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Q: Mojang Account not Working

nimrod100I have a Mojang account and I own Minecraft on it but cannot login to Minecraft using the Minecraft website, the Mojang website or the Minecraft launcher. On the Mojang website I get the error "unknown email or password" and on the Minecraft website I get "Oops, unknown username or password. If y...

Q: Where do you find melons?

LottieferI'm trying to find some melons on Xbox one I survival. I am making potions but can't find any melons whatsoever!! Can anyone give me any tips?

@JasonBerkan I actually live on peninsula
@KevinvanderVelden - they should really ad such info to the minecraft wiki
Pizza Burritos... wrapped up in Doritos...
@5pike yeah
They kinda do, but it's not prominent
They add the change history, grouped by platform
@Wipqozn You don't live on Halifax peninsula!
@KevinvanderVelden They could learn a thing from the terraria wiki.
@Wipqozn lives on the blame peninsula
@MBraedley Nova Scotia penisula
all of NOva Scotia, save cape breton, is a penisula.
@Wipqozn This is why you need to be precise.
@MBraedley Not reall. I jsut said I lived on a penisula, which is correct.
oh, well this will be an easy mission
I live on a Peninsula, too.
Arguably, I also live on a peninsula
I have no idea where I live in those terms.:P
@AshleyNunn Penisula basicaly means it's close to being an island, but not quite (aka it's surrounded on three sides by water, but is connected to land on one of it's side)
Q: Single machine on network runs Minecraft slowly on internet server, but fine locally

David GillenSo I have a very unusual problem. I have set up a minecraft server for the family to play on. We have four computers. Three of them can connect fine to the server. The fourth one however can not, when it connects it lags out completely, even if it is the only computer using our internet connectio...

Q: In SC2 how to know how many SCV's I have created?

John GIn SC2 how to know how many SCV's I have created easily while playing? All I see total population on top right side of game. For Terran: I want to know how you defend each base while expanding bases?

I am most definitely not on a peninsula
I do think I'm above sea level at least, so there's that
How many feet above sea level? 7?
9 meters apparently
TIL any of the netherlands is above sea level
Bah, the telescope I got a store to order in for me got delayed in customs, and now won't be here until at least Monday, but by then I'll be in Cape Breton. No super awesome moon and Saturn pics this year.
@KevinvanderVelden Holy moly, that's not really that much
@Unionhawk well, the town I live in is (when translated, duh) called three mountains
@Unionhawk It's only the most populous parts that are below sea level.
Not that there's a single mountain in the entirety of the netherlands but eh
I was going to say
9 meters counts as 3 mountains?
I think a standard Mountain is taller than 3 meters. Maybe that's a metric Mountain.
TIL: Highest point in Netherlands is vaalserberg at 322 m above sea level (I live at 481 m above sea level).
Wait, that's in utrecht. I'd have guessed near the border or something
Wait it is
Damn you google maps
Yeah it's pretty much quite literally as far away as you can get from the netherlands while still being in the netherlands
Yeah, that's so much border that it pretty much shouldn't count :P
@KevinvanderVelden Oh boy
@Wipqozn Semantics.
As far as access to beaches are concerned, islands and peninsulas are pretty much the same thing.
@5pike Also technically it's not the highest point anymore
That would be Mount Scenery at 887 meters, since october 10th 2010
Also! We have 3 volcanoes apparently
One of which is even in the borders of the main part of the netherlands
@AshleyNunn No, it counts, but it's still less than a standard Mountain
Even just that in vertical drop is tiny
Three competing volcanoes?
@Unionhawk I meant more "it's so close to being not-Netherlands"
I mean, technically
"Mount Scenery"
Sounds like a movie prop.
Oh god that place
And that just educated me that Caribbean Netherlands is a thing
Protip: Don't let people on a house by house basis decide what country they want to be part of
@MBraedley What is even going on there
@MadMAxJr we also get to go "Because Empire!"
@MBraedley What the fuck
@AshleyNunn basically what I said, they let the people vote on a house by house basis what country they want to live in
@AshleyNunn Enclaves within exclaves.
@KevinvanderVelden The Dutch empire?
@Unionhawk yes, it was a thing
And if we drain the oceans it will be again?
@KevinvanderVelden So...you and your neighbour can be different countries? o.O
@AshleyNunn yep
@Unionhawk we'll also accept rising the oceans sufficiently
okay, one mission left before final mission
How is that even allowed? That strikes me as chaos when it would come to anything like mail or garbage pickup....
This expert run is going well
I suspect things will crash and burn soon.
@KevinvanderVelden That seems counterproductive
@AshleyNunn Privatize it FTW!
Unless secretly all of the Netherlands is a drydocked supernavy that will only be unleashed if the oceans rise
@Sterno Something like that....
Become a trash collector! See the world without driving very far!
Hey gois.
Ooh not what I thought it was, still weirdness: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baarle-Hertog
Garbage collection by me is privatized.
Mail, not so much
> The border's complexity results from a number of equally complex medieval treaties, agreements, land-swaps and sales between the Lords of Breda and the Dukes of Brabant
(unless you count, you know, FedEx and stuff)
@KevinvanderVelden "There was a time when according to Dutch laws restaurants had to close earlier. For some restaurants on the border it meant that the clients simply had to change their tables to the Belgian side."
But really all I'd miss if I didn't get my government-delivered mail is spam
This is my favorite part
@AshleyNunn Yup
Admittedly, Mount Scenery is pretty scenic from the photos.
> He mentioned compulsory voting, but maintained he was allowed to build a house within 300 metres (328 yards) of a pig farm, which is illegal in the Netherlands.[4]
My favourite bit
@KevinvanderVelden That one also made me giggle.
I love stuff like this, where it is just so head scratchingly bizarre
Q: GTA 5: Story Mode

