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@Chippies I don't know, awaiting authentic Canadian input
@fredley I asked wife, she said poutine does require cheese
@fredley there is only one item on that menu that can be called poutine. It's, obviously, the poutine.
@MBraedley what about the "cheese fries"?
only one item doesn't have cheese, thus can't be poutine, the others, while odd, would still qualify, I think
Poutine needs gravy as well
Q: Testadrox Yard work is another way to get

CroyGroverTestadrox Yard work is another way to get fit without deliberately exercising. Doing the yard work that needs to be done allows you the opportunity to move around. It kills two birds with one stone. Do your yard work once a week and do as much as you can. You could forget about time and get a gre...

So beef chilli cheese fries are not poutine?
@MBraedley don't think it does, gravy is optional
pretty sure you can get poutine without gravy in Canada anywhere that sells poutine
nevermind, I have been corrected by my Canadian wife
who wasn't specific enough earlier about what qualifies as poutine
Poutine without gravy is just cheese fries
@Chippies just be grateful it isn't that Eldritch abomination called.... Seaman
@Chippies An old Dreamcast game. Do yourself a favor and don't bother searching more info. It was an interesting experiment... gone horribly wrong.
@Chippies Oh good, they did it for the reasons I hoped they did it for! Yay!
@Ronan they did the same with looks, skin color and genital sizes a while ago, so this was kinda expected
@Chippies Yeah I know, but it still could have been just that they hadn't made a character creator yet.
> We understand that you may now be a gender that you don’t identify with in real-life. We understand this causes you distress and makes you not want to play the game anymore. Technically nothing has changed, since half the population was already living with those feelings. The only difference is that whether you feel like this is now decided by your SteamID instead of your real life gender.
Brilliant, 10/10
It's sooooooo good.
@Ronan they gave pretty much the same reasoning for the previous changes as they did now
@Chippies Oh fair enough.
Good morning Bridge!
@Chippies I don't feel like their line of reasoning is particularly compelling
It has no gameplay impact, except perhaps to increase dissonance for people who want to roleplay in a, oh I don't know, role-playing game. As far as making an 'artistic statement' goes this is... well, I won't go as far as to say stupid, but it feels pointless
@PrivatePansy I think it's a really interesting design decision though. In life, you're born with one set of physical traits that are almost completely unchangeable. A game that imposes the same situation is interesting.
@fredley Right, but games are imperfect simulations. Some games don't try to be realistic, but even the ones that do have limitations
@PrivatePansy Although as they said, they haven't actually changed the theoretical amount of dissonance from what they had before.
Also no one's saying that all games must do this.
@PrivatePansy I don't think it's anything to do with realism, they're just choosing to impose a completely random morphology on each player.
If you want to be 'realistic', you should probably include diet pills, plastic surgery, weight loss/gain, etc. because those are all things which real people who care about their appearance resort to, depending on how far they care about their appearance
It will be very interesting to see how this affects the way people play the game
@PrivatePansy It's not to do with realism...
@fredley That's what they appealed to in their statement
@PrivatePansy Those first two definitely didn't appear in the setting they're going for.
@PrivatePansy Their statement wasn't their reasoning as to why they did it, it was a response to people getting butthurt about it
