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@badp I edited the problematic answer
\o/ thanks
Now can we please close that question as off topic for exactly the problem we're having there
Answers are inherently unverifiable unless someone starts digging into program code
OK, I guess not actually unverifiable
I think people overestimate the amount of precision needed
@badp What do you think of someone asking the person that account is claiming to be whether they actually made that account?
and, given that it seems no one has actually experienced a draw, the fake-dev answer is likely right
@murgatroid99 It's unlikely that he can respond, as the account is unregistered.
@badp No, I mean asking on twitter or something
eh that might be worth a shot.
Because if the answer is no, the account is definitely breaking the impersonation rule
Wanna try?
@badp sure
The question in itself seems rather legitimate, however; it definitely is not the kind of thing that is dev-only
Draws do happen in Quake 3/Live for example
although "Quake 3 ctf draw" yields no answer
and that can definitely be made so that a draw situation is created
(hell, it's open source now)
@badp OK, you have convinced me. I retracted my close vote
Of course English is awful and "draw" also is a verb ._.
@badp Thanks :) I am always worried when I make meta posts because I mostly just ramble til my brain is empty :P
@badp Well, one of the verb's meanings is relevant here
Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here
@badp to draw a game means to end the game in a draw.
@badp The acceptance of the answer seems to argue otherwise.
@Frank The answer says "it's complicated, but it isn't possible"
The part where he says "trust me I'm a dev" is irrelevant
@badp The answer says, "It wasn't coded to do that".
and the "it's complicated" part is also pretty irrelevant
@Frank What exactly is the difference?
@badp Which requires outside information to even corroborate, let alone verify.
If it isn't possible to draw, it's because there literally is no draw in the game.
It's not an outcome that is in the game.
There's literally nothing in that answer that we can test, or verify.
@badp Or so it is said.
We can't confirm that.
This is trival to disprove: if it is possible to draw, then there would be sound effects such as "Game drawn"
as opposed to "Victory!" or "Defeat!"
@badp ...A sound, or absence thereof, is proof?
It's pretty good evidence in my book.
@badp It's a data point, I'll give you that.
Does the CSS of the website with your profile information have rules for drawn games?
It's not something I'd take on it's own as proof.
(I suppose it's got a list of your recent games, and wins are styled differently from losses)
@badp You're still using the absence of information as evidence of your point.
(also things like quits and whatnot)
@Frank At some point the silence becomes deafening
I don't see an unlikely scenario unaccounted for as proof.
If there are no videos of this on YouTube
If there are no posts on the Riot forums that say "hey! it did happen to me!"
@badp And it's still not proof.
All it takes is one.
It's the whole problem of proving a negative.
If you can't find voice effects or artwork for drawn games
If you can't find presentation logic for drawn games
1 min ago, by Frank
I don't see an unlikely scenario unaccounted for as proof.
Then it's a pretty definitive proof for me
You're welcome to not upvote the answer.
I agree 100%
Of course this is the shallow answer
It's good data points to lean towards there not being a draw, but I don't see it as proof.
The real question becomes, how does the game break ties
That might be quite difficult to SCIENCE
but still not impossible
it might just go unanswered, and there's nothing wrong with that.
@badp I've already downvoted it specifically because it's incapable of being proven.
I'm happy you've already made your mind.
We'll probably agree to disagree, as well, which is also fine.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, just because you can't literally look at the game code because you're not the developer to find 100% proof does not make a question about developer intent.
I've also just made mine thanks to the wonders of duck debugging.
@Unionhawk Answers should be authoritive. Hard to be that when they're not 100%.
You know, theoretically someone could disassemble the game to try to find the answers
@murgatroid99 And that I'd totally take as proof.
@murgatroid99 The answer is likely to be found only in the server code.
@Frank My point is that there is a significant difference between information that depends on developer intent and information that is difficult to find if you are not a developer
The game client will simply accept the server's outcome and show it to the player.
@badp If there is a draw game response, the client will handle it
If the client does not handle a draw game response, there is no such thing
@murgatroid99 Oh yeah absolutely theoretically possible.
@murgatroid99 And this is one of those that's can't be reasonably tested, based on our core skillset.
but you don't have to go that far by any means
Q: Can not return to my house after falling in lava

