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My group has seemed to have decided it is easier to dismantle every door rather than simply try to open it.
@KevinvanderVelden I loved that, tbh
@MadMAxJr we have had little issue with doors, way more often we have cliffs/related
Also @Avery whatever happened to your cat? =p
yes I also wonder that
"There's a door ahead." "Are the hinges on this side?"
I'm kinda too scaredy to ask because that was so many sessions ago
I already got ronan to bend stuff a bit so I don't want to bend stuff even more
How so?
@MadMAxJr mage hand is so great for this
I'm so torn between that and minor illusion as my cantrip
@KevinvanderVelden I kinda somewhat changed my metamagic
(with DMs approval)
then again I never used them before so
Did you retcon it so you've got the dragon choice?
@KevinvanderVelden depending on your build, minor illusion is also great
i have an illusionist wizard with both
combat is fun
@KevinvanderVelden I'll get mage hand
You're playing 5E? I hear combat is pretty simple.
(not as much for the DM adjudicating though)
@Avery deal \o/
@GodEmperorDune hehehehe
(sorry @Ronan =p)
@MadMAxJr well i do things like make an illusion of fresh meat to distract animals rushing us
Minor illusion is sight only IIRC, no scent
or make an illusion of a rock and hide in it
@KevinvanderVelden if it wastes an enemy's turn i've done my job
Sound or image
I'll get mage hand, mage armor (will replace burning hand) and mirror image
because yeah animals are not like "no scent, w/e" they're like "wait wtf is this"
@Avery before the edit I was wondering wait when did you get 2 spells per level
mage armor is fun because no concentration
I'm getting suggestion and snilloc's snowball swam for spells (and max alliteration). Get level 4, take first 2nd level damge spell
i got that cantrip blast that improves as you level up
Q: Is the account named SuperCell a computer?

Kyle RoneI have been playing the 2v2 battles in Clash Royale a lot, especially since its been released and is here to stay. One thing I've noticed (and this includes playing it before the official release when it was only available for a month at a time) is that there is an account with the name of SuperC...

Q: What determines how long it will take an imprisoned leader to escape?

NicholasThere are many videos and tutorials discussing how prisons work, but in all of them the wait timer is shown as 3 days before a leader can be executed. Last night my leader was imprisoned for the first time, but he escaped and returned before I even woke up. So I assume either my castle level or...

@GodEmperorDune eldritch blast?
Mage armor still last an hour per level? One of the staple spells for most casters.
@KevinvanderVelden nah, fire bolt
@MadMAxJr No, it's a flat 8 hours =p
@Avery It might turn up again, you didn't really spend much time at the inn after you got back, also you know where it lives
Enh, one workday. Not bad
I mean, 8 hours flat is better then 1 hour/level (assuming char level, not spell level) because at lvl 9 you can waste an extra 1st level slot
If needed
@KevinvanderVelden 5E does a lot of "ehh, don't worry about calculating it" stuff
@KevinvanderVelden Hey I'm just making it up as I go along too
Also there's a feat that gives you wings (if you're dragonborn) and I kinda want to take it but I also want the intel and wisdom boost of not taking a feat
I'm still primarily Pathfinder, so some of the nuances of 5E are greek to me.
@KevinvanderVelden Like fight speed wings?
Every... 4 levels (maybe depending on class?) you can improve 2 skills (intel/wisdom/strength/dex/etc, can be the same twice). Or if you play with an optional rule you can take a feat
Dragon Wings - yes, flying speed of 20 feet
Q: Explain This: Magikarp cp lower but semicircle bar almost full, what?

user196077 Alright ,I caught both of these magikarp at lvl 24. Notice that the one with cp 94 has a potential cp bar that is more full than the one I caught at cp 134. And the one with lover cp has more life. I have never seen this before in Pokémon of the same species. Can anyone explain this?

