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If people truly believed in "wait for results", we wouldn't have had the big fuss over Obamacare that we did until the ACA actually passed.
But no, we immediately dived into talk about "death panels".
@Yuuki Trump also did release that First 100 Days plan.
So that is something if you wanted to see his policy
@RedRiderX Of course the reply to that is "it's just talk, he hasn't done anything yet".
Q: How to use my earphones as a mic

KunalSo basically the title says it all. I have recently got a new computer and I have csgo installed but the thing is to play competitive you basically have to have a mic and I don't won't to ask my parents because they just bought a £1000 computer. however I have some old earphones which have a pe...

At which point, you either start arguing about what constitutes "doing something" or you just give it up as a lost cause.
@Yuuki he's started international incidents already
@Lazers2.0 While theoretically possible, nah that ain't gonna work.
called out union leaders for personal harassment
@RedRiderX after reading the question, it might
@TimStone I think my first purchases when I move out will be HOTAS and the E:D xpac.
@Yuuki everyone wants a HOTASS
@GodEmperorDune aw hell yeah
Nov 18 at 18:16, by Sterno
You just can't be at the top of your game if you're not gripping a HOTASS
Maybe I can buy @Wipqozn the E:D expansion pack if he beats Bad Rats 2. MAYBE
@Yuuki The game is coming along nicely, each update so far has made it better
@TimStone I just don't like how "miles-wide, inch-deep" it was and they decided to release a paid expansion pack rather than put in a few more free content updates.
Just saw Rogue One. It had some problems but is definitely the best of the last 5 Star Wars movies.
@Sterno I really don't compare Rogue One to the other Star Wars movies. They're fundamentally different movies, imo.
@Sterno i wouldn't say it was better than force awakens
but better than prequels hands down
The characters in Rogue One are rather one-dimensional in comparison to The Force Awakens but that's fine because Rogue One isn't the archetypal "hero's journey" film that The Force Awakens (and the rest of the Star Wars films) is.
I might need to watch Force Awakens again. it didn't do a lot for me though
@Yuuki yes i agree with this
Oh. Other than Forest Whitaker. He and/or his character were pretty awful
Rogue One is more of a "message" film, where the characters serve the plot and the delivery of the theme rather than the other way around.
@Yuuki and the message is that elon musk left a fatal flaw in the death star
is this what I think it is?
@arda girls yap
@arda Poor segregation of tabs? SE sites and Reddit should be one window, shopping and general browsing should be another.
(I mostly meant amazon entering turkish market but it seems like turksih support on amazon.de -- still keeping my hopes up)
(fyi amazon doesn't support turkey)
@arda maybe its for people that speak turkish but don't live in turkey?
@GodEmperorDune yes, tgat's how it is now
I still can't believe Vader killed Dumbledore at the end of the movie though.
@Sterno That wouldn't be worth it at all
Worst loading screen ever
@Sterno I'm just about to play some of that myself
I also just finished cleaning more of my apartment
Q: How do I find all the command blocks on a world?

Grace WilsonSomeone on my friend's realm set up a constantly active repeating command block that does "/say Hello! How are you?" and it spams the chat so fast and makes everyone lag really bad, and we can't figure out how to fix it...

Q: Do PSone Classics have trophies?

PSDuckieI'm seriously considering getting the PSOne Classics edition of Final Fantasy Origins, but I'm just wondering: Do PSOne Classics releases have trophies? Thanks!

