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@James well they affect game
I love loadout
@ardaozkal Only when there is ass hattery
Haven't played it in a while though
1) get a expensive skin of a useless gun
2) drop it
3) when enemy picks it and tries to take a screenshot, kill him
4) GGWP!
I think that qualifies as asshattery
Or just... sell the skin :P
Unless he actually gets away with it
Then the Joel's on you
Wtf who is Joel
Joel, from The Last of Us
@GnomeSlice that is why I stated "useless gun"
like mac10 is nothing compared to ak
Still expensive though
@Rapitor Oh god no is this guy going to sit here and argue Mario has a timeline
Are you fucking kidding me
@Unionhawk he wouldn't be the first one to do so
@ardaozkal You must play casual a lot :D
And Wildstar announces it is going free to play
... Or ... again... with asshats.
Anyone who is surprised, feel free to speak up
@James %99 competitive player here
@ardaozkal Sorry about the asshats then :)
The other one (probably the one this guy is looking at) argued that there's a timeline shift and that's why there are remakes of games
@Unionhawk game theory is all about overthinking things
@originaluser wasn't that announced couple of weeks ago? Or maybe I dreamt it
In the group I play with we have one kid that is very skin oriented
We just tell him to shut up a lot :)
@Chippies Well, I only just heard about it now but it was pretty clearly going to happen from launch
I liked the game but calling it a "hot mess" would be an under statement
@originaluser the only subscription based MMORPG I know that's been around for over a year is WoW
and I'm surprised it still hasn't gone f2p
@Chippies FF11 predates WoW and is still going strong!
@Rapitor "GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT MAJORAS MASK IS A GAME ALL ABOUT HOW LINK IS DEAD?" "No it's not game theory, go away"
I think people are still subscribed to even Everquest. 1.
@originaluser oh yeah, I forgot the FF games
@Unionhawk that one... makes some crazy sense, though.
@originaluser I thought Everquest was long gone
Point being: sub-based MMOs aren't dead. There have been some huge flops, for sure. But they're anti-dead.
While conveniently ignoring some details
Like how you don't take fall damage landing on deku flowers
@Unionhawk Fan theories like that really grind my gears.
And how Termina is described as a "parallel universe", so calling it the afterlife is a stretch at best
@originaluser point being: sub based MMOs are very unlikely to take off. All the games you listed were well established long before f2p became popular
There's an infamous Earthbound one... and that's all I will say for the sake of my bloodpressure
And how skull kids don't age, the hero's shade isn't a stalfos, he's a shade, the hero's shade clearly has more swordfighting ability than link does at the end of MM etc etc
The hero's shade identifies himself as a blood ancestor of TP link
I could go on
but I won't
@Chippies I don't know if I'd go that far. I think it's more a lot of the ones that have failed tried to just be copies of WoW without anywhere near as much polish or quality
Whereas many of the ones that succeeded carved out their own interesting niches
(sauces: in game and hyrule historia)
@originaluser I guess I just don't know many (or any, really) that succeeded
pretty much all the MMOs in the last couple years that started with subscriptions have gone f2p by now
@Chippies There were some big failures, sure. But FF14 had a really successful turnaround
and FF11 is the most financially successful Final Fantasy game to date
@originaluser I think FF games attract a different market, I hardly know anyone that plays, talks or even knows about FF MMORPGs
From my understanding, it's basically what kept Square afloat during their period of criminal mismanagement
@Chippies I play the non MMO versions of those games and love them a lot
including, but not limited to, moving the head office due to a fortune teller's predictions
@James yeah, everyone knows about the non-MMO versions of FF, but not many know/care about the MMO versions
@Chippies I've played both of them and I guess in my circles it's impossible for me to go more than a few hours without hearing about them :P
If you want to see my detailed picking apart of the Game Theory Theory that Link is Dead, check it out
A: Is there a narrative reason why Majora's Mask reuses so many art assets?

UnionhawkThe Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And according to the official timeline, it takes place on the child Link timeline. At the end of Ocarina of Time, Link is sent back to his childhood by Zelda, acting as one of the seven sages. Thus cre...