@KevinvanderVelden I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to say no to that one
@KevinvanderVelden unearthed arcana is not always balanced and usually up to DM discretion
@Ronan aaah
Well that solves the difficulty =p
I was mostly against taking it anyway because I'm a bloody wizard I have several methods of getting to stuff without walking anyway
Although weirdly there are people saying it's super weak compared to an ability score improvment
I think those people have no imagination
@Ronan it's scenario dependent IMO
well tetchnically from the perspecive of numbers, a +1 in numbers is more valuable than the ability to fly
if you're going through cramped dungeons, flight speed won't be very useful
"I'm a bloody wizard" is a great answer to many questions.
Man, I barely understand what you guys are talking about :P
This is why I pick someone who just hits stuff
It's simple math
because that's less things to hold in my head
I'm pretty sure never being in melee range with anything is OP
"Can I hit this? Yes? Good. Let's commence with the hitting."
@Ronan are those the same people who think a minor illusion cantrip is a good spell?
@Ronan you're DM, i'm sure you can find a creative way to keep them grounded
@KevinvanderVelden a lot of creative stuff is powerful or not depending on the DM
@GodEmperorDune So it either does literally nothing, or is OP. Sounds fun
@Ash You'd probably like a monk.
Flying fists of fury!
@Ronan I mean, plenty of archers
Right now I have a barbarian, she's pretty cool
@Ronan flying enemies, ranged attackers, etc
@Ash we've not been in combat yet!
every feat doesn't need to be immediately useful in every scenario
I like to point out that last session was zero combat and still hilarious
@KevinvanderVelden She's STILL COOL THO
I'm sure you can give somebody a chain hook or something
not to mention if there are social consequences for having wings
or if it makes armor/clothing more difficult to get
@KevinvanderVelden It was. Although Trisana is still not entirely sure why she's following you lot around, but hey you're in her house now, so.
@GodEmperorDune Can you imagine trying to sit in a chair with wings
I guess I just don't like the idea of a feat that causes the whole game to be planned around
@Ronan that's a perfectly valid DM stance TBH
@Ash hey we thought you were breaking in (or something), tying you up was totally reasonable
I liked my monk. He was wise, calm, and prone to extreme bouts of attempted suicide.
@Ash Tyrell was going to ask you to help them, considering they were going dangerous places
if you're not enjoying your time DMing because of feats that you have to deal with, that's not going to make a sustainable group
@Ronan Well, at least the idea was there. Before the tying up and all that. :P
@Ash also yes, that is true
TIL: you are allowed to bring a unicycle in the gondola and use it on multipurpose trails during the summer at the place we always go to in colorado
I have no idea why you would want to do that
but you are allowed
mountain unicycling? sounds injury prone
They're not allowed on the mountain bike trails
but yes it's an explicitly allowed vehicle
and I'm sure at least one local has done it
which is even funnier to me
.. Is there an achievement for that?
I mean probably
You get summer tourists to look at you like you're dumb
That'd be pretty rad
Nobody mention unicycles to Rockstar. That could be the next GTAV update.
I have never understood unicycles
i think it's like the dark souls of bicycles
@GodEmperorDune nah
it's more like @Unionhawk of bicycles
I just don't understand how anyone can manage to ride them
@Ash exactly, just like dark souls
they do it for the balance challenge
just like dark souls
dark souls is all about balancing your rage with not breaking the pc/console/thing you are playing dark souls on
How do people find that fun?
@Ash adrenaline rush when they accomplish something really difficult?
that's how it was explained to me, i don't like that kind of game
Me neither.
I don't like games where the main gameplay is figuring out how to even play it.
Yeah, that's not fun for me
@StrixVaria What do you mean?
Dark Souls
i'd rather read up on how to build super awesome character and/or not miss anything and follow some walkthrough to play it
Yeah but how does that fit?
dark souls fits everything
@DanmakuGrazer dark souls is all about figuring out when to attack the boss after dodging for 20 minutes
Hm, I have $35 in eshop credit, but there's nothing really making me go yay. Like Pikmin looks fun, but I am so worried I will hate the controls. Might just hold onto it until Superstar Saga comes out (well, comes out again) because I know I'm not going to be able to resist that.
Other cyclists don't invade and attack you for using a unicycle.
also rip @twobugs
I just tried to tab complete that
@DanmakuGrazer You aren't told where to go, you aren't told how the bosses behave, you aren't told where the bosses are, you aren't told what combat patterns are effective, you aren't told literally anything.
but "the lore is so intricate"
@Ash I think the new minion quest sells me on buying that one.
The main experience of Dark Souls is exploring uncharted territory.
My favorite types of games are ones where the main gameplay is simple execution: Super Hexagon, Cook Serve Delicious, Papers Please, Guitar Hero
@MadMAxJr It's one of my favourite games, I love the idea of being able to play it again
Dark Cyclist Iron Tarkus has invaded!
If nothing else, getting to do the "mustard of your doom" scene again will be awesome.
I think the first boss killed me 5 times before somebody in bridge was like "yea turn left don't fight that guy yet"
