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wait, yesssss
I'm a 'Prominent member of the bridge'
@Sterno lolol
Sharing that one with the office
@GnomeSlice hue
I'm not bored of Brexit, it's just that I'm giving @fredley a break before March
what happens in march?
that's how little notice i'm taking XD
@djsmiley2k actually probably nothing.
what are the news papers saying will happen in march?
@djsmiley2k the Switch is released obviously
@BlueBarren I think even less people careabout that XD
@djsmiley2k you're just about ruining dreams, aren't you?
Pie needs to get his own show
yah, sry
@djsmiley2k The snow should melt.
already has :(
@JasonBerkan it's melted already for me
What's "snow"?
Then y'all are going to have to find something else cool that happens in March.
holy crap
once the world gets ... weird enough
I just realised why ice ages are self sustaining
think about this, I'm in Canada, it's January, there's no snow
I've never been, is there normaly snow?
Depends. Canada's a big place.
supposed to be
so anyway
once it's cold enough
water vapor stops... happening
evaporation stops happening
the air is 100% dry
clouds don't form
the earth gets colder
@djsmiley2k Evaporation doesn't stop happening even at freezing temperatures, IIRC.
It's just very, very slow.
it doesn't rain in the arctic
or snow
Evaporation != precipitation.
yes sure
@Wipqozn What's wrong with you?
but one helps the other
Or are you trolling them like I'm trolling The Bridge?
@Sterno he doesn't like bacon
@Sterno orly?
Also if there's no humidity in the air (or no clouds), I imagine direct sunlight might be more powerful with clouds to disperse it.
more 'powerful' ?
if the land is white, the sunlight (and so the heat) is largely reflected back into space
Sorry, "powerfuller".
clouds cause it to defract all over the place
lol no
i mean what do you mean by more powerful ?
At some point, replace "fuller" with "buckyball".
pineapple pen
/cc @fredley
Ugh. Is there any way to keep a css text-shadow from applying to text which has been hidden due to overflow?
> Republicans complain that fewer than 70 have recovered and had protections lifted.
I get the concept of "if it's not working, fix it", but this is like taking someone off life support because they haven't gotten better. Which is also an understandable decision, but that particular decision depends on the existence of a DNR order, not outside fiat.
@Yuuki "if it's inhibiting logging or mining, get rid of it"
In this case
And the general "business interests >> environment" sentiment of the party
@Sterno well clearly I hate my coworkers
@Yuuki we "only" saved less some 60-odd species in 44 years
Q: Stop Camera Rotation During Wild Battle

MattRWhen attempting to find shiny variations of Pokemon, using the new "Call for Help" feature, I often find that within seconds the camera starts to jump around in what I can only describe as an "action camera" style mode with various close-ups, moving shots, different angles of what is going on. ...

SAD! if you really cared about them you'd chuck them into a Trump Zoo
the bars are gold and the floor is moquette
elephants love it
Trump Zoo only has the most wealthy animals.
Gotta look on the bright side, @Uni.
I need a "this is why I hide behind sarcasm" westworld gif
cc @GodEmperorDune
(I may have answered "Elsie" in my developer survey "which fictional character most correctly portrays what it's like to be a developer")
@Yuuki goddammit.
The environment is a myth
It's just an excuse used by #liberals to try to tell us not to burn everything to the ground
When clearly the correct business decision is to burn everything
Because America is cancelled
I don't know where I'm going with this
@Unionhawk when you don't know where you're going there's one way to know
keep going
@Unionhawk can confirm, every dev I know behaves like Elsie
That was a dumb joke @Uni
so what are the latest, newest and most exciting ways in which Europe was actually the Enemy all along?
I'm really fascinated
@badp Well, they currently oppose Russia.
@badp The pound went up after the PM announced "full brexit no staying in the EU free market thing" so obviously Europe was the problem all along
what with our "borders" and stuff.
And since Russia is and has always been our bestest friend, we're now at war with Europe.
Has the US even declared war in the last 40 years?
Like, officially?
terrorism comes to mind
does that count?
I don't know
I was under the impression that was always just "the president told the military to do a thing" without congress formally declaring it
We declared War on Drugs in the 80s I guess
But I guess if I'm counting that War on Terrorism should count
But then again can you really declare war on an idea?
Fond farewell to the greatest Vine of all time: https://vine.co/v/eTu9JOJ1AM0
I need to up my caffeine tolerance good lord
@Ronan Is this something I need sound for?
@Yuuki Yeah.
@Yuuki yes
@Yuuki yea.
transcript: [gamecube startup sound] - SHIT
Ah, mute button was in top-left corner while volume control was in bottom-right.
No wonder Vine is closing, jesus f--k.
RIP dog dancing to africa by toto
Vine will be deeply missed. This was by far my favorite one. 14/10 https://vine.co/v/ea0OwvPTx9l
Q: Stuck at some level in think-different android game