If you don't, then don't check it out. I don't care
@originaluser Well, yeah, of course it really depends on who you hang out with :)
I'll favorite it and read it thoroughly later, Uni
@Unionhawk Yer not my dad!
MM is a cool game and I hate that people memeified the "link is dead lol" thing
Because people think Game Theory is Jesus or something, and is all knowing
When no, they just overthink shit
@Unionhawk isn't that the point of theories?
especially ones that can't be proven
overthinking is fun. yeah a lot of it is screwy and just bad (rosalina is peach's and luigi's kid wat), but still fun to think
Overthink shit to the point of... arguing that creepers are made of peat moss or something stupid like that, since spontaneous combustion is almost like explosions right
if they didn't overthink, there would be no show
And it's also green so...
I just hate when fan theories will ignore clearly stated canon that contradicts them
Well, not just contradicts - outright disproves
@originaluser the reason game theory does so many theories with nintendo is because nintendo barely does any canon stuff. and when they do it doesnt make any sense anyway (hyrule timeline wtf)
The popular FF8 ones and Earthbound ones are like that
Oh my god, I can't find refractory clay/cement anywhere.
Is there a keyword I'm missing?
@Rapitor Not quite sure what there is to wtf about
@Rapitor True, I'm talking more general though. Earthbound has the "lol giygas is a fetus" thing and FF8 has "R=U"
Time Travel has implications
@Unionhawk it's pretty much what happens when you create a timeline as an afterthought, because people were begging for it.
the games don't need to be related.
Refresh my memory, what is the Game Theory theory? Is it "I'm going to rebuild the timeline in a way that I think is right" or is it "There is no timeline you fools"
That was how I always viewed it, especially w/r/t Zelda. There are some clearly related games, but the others are just kind of fast and loose
@Unionhawk the zelda one? I think it was a rebuild.
@Rapitor It seems fine to me, not sure what there is to wtf about.
Then I argue what makes him so smart that he can just decide that Nintendo is wrong. That's my main issue with that one.
@Unionhawk a theory is just that - a theory.
It's never said that what he speculates is the definitive truth, it's just a theory
@Unionhawk There's a famous example of this taken to an extreme where some guy wants to patch FF7 to remove a character and insert his own original character which is "more true to the original intentions"
I think it's not serious, but you can never tell on the internet
if you take it as absolute truth only for the sake of arguing against it, you probably shouldn't be doing that
I'm saying people take him too seriously.
@Unionhawk those people are morons
On the other hand, it's not really a theory if the "word of god" in this case directly disproves it
or if it requires serious mental gymnastics/cherry picked evidence
It's like the whole "Tri-fourth" thing
it seems like you guys have watched the Game Theory way more than I have
@Chippies I did
I'm talking in general I guess, I don't really watch game theory
but I've talked with lots of fan "theorists"
@originaluser luckily, I don't care enough to do that, because none of it matters
I watch some of the game theory videos sometimes, because they give an alternative explanation to some things, even if they're clearly far fetched
@Chippies But if someone is wrong on the internet, I must correct them.
in the end, it doesn't matter
I agree, though
the game doesn't change based on what some fans think the "truth" is
I get irrationally angry when people ignore suspension of disbelief to craft theories
the theories can be discussed, but arguing that one theory is more true than another is just waste of time
@Unionhawk Me too. That's really what it's about
And I never see discussion, just "oh, you don't believe this? you're a $SLUR"
my theory for all the games is "it happened because the writer said so"
@Chippies Whoa. Mind. Blown.
I think you might be right!
@SaintWacko well, you know, it's just a theory
@Chippies the theories happen when the writiers don't explain things
@Chippies a gaaame theory
@Unionhawk clearly videogames don't follow real life physics and logic and I think that should be obvious, but it's not to everyone and they need explanations
except when it comes to Destiny. even most theory crafters threw their hands in the air with that mess.
@Chippies I don't know, I think you've got something there
@Rapitor I'm probably boring everyone, but I've seen theories crop up over clearly explained things just because someone didn't like it
@Chippies The explanation is "the hookshot is cool stop worrying about physics and just do hardcore hookshot parkour"
@originaluser alternative theories can be fun, as long as they're not being pushed in anyone's face as the definitive truth
kinda like "I know it's explained like this, but what if ..."
@Chippies I totally agree, but there are some that are really bad.
@Unionhawk I'm pretty sure my grandmothers home made soup can heal everything.
@originaluser on the internet, everyone is a moron unless proven otherwise
@Rapitor And double your damage?
And restore full magic?
@Unionhawk Until you get hit.
definitely. lots of protein
everyone is also wrong on the internet, unless proven otherwise
@Yuuki Don't get hit
@Chippies the people on the internet are the same people in real life
@Chippies so you're wrong
> How to win games:
> 1. Don't die.
> 2. Don't get hit.
> 3. Kill things.
@murgatroid99 the dumb people are more likely to be in your face on the internet
@Yuuki Only a theory
@Yuuki If you must violate rule 2 don't violate rule 1
@Yuuki Can't win at story of seasons.
At work, on a half hour break, good to see you lot didn't burn the bridge down
Hrm. I seem to have caused my algorithm to suddenly run on a very bad timescale
brb burning the bridge down
@AshleyNunn well now that you reminded us...
@AshleyNunn We tried but I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Must now commit sudoku.
@AshleyNunn We'll burn that bridge when we come to it
@Chippies I was going to argue with you, but this whole conversation kind of proves your point
@murgatroid99 Guilty as charged
@murgatroid99 Bridge delivers, as always
@AshleyNunn :D
@AshleyNunn how is it so far? :o
@Chippies it's not delivery. it's the bridge.
I've been writing a cover letter for the last 2+ hours, so far I have managed to open Word
@Chippies Well done!
@SaintWacko small steps!
@KevinvanderVelden It is excellent. I am learning a lot already, although there is still a lot I don't know yet. It's nice working for a tiny place instead of the giant as heck corp machine that was the insurance place
@Chippies Baby steps! You can do it :)
@AshleyNunn I'm glad someone has faith in me, because I don't :P
writing a cover letter is worse than writing a resume...
@Chippies Well, then I will just remind you you are great.
Basically, cover letters mean you get to brag about how great you are.
Q: What does "chance to dismember" mean?

