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Like, if it was a stout, or if it was heavier, I'd be more confident
> “I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump’s not a white supremacist,” Samantha Bloom said, before becoming visibly upset as she learned of the injuries and deaths. “He had an African-American friend so ...,” she said before her voice trailed off.
@Avery Wow
that's like
I kinda want to find some weak spot of mine, where I hate a general group that I should not, but I can't find one
but that's exactly the same argument trump used
"I have muslim friends, absolutely great. And they agree that we should deport muslims."
> During the 2016-2017 school year, chapters were active in posting flyers on college campuses in 10 states, from Arkansas to Oregon. On the group’s website, printable flyers bear slogans including “Beware the International Jew”, “Imagine a Muslim-Free America”, and “Fascism: The Next Step for America”.
@Avery Fuck everything about that
From Playstation 4 hours ago - "You’ve not logged into your PS4 for a while so we’re just checking if there’s anything we can help with." .......... i logged in yesterday, about 24 hours ago where i played Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age for 3 hours.
> In a previous tweet commenting on the rally, they wrote: “Our members carry a purpose within them that drives them to risk their life and wellbeing for the cause. Bystanders won’t understand.”
@Avery 40 years is the maximum sentence for 2nd degree murder in VA.
What about hit and run
and the other people he hurt
> drives them to risk their other people's lives and wellbeing for the cause
@Avery Maximum of 5 years.
1 min ago, by Avery
and the other people he hurt
Theoretically, the judge could order him to serve both sentences consecutively, as opposed to concurrently, so he'd be looking at 45 years total.
@Avery This would depend on the prosecutor.
And the damage he did to those other cars
completed The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC, great ending. starting Trails in the Sky The 3rd, great opening however a warning to anyone playing it, the Prologue has a really long cutscene. ie. the moment you land in Liberl you have no control of your character except for one battle (which i almost lost because of a first turn freeze attack which got my entire party) and the scene takes about 40 minutes (maybe less depending on how quickly you read)
@Avery that would be only a fine and since he's insured in Ohio insurance will cover damage
They could theoretically charge him once per person injured, a total of 20 counts, plus once for the property damage (other car), for 21 counts. Five years per count would land him in prison for 145 years total.
so that's 40 minutes you can't do a manual save and not sure where the autosaves are within it
And bodily injury too
Adding in the maximum sentence for the 2nd degree murder charge, that is.
insurance shouldn't pay for intentional harming?
@Avery they'd prob nonrenew him idj
I'm not sure how at fault insurance works in the case of intentional damage
But Ohio is an at fault state
> The intentional injury exclusion or intentional act exclusion is sometimes relied upon by insurance companies to deny personal injury claims
But in a situation like this, the governor declared a state of emergency, and I believe federal funds will be released to assist with medical costs for those involved.
@Memor-X give me some motivation to complete the delivery boy bit of chapter 8
@Fluttershy depending on the company they might pay full limit and provide notice of cancellation
@Unionhawk It would be a very generous thing for the company to do, and I hope they do it.
@badp you like Kloe or Oliver?
I mean either way they'll want to cancel his policy as fast as legal
@Memor-X one more than the other
Which might be 90 days? I don't know
its not like this guy will need car insurance while he's in prison
@badp well you get them both back for the next chapter which is the last one, also it's in the next chapter those Data Crystals get fixed up (albeit in groups of 4 during progress)
@Avery Also, worth mentioning... If he gets charged with terrorism (which he likely won't), he may face life in prison without parole.
@Fluttershy i wouldn't put it past the trump administration to mess with/slow down those federal funds
i got through Chapter 8 knowing i had to be getting Kloe back in her new outfit at the end of it
I'd completely forgot about the data crystals
@Fluttershy I disagree with lifetime of prison tbh
@Fluttershy iirc, terrorism is federal, he's facing state charges right now
@Avery I don't, under the right circumstances.
people can and do change
@GodEmperorDune yes
locking up someone in their 20s for a lifetime is just
lifehack: don't want life in prison? Don't murder someone
@badp if you're intrested in the lore of the series then they are worth the read
@Avery this is the US, we still have the death penalty
where abouts of Chapter 8 to you recall getting to?
I delivered 2 of the 5 trinkets. I think
@Avery This is 100% accurate, but I find it hard to dredge up sympathy for a nazi who tried to kill 20 innocent people with his car.
I know that it can be hard to get sympathy
@Fluttershy I feel like the only thing that kept it from being worse was that there were those cars in the middle of the group
lifetime sentences don't actually last until death usually, do they?
Without parole would
Pretty sure the terrorist didn't know that those were there, and just planned to go through the whole group
Which is what a terrorism multiplier would add
@badp Life without parole means they die in prison.
@Fluttershy eventually
Or early on, depending on the crime.
@badp life = 25 years
life doesn't mean "until you die"
@GodEmperorDune Source? Pretty sure it does
I think you're thinking of the fact that they're eligible for parole after 25 years
If they don't get parole, or are for some other reason not eligible for it, they will be there for their whole life
we also have life without parole for a few things like being a mafia boss
Iirc it is seeing a fed investigation for terrorism but
@badp that might be the most Italian thing I've ever heard
@GodEmperorDune This is inaccurate.
Magic is unaffected by Blind and while the monsters in there are weak compared to you if your going after the Divine Penguins in there and if your going for all the BP you need to go though it 3 times. i can tell you that after that you no longer need Night
@badp you actually keep one (odd because i thought you had to give them all up) since Bose's was delivered at the start and Grancel got one from Kloe or Kevin when they went back so if you've been working without magic in preparation it's ok to have 1 as a magic user. the bitch problem with that chapter is is that tunnel to Zeiss which is now pitch black so make sure your main damage dealer is the first without a ZFG and have them wear the Night Vision.
also, apparently a recent patch has added turbo mode to the game like what's in Trails of Cold Steel on Steam. never used it myself as i was playing it before the patch and didn't update it
@Fluttershy its what lawyer buddies have told me, researching now