87009 I really need help at this level because its really hard to me

Q: Reward for killing fire salamander at the bottom of the forest of fallen giants

user1165499This is my first playthrough of Dark Souls 2 so I decided to ask it here and avoid looking on wiki to avoid any spoilers. After reaching the bottom of cardinal tower, there are two caves. In one of them is fire salamander which casts fireballs at us and a fire sword to get from the chest. I b...

@Unionhawk i believe the iraq/afghanistan wars had congressional authorization
but i am too lazy to research so
same tbh
Is today Vine shutoff day?
Most of the good ones are rehosted on youtube
@Yuuki sadly its not as good without the automatic repeat
@GodEmperorDune youtuberepeat.com
Although it tends to get weird after a few hours.
@Unionhawk youtuberepeat redirects to listenonrepeat.com
@Yuuki it would be great if it threw an "endless redirect" browser error
or is that too meta?
3meta, I think
You can also go to stackoverflow.com/admin.php for a random 10 hour if you're looking for endless entertainment
(and a few other paths, feature added by Nick Craver for great justice)
English Proficiency Tests

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers and Academics of English language that want to master, practice and learn about English proficiency tests.

Currently in definition.

> Doctor: "I'm sorry, you only have 10 hours to live..."
Me:*rushes home, opens laptop*
Search Bar: 'Gandalf Sax guy 10 Hours'
@arda is it just google api
or is it... enriched
that javascript file isn't loading
and they're claiming they worked on it for 10 years
I mean, remember the european search engine effort
and they got 10 million turkish liras investment
@arda Which is like $50 USD, right?
Quaero (Latin for I seek) was a European research and development program with the goal of developing multimedia and multilingual indexing and management tools for professional and general public applications (such as search engines). The European Commission approved the aid granted by France on 11 March 2008. This program was supported by the OSEO. It was a French project with the participation of several German partners. The consortium was led by Thomson SA. Other companies involved in the consortium were France Télécom, Exalead, Bertin Technologies, Jouve, Grass Valley GmbH, Vecsys, Vocapia...
gist: geliyoo app.js, 2017-01-17 19:20:12Z
@JasonBerkan pls no tease
@JasonBerkan or £900,000,000,000,000?
@JasonBerkan Little more now, the dollar is too strong according to PEOTUS
It's 2.65m usd
@Unionhawk too strong respective to wh--- wait, according to the peotus. That makes sense.
Used to be around 3.3m usd last month
yay economy
@Unionhawk That's fine with me. If he wants to weaken the USD versus CAD, I'm good.
and 5m last year
crying intensifies
So literally worse than the GBP
as far as relative performance over last year
clearly you should buy dollars now while the going is good
@badp I'm broke already, and parents aren't really into change
@badp Always good advice. Historically, when economies have melted down, those owning foreign currency made out like bandits.
indeed the USD lost a bunch of value today
we're deaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
I mean this is fiiiiiiiiiiiiine
@Unionhawk you're just a little bit broker than yesterday
Yeah it could be worse
Trump doesn't care. He's got properties everywhere.
He differentiated his risk.
He's just smarter than me
You didn't try hard enough
It's 32 dimensional chess
and the GBP actually did gain a little in value
they've now only burned a buck every 6
good on you @fredley
look at that, that's almost an euro every 9!
9 is a big number.
Also the biggest digit.
It doesn't get better than 9 in the decimal system.
I just read something and holy hell, if this is true, this is smart as hell. Basically it says that google uses the heat generated by servers to generate electricity with thermoelectricity generators. That's... really smart.
They probably get a few percentage points out of that, which adds up.
Now all we need is electroelectricity generators to generate power from all the power that the datacenter consumes.
Why not just use magic electricity generators, which generate electricity from literally nothing and power everything forever?
Because magic is expensive
Besides, witchcraft is probably illegal because of religious reasons or something.
Plus we can't just put coal miners out of business by solving global energy problems with magic!
Q: Best program to record Minecraft at source quality 720p