slowly but surely I'm making it clean
and this time it's going to stay clean.
or, well, cleaner than it was before at least
Start with your socks
I probably don't even own those socks anymore
I actually got new socks for christmas too
Probably not, the bacteria likely consumed them
heh @arda st. nicks birthplace was just on uni challenge
@wipqozn I feel like I should go nonlethal but murdering everyone is fun.
@Sterno yeah I'm not bothering with nonlethal.
@fredley Now we just need to reverse-engineer and we'll have flying cars.
@Sterno the number one problem with most stealth games
@Sterno If I ever replay the game then I'll aim for some nonlethal stuff.
I wonder if there's a game that actually gives you a bad ending for doing nonlethal even if nonlethal is harder.
That'd be interesting.
@Sterno Also, just an fyi, if you nonlethal someone they only get knocked out for acouple minutes
aka nonlethal is actually different than a lethal playthrough
Ransquawk sources report talk of a potentially significant pending announcement regarding the Royal Family in the UK
it's not just "herp derp they're basically dead"
supposedly they won't get alerted though. They'll just be like "golly gee that's strange" and look around for a bit
@fredley I love this so much
@Wipqozn "Hmm... I may have passed out from a blow to the head due to the fact that everything went black and now my head's throbbing. Must have been the wind."
@Yuuki the guards do seem to get suspicious if a guard near them is missing though
Although it's inconsistent
sometimes they'll be like "where'd he go?", and look around for a bit. other times they don't notice.
she might adbicate at the end of the year
best bug ever
it's clear Charles has no chance now, even if the two princes go to war
@TimStone in @fredley's defense, it's tough to get news outside of the single market
@GodEmperorDune Good thing he can spend all of those stars on the NHS now.
@GodEmperorDune Ziiiiiiiiiing
@GodEmperorDune :(
I don't think I can cope at the moment
Our mains pipe is vibrating, very loudly, constantly
There's nothing we can do - it's a problem with the building supply, and the management company need to fix it
They are on holiday until the 3rd
Suddenly I'm wondering if the all the amestiy with the USA politics recently is a deliberate ploy so we don't get involved with the on-coming war with russia :O
It's ~60dB
@fredley that sucks...
sounds like water hammer
It is
you could tyry running the tap flat out for awhile
Our pipes are isolated though
clear the air from the pump
And it's still going
oh, urgh
The regulator from the mains is borked
you in high rise?
Or the valve to the building is borked
Low rise, but flats, yes
pipe from our floor to ceiling, don't know where the main cutoff would be
I can';t remember if your UK based
yes m8
right m8
I'm like, the most british
where abouts#/
get onmto thames watar
be like dude we got no watar
there's kids stavin in here
they can do an emergancy isolation
and then give you bottled water, or reinstate it, which might fix it
I did a quick check-in on the state of early access survival games on steam (Rust, DayZ, Forest): they all added a lot of motion blur
Tempted m8
do you actually have watar
rite m8
It's only the supply to the bog
don't tell em dat
@fredley for a second I thoughht that you were @Texenox
Would be happy to live without the bog, but isolating it doesn't stop the noise
@arda I'm just speaking British to @djsmiley2k
wait a mo
@fredley I see, eh.
no really
@djsmiley2k wot?
how many flats, how high?
4 stories
i'm just thinking you might just be on a prv.
wait, 5
pressure reducing valve
Yeah, that's probably the bugger innit
that's more than 100m
But I don't know where it is
it's in the road outside
and it's likely property of the water company anyway
90% sure the PRV will be buggered
It's just this one line though, not the other lines in the flat
so call em
are you on the top/bottom?
1st floor
so near bottom
flats below
you sure guys down stairs have no problem?
they're out
as is everyone else in the stack
I think the have same problem D:
cept they left
srsly tho call water company
From pressing my ear against the window I reckon they do
And the valve is probably in their flat
thames are the worst anyway
ok, thanks for the tip m8
or something worse is happening
Yeah innit
there's no pressure at their flat
concider the outcome
you know where ur stop tap is?
Will give Thames Water a ring, worth a shot
Yeah, isolated our pipes
turn on tap nearest it
aw shit no 24hr line
then turn stop tap on and off
shuts at 8pm
'avin a laff innit
0800 714 614
call dat one init
also do what i said
but dont break ur stop tap orf
TFW you have to recover Pu from your own bile because you accidentally ate a big chunk of world's supply. #PhDLife https://t.co/ozEuji1VuT
@djsmiley2k nah m8
'hello, yeah i think the flat downstairs might be flooding'
Finger tight
on off on off
clear that air
probz needs a bleed from the top of the pipe innit
with the closes tap runningt
Just a bog m8, no tap
u can clear it
just the bog??????
just the bog
rest of the flat piped from another line
water reclaim?
nah, just weird old flats m8
flush toilet?
Chargin the mob, need a bit of juice
Then will call Thames
@djsmiley2k nah m8, it's not the bog
have fun, tere crap
Isolated and drained bog, still hammering
sauce: used to work wata
no no
you need to pull the air in the pipe through
But the pipe goes through my flat, I'm just tee'd off
If there's air in there it'll have floated up innit
so flush loo then turn stop tap on and off a bit
ok will try it, hang on m8
nope, gets stuck at bends, compresses
see if it 'splutters'
like when you run a really old tap
imagine theres a u bend at the bottom of the building before it comes up to you
the air is on the wrong side of that U
Nah mate, tried disconnecting the hose from the filler, opened/closed a few times
No luck
need to pull it thru
boo :(
@fredley take a hotel room somewhere?
All my pipes head up anyway, no u bends in the flat
@badp tempted
the might have to do it externally somewhere
I just managed to kick it out of humming/vibration into hammering mode, which is better
@fredley come to coventrty fellow bridger
@djsmiley2k Haha, I bin there
Had to climb through a fence to get out of the station
lol u wot
was a fuckin joke
Was just goin to lemminton tho
so in dem name of da queen wha in da bloody cursed hey is going on tha
Quack like a bloody pirate day was last month fo sho
shimmer mah blinger
Q: What do these small buttons next to a unit's stats do?