Proposed Q&A site for users of ARTIQ to discuss best practices for laboratory deployment and writing ARTIQ Python programs. This site is not for discussing new features (use the mailing list) or reporting bugs (use github Issues).

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@GodEmperorDune Basically, if they're sentenced to life, they're eligible for parole in no less than 15 years. If they're sentenced to life without parole, they are in prison until they die.
@Fluttershy yes that seems to be what i've found
only exception seems to be for people who committed crimes as a minor
@GodEmperorDune Yeah. Life for minors was declared unconstitutional in 2012.
i admit i was incorrect earlier, sorry @badp
veryveryvervyevreyvyryveyeryeyryeyevyvyeyeyeryyervveyrv fucked up
and i thought that saying "oh I can watch this video without feeling like puking" was fucked up
@Avery cw literally the daily stormer
ugh not giving them any clicks
... Why in the ever loving fuck are we linking that garbage shit in here
Sometimes, it's okay to like....not do the thing
We get it. They're fucked up. We don't need to give them any more damn loudspeakers for their shit.
I really don't know what you expected out them to be perfectly damn honest
too late to delete, uh, can you handle that?
Please, think before you post.
Either way daily stormer, they were literally killed, go fuck yourselves
@Ash evergreen
@Unionhawk oh this was that bullshit they are spreading about heather? fuck that noise
I mean, go fuck yourselves either way daily stormer
i also love how as soon as the car attack happened they made up some bullshit about the driver being antifa and false flags etc
honestly I had no idea about the reputation of dailystormer but yeah still I shouldn't've linked it
Yeah they are a notable Nazi website
I fixed it
For definitions of Nazi meaning nazi
I get it. We discuss a lot of sensitive and powerful shit in here but for the love of God sometimes it's okay not to bring every bad and horrible thing in here
In other (possibly happier and completely unrelated) news, first day of school for me yay!
@GodEmperorDune haha you get got on West coast time
@GodEmperorDune nice
Today is Introduction to Computer Networks and Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The latter will probably make me regret not paying attention during linear algebra
Oh yes, a lot of linear algebra. I'll probably have to dust of the old text book again
ugh realized how to read
@uni i could watch GoT on eastern time but my daughter is refusing to sleep so i'lll be doing hbogo
I wonder if I can use HBO Go without VPN
(I have an account through a friend but never used it, really)
Q: Will this command block always teleport the correct player(s)?