rtyyttttrre4556In storymode when you complete a certain mission, you get a certain outfit. For Example: "The Big One" heist. You get to keep the bank outfit. But the outfits are not saving not one of them. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Hmm... should I go get a late lunch (y/y)
@Unionhawk Double yes.
Speaking of lunch, it is 9pm, maybe I should go make dinner
@KevinvanderVelden Food is good yes
@Unionhawk yes forever
@Unionhawk No. Food is for losers.
Real men flex their hunger away.
@AshleyNunn I had a late lunch and was busy making stuff so I lost track of time =p
Thank you @Wipqozn for helping with this decision
@Unionhawk You're welcome.
I wonder what I'll be eating today. Something from my freezer. Trying to clear out my food.
So, the severed body parts of hookers? You going for hands, or feet?
Too dark?
It made $371,373 in the box office, so you know it was good.
Well. It's less a judgement and more of shaking up a magic 8-ball.
@Sterno Crap. I could easily have a mortgage bigger than that.
Final mission tiome
Will I fail horribly (Y/N)?
I don't remember the final mission being terribly difficult
The game will crash and scrap your saved data.
Try not to unleash a horribly murderous AI upon the world.
I dunno, sounds like fun
It's okay, if it's a nanobot swarm, it can only eat 60% of the world before it runs out of IPv6 addresses.
That's why I invented my patented microbot swarm!
Q: Determine properties of items in PVP after scaling

DennisI recently tried my LVL20 free to play account again and noticed that when I was in PVP, I actually became LVL29. The item levels of my gear were also scaled to 34 or 35. Now I am stuck with the following problem: because items change upon entering PVP, I don't know how to compare them anymore. ...

Dear people, if you want a wired connection....then you need to connect the wires.
But I PAID for the wired wireless connection!
Give me wired speeds over wifi Ashley!
/me increases the wavelength and cooks @MadMAxJr
No one commented on zooming 2.0 up there....
Excellent. As a skeleton I shall be even more powerful.
@MadMAxJr See, she didn't even want a wireless connection - she knew she had to hook up directly, because she had no router, she just didn't know her computer needed to be connected to her PoE, she jsut had it connected to the router dangling off into space.
It was an easy fix, though :)
@AshleyNunn power over ethernet? Or an acronym I'm not familiar with
@KevinvanderVelden No, you're right :)
The outside antenna box connects to a PoE injector box, she needed an ethernet cord running from the data switch hub side of that box to her computer for things to go
Huh, fancy. I've never seen a router/whatnot that took power via PoE. The ones I know of all have power adapters, hence my confusion
@KevinvanderVelden the router doesn't take the PoE power - the PoE power goes to the outside antenna box (its fixed point wireless) that is tacked to the side of your house or your roof or whatever
Pillars of Eternity box?
Path of Exile box?
Then inside you connect a plain ethernet cable to the plain data (no power) side to connect to a router or your computer or whatever
5 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@AshleyNunn power over ethernet? Or an acronym I'm not familiar with
I figured that, but my joke was funnier
@Unionhawk Who knew there were so many PoE things
It's almost vacation time!
Also, I need to kill the Facebook "Do you know...?" emails, because Facebook just don't know when I might know someone that that a connection knows.
So yeah, don't be surprised if VGMusic.com as a separate site is gone and becomes a part of OCReMix.
Q: On tomodachilife when a baby grows up into a toddler can I change its out fit

