight, as DF's pricepoint is going to be lower
($20 on steam iirc)
@moonheart08 well, an official tileset
Unofficial tilesets have been around for ages
yea, which has graphics for every object in the game. I think that counts as proper graphics
means the rimworld nerds can't say they wont play because it doesn't have graphics :D
I wonder which will be the first popular mods on DF-Steam
@Moacir Masterwork. It's being released first thing because Meph is already on the DF Steam team anyways
Masterwork's the most popular mod for DF in general, so...
Yeaaah, seems likely
Well ok DFhack will likely beat it by a lot
but i'm counting proper mods
toady also has plans to fix the RAWs system
means awesome hilarious bugs like raw duplication will be fixed, but also fixes a lot of frustration the bugs cause
(Have you seen the wonders of raw duplication? It is absolutely hilarious)
I have not no
favorite example is the peregrine falcons from Modded Hell. Every bodypart got doubled
result is two falcons bisected onto one another
someone drew it, but i'm at school so i cant find the picture (You all are free to browse the modded hell thread on Bay12forums tho!)
(Modded hell has so many mods pretty much all of the game's internal shakiness causes it to come toppling down. To the point the game cant decide what day it is.)
Q: What are the differences between Peach and Daisy?

scohe001Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduces the concept of Echo Fighters, or characters that are near clones with minor differences. While in some cases, like with Roy and Chrom, the differences are very clear, in others it's not readily apparent what's changed. Peach and Daisy for example have been a...

Q: Civilization 6 liberating a city stop loyalty pressure both directions?

CodeCamperDoes liberating a city stop loyalty pressure both directions?

Q: In Minecraft 1.12.2, not using any other tools, is there a way to remove one block and change it with another?

Matterify ProductionsIn Minecraft 1.12.2, is there a way to remove a series of stone and change it with air without breaking or changing other blocks?