TrelDoes that teleport the player closest to the command block or the player closet to the coordinates in the execute portion? May goal is to teleport anyone that steps in a specific block, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right /execute @a[x=112,y=34,z=14,r=1] ~ ~ ~ tp @p 90 29 8

@Avery Heh, Colbert joked last week that all 300 million Americans share one HBO Go account to watch Game of Thrones
@GodEmperorDune That many typos is so ridiculous, it's not even funny.
15 people are sharing this :thinking:
@Yuuki they clearly said it wasn't funny
Pink limoncello + prune juice is surprisingly good.
PSA: avoid having lemon juice on your skin for extended periods of time.
even short periods of time can be harmful
because lemon juice is acidic etc?
it can break down your skin, and if you go out into the sun afterwards you can get severe chemical burns
i had a friend who was juicing a bunch of lemons for lemonade by hand, and then went outside on an overcast day and got 2nd degree chemical burns on her hands and parts of her forearms
@ash the LA times had a special hamilton section in today's paper - latimes.com/entertainment/arts/…
maybe not today but recent enough
@GodEmperorDune when I have more brains I will read it. I helped with fair cleanup and I helped with barn chores and now I am a sleepy me so I don't have enough brains
@Ash no worries
I now have Canadian money.
It's so plastic.
My cowplant has eaten 6 people
@Yuuki do not accidentally wash it it does not like that
Well the wash is okay it's the dry that it doesn't like
@Ash This is a real problem because while I try to avoid washing money, US dollars are a lot more tolerant being fabric.
Although I packed enough clothes that I shouldn't be washing or drying my clothes for the entire trip.
Watching old episodes of SNL has suddenly gotten awful
They play two minutes of ads every segment
@SaintWacko like fake ads that are part of the show?
@Yuuki yeah, our old bills handled it a lot better
Like they can sometimes be okay but it's not as good s the old bills
At least so I have heard, I haven't ever washed any
So, I don't want to derail the room with stuff about Charlottesville, or Nazis again, but this is too good not to share. Apologies in advance. <3
By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.
^ Creator of Godwin's Law.
Alien: hello Me: omg hi Alien: we've come here to- wait what's that? Me: that's my dog Alien: ...we've come for that. we would like them all
Q: Does the amount of time that a pokemon stays in a gym is any relevant to the gym's points received?

msm.oliveiraDoes the amount of time that a pokemon stays in a gym is any relevant to the gym's points received? Imagine that I have two pokemons in two diferent gyms. My gyms ranks are the same. When someone else defeats my pokemon does I earn (along to the maximum of 50coins per day) any gym experience?...

@GodEmperorDune I love this.
@matt___nelson i thought this conversation was off the record
@GodEmperorDune No, like youtube ad type things, but two minutes of them
@Fluttershy My wife made a really good point about this, though
@SaintWacko I forgot you got married! :o
> I'd really like to move away from using "Nazi" and "neo-Nazi" as labels used to descibe the alt-right terrorists. Using these terms allows us to duck responsibility, to deny the American-ness of this movement. This isn't a sudden bubbling-up of Hitler's ideology-- this is a swell in the river of racial inequality that has been a part of this country's makeup since its founding. Call them what they are: the alt-right. A hate group that's as American as apple pie.
Wtf, it played 90 seconds of commercials, one song by the guest band, then another 90 seconds of commercials
@SaintWacko The problem with this is "alt-right" is a moniker they've embraced and taken as their own. They're white supremacists through and through.
@Fluttershy I do agree that alt-right isn't a good term, because it's been so softened. But I think she has a good point about calling them nazis
It makes it sound like just some alternative political ideology
user image
cc: @Ash
@SaintWacko the 1930s nazis started in America too
@Unionhawk Exactly
If you want to call them American nazis, that's fine too
@Unionhawk at-right does yes
It doesn't really clearly define what they are
It's too soft and forgiving
@Fluttershy hehehehehehe I like this! Mysterious mysteries!
@Ash I feel like more bookstores should do this.
Also Canadians, it seems you might be affected as well
Canadians, if you are angry about what is happening in Virginia you should know PEGIDA Canada is organizing a demo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/896384611005198336
@Fluttershy a local bookstore does blind date with a book where they wrap up books in brown paper and then write 3 bullet points about the book and you just buy it without really knowing much. It's kinda great.
@Amy_Siskind We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/896935462622957573
@GodEmperorDune this is too damn close to me. I can't.
@Ash That'd be pretty great.
@Fluttershy I agree. I think it's a cool way to find books you might not have considered.
@Ash do what you have to do to stay safe
@Ash Heh, our library puts books in those small cloth reusable bags, and if you borrow the book inside you keep the bag
@GodEmperorDune Screw that. They should've just shut it down. Stupid probably user agreement crap. :(
@GodEmperorDune its a couple hours from me but people I care about live there and I just, fuck.
@PrivatePansy nice!
@Ash there's no shame in people who don't want to deal with it spending the weekend elsewhere
@GodEmperorDune Not at all but it sucks that it might come to that
@Ash yes it does
Oh shiiiiiiit this is drunk rick method acting
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit
Best R&M episode ever
The animation's really improved.
no spoilers dammit
/kick @uni
Listen, the teaser for the next episode is hardly a spoiler
It'll be on YouTube soon anyway
I have learned that the same contract brewer that created Trouble Brewing stuff for Walmart now has an American Light Lager
Oh God Google now is still allowed to send me news from daily mail
marks as not interested in stories from
(there was some really dumb headline about Narcan)
2 hours later…
I don't have my Pc password anymore and my boss is on vacation #busfactorofone
I hope he returned those 2 books https://twitter.com/CrimeWatchDaily/status/830869841879957509
You can be clinically dead and still be revived
It's somewhat rare though
Busfactorofone update: still no password reset
Alternatively you might just be a RPG character
Q: What is the use of bishops?