@Ash I never finished it, so it should be fun.
I try really hard to like execution-heavy competitive games (fighting games), but I really prefer to just play against myself.
coming soon to pay-per-view: @StrixVaria vs @StrixVaria
This was most keenly observed recently in Sonic Mania where I thought the campaign was a trainwreck of terrible design but I actually like doing the time trials after I look up the route.
No no no, you're not thinking big enough. See first we invent cloning, then we raise a few clones of you so they'll fight for our amusement by bribing them with fake glass diamonds
Clones of me wouldn't want to play against each other because then it's the kind of competition that frustrates me.
I meant like racing against a previous ghost or trying to beat a previous time.
Defeat the old you.
@StrixVaria okay new plan: Clones, let them fight to the death, then resurrect them in a evil necromantic ritual so you can race against their ghosts
TIL there is such a thing as "Canadian 5 pin bowling"
@badp As opposed to?
I don't know, non-Canadian other-than-5 regular pin bowling?
what I've always seen is 10 pins
How is the max score in 5-pin bowling 450 but in 10-pin it's 300?
@StrixVaria Apparently there are different point values per pin
that's weird
per the internet
@Unionhawk Oh weird.
Once you learn how to evade the pin invincibility frames you score multiple hits per pin.* (*not actually true at all)
You get three attempts per frame instead of 2.
Okay, so wait hold on
you all don't have 5-pin?
Man that's weiiiird
Bowling is 10 pins like literally everywhere else.
> Five-pin bowling is a bowling variant which is played only in Canada, where many bowling alleys offer it, either alone or in combination with ten-pin bowling.
Never played 5pin, just found out. 10pin is the only thing here.
Most places I've ever gone are 5 pin, I find 10 pin so weird
well apparently 10 pin is easier
I was junior-pro league as a kiddo. 10 pin.
I got in a newspaper for pulling off a 7-10 split.
so I guess you're playing the poor man's hardcore version
I was in a bowling league in college and my average was terrible and I bowled the best game of my life in the finals so with the handicap it was a little too good and the other team tried to tell me I was a dirty sandbagger.
@StrixVaria how dare you give the best when it matters
One of my teammates bowled a 300 (not during league play) which I was present for; that was pretty fun.
I mean some people do intentionally lower their handicap for stuff like that
@Unionhawk Yeah I didn't, I just sucked and had a good game.
My "good game" was a 193, and it's still the best score I've ever gotten.
I am not a good bowler.
Wii bowling was a super serious thing for my parents.
@StrixVaria I think I broke past 100 once maybe
I've seen people luck their way into 200+ with no practice, and I was actually like going regularly and trying to improve.
I got like 127 once
I just gotta twist my arm in this weird way that almost hurts in order to throw straight
I curve the ball the "wrong way" for my handedness.
I kind want to get back into golf
and it's like not something I probably even want to do
Golf is great exercise.
I used to play golf a decent amount when I was younger
Now not at all
@Unionhawk but then you'd have another thing you'd have in common with 45
@badp Yeah but I'd have it in common with 44 so it cancels out
45 golfs way more then 44
whistles a false equivalence foul
@Uni Wouldn't play golf instead of the biggest responsibility in the country.
Yeah, I have limited PTO
power to offend?
Also yes
probability to officiate?
"Paid Time Off"
Pardons to Offer?
passion t owebdesing
All of these things are true
@badp shush
web design isn't a passion
graphic design, however, is.
not even any fallback fonts
@Unionhawk What is with people and not using impact.
one day when pulling this thing I'll accidentally press OK and will fuck up hard
@Avery There are enough mods in this room to get me out of jail in case something dumb gets validated
If the community wants to ban you I think it would be mod-abuse to unban you.
I knew it
I think that 1) it would not get validated 2) I'd be kicked or timeouted for flag abuse
I mean, if you posted the screenshot then hit ok maybe
but otherwise there's no real way to identify a flagger
I've seen flagger listed but I don't know if that's for custom flags only.
I think technically the data is exposed for mods, but you have to userscript your way to find it or something
It's something dumb
I think if we catch a community flag in time we can see who did it.
But once the flag is gone (either validated or canceled), then that info is gone too.
Use flags responsibly.
This is officially obtainable in-game now.
It's not just on promotional images!
Cup Noodles hat
..... What's the stats on it?
No idea, I'm never playing FFXV again.
@StrixVaria \o/
The hero better get monetization cash bonuses for product placement.
i'm playingh atm
Not because of the Cup Noodles hat, just because FFXV was boring and bad.
the storyline was very meh
and the combat is peh!?
but other than that it's ok
It's a dudebro car trip with some random encounters.
It's an RPG with bad story and bad combat. It looks pretty.
To be fair, when driving across the American midwest, some random encounters would spice it up.
lmao you can preorder metroid prime 4 on amazon
it releases december of next year
The fact that FF involves cars now is weird because I am used to like the SNES games that were more fantasy in the traditional sense
Q: Card found in arena now showing not found