@Ronan No, of course not. The last one does fairly significantly though
@PrivatePansy it's not really a role playing game and their point is that appearance is secondary to the gameplay
@PrivatePansy Who knows if they'll implement that mechanic, they might!
I imagine they already have a starvation mechanic as it is.
instead of focusing on how everyone is the gaming beauty standard, they make everyone look average
you know, like irl
@Ronan Yes, a weight mechanic would be very interesting. Are you well fed? If you are you're probably quite well-off within the game world and a ripe target...
@fredley That would be a far more interesting mechanic
@PrivatePansy It would be as interesting. It will be fun to watch if/how gameplay changes with the same people playing characters of a different gender. Very interesting.
@fredley They already had racism when they made race deterministic.
@Wipqozn I hope Walmart is closed for the special Canadian holiday of Moosegiving.
> In June, Newman told Polygon that he used Rust as a kind of social experiment, and he didn't see any race-based discrimination in the game. However, he was excited to document the future impact of female character models in Rust.
@fredley Really? I remember hearing stories to the contrary.
@Ronan I'm just quoting some article, I don't know
@fredley Meeeh. I really don't see any point in the whole 'games as social experiment' thing
@fredley Me neither.
@PrivatePansy In general?
It's one thing for your game to be a sufficiently complex simulation for player behavior to actually emerge (eg. EVE)
@PrivatePansy There doesn't have to be a point
WoW accidentally introduced a plague, that was pretty interesting.
It's another to foster a bunch of poorly thought out 'features' on users and call it a 'social experiment'
@Ronan Yeah, and was the subject of quite a lot of academic research into infection spread
@fredley Yeah!
@PrivatePansy if you're still talking about Rust, I don't think it's being called a social experiment
2 mins ago, by fredley
> In June, Newman told Polygon that he used Rust as a kind of social experiment, and he didn't see any race-based discrimination in the game. However, he was excited to document the future impact of female character models in Rust.
@PrivatePansy fair enough
@PrivatePansy I think he can treat it however he likes, given he made it
I like what they're doing, because I myself have spent hours in videogame character creation screens creating the "perfect" model
and yet you look like everyone else
@fredley Of course, but like I said, I think calling it a 'social experiment' demeans the phrase
I mean, if you don't like features in games you don't play, I don't see what there is to get worked up about.
@PrivatePansy I don't think phrases get upset if you demean them
@Chippies This.
@fredley Eh, I don't think I said I was upset.
The strongest word I used I think was 'pointless'
for one, they are reducing dev resources required to create a character creation tool that will guarantee that everyone looks the same
and making it so that every character model is unique
@Chippies Yeah, I think it's a brilliant move.
appearance, gender and genital size doesn't affect your gameplay in Rust, afaik
Especially the way they've tied it to your Steam ID.
@Chippies But it might change other's attitude towards you, which is the whole point
@Chippies The former sort of does, in the sense that it affects your hitbox and visibility slightly. At least that's what the comments mention
I want to play this game now
you start the game, you see your character, you either rejoice at being pretty or get sad that you're ugly, realize that it doesn't affect your chances of survival in this survival game and move on
Q: How to get to level 40 and beyond in The Witcher 3