Mad ScientistWell, obviously it means I have a higher chance of dismembering enemies. But I have no idea what this actually does in terms of gameplay. I have various items that increase my chance to dismember, but no idea if that effect is worth it. What exactly does dismembering do in this game, what effect...

Q: itemtest is behaving strangely

ASCIIThenANSII wanted to mess around with some weapons in TF2, so I went to the map "itemtest". I know that the weapons have to be mechanic-changing in order to work differently, but some strange things happened while I was doing this: The Atomizer was nowhere on the list The Rescue Ranger shot Huntsman arr...

@AshleyNunn I'm not good at that, I only subtle/humble brag
usually about things that don't relate to jobs
I got good at it over time when I was applying for stuff.
I will find a whole bunch of example cover letters and compile them into one of my own
I can read it over for you like I did the resume, if you don't mind it won't be til after 6 today
@AshleyNunn that would be great :)
@AshleyNunn yay learning :). And yeah, tiny places are way better
@Chippies Just throw it to the same email you used last time, I will get to it tonight when I am home :)
@AshleyNunn alright, if I even have it finished before you're home :P
@KevinvanderVelden It just feels more comfortable, I don't feel as stressed and stuff. And everyone is super nice!
@Chippies No worries, whenever you get to it. You can also Steam ping me when I am home if you want to bounce ideas off someone
@AshleyNunn alright, we'll see how it goes, so far, I have a blank page, so there's not much to bounce off yet...
I should stop procrastinating
I blame Bridge
Bridge is bad for that :P
@Chippies Blame @Wipqozn
@ardaozkal I noticed you are commenting on people answering old questions - there is literally nothing wrong with people doing this. Please stop telling them not to do it.
They might have new info, or another viewpoint, or a whole variety of things.
@Wipqozn, stop not being around, so I can blame you without feeling like I'm blaming you even though you're not involved!
@AshleyNunn wasn't it already answered?
@ardaozkal That doesn't matter - someone could come along with a better one, or different information, or a whole variety of things
Q: What do spheres above dragons mean?