user1735003When I don't have bishops appointed the only difference I notice is that from time to time the Vatican proposes to fill in this position. What are they good for? And what qualifications must a courtier have to fill the position? When I have the choice between several candidates how to choose one,...

Q: /testfor item in item frame help with code

Neap CongoI'm trying to test for a specific item in an item frame and I'm sure I have the correct code. /testfor @e[type=Item_Frame,x=-1285,y=72,z=788}] {Item:{id:minecraft:leather}} However I get this error: [02:46:44] Data tag parsing failed: Expected '}' but got ':' at: {Item:{id:minecraft:<--[HERE]...

I am now on a computer that is logged in and not on a phone!
It is much better for the typing of things
Not so much for the developing of things
cc @GodEmperorDune blazin' it
@KevinvanderVelden ouch
@Avery weeds != weed
who cares, still blazin it
Aight, not sure if you knew the difference or not =p
Today's newspaper cartoon is a little too on the nose
Sometimes clarity is a good thing
@Avery WoL has danker refrances than that fam :D
do we have a question on where to get the can of oil needed for lost dutch oven mine?
@Avery yeah I think it's mine
this one?
Q: How do I detach the minecart with the rusted lever in Jumbleneck Mine?

GodEmperorDuneOn the first floor of jumbleneck mine, you can use the switch send the minecart into a back room to clear the path. In the back room, there is another minecart laden with dynamite and rocks that seems to be meant to go back into the first room to clear rubble and open the path forward. Unfortun...

