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I see netflix on some websites too, 10-20 PEOPLE HAD BAD PASSWORDS ULTRA MEGA BREACH ON NETFLIX
(I don't support nor use those websites)
@fredley Oh so like clean injection sites for drug addicts?
4 hours ago, by ChromeSlice
Similar to supervised injection sites
Although it's kind of weird that we'd have those before booze equivalent
I guess hard drugs are more addictive
Makes sense to me, to be honest - drug effects are more immediate, more addictive etc. and tend to do the most obvious social harm, so you start with that. At least, that's my understanding.
@AshleyNunn That sounds about right
@ChromeSlice Alcohol is actually a hard drug.
@Arperum liquids can be very hard.
surface tension
@RedRiderX yup
@Dragonrage And leeching metals.
@Fluttershy @StrixVaria Oh hey, apparently health packs will heal Torbjorn's turret.
@Yuuki Oh really? So you can pick them up as Torbjorn and the turret will get the effect? :o
@Fluttershy No, if you place a turret on a health pack location, it'll heal up every time a health pack spawns.
And there's a map where a health pack has a very good view of the control point.
error. expected: error, got: error
Health packs also heal Junkrat's Riptire.
@ChromeSlice the bridge?
my house
@ChromeSlice When you go from "there is someone else here" to "hey it's just me again" it sucks. You do get used to it again after awhile, but the interim sucks. (I do it every time @WorldEngineer visits.)
there @AshleyNunn goes, figuring out what i was going to say but doing it in a vastly more eloquent way
@GodEmperorDune Thanks, for thinking I'm eloquent
@AshleyNunn you're the eloquentest person i know
You are a certified, professional English user
you have words
you have the best words
It's true, I have a degree in words
@GodEmperorDune Aww, you're sweet. :P
what is the best word out of the words that you have?
@badp hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
that holds not even a candle to defenestration
the fact that defenestration is a word that exists is a gift to mankind
@badp Hm. It depends on what sort of best you want.
i actually wrote an entire paper analyzing the word hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
@badp i wouldn't trust defenestration farther than i could throw it
@Dragonrage I'm sorry.
@AshleyNunn the sort of best that you like the best.
like, your favourite word that you are happy is a word that exists
even if you only get to use it every so often.
and maybe others disagree on it being a word that exists, but it doesn't really matter, they don't know your lifestyle.
@badp Hm. Of the words I use often, it'd be "wobbly". Of words I don't get to use enough, it would be "limerence". Of the words that might not be words to anyone but me, its "squobbly" (that feeling of being all wobbly and unhappy in the middle of yourself when things are not just so in a very particular sense)
@AshleyNunn TIL 2 new words
wow, limerence is a nice word.
i mean limerence is so specific
you truly have the best words
> 1970s: from limer- (apparently an arbitrary syllable) + -ence.
I like when I find words for weirdly specific things.
i didn't even know words could do that
@GodEmperorDune aka someone made it up, because we can
but they made it up and then it still existed for 40 more years
not even like the kooky ELU single word request neologisms
@Yuuki That's a very strange thing.
Ebullience is another nice word that people need to use more.
@AshleyNunn i learned that one in high school!
@AshleyNunn erinaceous
@AshleyNunn I've actually never heard that word before.
well ebullient, but same difference
@AshleyNunn I like that it basically means you're boiling
@Dragonrage Hedgehogs!
or how about tarantism
i vote that @AshleyNunn start up a word of the day/week/$recurringTimePeriod thing
@StrixVaria I kinda...collect words in my head when I like the sound of them. And then when I get anxious, I just kinda roll the nice sounding words around my head like mental marbles til I calm down.
@Dragonrage I don't like the sound "ism" makes in words.
I also don't like words with too many guttural sounds.
I read a book last year that used "insouciantly" and I memorized it so I could look it up later.
@StrixVaria Ooooh, that's another excellent word!
@StrixVaria i like nonchalant because of the weird mental image it conjures up
@AshleyNunn i like them because i can pronounce them well. i cannot roll r's and such as i produce sounds with my throat as opposed to by articulating them with my tongue
@GodEmperorDune It always makes me think of how my cat looks when he walks away from something he knows is his fault but he is trying so hard to make me think it wasn't
@Dragonrage Oh man, rolling r's is so hard
if i could roll my r's i would actually be a much better trumpet player and i could actually flutter tongue notes
@Dragonrage I want to be able to roll r's so I can speak Russian better
@AshleyNunn i don't even have a cat but i know exactly that walk you're talking about
because it is such a nice sounding language
@GodEmperorDune My brain is a very visual place, I've discovered.
isn't russian a slavic language? i thought slavic languages were more guttural
@Chippies a bit nsfw
all these fancy words makes me go derp
@Dragonrage it is like the most slavic language
@GodEmperorDune one out of 20+ words is "penis". I think the emphasis is definitely on "a bit"
@Dragonrage They can be, but Russian just works for me. I don't know why, but it just makes my brain happy.
I don't think Russian is guttural much...
I mean, a little bit, I guess? mmm...
I can never think of any examples in my head when I need them
Yeah, when I think of the sounds I don't like it's more the sorts of back of the throat spitball sounds that you get in Dutch a lot
Q: Can't defeat Arcano

RyskaNo matter what I do, I can't seem to defeat Arcano. Have watched the youtube vids and they can do it but nothing I use on him is working. Can anyone help?