StorjoelI have high level dragons above which there's a sphere, but recently I got one (an ice dragon) that had a sphere already at level one. What do the spheres do, and why did one of them have one from the start?

just because someone clicked the checkmark doesn't mean something better/different could come along
However, accepted answer says same thing (in better english)
Huh, Evolve's on sale for 40% off.
@ardaozkal if it's a bad answer, downvote it, if it's a good answer, but already says what the accepted answer says, ignore it
I usually don't comment but this was answered and had same info with another answer.
@ardaozkal That's a separate issue from people just answering old questions
@AshleyNunn glad to hear it :)
if it isn't a bad answer, then just leave it. otherwise, downvote, edit, etc
Ok then
@AshleyNunn Burning the bridge down was always @kalina's job
I got +15 rep on one of my 5+ year old SO answers.
...the asker must have just accepted it 5+ years later.
maybe eventually MMO developers will realize you can't do subscriptions anymore. you aren't WoW.
@Rapitor FFXIV is actually doing pretty well.
I think they actually beat WoW on some metric a few months ago.
Can't remember which.
FF is also a pretty established name.
and much bigger in asian markets I think.
FFXIV is also really good.
I enjoy the crafting and gathering system much more than WoW.
Requires more thought than just "grab all the mats and click a button".
elder scrolls online learned pretty quickly and is going free to play.
F2P is really bad for games
it is good for industry but...
not really. if done right F2P is alot better
both for the players and the company
@Rapitor But then you have things like Dungeon Keeper
10+ snipers. 0 medics or heavys.
So I just took a look at the Google Photos site, and I can access pretty much all of it, except for apparently one particular subset of pages because the work filter thinks those pages are "Social Networking" pages.
@Powerlord if done right
@ardaozkal Turns out I was actually a Spy!
@Powerlord The spy is a spy!
Sorry it took so long, wasn't able to find the sound file
@MBraedley Well, technically Google Photos is a subset of Google+, so...
@SaintWacko not anymore
... ... ... Eclipse, WTF are you doing
> In some countries, it’s ok to push people into the train, or eat a burger with a knife and fork. Similarly, if you developed your product first for iOS...
top snark
Gradle says to use Java 1.8. Project settings say it's using 1.7, and it's complaining that I can only use parameterized types in Java 1.5 or newer?
sigh this is apparently a known issue where Eclipse sometimes loses its mind and thinks that you're using a different Java version than you actually are.
Q: What factors should I consider when granting an electorate?

LandricI'm playing as Austria, Emperor of the HRE, and one of the electors was recently fully annex by a neighbouring state. I can now choose to replace them, and grant another state in the HRE the status of elector (allowing them to choose the next emperor). What factors should I consider in my decisi...

Q: Help me with name of Flash Game

PanomoshI think this game was on OneMoreLevel Your "character" was your mouse cursor, you had to do something, like click on a switch. At this point you would die and start again. You would see your first mouse cursor go to click a switch which would allow you, this time, to go through the door it opene...

@murgatroid99 Oh, are they separating it now? Good!
Known issue: Environment loses all sense of reality randomly
Workaround: Developers usually also don't have any sense of reality by that point so it balances out
A: eclipse magic: ... Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

Suraj ChandranCheck whether this works: Go to your project's Properties On the Properties dialog choose the Java Compiler node in the left tree. Finally set the Compiler compliance level to 1.5 or more. Rebuild the project.