NathanMy house is next to a village From the Steve seed number I was digging in the well for diamonds And I fell in lava and it took me in the middle of nowhere And now I can't get back to my house When it's supposed to spawn me back to my house

@Frank It also might be testable. If it is possible to draw the game, then it is testable
The fact that apparently no one on the internet has drawn a game yet after 5 years of it being one of the most played games online speaks volumes already
@murgatroid99 Might and are are two very different things.
But until that happens, it's trying to prove a negative.
@Frank The point is that the question alone gives insufficient information to determine that it is definitely not testable
Really, the entire question is a thought experiment.
@Frank Only if the answer is no
@murgatroid99 Which, from the preponderance of evidence @badp keeps bringing up, it is.
If ~27 million people play the game daily, then the lower bound on the amount of matches is 2.7M matches a day.
If there is no draw in a single day, the chances of a draw are less than 1 in 2.7 million.
@badp sounds like a question for math.se
And that's about lottery odds.
@Frank But we can also present significant evidence that the answer is no, instead of just throwing up our hands and saying that it's untestable
7 mins ago, by Frank
It's good data points to lean towards there not being a draw, but I don't see it as proof.
It's not reasonably testable.
Of course you need to multiply that by the chance that somebody would draw and not talk about it.
Not in any sense.
@Frank We often post and accept answers with evidence but without proof
So... given that it's so rare, that's about 1 in a million.
Generously speaking.
Overestimating, the game has had 2.7M matches on every single day since release date, and let's say the game's been out there for 1,000 days
That means the overall chance would be... 1 in 10^-6000
@murgatroid99 Those questions at least have the option of being objectively verifiable.
A more reasonable estimation would require more data points that I can be bothered to find.
Look at our accepted answer here. It's using an appeal of authority to ram through the fact that it's impossible.
@Frank Not anymore
@murgatroid99 And without that, it's just, "Hey, it wasn't coded that way! So you can't do it!"
And provides dick all for proof.
@Frank I agree that the answer is bad. That does not mean that all possible answers to the question are bad
A: What do the symbols in the map mean in Antichamber?

murgatroid99The spinning cross shows the room where you last entered the map. The blinking circle shows the room where you were last located when you pressed Esc. The grey lines and squares show the path you took since you last entered the map. For completeness, a large square indicates a room where you hav...

This answer, for example, is entirely based on inference and guesses
Is it a bad answer?
@murgatroid99 There is a pony icon by it. Ofcourse it is :)
Or this one
A: Is it wise to try unrecognized pills that I find?

murgatroid99TL;DR: Yes, try every pill you find In the game, according to the list near the bottom of the items page on the wiki, there are 8 pills with definitely good effects: Bad Gas: poisons surrounding enemies Balls of Steel: gives 2 soul hearts Full Health Health Up Pretty Fly: adds a close orbitin...