mkrieger1When a unit is selected, its stats are shown in the lower right part of the screen: Recently I noticed that the small icons next to the combat strength and the movement points can be clicked and behave like toggle buttons: However there is no tooltip and I didn't notice any action triggere...

> Meet The Man Who Put Mario And Zelda On The Philips CD-i
I'd rather not.
@djsmiley2k Thames Water say they only ever supply enough pressure for the first floor, everything else is handled internally with pumps
So nowt they can do
you are the first floor tho
2 bar sir, more? YOU WANT MORE?
sorry, ground floor
They've got people for helping people with shit building management tho, who are gonna call back
~*~ This has been British, with your hosts: @fredley and @djsmiley2k ~*~
Q: On minecraft pe 0.16.2 local multiplayer doesnt work

Aman AhmedOn minecraft pe 0.16.2 local multiplayer worked when we downloaded it anf a few days later no ones world could be connected to. We have good wifi and play on lifeboat servers but n

@fredley In one of those pictures, he looks like the bad guy from Rogue One.
With a completely different hairstyle, but he's got that same glowering evil glare.
Well, he is a powerful evil person, so...
@djsmiley2k My approach for now is to get rekt on Leffe
@fredley Tune in next week for: Smiley finds a dead badger, oh gorrsh.
@fredley plz do
then go mental when it bonk squonks instead of bong wushes
Cartoon for @TorontoStar #CarrieFisher #princessleia #StarWars https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorial_cartoon/2016/12/28/michael-de-adder-history-of-princesses.html https://t.co/WLVV9WYUYH
Well done, de Adder
@MBraedley I'll give you Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, but I'm not sure Cinderella really counts as being "saved" by a prince.
(Also what about Jasmine and Pocahontas?)
But anyway, not the point.
oh man I forgot how good the simpsons episode on gun control is
Well, I guess a counterpoint is that Aladdin was 1992 and Star Wars was in the '70s.
Q: How do I test how many people have a certain objective score? (Only with command blocks No Redstone)

JdoeI am trying to test how many people have a certain score, as seen above. When two people have a score of "Queue" of 1, how do I detect that there is two players with a score of 1? Thanks, JDoe

Counterpoint: your face is stupid
hahaah holy snap. Glorious. Shoot an apple out of his mouth.That's not how that works. Fantastic.
> but marge, I swear to you, I never thought you'd find out!
> I felt this incredible surge of power, like god must feel when he's holding a gun
Q: Join a singleplayer world

KarolineWhen I try to get on my friends single player it just appear: (java.net.connectException: Connection timed out: no further information) What thats means? We are on the same network and internet, and we have opened LAN. Pleas help us. We are norwegian so sorry for bad english.. ://

Welp, when we go to disneyland paris it's Season of the Force
I feel like a fraud, but my daughter will love it XD
@djsmiley2k Why a fraud?
I've no real interest in star wars
I still don't see how this makes you a fraud.
You're taking your daughter to Disneyland and apparently she likes Star Wars. That makes you a good father.
Q: I lost all my weapons and starting tools in gmod, including my flashlight and toolgun, plus camera. What now?

Epician2Installed a nazi zombies mod, deleted it, but then lost all my tools, even the flashlight, camera, and toolgun! How do I fix it, or is my Gmod just done for?

Q: What was the first Mario game that featured taking Bowser down with 3 hits

vita-minSo in all, if not most, of all Mario games, when you get to King Bowser, you have to hit him three times and you win. Why is that? Who made that concept?