Ashish RatanFew legendary cards were unlocked and I play one or two games with legendary cards on arena 6 7 and 8, but after a few times I noticed my cards removed and now no legendary card is available. Is it really possible? I'm very sad why it happened with me.

@Ash With airships and robot armor!
Oh hey, raiders of the lost ark is airing at the Oxford theatre. old ass single screen theatre that's closing .Showing it next friday. I've never seen that before, this might be the perfect time.
@Wipqozn Yes. You should do it.
@Fluttershy well now I'm not going to
but yeah I definitely should
Looks like I can't buy tickets online though, which is dumb
tickets will only be $5 too
oh hey, deus ex mankind divided is on sale
US$15 on steam
is that the newest game
THIS IS AMAZING cocos2d-x.org
go to "From Our Developer Blog" part
@Unionhawk Worth it at that price.
@Wipqozn Seeing a movie in an old cinema is one of my favorite things. I used to go to one in Seattle. We don't really have one here, though. One of these days, I want to go to the New Beverly in LA.
> skeletal animation
why don't more 2d engines have this
@MadMAxJr ye
@Unionhawk Buy it
then join a cult
then buy it again
I'll do the first and second but not the third
@Avery wait what
Oh, hacked
...they're dated from 5 days ago how has no one there noticed
Q: How to start multiple mapping paths simultaneously

MrFoxI started mapping at the Crystal core, which I'm fine with. But I'd like to also do maps from the other starting points. However, even though I fully completed them I'm not unlocking the 2nd tier maps from those paths. I fully completed the maps with boss and all enemies. So how can I do maps fr...

> Spatial attributes are geometry valued, and simple features are based on 2D geometry with linear interpolation between vertices.
(sigh) there is no such thing as linear interpolation when it comes to geography based points
Your set of points are going to draw lines in different places based on the map projection. That's not cool.
I've decided against the completely non-lethal approach to Dishonored. Too many idiots standing close to the edge that fall down and die when you choke them.
@MadScientist You CAN pick them up as you're choking them
that never really worked for me for some reason
I guess you were pressing the wrong key
well, now they're dead.
I'm still comfortably in low chaos I think, so it's not a big deal
You'll carry that weight forever
If you don't want to die, don't stand close to the edge when there's no railing. It's a simple lesson
Q: What causes Purifier tanks to explode?

AureliusWar of the Chosen introduces the Purifier, a flamethrower-equipped ADVENT trooper. When faced with one of these new foes I directed my Ranger to kill one with her sword, which she did in a single stroke. To my dismay, my unfortunate Ranger then died in the resulting explosion. I decided to dispat...