Uri PopovCurrently I'm level 39 and I have finished the main story, HoS expansion and all the witcher contracts. My question is where do I go to quest, kill monsters to get to lvl40 and beyond so I can use the Black unicorn sword.

@Chippies Survival is a odd kind of genre. It's like RPG, except not really, although people do role-play in them
@PrivatePansy but there are many other games that let you do that the way you want to
Rust is just one of the many games in a very saturated genre
I'm just thinking out loud - not really Rust specific. I've played Don't Starve and Nethack and various other roguelikes before
well, you could never customize your appearance in Don't Starve :P
@Chippies I was just typing that!
I'm sure you didn't pick whatever character you played because of the gender or appearance, but rather because of the abilities they have
@Chippies There's no social component in it either.
@PrivatePansy there is a multiplayer version of Don't Starve
And of course it doesn't claim to be a social experiment.
@Chippies Two player co-op
Not multiplayer in the MMO sense
claiming something is a social experiment doesn't change what it actually is
if no one ever claimed it was a social experiment, would you look at this different?
because you seem to be very focused on the 'social experiment' bit
and less so on the actual 'features'
if you don't like not being able to customize your character, that is a perfectly valid stance, but Rust is probably not for you then :P
23 mins ago, by Ronan
Also no one's saying that all games must do this.
if you focus on the fact that they called the game a 'social experiment', then maybe you don't have a problem with the game or its features, but rather with something someone on the internet has said
@Chippies I would be less antagonistic towards a game that doesn't try to be pretentious
@PrivatePansy one person saying things doesn't make a game
@Chippies Not even when the person saying it is making the game? :P
@PrivatePansy Nope! Authorial intent is pretty worthless in art.
@PrivatePansy he might be in charge of decisions, but he probably doesn't actually make the game :P
tbh I have no idea who the guy is and how high he is in hierarchy anyway
he might be a PR guy for all I know
@Chippies Meh. It smells like PR BS to me anyway
@PrivatePansy Fish AI!
@Ronan Bahahahaha
Hey @Wipqozn, how's DS3 going?
> Facepunch Studios was originally developed under the partnership of Garry Newman, Matthew Schwenk, Bryn Shurman, and Arthur Lee for the video game Facewound, in 2003.
so, Garry Newman doesn't seem to be any more important than any of the other guys working on the game
he's just the face of the company, because of Garry's mod, I guess
@Chippies Ah, that explains where some of these aspirations come from
Fair enough. I'm still skeptical, but I'd like to see them try
@PrivatePansy they did it with the rest of the appearance, I'm not sure how the gender thing changes anything substantial tbh
until now they only had male characters, so half, if not more, of the players couldn't play the gender they wanted anyway
@MBraedley I'm hoping his PS4 stalled out installing updates
@Chippies I'm not speaking about gender specifically. It's the whole thing taken together, and the way which they present it
because I'm a nice person
@PrivatePansy is it better if you ignore the 'social experiment' bit?
@Chippies It probably won't make the news if that bit didn't exist :P
Q: AC: Black Flag multiplayer functional?

AsunezI have recently seen this game on sale and I'm wondering - is the multiplayer part still available? By available I mean: servers are still working it is possible to find (or make) a game within an acceptable amount of time (bonus) is it possible to create two-player games? I know it's quite m...

@PrivatePansy it would though, and up until today I didn't even hear about the social experiment bit, or maybe I just didn't focus on it
it's something no other game has done, so it's news worthy regardless of intent
> “We did consider a player customization system,” says Newman. “We looked a bunch of them, we watched them on YouTube. In some cases people were spending a couple of hours designing their character. The character design part of the game had more work put into it than the game itself. And these were games where what you looked like was completely irrelevant, where it was obviously just on some list that a publisher handed a developer.