Got the minecraft one answered, but quick question, is there a way to do that that isn't setblock?
or rather, is my answer even right? I'm a little uncertain because i can't pull up the wiki right now
@Lazers2.0 Dupe
@MBraedley On the surface it doesn't look like it. The first one asks for any tool, whereas the second one specifies vanilla only.
Although it has almost never come up (which I kind of expected), we want to defer to the asker if they claim that a previous question doesn't actually answer theirs.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, but everything can be done in vanilla now anyway.
Did vanilla incorporate WorldEdit?
It added some replacements for basic worldedit features, like replacing blocks
@InvaderSkoodge No, but a good chunk of WorldEdit can be done in vanilla using functions
^ Sethbling proved this for 1.13
or just straight commands.
(He made an entire worldedit-alike toolkit in vanilla using datapacks)
Sethbling is a madman.
I can't believe he's still making MC content.
he's not mad. He's just a genius
@InvaderSkoodge he actually only started up again just recently
after, what, a 4 year gap
I really liked when he was doing weird TAS runs of SMW.
(Which he spent his time during doing lots and lots of Mario, and even worked on a stupidly fast Credits Warp route of SMW)
He also proved code injection to be humanly viable in SMW
And then he like manually executed some supposedly TAS-only strategy to get a world record or something.
@InvaderSkoodge so now the only TAS only thing in code injection categories is injecting large amounts of code, i.e. making pong in SMW
...unless he did that
I doubt even he has the patience for that.
...no he does apparently. Can't check if this was by hand or TAS tho, youtube is blocked at school
@InvaderSkoodge to be fair, i no longer am allowed to call him a madman.
I have the patience to recreate the MC88100 from scratch via emulation when i don't own a working system, just the manual. Why do i *want* a MC88100 emulator?
Because i want to do codegolf with it.
also i could probably ramble off a bunch of neat things about the MC88100 right now and i don't even have the manual in front of me
@moonheart08 He may have done some of that by hand, but I think most of it was TAS. I'd have to watch the video again, though.
(Doing parts by hand is normal in TASes, so...)
Yes, Google, I am aware that Inbox is going away at the end of March. Please let me stay in denial until the very end.
I hate that they keep claiming gmail does all the things inbox did
meanwhile i'm in the process of turning my gmail into a "junk mail here please" and moving to a private email on hellomouse.net
I hope I can keep using the app even though they're not updating it
@Ronan I'm sure that it does, but Inbox has a different way of doing said things. And I prefer the way Inbox does them.
@Yuuki Yeah technically it has all the same buttons
@Ronan The Android app is pretty close, once you set up your priority inbox properly. For that matter, gmail on the desktop is also pretty close once you do that setup.
I am really going to miss the bundling functionality that Inbox has
I've been missing important emails since switching back to Gmail. I hate it.
I'm still trying to tweak the filters and stuff but I shouldn't have been forced to do this :(
i love those times where i'm smarter than the compiler when it comes to the optimal way to do something in as few instructions (and as quickly) as possible
(Also someone please teach clang that sqrtss exists too, not just rsqrtss)
heh. Both clang and GCC are getting something wrong in the function, just enough to make both perform similarlly
i will give clang a round of applause for seeing half of the optimization i'm doing tho
it's loading the struct into a xmm register instead of operating on each value seperately
thanks captain marvel, i can close vote on sff now thanks to you
@moonheart08 few instructions != fastest
Remember, modern processors are incredibly complicated devices and do not execute the assembly merely as written
They will optimize it by splitting it into smaller parts, being able to do certain things at the same time in a way that's not possible to write in assembly
Processors also sometimes do extra calculations in advance in case they're needed, throwing them away if it winds up they aren't.
Which I think is pretty neat.
Yeah, anything done with a floating point value will almost always take at least 4x longer than a similar instruction with an integer even though they're both one instruction.
@Kevin i am aware.
i'm looking at a very small function in this case, and understand out-of-order execution, pipelining, microops, etc
i'm complaining about it using extra instructions when it *doesn't need to use them to do the operation with the same math*
@Kevin Indeed. Also, modern processors have specially optimized registers for the most used commands, so it might actually be better to use 2 optimized commands than one unoptimized one
Why complain about extra instructions if they're faster?
@Kevin because in this case it's not faster? :P
We've long since passed the time of more instructions = more clockcycles
@Kevin I can attest that in a sense that sometimes I use sumif's that takes ages to return a value and a vba code is way faster, even being more "complex"
@moonheart08 have you proven that? ;)
i.e take clang's result
@moonheart08 Have you run baselines benchmarks?
instead of doing the whole operation in place (Altho it's very close to optimal), it spends a bit of extra time performing a memory access.
this is an entirely numeric calculation that doesn't need memory, ever.
(Also, i'm not always right, so i'll find out if i ended up wasting my time later when i can do testing. Right now i cannot, so i'm stuck theorizing, using what i know, and messing with godbolt to see output.)
First day at my new job!
This place is magical
The fridge in the breakroom is full of beer, wine, and cheese
eww cheese. Give me carrots or something
Get out
There are also fruit snacks and other snacky things
I'm going to need to start working out again
Having drinks and snacks available at work is a double-edged sword.
@moonheart08 You can bring your own carrots to Friday beer-o'clocks
@Kevin also sadly i dont have the best rig for testing the performance of assembly on a modern PC
my CPU is from 2009 :p
We don't have Friday beer-o'clocks
(Xeon x3470)
We have wine-down Wednesday
@InvaderSkoodge Although not having snacks at my current job makes me hangry in the afternoon
@SaintWacko Meanwhile, our entryway has a bunch of candy.
I'm trying really hard to train myself to not grab a snack every afternoon.
Alcohol in the breakroom is a bold choice though.
@InvaderSkoodge Exactly
@Yuuki I was surprised to see it
I mean, we have beer in the kitchen fridge here, but they only get opened during social events.
I think we have some wine in the fridge?
Actually I think that was just one time
We do have wine in a breakroom cabinet, but it's not in the drinks fridge.
It's sorta out of the way and, like @MBraedley's place, only for social events.
And by social events, I mean Christmas.
We have fridges with things in them but I'm not sure what things as I have not been to the office recently
Q: Will this command work?

SlickI want a villiger that trades an iron pickaxe for a stone button that can be placed on a gold block. Will this work? /summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {CareerLevel:6,Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:minecraft:iron_pickaxe,Count:1},sell:{id:minecraft:stone_button,Count:1,tag:{CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:gold_block"]}}}...

Mind you, the majority of the space in the work fridge is for lunches or milk/cream for coffee.
@Lazers2.0 This question feels like it should be closed, but I don't know what the close reason should be.
Just downvote for laziness. Not every bad question is close-worthy
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