Close enough
Although Eclipse may be confused because I'm telling it to use 1.8 compatibility, but I'm not using Eclipse Luna (the only version to support Java 8 / 1.8)
> So today we’re introducing Google Photos—**a new, standalone product** that gives you a home for all your photos and videos, helps you organize and bring your moments to life, and lets you share and save what matters.
Ah, I missed that bit
@murgatroid99 Isn't think just yanking them out of Google+ ?
I was curious why they were introducing Photos when I had been using it for quite a while :P
Oh, I'm late about that.
Someone already mentioned it
The new Photos is amazing
I can't wait to start using it
@ardaozkal TF2 Wiki tends to have links to the wav versions of those.
@Powerlord I know, searched but it is huge.
Side note: If you ever develop plugins for TF2 using SourceMod, SourceMod can now directly read soundscripts so you don't have to hard-code the filenames.
So when Valve does something silly, like convert all the voiceover wav files to mp3, you don't have to scramble to fix it.
@ardaozkal the article you want is <class> voice commands
Not exactly this but it is ironic how spy says "The spy is the enemy" wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/e/ed/…
He says "That spy is an enemy"
@Unionhawk ur an enemy
@ardaozkal That's... not ironic?
@Yuuki sure it is, like rain on your wedding day right?
@KevinvanderVelden And needing a spoon and only having knives.
Or writing a song about irony without a single example of an ironic situation.
There is one ironic thing in it!
... Too on the nose?
@Yuuki maybe it was written sarcastically (which is a type of irony)
so it's like, being ironic about being ironic
@Yuuki I think that is the point of the song (very meta)
@Unionhawk -1
@Unionhawk wiki states it just as what I said, must fix it but who cares
Q: How can I boost research in Crusader Kings 2?

Mighty FerengiMy Holy Roman Empire spans Western Europe from Iceland all the way to Mali and from Portugal all the way to the Caspian Sea. My dynasty has successfully reclaimed the Kingdom of Jerusalem and held it against invading Sunni hordes while defeating Slavic incursions into Western Poland and subjugati...

I find it interesting that gradle is used to compile gradle.
(gradle isn't a compiler, but it IS a build environment)
Bootstrapping ftw
@Powerlord Unity IDE is built in Unity
@Chippies not the same thing
Nope, the unity IDE is an application that happens to save things unity can load. It was not used to make unity
The gradle thing is bootstrapping (well, technically that's a compiler thing, but I think the term applies enough), where you create an application that parses enough of a language to compile a better compiler written in the same language
Yo dawg I heard you like compilers so we compiled your compiler with your compiler so you can compile while you compile?
Gradle is more or less a build environment that also supports dependency management
Actually, I'm trying to figure out how to write a compiler plugin in it to compile languages that aren't Java.
So, of course I'm trying to find the Java plugin in its source to see how it works.
...easier said than done apparently.
What language? There's things to build C++ (via MSBuild, aka visual studio)
@KevinvanderVelden SourcePawn
...which doesn't have a native build system
I don't plan on writing the compiler itself, just the plugin to access the compiler.
I assume it has to be written in a specific way.
I can't just have an apply action, which is the default if you're writing a Gradle plugin (it implements org.gradle.api.Plugin<T>)
Q: incorrectly shut down bukkit server closed all my ports

Pixelguru26So I set up a tekkit classic server today and it seems to have worked fine. I accidentally closed it without using the "stop" command, though, and now every port I try to use is clogged. I then used an online port checker and every port I tried said it was closed. Solutions tried: -restarting m...

Hmm, haven't found the source for the java gradle plugin, but I may have found the source for the scala gradle plugin
whacks Eclipse
I'm looking at the JavaDoc for this interface and that red underline? Yeah, that method exists in it.
Q: Is my save data on a GBA cartridge removed if I change the battery?

RDAxRoadkillRecently my battery of pokemon ruby died and I was thinking if I am going to replace the battery will my save be deleted too? I was looking into this but could not find any anwsers, I found one for the pre gameboy advance games but what is the best option with GBA games?. Thanks for the help in ...

Q: Steam game download messed up!

creeper broSo I downloaded the first 12 gigs of NBA2K15 on steam about a week ago. Then yesterday I downloaded the rest. When I finished the download it came up as I had to download it again, saying "update required" I noticed when I first downloaded the game my space on my c: did not fill up which it shoul...

Eclipse is picking up the Gradle API from the version the Eclipse plugin was compiled from rather than the version installed on the system.
I can't imagine why it says something introduced in Gradle 2.3 isn't present when trying to use the API from Gradle 2.2.1!
Q: Double Action: Boogaloo settings reset every restart

PistolRcksI'm currently playing Double Action: Boogaloo on a 64-bit Xubuntu 14.04 LTS system. I am also running it through optirun. However, every time I start it up, I notice that my settings have reset to default because it ends up running windowed in a lower resolution. Is there any way to fix this?