“So we thought fuck all that. Fuck spending months making a character designer, lets make the game about the game. Then the more we started thinking in that
@Chippies Neat
Meta fanfic
Every reference to other show, toys or characters named "Zecora" is a mere coincidence and should be regarded as such.
@Derpy Please, it's not a Zebra, it's a Zebracorn
Good work, Phoebe, pointing out that they could sell a new toy if they somehow manage to give Zecora an horn. They needed it.... yeah...
(I suppose no one remembers that old deviantart fan comic about Twilight having a nightmare with Celestia wanting to stick two cardboard wings on her because someone told them they needed to sell more toys?)
Excellent, I am gaining all the Dark Souls 3 rep
Maybe I should keep playing just to get keeping rep
@fredley That one made me laugh, then cry
do you mean to say you got gut already
I got gut at rep
Developer looking at production logs after a regression with downtime
That's some pretty serious regression
Seems to have regressed the entire world to the middle ages
@twobugs if you think that's bad, think about the downtime
wait.... let me see if I still have the first print of "Inside SharePoint"
@twobugs Most of them are fairly modern. The oldest ones seem to be Renaissance
Ah, so it only caused 500ish years of time travel? That's acceptable
Amount of time travel your plan will cause:
0 years: Okay
1 year: No
10 years: No
50 years: No
100 years: No
500 years: Please stop
@PrivatePansy Aw, quit being such a party pooper
Here. Actual scan of our oldest SharePoint reference manuals
A little time travel never hurt anyone (or if it did they were probably erased from the continuum)
@PrivatePansy instructions unclear, matched "-300 years" to nearest rule "0 years"
@badp m_amountOfTimeTravel is an unsigned int
I'm still upset @GodEmperorDune stole my chance to self answer one of my Dark Souls 3 questions
Take note, everyone. This is why you don't livestream yourself asking Arqade questions
@MBraedley your data type is bad and you should feel bad
@MBraedley instructions unclear: read m_timetravelOkStatus[m_amountOfTimeTravel]
@badp You just underflow, so your value becomes huge.
Oops, I time traveled back to the big bang and now I'm Galactus
@twobugs It's okay, we have Squirrel Girl
It's too bad that getting a probe to orbit Pluto would be prohibitive, because New Horizons is producing some really great data. I guess the tradeoff is it can still do lots of interesting science on other Kuiper Belt objects and potentially further out stuff
@PrivatePansy Squirrel Girl too OP
@twobugs Well she is Unbeatable
Honestly the "strength" of a character doesn't really bother me if they're well written. No clue about Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl is more situational comedy than anything else I think, but it is well written and the characters are fun
Is it just me or does the Skype translator icon look a bit like the Death Star
@twobugs I enjoy the comics I've read, and it doesn't really seem to be about fighting anyway, so how strong she is is basically irrelevant.
@twobugs It was supposed to be a moon, but it was a translation error.
Yeah, that sounds cool. I think those kind of stories are the best ones for other characters like Superman
> It's funny you mention that because I always worry I'm focusing too much on Doreen's personal life! I want her to be someone you understand, so when she's punching the giant purple cosmic man's feet on the moon, you know why she's doing that.
Stuff like All Star Superman, where there is very little fighting but it's more about adventure and the choices he makes, etc.
Oh right, Bravely Second comes out this Friday
I'll probably skip that. Default was great but the repetition really killed it for me
I can't find a good picture of what Skype translator's icon looks like on my work laptop and I'm too lazy to upload one
But I swear this is the Death Star
Thanks, Randall Munroe, now I need to go back and reread the Animorphs series.
How come? =p
@KevinvanderVelden He mentioned them in the latest What If? and I'm reminded of how much I enjoyed them.
I really like the character design too
Yeah, that looks cool and sounds cool
@PrivatePansy I really need to get more of the comics, or find someone who owns them.
I've just been frustrated with American Comics recently. I mainly follow DC but their editors have been really bad
@MBraedley in pizza bird? I didn't catch the reference
There was the whole Batgirl thing. I can't even give the new run a fair chance, I just get so much narrative whiplash because they're taking it in a completely different direction
@Ronan and then steal them?
@Ronan If you can stand digital comics, Comixology is pretty affordable if you wait for sales
And so many other awful editorial decisions about the new 52
@KevinvanderVelden It's in one of the citation link things.
@KevinvanderVelden That's a good backup plan
Comixology is what I use when I actually buy comics. You can get good stuff for a few bucks and you get the digital versions
@PrivatePansy Yeah I might do that, I've got a couple of comics through them.
@MBraedley Aah
I doubt anyone does this for American stuff but Viz actually got off their asses and set up a really good digital version of Shonen Jump
@PrivatePansy he only mentioned finding someone who owns them, not necesarrily someone he knows that owns them
Simulpub, $.99 an issue, and you get to keep any issue you own
@twobugs I prefer to buy the volumes anyway.
@twobugs 'Keep any issue you own'?
@PrivatePansy Initially you actually couldn't do this
@PrivatePansy I already have so many issues.
Viz was stupid
@Ronan I do both!
@twobugs Wait, how can you not do that?
JoJo hardcovers are great quality, shame it's one per 3 months
@twobugs Yeah, and now my bookshelf overruneth
@PrivatePansy I think initially it was 2 weeks after publication they just disappeared into the ether because "oh u see in japan they just throw away jump when theyre done with it u kno?"
@Wipqozn My daughter woke up this morning and said "Daddy, my tummy hurts." You're the worst.
@PrivatePansy so build more bookshelves!
That's my method
And you were initially two weeks behind the Japanese releases
Though it's books and not comics
It's great now because you get it 17 hours after Japanese street release and you get professional quality
I still read fan translations a few days early because I'm a junkie
@twobugs Ewwwwwwwwwww
But I do like that I don't have to deal with Vegeta calling people a "cocksucker" in the official translations
(Fan Translators really like to add ridiculous profanity because it's "their vision" or whatever)
(Do you know that W is the widest English letter? Good for testing when you need to force designs that can only accommodate a single line to overflow)
well in MY mindcanon goku really hates sauerkrauten so you better deal with it
Q: Black ops 3 glitch