@GodEmperorDune A bit, but it's hilarious
@AshleyNunn That's my problem, too
@Chippies the theme of the whole thing is oral sex ... but w/e i won't be the one to flag it
@AshleyNunn It's such a beautiful language!
Also, you haven't been working on your Russian!
@GodEmperorDune Flagged for saying oral sex
Wait, shit
@SaintWacko I know! My phone has been stupid about Duolingo and I forget to do it on my iPad
@AshleyNunn Have you ever watched anything by Victor Borge?
@GodEmperorDune I don't think that qualifies as nsfw
@SaintWacko I've not. I know the name but not much else. Should I fix that?
there's no way someone passing by your desk would think that's anymore nsfw as reading comics at work is
@AshleyNunn omg yes
He's amazing
You will love him
His "Phonetic Punctuation" is a good introduction
And Inflationary Language
And the Timid Page-Turner
And everything he's ever said, done, or played
Alight, I will make a note to look up his stuff when I am home tonight, then :)
He's also an incredibly talented pianist
Oooh, yay
Okay, getting ready to start streaming OPENING HEARTHSTONE PACKS!!!! WOOOOOO
i just finished another cup of coffee, and I feel like I need another one
oh well, there are worse things to be addicted to than caffeine
@SaintWacko His stuff is really great.
There are a lot of great skits, but the one I really remembered as a kid learning to play the piano was the one where he played the "Happy Birthday" song in the style of various composers.
@StrixVaria Okay, I feel like i need to check this out.
He did Gershwin!
@StrixVaria Yay, another fan!
@SaintWacko the jokes on you. your avatar looks exactly the same
@Dragonrage But it's much higher resolution!
@SaintWacko its like 10mmx10mm
@SaintWacko so you're wasting my bytes
with your DPIs
you cant really tell the difference when its that small
@Dragonrage phrasing cc @uni
@twobugs hyped for this talk with ben whoever
@twobugs Your stream titles make me laugh. :P
@twobugs no pecs though
@twobugs You play Hearthstone?
I was pleasantly surprised when I found a MLP episode on the Hugo finalist list. Then I found out it was in one of the puppy slates. Now I feel so dirty
It's just... Ugh
hugo? puppy?
@PrivatePansy Really? Rabid or Sad?
Both I think, going by the comments. I'm not going to dirty my browsing history visiting those sites.
They also managed to get a pr
Pornographic short story nominated
Q: Minecraft ArmorStand ColoredText

ItzAngeloBruhHow do I make an ArmorStand have a color name (On a server). I've done it before on 1.8 with mclabs colored text generator but sadly it doesn't work on 1.9. I've seen people done it in 1.9 and they don't ask me. I can't download any plugins because i'm not making a server it's a server in a serve...