user119392I saw this video and someone's miis toddler was wearing something I saw in the clothes shop just to be sure can a toddler on tomo dachi life wear clothes from the clothes shop?

the guys with the whips are kicking my butts
\TAKE THAT @Sterno
Expert Plus sounds really silly
You can't see dangert zones if you don't see the sources (makes sense), you start with 5 PWR (annoying), and the alarm increases when knocking out guards (fuck everything).
I don't think I'll even bother with that mode.
Next logical choice is Ironman Expert I'd say
or Ironman Experienced.
Q: When and how did Commander Shepard become N7?

Leon7CIs it know when or what events lead to Shepard earning the N7 designation? Are we to assume that it was awarded for which ever event the player chooses as part of their service history or did BioWare choose not to answer this question at all? For being the game's recognizable icon, there seems to...

Q: how do i get my npc into the corrected world? Terraria

Shrek is The Definition of DanI was going into my brothers world because we were trading, when my arms Dealer spawned into his world. How do i get him back into my world!?

Q: Why does my Mii Fighter occasionally have the wrong moves?

ZAD-ManEvery once and a while, I'll select my Mii Fighter and all of the moves will be set to what I assume are the "default" moves. This usually means doing an Airborne Assault off the edge instead of throwing a Chakram and a lot of frustration. I can only assume this is a bug, but is there a way to av...

Q: How do you save the game in "THE FOREST"?

SidharthaI was gonna come here to ask this, then found out on my own. To save your progress, you have to find ore, wood, or sticks - for whatever you want to build; preferabbly a quick tent, - and then construct it. Again. Mine for wood. Build a House or tent. ENTER it. Save. Enjoi :0

error intensifies
> Admin command usage error: Unknown -addImportSharedLibrary switch: -minVer
> Valid switches are:
> -minVer <minVersion> - Optional Minimum version number required by an application.
I'm assuming I'm not the only person who sees the problem there.
The error message makes it look like it requires an argument, but one wasn't passed
@murgatroid99 I did pass an argument. specifically.
I even quoted it the second time I tried it
I'm trying to override the Oracle JDBC driver that our Oracle app server is using without having to A. manually edit the deployment file. B. Do it manually when I manually redeploy the application.
Pushes to dev are automated, so the manual redeployment thing is right out anyway
You can make a horrible JDBC-ODBC bridge that nobody on this earth supports and try that! (And watch this comment somehow get downvoted)
Q: Why arnt mobs spawning in Minecraft pocket edition

BobI have try to make mobs sponsors in every different kind it is not working I know about the peaceful mood and everything but that's not working either it won't let me do anything with the mobs I would have to spawn in myself from Crative and I don't like doing that what happened?and how can I S...

All I know is that we need a newer Oracle driver than Oracle App Server provides.
And before you say "wtf, why are you using Oracle AppServer?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" note that switching to something that's actually supported has been stuck in talks for, literally, years.
I mostly had to make connections to 9, 10, 11.
You could open a StackOverflow ticket. :D
Well, the problem is that Oracle AppServer ships with Java 1.4 drivers, but we need encryption stuffs not supported by whatever version of JDBC 1.4 used.
Wow.. Java 1.4. Didn't they call it Java 5 after that?
@MadMAxJr Yes.
Yeah, Java 1.4 is what they were teaching me in college.. Java 5 dropped right before the final.
Oracle drivers don't even ship 1.4 versions any more, only 5 and 6.
@MadMAxJr I'm so sorry.
That was even before generics right?
Yes. Because we had a lecture about what introducing generics in Java 5 would do.
Our professor was very excited about that.
I guess the silver lining of writing against Java 6 in 2015 is I could be writing against Java 1.4 instead.
Q: Minecraft Account and Mojang Account Not allowing me to log in

user119397So me and my friend were having our normal day Playing Minecraft Together She was using twitch so i decided i would try to use it, i put all the correct information in then tried to make it work, didn't work so i changed an password and again it didn't work. The Sound on my computer once in awhil...