(it's not named jumbleneck mine for me so)
It's Regular can of oil?
@Avery that's a different one, I've found 2 places needing oil though
No places providing oil yet
Vendors sell it
alright, buttonwillow's store it is
You can get it in random events too
presented without comment
this is like yuuki level dad
@Avery technically stating that is presenting it with a comment
how can our comments be real if our eyes aren't real
you got it wrong, our eyes are real, they just present fake images to you
@Avery KoL humour best humour
@KevinvanderVelden [KW]oL
@Avery Did you sell your can of infinite beans?
was that a mistake?
As a Beanslinger that could be important. You should be able to buy it back though.
I will keep that in mind
I know that as a Snake Oiler, I can pull venoms and glands from my briefcase of snakes.
That I then use to craft potions, boozes, and other things.
@Yuuki why do you have a briefcase of snakes?
That sounds like a bad idea
Is that what you had to go pack? Did you quit DnD (a tiny bit) earlier to pack snakes in a briefcase?
It sounds like pretty rudimentary equipment for any purveyor of serpentine lubrications.
Christ I can't wait for a chance to play this game
@KevinvanderVelden Actually, it was so I could wake up now (it's 5 in the morning) and also pack stuff for Canada.
I suspect that I'm not allowed to bring snakes on a plane.
@fredley it should run on damn near anything
Particularly on a Monday.
@KevinvanderVelden Hardware is not the issue, time is
Yeah, tuesdays are usually better for snakes
@fredley aah
I might not be allowed to bring Snakes On A Plane either.
@KevinvanderVelden ran at like 10fps on my pc
though that's a bug with kwin probably
Can you bring Snakes on a Plane on a plane?
@Avery it's a mostly text driven, occasional turn based game. 10fps is fine
What about Snakes on Snakes on a Plane on a plane?
steam reported 60fps but my whole DE/WM was slowed down
I am now running it through wine and it's actually running at real 60fps
@Ash So apparently the place I'm staying at in Montreal is right next to Mont Royal.
I hate sites that ask me to login when I try to unsub
@Avery well, if you have subbed within your account settings, it makes sense to ask to login
well, it's o365 weekly changes report which I don't care a bit about
and there are sites that allow unsubbing stuff that's in account settings without logging in
@Chippies They can embed a unique key in the unsubscribe email that links to your account
Which is logical, since if you can receive the email, then you should also be able to unsubscribe from it
And it is also in some places a legal requirement to have a one click unsubscribe
@PrivatePansy I suppose? I was thinking of unsubscribing from receiving to a certain email, but if the email doesn't have to be unique, then logging in seemed like the right thing, but I didn't think of having an identifier for the account itself
Love it when my phone restarts in safe mode and my second and third alarm never go off
So if you want to avoid spoilers why would you go to article, post or text thing on the internet just to tell the person who wrote it that their title (which only names a character doing something, not even what they did) as a spoiler?
I feel like that's very risky and you're just going to see more spoilers in the comments of that post
@Unionhawk safe mode?
@Yuuki very nice!
@Avery apparently android has safe mode
a bunch of apps were disabled and the text [SAFE MODE] appeared in the bottom left
until I restarted again
oooh right I remember that
A bunch of apps INCLUDING sleep as android
also it sounds like AG thinks the thing this weekend does in fact count as domestic terrorism
so that's a thing
that I honestly did not expect but I'll take it
It's perfectly reasonable to get an arrest warrent on the obvious charges and then see if you can actually prove more serious things
(probably warrents other then arrest as well)
I mean he's already held on lesser (murder) charges now, so
a terrorism multiplier could bring it to life though
I mean theoretically 20 vehicular assault 2nd degree murder and fleeing the scene of a deadly accident could all come together for 145 years but
The less left to chance
Maybe he lives to the age of 166
the nwhat
Then our grandchildren get to punch the nazi
@KevinvanderVelden X GON GIVE IT TO YA
I should rewatch the previous seasons of rick and morty, given that ep 2 only airs on wednesday on dutch netflix
@KevinvanderVelden If only there were a way of getting episodes of R&M when they air in the US
Too bad nobody's solved that problem I guess
Doesn't adult swim do this or is that region locked
Region locked, YVPNMV
Also 5 days of TI to watch, 4 new seasons of other shows and a bunch of new shows
Also west of loathing to play
I have had to block R&M from twitter/reddit though as I can't watch it until Monday evening
@fredley youtube (albeit not exactly at the same time.....or legally)
@fredley the episode is great
spoiler alert
@Memor-X I am quite sure he's aware of several methods
also it's drunk rick method acting
that's not a spoiler we already knew that was happening in 304
@Unionhawk tbf that's not so much a spoiler as a fact of life
@Unionhawk Don't make me ban you
Hmm, drinking lots of tea makes me not feel as sick
@KevinvanderVelden tea cures most things
oh shiiiiiiit and my uncensored version has released and will download when I'm on wifi
HMMM, I may watch rick and morty via other methods and then watch it again to let the netflix overlords know I'm watching
Is it on Netflix?
honestly best fifteen bucks I've ever spent, buying the season on google play
I should give it a try then; never seen it before.
@Beedrill it is here
@Beedrill I'm not sure
And this is dutchlandia
Oh right, different licenses in different places.
Most episodes should be on adult swim dot com
But that varies a lot
Not available in USA.
Hmm, I wonder if I'll get flagged for the punch comment
I honestly wasn't sure whether or not to post it =p
Also I should just mark wether as "not a word" in my dictionary, I always have to look it up
@KevinvanderVelden If you do then I'm deleting @Wipqozn's account
why are you doing the thing code
do the other thing instead
@KevinvanderVelden this morning I am at my aunt's and I have a very strong cup of sugary tea and some speculaas and it is making me feel much better about the world (woke up with a lovely migraine)
Hmm speculaas
I should get some of that
Or stroopwafels, heated stroopwafels hmmmm
@KevinvanderVelden I vote that if that is an option
It is! I have a thing with which I can heat things and I have grocery stores that sell stroopwafels
(heating them is basically wrap them in aluminum foil and place them in a contact grill for a bit)

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