SLembasMinecraft is not great in terms of performance optimization. FPS will always drop or cause lag spikes while walking due to constant chunk loading. After buying my first proper graphics card nVIDIA GTX 650 1GB I was shocked how smooth my gaming experience became. Some modern games get to 40-60 or...

@Unionhawk But we could also put those vile wind and solar energy producers out of business...
A true quandary, this is.
Q: Which Black Market decals come out of which crates?

SickestThere seems to be a lot of confusion around the rocket league community regarding which Black Market decals come out which crates. Crates 1, 2, 3, and 4. These are the Universal Black Market decals thus far. Biomass Heatwave Hexed Labyrinth Parallax Slipstream As far as I know, Biomass and...

@badp Due to News Diet 2017 I have no idea what's caused this, but I'm guessing I probably don't want to know?
Half USD weakened, half PM talked about things, we think
half "investors do what they want shut up"
It's a 150% type situation
So I started playing xcom again because of @Wipqozn
I've only lost 4 people total, and I think I'm getting close to the end. And 3 of them were rookies.
I have one sniper who has been on like all 25 missions and has like 89 kills
@fredley Your guess is as good as mine
How is the diet going for you?
@Unionhawk It's only one size too
I blame @Chippies
He obviously infected me
@Wipqozn Heh. You got the @Chippies infection.
@Arperum It's terrible
@MadMAxJr Yup. Supposedly we'd be getting details weeks up until ti's release, so wouldn't be surprise if we saw a march or feb release.
yay a link that's not blocked.
> Rebels can die during retaliations and other missions, and even some can be Faceless in disguise.
Oh snap.
This adds another level to XCOM Bridge characters.
Oh snap indeed
What if @badp turns out to be a squid monster?
What if I turn out to be a squid monster?
I mean would any of us really be surprised if @badp was a squid monster?
@Yuuki Then we probably should have seen that coming tbh
(I haven't played XCOM 2, are the Faceless squid monsters?)
@Yuuki They're basically Clayface from Batman
I'm probably a faceless but I'll still keep fighting aliens. Because sectoids like BRAD seem to think labels on food in the UFO fridge are a recommendation, not a rule. I'm coming for you Brad.
Man, f--k Brad.
Woo one of my kickstarter rewards scheduled for december 2016 is out for delivery
(damn you fidget cube get with it)
Hope they revamp SPARK units.
To be fair, the update from this one said "We received the glassware on 12/22, and a lot of it was damaged upon arrival"
and Fidget Cube's excuse is probably "holy shit there's like 200,000 packages to send we're kind of drowning in packing peanuts here"
Q: How exactly does targeting work during the fight phases?

DCShannonThe card minigame used to resolve encounters in Thea is a bit confusing at first, at least partially due to the lack of clear instructions. I've got a pretty good grasp of it at this point, and the fight phase usually goes about as I expect, but sometimes I'm left wondering why one card attacked...