Q: Other Minecraft players aren't visible in servers

KillerQueenI've been playing on the server mc.hypixel.net and I had no problems with it except that it was really laggy sometimes. After a while the Minecraft players disappeard and the lobby was empty. I could still chat with them but they weren't visible anywhere. I reinstalled Minecraft but nothing has c...

Hey computer, are you done recovering from our wildly misconfigured virus scanner running scans that it pretends doesn't exist in its scan list or should I just reboot?
Reboot looks like its going to win
Fun fact: both Java 6 and Python 2.5 were released in Q4, 2006
who knows what happened that year that cemented those two particular versions of those programming languages in time for almost a decade
I have a new camera
That's all
@5pike so... Sony or Nikkon?
I don't have anything handy that will check the EXIF data.
Got a sony
Nikon was tempting, but it would have cost 150 € extra
Plus, I have some old Minolta lenses
And it feels so GOOD to finally be able to use the viewfinder without straining myself.
@badp I still hate the fact that Centos 5 only provides Python 2.4, that has annoyed me several times as I generally don't even remember which features aren't available on that version. But I'm sure to manage to include at least one each time I try to run a script on one of the Centos 5 computers
I'm leaving my job at the end of the month, so I have been told to enter my timesheets for next week by the end of today. rolls eyes
@MadScientist Isn't CentOS 6 out now?
@Powerlord Centos 7 is out already
@JasonBerkan That sounds really dumb.
It's mainly for holidays, as all my outstanding holidays will be paid out on my last cheque.
But it is still kind of dumb.
Shoulda gone with the Nikon, my word.
@TimStone Oh yeah, that's really an impressive zoom
@TimStone Planes and trains, but how close can it zoom in on a plantain?
Shush with your macrolens needs
@TimStone The audio puzzles me...
I find it very hard that it can get the audio for what you are zoomed in on from those distances.
@TimStone needs the mother of all tripods
@Lazers2.0 These questions are why I hate lore.
also that "Downtown Manhattan Heliport" looks really dumb.
The answer's not even in the video games.
Audio added subsequently, I'm pretty sure
@5pike I would have to think so as well.
lol wut
Calcium > everything
Okay, that looks pretty good.
Seems like my kind of game.
cc @AshleyNunn, because I recall her liking train games.
Seems a bit like FTL with trains.
@Frank 2manytrans4me
@mhsjlw There's also Rebel Galaxy; that's coming out soonish. I think.
@Frank Yeah I saw it it looks pretty cool
@Frank Does seem pretty neat.. I missed if it had an expected release date on there?
@Frank Not sure if I would like it or not but ooooh trains so probably :P
(I do like trains an awful lot)
@James Early Access August 17th.
@AshleyNunn If it allowed you to build your own logistics network, ala OpenTTD, I'd love it.

Step 1: join better team
Step 2: get autobalanced
Step 3: team is not sentient
Step 4: massive breakdown
@badp yup.
@badp I haven't played STP in awhile.
@Frank Kewl
Step 5: play a more decent round.
Step 6: Lost connection to game server.
Step 7: reconnect, now you're on the losing team.
@badp When in doubt, assume the game is trying to screw you over.
Mwahahaha WinBox is bending to my will!
(I am entertaining myself because it is slow and I am alone and bored and working on testing connections even when they don't wanna cooperate)
@Wipqozn \o/
man, I love reasonable people
Who go "oh it works wired, thats good, but it doesn't work wirelessly, but my router is ancient, so maybe I will just replace it"
@AshleyNunn Ah yes that is great
Self awareness seems so rare in support.
@RedRiderX They're rarer than I'd like, so I get so happy when they happen.
@RedRiderX So true. I had a lady today who wanted a wired connection but her cat was playing with the end of the wire that needed to go into her machine, and it took 15 min before I was like "tell me what is plugged in" and realized the whole issue with her not being able to connect was that the cat, not the computer, had the wire.
CAT Interface incompatible
Once we took the wire from the cat and gave it to the computer, all was well. She jsut had zero idea that needed to be a thing.
(I am increasingly convinced basic computer literacy should be a requirement before people are allowed internet.)
@AshleyNunn Yeah but we don't require people change a tire before you get a license.
(though maybe we should)

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