Q: How do I update previously discovered planets data?

David YellSince the 1.3 Atlas Rises Update I have returned to a planet I've previously discovered to source Gravitino Balls, however the data provided in the Discoveries menu no longer matches the planet. Here is my discovery index, with my current planet marked, as "Acidimus" However, when I am planet...

i updated an answer yesterday to include new info, and lost 20 rep from people removing upvotes
@Dragonrage rekt
that'll teach you to keep your answers good
@Unionhawk yea, ill just never update my answers again
I'll have a fun time updating my for 1.13
several of them should be ok
but some might have better solutions
ima go unupvote all of your answers
i dont even know if i have upvoted any of your mc commands
@Yuuki How are things going with you? still safe at home?
@Wipqozn he evacuated I believe
It's getting bad. Dallas has cops at gas stations as they've had a run on gas and they're more or less out of it.
I mean they should be able to get into dallas
@Avery oh shit, makes sense.
Hopefully he's okay
@Wipqozn he was safe after evac
but yeah
hopefully he's still okay
Finally watching the MASH Movie. Yaaaaayyyy!!!!!!!
@TheMattbat999 I've watched the show twice entirely through and am working on the third go-round and you know what, I've never actually watched the movie
Q: "Do I need to play the previous entries in a series" questions should be closed as primarily opinion-based

CC.In my opinion these questions are almost universally subjective and don't bring much value to the site. It is very difficult to answer whether and which of the predecessors are mandatory to understand the story. Video games are a more self-contained medium than books and films and games in which...

untappd update says cool thing is on tap at a place I frequently fill at "Cool, I'll stop and get some tomorrow" gone when I get there
How rude
NEW BUG PUPPET :) https://t.co/Ff3QD6EVyB
this is magic
@Avery That's so wondrous
I love it
@Unionhawk nooooo
Bug puppet is cool.
@Ash it is ok ( I watched about 15minutes of it) Hawkeye is a little nerdy looking
Nothing wrong with looking or being nerdy
@Avery no, there isn't, but it is just different from what he looks in the show
@Ash it was the blueberry tart ale too
Q: How do forests grow in Alpha Centauri?

MawgHow many adjacent squares of forest do I have to plant before they will begin to expand? And is there a formula, such that the more adjacent forest squares, the greater chance of auto expansion?

@TheMattbat999 Part of why I've not watched it is I am so attached to how things are in the show that I don't think I'd like it just because it's all different
@Unionhawk Daaaang that sounds like it would be delicious
@Ash ehh... character's are the same form the early seasons, but their personalities are slightly different.
Ugh have to go to Toronto tomorrow, RIP me (because of Traffic)
dudes are so obsessed with being alpha males, like where can I find a stable release male with some up-to-date docs
user image
Q: ARMA 3 and VRAM requirement

Null_ErrorMy laptop meets all the specs for ARMA 3, except the VRAM requirement of 512mb. I have 128 out of 8GB RAM and apparently on my laptop it is impossible to change this through the BIOS. Is the VRAM a large aspect of having the game run smoothly? I definitely don't expect to use it on max settings.

@BlueBarren fun fun... I take the bus so I don't have to worry bout that so much.
@Ash If I had all day and I was going to relax I wouldn't mind but we're moving my brother so it's just an all around pain
and it's the not the moving part that's annoying it's the Toronto part
You can move anywhere else and this would be a cake walk
Yeeeah, I can see how it wouldn't be awesome
@Ash it was without question the best thing I got to try at the Ohio beer fest last week
@Unionhawk It sounds like it was pretty spectacular, but I do just super like pie/tarts
I think we stole part of texas' storm
@Dragonrage don't give it back
Thunder and lightning almost constantly. With quite a bit of rain.
Thunder is so close and loud it's actually shaking my house a bit.
And apparently lightning hit a power station the next city over and knocked the power out
Q: How do you dodge with the duel Guns?

LyricsBotI have seen people roll on the floor left or right to dodge attacks with the duel guns. How do you do that?

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