I don't understand why everyone is so mad about the Fidget Cube.
Hoooly snap this is why people who can't use a computer shouldn't have any special privs on the herald site
Someone deleted our entire homepage menu
@Fluttershy Other than December reward backers are still waiting yeah
@Wipqozn herald site?
But it's only January and there were at least like 50,000 december backers
I didn't even know people were upset about the fidget cube
@Unionhawk That's... Not that bad. They've been transparent about the entire thing.
you can buy fidgety toys at like... the dollar store
get something to tide you over lol
Maybe I just think it's dumb because of my track record with Kickstarter, but two weeks late is really nbd.
Yeah it's fine
Are they fidgeting about the fidget cube?
Like I said, both of my 2016 kickstarters were late, but one of them was panicking that the glassware they ordered to ship to backers that month came in broken
I backed Star Citizen, Broken Age, Barkley 2, The Phoenix Project... I don't have a good track record with Kickstarter. But I'm perfectly happy with the fidget cube progress.
and, like, that wasn't my primary investment reason on that project anyway
I've only ever kickstarted Yooka Laylee and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
At least I didn't back Ouya, I suppose...
Oh yeah, I need to do something about Yooka Laylee and the Switch.
@Fluttershy What was wrong with broken age?
@GnomeSlice It was broken.
... age.
@Yuuki you backed for Wii U initially?
@BlueBarren Yeah.
@Yuuki why not just back for PC? That's what I did
@BlueBarren Because I don't want to play it on PC.
Of course
Also, Yooka Laylee is why I bought a Wii U. /s
I think gaming projects tend to have more problems
@GnomeSlice Other than it being nearly two years late? Nothing. But a lot of people were suuuuuper mad about it.
@Arperum and I are waiting on a supr late Kickstarter
Personally, I enjoyed the documentary enough to not care to wait on the game.
@SaintWacko YES
I backed Mighty No. 9. I'm sorry I helped make that a thing.
@Fluttershy Oh, right
Well, did any of you back "Dude eating a burrito"?
@Unionhawk no it's, oooo these are fun, are we meant to be doing something?
I backed that ship sinkiing simulator on indiegogo that ended up being posted by some guy who had met the dev one without his knowledge and the dude was in school and had no plans to even work on it
@Yuuki No. I also didn't back potato salad.
@MadMAxJr I still haven't played that
Neither have I.
I backed Full Bore, Deadwood, Basement, and Innerspace. Distance too. And Drift Stage.
can I ask something deep?
And I didn't back that one where the guy said he burned everything and that capitalism was awful or whatever, either. So maybe my track record for Kickstarter is a wash at this point...
@SaintWacko My girlfriend and I are assuming it will arrive by my birthday this year (end of march)
@Fluttershy lolwhat
What's better? Being liked as someone who you are not, or not being liked as yourself?
@arda I don't know too much about ocean floor biology, but go ahead.
@arda be yourself
being anyone else is like effort.
Do you guys remember the ant simulator kickstarter story?
@arda This is gonna sound shitty but being liked at all is really nice
Also, I don't give a crap what people think
I started making an effort to try and fit in better about a year and a half ago and i have never been happier
@arda I'd rather someone hate me for who I am than like me for who I'm not.
I even had a bumper sticker to that effect when I was a sad emo nerd in high school. :P
Honestly, no matter what other people say, do what makes you feel comfortable. If being comfortable means pretending to be someone else and you're okay with that, then you do you.
@Fluttershy Jesus, lmao
Of course, the flip side is that if you start feeling uncomfortable or you don't like pretending to be someone else anymore, then you should stop doing that.
Something something American Psycho.
@Yuuki yup, this.
I'm not sure you can even pretend to be someone else
Sure you can
the more i think about it
the more it doesn't seem true
Eventually that person becomes who you are though
because that pretending, is actually part of who you are?
Does that make sense?
especially if you're happier as that person
How Can Our Lies Be Real If Our Pretending Isn't Real?
yeah, exactly @GnomeSlice you can do it very short term i guess.
that's how I became confident tbh
In my deepest darkest times, i'd pretend to be the party guy
and so i became the party guy
To distill it into something concise: "Be who you want to be."
Which is not the same as "Be yourself."
can't listen right now @arda but if it's from the new Album then yeeee
preordered that shit
@Yuuki Yes. this
@Yuuki important distinction
I feel like we're getting into some "what is the definition of self :thinking:" now
nah dude
How Can We Be Real If The Next Zelda Game Is Going To Have Voice Acting? Like Seriously, Dude, That's Crazy.
if you aren't liked and you wanna be liked, either change who you are or change who you associate with
(ignore that q, am going through mind phases again)
self improvement should be a goal for everyone

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