Matthew_m321I opened my black ops on X-Box 360, started campaign mode and every object and person was green and everything that was supposed to be there was replaced with simple shapes. A cargo crate which was supposed to hold dead bodies and flies was completely empty. This was my second playthrough and I c...

Also I have learned that you can become a Dragon in Dark Souls 3 but it looks really goofy
@badp why did you move that? :(
@PrivatePansy The shelf struggle is real. I'm running out of space and I only buy volumes for two series right now
also the room lookup thingy doesn't like full width characters
And this JoJo hardcover release has like 30+ volumes left to go
@PrivatePansy THANK YOU
@PrivatePansy at least you have few regular books, those are a tad bigger =p
@KevinvanderVelden Actually, my graphic novels spills over into another shelf
@PrivatePansy I'll post a picture of my shelves when I get home =p
speaking of, I wish /r/totallynotrobots was actually funny
Though I've just upgraded so it's not densely packed books (might be densely packed hitlers when I'm not looking)
My shelves are replete with older video game cases too
I need to clean those up
@Sterno this sot of honesty will bring you nowhere
I don't really care if people watch. I just figured if someone is bored at work, they can mock me
I don't want to spoil much more for myself so I won't watch but Godspeed @Sterno
Also I'm supposed to do work or something
I care immensely :'(
do we need to watch the stream to mock you?
No we can just mock him regardless
@KutuluMike No, I will allow you to mock @Sterno without watching the stream
But just this once
I like Dark Souls 3 so far, lots of great changes. Hopefully they'll push out the 1.1 patch which is supposed to bring some good performance improvements this week
I had to run it at 720p with everything at low to avoid crashing nonstop
The game would give me this really smarmy "YOU DIDNT CLOSE THE GAME PROPERLY" message each time, too
oh, nice..
yes yes gaster cool story
Yeah can we not
yep, removed already. Just wanted to see if it worked...
@twobugs "I DIED"
This guy still has no pants
@twobugs Meet "Dobutsu No Soul". Now with 20% more Mr. Resetti.
@Sterno now you start getting it
"nopantsu% Dark Souls 3" is already halfway through a decent stream title
but stlil not quite there
If I'm not going to wear pants out of game, I don't know why I'd wear pants in-game
I think @PrivatePansy is segfaulting off the nostrils
@badp C'mon, my stream title was decent
The Dark and The Souls: Tokyo Trick
I was Tokyo Tricked into buying the game, you see
@twobugs That's racist
It's not racist if the company is based in Tokyo and Tricked me!
Oh. I thought it was a terrible pun.
Wait, it is a terrible pun
You overestimated me, and that was your downfall!
Q: Does crystal charge stack?

IllvminatedCan I get two charges of crystal charge when I ult someone inside of my crystal spires?

Q: Minecraft Repeating Command Block constantly /tp me

Evie MallamSo I am in this minecraft world and I was messing around with a command block right next to my build and accidently /tp myself to a random location and it was a repeating block so I am stuck, HELP!