It's a probabilistic argument based on guesses
I should probably stop looking through my answers for the most flaky arguments I can find and bringing attention to them
@murgatroid99 Was gonna say...
OMG Another pony!? Is all your sampling so biased @murgatroid99?? :)
Whatever, I have 11k rep. Even if someone downvoted all of my questions and answers I wouldn't lose any priveleges
@murg afaik all bad pills become good pills if they can't lower whatever stat they affect any more
Should get some cats to represent up in that sampling!! :)
@badp I'm pretty sure that's wrong. Or at least that doesn't happen if the pill is already identified
That's how bad trip works
One day I'll go through and fix answers like that
Also health down works like that
@badp I know about that one, but that one's special
@badp only if it's not identified. I'm almost positive
Well once you do identify it you have two heart containers so...
You could somewhat trivially try with the nine lives challenge if you cheat yourself the bottle of pills
... or a deal with the devil
But that's trickier to get
Oh! Oh! Oh! Cat paw
Hold a health down pill then activate it
See if it changes.
Definitely the easiest way
You still need to be lucky enough to get a health down pill
I haven't played BoI in a while. But if you discover anything like that that contradicts my answer, please comment
I'm in bed now
And I'm at work
> Health Down Decreases Heart Containers by 1. Changes to Health Up when at 1 heart container, regardless of current Soul Heart count.
@badp But the other Down pills don't do that
Bad trip does
@badp I meant Tears Down, Speed Down, etc.
And my answer covers bad trip
Back from more hiking!
Getting caught in the rain is a Bad Thing when you're hiking on a riverbed trail.
Of course, it also talks about explosive diarrhea, which WotL got rid of
Oh god
> The Polaroid only drops from Mom if a Devil Room spawns after the fight.
I hope this doesn't make it into Rebirth
Please don't make it into Rebirth
Please don't
So prior to season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, <spoiler> is never mentioned. There's actually a good reason for that, and I found out why tonight.
Super House of Dead Ninjas has sound effects from Knightfall <3
... the viceversa seems more plausible
@badp btw you might be intersted in checking this out wizardslizard.com
What's a "slizard"?
@AshleyNunn Just thought I'd point this out
James seems to really insist he is literally right next to a Riot dev
@Yuuki The title is 'A Wizard's Lizard'.
@james is right here btw
@badp Who what??
@memescientist Oh yeah
I do
I am actually working on his bugs today since I finished mine yesterday :D
@James Proof?
Anybody can claim to be someone else
And it was fairly vindicating to 1) get the president of Riot to say I was right then 2) Still have the question VTC cause its off topic as it requires insider knowledge :D
Still, we haven't seen a shred of proof
@memescientist Yeah so I will not burden you with proving to me you are the same person who asked for proof :)
besides "trust my word, i'm really sitting next to the president"
Does anybody actually care about any of this shit
@memescientist I have said what is necessary on meta, I have no interest in having this discussion further.
Or are you guys just arguing for the sake of it
I think people who claim to be people they aren't are full of shit
Actually if you look over the 'why the edit was made' I put in his and my linked in profiles
wait that's rhetorical
Why are you so convinced it's not him?
His showing he worked at Riot and now works at the same company I work at
We have dev answers all the time
So.. do you feel comfortable with elaborating on why it's not possible to destroy the nexus at the same time? Nothing else is relevant
But I am not going to wait for you to ask me to prove that is him and me
Sooo yeah
Have a good day @memescientist :)
I don't see any revision history
sorry t(ツ)_/¯
Should we edit out those claims from every dev answer on the site now?
How do you see my answer then? I deleted it when Marc responded?
appeal to authority as they call it
@James 10k
lying doesn't get you far
A: What Effects do the Different Player Attributes Have on Gameplay?

Daniel FedorI have to admit I've been both tempted and reluctant to try and answer this question. Tempted, because I like helping players, and enjoy sharing game design discussion. Reluctant, because I deliberately obscured the mechanics of the game as part of the design. Whats more, the stats are likely to ...

well, on the internet, a little farther
Oh you mean its not in the revision list
should I edit out the parts about him being the dev?
Well that is odd I put it in there when I reverted the question
He could be lying
kk, one sec
it seems like you don't feel comfortable about it. That's understandable I suppose
@James When you revert, the only text it keeps is "reverted to whatever"
Basically you need to hold your fingers over other buttons when you type to prevent it being an issue.
@GnomeSlice He doesn't actual come out and claim he's a dev
http://www.linkedin.com/in/joela Him
https://www.linkedin.com/pub/james-taylor/11/813/494 Me
he implies he's a dev
oh hey @james
@AshleyNunn Ah, well that explains that :D
I can play the same game too
A: How do I get in at the glow?

Daniel FedorUnfortunately, that's as far as I've gotten with writing the plot (@October 2012). The "orange alert" is just there as a plausible in-game reason why you can't get in. More plot, and access to the DMC proper is on the way, but for now, players are shut out. Sorry about that!

@memescientist I already told you I didnt care to take it any father
And have a good day :)
I don't give a flip if @James is lying or not
I'm glad to be around awesome people though
@badp Well I do
@memescientist And how do I prove to you that I am not lying?
Not that I am going to
I am just curious
Do what people on reddit do
James has literally no obligation to do anything at all
Take photos
I dont go on reddit
waste of time
Oh but how do I prove that its not just some random photo of that guy who has a picture on his linked in and me who does not?
Take a photo of yourself, or something that shows you actually, you know, sit right next to him, get a piecce of paper, put something like "oh hi this is james from arqade"
That I did not just get it off his facebook page?
and put a date
Yeah man
That's what people on reddit do

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