Q: Mcpe 0.16.2: Multiplayer broken

Aman AhmedOn MCPE 0.16.2, the local multiplayer worked when I downloaded it with my cousins, but after a few days it stopped. We upgraded to the new update 1.0.0 but it still didn't work. On MCPE 16.2 we could play lifeboat servers

Q: Can I use pc/ps3 game controller to play games on steam (on PC)? Or does it have to be xbox one?

user175466I bought pc/ps3 game controller to play my steam games on PC. It works in Steam's Big Picture mode but it doesn't work ingame. Should I buy xbox dedicated controller or can I fix this one?

Trump Sick And Tired Of Mainstream Media Always Trying To Put His Words Into Some Sort Of Context… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814575736187142144
It's going to be a fantastic 4 years for the onion
Losing Diamond Joe but gaining this
hold on https://t.co/iZwoq203gu
someone tell me to get off tumblr from checking homestuck fanfic and do something productive please
@TimStone mother of god
Also I love how he's just like "nobody knows who did it" and I'm like "14 cybersecurity firms and the central intelligence agency say Russia so....................."
Like listen to an expert on this sort of thing, ever
They exist. It's not some mystery that nobody understands ever
@TimStone hue
how can he hack computers with those hereditary tiny hands?
Putin's troops doing a PR stunt after bombing the shit out of Syrians https://t.co/Azkf5QvXHY
If people could fire lasers out of their eyes that kid would have that power
Q: Grand Theft Auto V installation problem [CRACK]

K. CinchesSo, uhm I was trying to install gta v but for some reason it remains stuck here. I know it says that don't panic but this game only took 3hrs on the other laptop but this one isn't done even thou 11hrs has passed

@Unionhawk Oh, has he gone from "it never happened" to "nobody knows who did it"?
@Unionhawk ... but her emails...
@Yuuki he did that during the debate
@TimStone I'm not sure the Obama administration is what's left America weaker in the eyes of the world.
this is messing a lot with my ocd - the background and the two empty hearts are transparent, the half one isn't
@arda wouldn't that be OCD?
@arda or coffee
quick question: if i posted a question and later realized my issue was due to a mistake i made, should i answer my own question by pointing out my mistake?
Q: How much fps should i get with GT 710 on a game like CS>GO

skrrExpected a lot more than ~60fps... vertical sync turned off and everything is on lowest quality. Am i missing something I need to do?

President Obama expels 35 🇷🇺 diplomats in Cold War deja vu. As everybody, incl 🇺🇸 people, will be glad to see the l… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814564127230271489
Yeah really interesting PR strategies of late.
Though I doubt this one was officially sanctioned.
@TheUnicornMaster yes
@GodEmperorDune thanks :)
@J_Leis @43536H nope. Election machines are not connected to the internet, can't be hacked. Nice weasel words, disingenuous ass.
(unless you connect them to the internet in a sane way, but what do i know about security)
everything cna be hacked yadda yadda yadda
@arda And everyone.
@Yuuki It only spins out of control from there.
Apagando las luces!
@arda everything can be hacked, not everything can be hacked fast enough, especially if you do things right.
i should probably write a paper on a virtually undefeatable voting system, but i'm lazy as hell.
@KazWolfe simple, switch to anarchy
(I was thinking some RSA magic, but that works too)
@KazWolfe It's called "submit to the robot overmind".
so the TrumpBot built by the Clinton Foundation?
@KazWolfe I think one of the stories of asimov had something like that
cc: @Wipqozn
@arda asimovati... confirmed?
@fredley wait this is by the black mirror guy?
@GodEmperorDune yes
caution: it will make you relive 2016 all at once
consult your pharmacist
@fredley very black mirror of him
arda@clod:~$ youtube-dl http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b086khl3/charlie-brookers-2016-wipe
[bbc.co.uk] b086khl3: Downloading video page
[bbc.co.uk] b086kh5p: Downloading media selection XML
[bbc.co.uk] b086kh5p: Downloading media selection XML
ERROR: bbc.co.uk returned error: geolocation
:/ I need vpn
I'm sure it'll be on youtube before long
@Wipqozn or otherwise obtainable
If @fredley was a cool dude he'd just steam it on rabbit so we can all watch it together
oh it's probablyover now

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