There is a certain amount of irony in nominating a show like MLP that is strongly feminist though. Can you guess which episode they nominated? Ugh...
seriously? Is it that dramatic?
(I've never watched more than seconds)
@PrivatePansy wat
@PrivatePansy cool
@PrivatePansy I've not watched it in quite a while
@PrivatePansy Of course they did.
cc @twobugs a uml diagram for a language i wrote
It bugs me because I like some of the books written by the Puppy supporters etc but the people just make me want to vomit
@PrivatePansy Yeah, there's a lot of overlap between sad and rabid puppies. I tend to hate sad a little less but the whole thing is gross and messy
I assume you're not talking about actual dogs
@ChromeSlice Nope
Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies are two attempts to game the Hugo nominations to take away from "SJW" authors.
It's gross and most of the people who spearheaded the SP/RP slates are pretty unpleasant humans.
(There are some exceptions, as always.)
@AshleyNunn The worst part of that is that nominations that are good that just happen to be on the list will also come under scrutiny
@PrivatePansy Yeah, thats why I get extra mad at it
because people are punishing good stuff that just happened to show up on a puppy slate
Is it just like an organized group of people who write things just to try and get a hugo award?
@ChromeSlice It's an organized group of people trying to get people to vote on certain works to recieve the awards
Is that not like, illegal
@ChromeSlice ... No?
I guess they're not like, bribing people, right?
Anyone with a membership for WorldCon gets to vote
So they're trying to game those votes
Starting with what gets nominated
@ChromeSlice Nope, because like you said there's no bribery, etc. It's just a bunch of people trying to convince other people to vote certain ways in a literary award thing to make some sort of stupid point
@Dragonrage ugh those things slightly out of alignment
didn't last time the anti-puppies win somehow?
Is worldcon like a tumblr thing or?
They won by voting 'no award' on several categories
Which is still a net loss because good works that should get recognition don't
@ChromeSlice No, it's not a tumblr thing
@PrivatePansy yeah, No Award doesn't really fix it either
Huh. Never heard of it.
The Hugo Awards are a set of awards given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year. The awards are named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories, and were officially named the Science Fiction Achievement Awards until 1992. Organized and overseen by the World Science Fiction Society, the awards are given each year at the annual World Science Fiction Convention as the central focus of the event. They were first given in 1953, at the 11th World Science Fiction Convention, and have been awarded...
Pretty sure I have heard of those
@ChromeSlice That's what this is in regards to, WorldCon is where the awards are given out
They're structured so that anyone who is a member of the con (and it's trivial to do so) can vote
@ChromeSlice they used to award the most awesome scifi things. then these guys started to wreck the results
So the Puppy groups are trying really really hard to game the results and mess it up to prove some sort of point to all the people they think are terrible SJWs or whatever
That's shitty
Why don't they just ban those people
@ChromeSlice How do you determine whether a vote was cast by someone from a Puppy group or not?
@badp yea, i wouldve fixed that way back when, but there were supposed to be groups of 5-7 working on this project and I got stuck in a group of 2 and my only partner was more interested in looking at things on pinterest than actually helping me do the work
yeah true I guess
interestingly enough, my group was one of two groups that got an A on the project
@Dragonrage graphviz and dot and plantuml are things that exist
@ChromeSlice as poisonous as the viewpoint is, most literary societies are much more against censorship and punishing people for their viewpoint
I mean I get that your teacher doesn't really care for those diagrams since they know this stuff already
The annoying thing is that the only thing I know about them is from Wikipedia and the stated goal sounds not too bad. But apparently they're terrible people.
@GodEmperorDune Pretty much, because that goes against the whole point of most of these and for the Hugos in particular, goes right against the whole openness of the whole process
@Yuuki Which, the Puppies?
@badp i think i was using dia
@AshleyNunn Yeah. If the awards are biased towards fiction that tries to push a message or ideology, then I can see why they're doing what they're doing.
The generally claimed "head" of the Rabid Puppies is a definite piece of work. Correia often gets labelled as head of the Sad Puppies - I like his books, but he can be a kinda problem
But apparently they're assholes, so I wash myself of this nonsense.
@Yuuki these are books, of course they are pushing a message: read more
@Yuuki The problem is, they're mistaking "ideologic push" for "we want representation in fiction for all people, not just while cis het ideals"
@badp that looks interesting. it might have been helpful to have that when i was doing that project 3 years ago
Write your own books then
@AshleyNunn but cis male white het ideals are the best!
I don't get what they're trying to do in that case
@Dragonrage the more you know ~
@ChromeSlice Who?
nevermind, I don't really understand what I'm talking about enough to discuss it
it often happens that you want to whip up a diagram in a hurry
@ChromeSlice Well, it seems they are writing their own books but they aren't getting nominated or voted through.
all messages that aren't cis white male het ideals make me feel icky
@ChromeSlice Yeah, me neither.
There are plenty of people writing queer fiction or PoC fiction or whatever, but breaking into teh market and actually getting visibility for those stories is INSANELY hard.
@GodEmperorDune *reaches towards the pin button*
@Yuuki such mod abuse
And the thing is, people often want to write things that sell, and the easiest way to do that? Don't rock the boat.
@Yuuki I guess nobody wants to read them then
Why is that a problem
@ChromeSlice Oh, but we DO.
But again, it comes back to getting publishers and stuff to take the risk of allowing these things to have a life on the shelves.
what does that have to do with the awards?
Also, publishers want to make money
I know SO MANY authors of PoC/LGBT/marginalized fiction (mostly romance because that's how I roll) and they have tried and worked SO HARD to write things
@ChromeSlice I think part of @AshleyNunn's annoyance is stemming from the fact that the Puppy group occasionally chooses to support a book that she likes and the fact the book is supported by the Puppy group keeps it from getting an award that it deserves.
@AshleyNunn i have to admit it can be a bit shocking to be halfway through a book and be "wait, what? i totally assumed that character was like me..."
Due to backlash from the Puppy group being a group of jerks.
but that doesn't make it a bad book or story or w/e
@Yuuki Yeah, I get really stompy when GOOD STUFF doesn't get votes just because the stupid puppies touched it
It's almost been a year since I graduated from college.
@GodEmperorDune I love this, though. Because the fact that you NOTICE when peopel aren't like you is like....exactly my point :) In a lot of ways, I notice the inverse.
@GodEmperorDune And just because I don't like a book doesn't make it a bad book.
(I hate Great Expectations)
@Yuuki I'm really bad at liking anything that people call "literature"
@Yuuki If I don't like a book, it's probably a bad book :P
@AshleyNunn you mean that people who are not like me are just as complex and interesting to read about as the people who are like me?
@AshleyNunn what about the great classics?
@GodEmperorDune Shocking, but true
@Dragonrage I don't think many classics are all that great :P
(Seriously when you peek at the sort of stuff I read, its a miracle I survived the Literature parts of my degree)
@AshleyNunn yea, me neither. they extremely boring, and most are very old and written about things that aren't really relatable or relevant to today
If you took Moby Dick and took out 90% of the book, you could have an interesting story. Then with the 90% you took out, you could make a guide to whaling.

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