Didn't notice the "Hidden Fun Stuff" room, Huzzah!
In "Dark Souls 1" is there any attribute which prevents armor from slowing me down?
Sort of. Equip weight is the key one
I don't remember exactly how it works in 1 but the idea is you don't want to use 100% of your "equip weight". Think of that the maximum you can still move in
I'm so confused. Was this other direction from the first non-tutorial-area bonfire always open?
@Sterno You mean where you can go left or right?
Yeah. I only ever saw left before
Yes, it was. Going right leads to a shortcut you unlock later
I totally missed that right path and didn't find it until coming from the other side. Oops
what if randall munroe (y) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full bookshelf, after I shifted all my graphic novels to one shelf. It really does take up one entire shelf
You didn't really miss much. It's a very short area that exists for a shortcut basically
A bow!
But you have no hair to put it on :(
@MBraedley Fantastic.
@Sterno how goes it?
@Wipqozn Excellent
@Sterno How many bosses have you beaten?
Probably the best way to judge progress
@Wipqozn ALL OF THEM
Also let's move this into souls room
But really I think just one
I beat two so far
Q: Dark Souls 3 PS4 Controller on PC

RennyNot yet found a definitive answer to this anywhere yet (most places I look is just people having difficulty with InputMapper and Steam...) Does Dark Souls 3 on the PC have native support for a PS4 controller connected by USB? Or does this game NEED to have a 3rd party piece of software installed...

wife had nose bleed
had to go to a&e
no more nosebleeds \o/
Ugh, work wireless keeps timing me out
A&E? The TV station?
Accident and Emergency
@djsmiley2k file a bug report with your wife
Was it anything serious? I used to get nosebleeds all the damn time
combination of high blood pressure and being pregnant
I had one in the middle of an exam. That was fun :P
they cauthoruzied it and now sorted
that was a fun day of not going to work
@djsmiley2k sounds like awful lot of work for a nosebleed, unless there was a reason to worry
it started at 5am
it's now 2:40pm
@djsmiley2k was that a single nosebleed that never stopped?
nothing was stopping this
the clot kept falling out
Ah, makes sense. Sometimes the blood doesn't clot right
I had a similar nosebleed recently actually, the damn thing didn't clot for hours
Shove tissue up your nose
and leave it there
@GnomeSlice lol we did that
@GnomeSlice that's what I did, 2 hours later I pulled it out and kept bleeding
it soaked through and kept drip drip dripping
You can actually lose a significant amount of blood and still be okay if it's over an extended period of time
Wait, do I spy free steam codes from private pansy?
every couple months I get regular nosebleeds at least once a day for couple days
I find lack of sleep to make nosebleeds more likely
I get them when I've had the flu or something
I haven't had a proper nosebleed in years. For me the causes were dry weather
Last time was fun, meeting at work, half way through I feel like I've got a runny nose... wait a second that's not supposed to be red
@twobugs I do live in a basement apartment, so the air is somewhat dry here by default
I live in Michigan so I'm probably used to high humidity
@KevinvanderVelden every time I feel my nose get runny all of a sudden, I always assume it's blood
it's almost never blood
Making lower humidity really brutal on me
but a runny nose is usually not as sudden as a nosebleed
Uuuugh, our web proxy is failing and blocking everything (except chat for some reason)
@GnomeSlice Hahahahaha
I once had a runny nose that was so extremely sudden that by the time I was able to grab my handkerchief from my pocket it was already a whole lot on the ground. That was super weird. It also looked like water.
They're going with the Sonic Boom redesign but don't want to talk about Sonic 06?
@Private Pansy I grabbed Anodyne, just so you know
Q: What's going on with the fog at Firelink Shrine?

SternoSometimes when I return to Firelink Shrine, I try to leave it (via the front door that you first enter it from). Occasionally, there is grey fog blocking my path. Unlike boss door, I can't just press a button to walk through it. If I wait long enough, it eventually disappears and lets me out of t...

Q: max.the sort of gamer. yo yo

maxI bought the season pass on the playstation store accidentally on my brothers user, I meant to purchase on my user. Does this even matter, or will it work on both users? How do I know if its even installed?

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