@Yuuki You had only one job...
@Rapitor @Unionhawk @Yuuki I've heard talk of steam keys for elite
@TheAce Indeed.
@Yuuki any luck getting yours?
Haven't even looked.
i think the servers are having a fit currently
Q: Help me please?

LeviI had my steward/ follower follow me, then told her to wait so I could do something else in the same room, but when I told her to leave, she did, I was trying to get her to follow me again so I could give her better armor, but the option never comes up, and my housecarl keeps saying "Looks like y...

Q: What is a "hyperjump"?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftAnd how do I do it? A fellow Towerfall player mentioned it, it apparently lets you jump farther than usual, or something?

Q: Can I /execute a command at players with a certain score?

ZestyLimezFor a project I'm working on, I want to be able to execute a setblock command at a player with a certain score. I've tried doing /execute @a[score_xp_min=100] -insert command here-, but all it says is that I've provided an improper UUID format. Is there any way to /execute commands at players wi...

@TheAce yeah i thought they went out
@Rapitor out but currently unobtainable
makes no difference to me. I'm like the only PC gamer in existance that doesn't have steam installed
how is that?
easy. if i get a game i install a no-steam patch, or just use the game's launcher. steam is just a waste imo.
i use steam for ease of use really
inb4 "but @rapitor, steam is amazeballs~"
@TheAce what's easier then clicking the exe and starting the game. instead of having to go through steam shenanigans
steam can totally do that
@Rapitor Clicking "workshop", then clicking "subscribe" instead of having to download the mod from some random ass-site, copy-pasting to the right directory, etc. etc. etc.
@Fluttershy Dammit, was gonna wait two minutes and say "y no available?"
Q: Can I change the ID number on a Pocketstation with anything other than a PDA with infrared output?

SkeezixI bought a Pocketstation some time ago, since I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy 8, and wanted to get everything in the game. I read up on guides, and one(possibly the only one) mentioned that the code that was set on the Pocketstation determined what grade of items you could get in Chocobo World, w...

@Fluttershy also on youtube
@Yuuki i don't really play many games that have mod stuff.
@Rapitor and nexus MM is pretty easy to use
What I really like about steam is save-game handling. I recently had to reinstall my operating system, and I didn't even have to think about dealing with game saves
Nexus is nice, I like that it seems to work with Steam Workshop with no issues.
@murgatroid99 exactly
Q: Arma 3 Epoch-How do I eat or drink?

mugen2099Playing the Epoch mod for Arma 3, how do I eat or drink? I have food and drinks in my inventory to eat or drink.

@murgatroid99 again, since the only thing i play on PC is online games. not an issue.
@Rapitor not real is it
steam basically solves/creates problems i don't have
@TheAce probably not completely. i don't think a robit can drum that fast
it's still neat
it is lol
Tired, no brains left. Happy.
@AshleyNunn yay?
Yes, yay.
@AshleyNunn I knew you were having medical things done, but I didn't think it was that much.
@john they replaced the brains with butterflies ;) in all seriousness, though - today was my first day of work and I learned a lot and have a lot to learn and my brain is very full.
@AshleyNunn New job? :o yay!
@AshleyNunn sounds like you would benefit from some Tea and a mindless game like story of seasons. it's a good feel.
@Fluttershy This is exactly like I'd expect a film with the script written by the visual effects dept. to be.
@Rapitor I totally have the teapot brewing as we speak.
Gah where is @Uni when you need him
Good question
Oh, hey, you're actually around.
Not really, Mobile
Well it doesn't look like @Origami is around either
so no dice anyway
Hahahahaha welp
So I have to mount a rescue mission to the Mun...
Jack Warner might rat on Sepp Blatter.
Former FIFA VP Jack Warner tells the Trinidad Guardian that he will reveal gifts that Sepp Blatter made in his election campaigns
@John ori has been MIA for some time now.
@Yuuki Who are these people and why should I care?
@Yuuki i don't care for soccer but i am interested in seeing the fall out for this and if the allegations against Qatar are true and they don't re-hold the 2022 vote then i'd like to see who boycotts that year. Russia is another thing because i think countries would boycott them over Ukraine anyway
@Yuuki At this point, it's a giant game of prisoner's dilemma
Maybe this has already been posted.
it has
Well then

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