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well that should be told/remove the expensive conversion?
Lol how do you make an axe
So, 45 clicks for the crafting table, then there's a (~10+2) ratio for planks, another 60 clicks for 20 sticks. then you get an axe
First thing you're gonna need for this game is a bit of a help system
@Batophobia Oh, I was doing it backwards
and it has a dope ass trailer
@Rapitor I would agree...you need to make it easier to get the basic stuff...
@Batophobia So, you need 20 planks (200 wood) for sticks?
@RPiAwesomeness 20 wood, for 4 sticks
@RPiAwesomeness but you get 4 sticks per craft
So, 100 wood for 20 sticks with which you can create an axe
Oh gosh. This is gonna take freaking forever...
@RPiAwesomeness for ( i=0;i<100;i++) document.getElementById('get17').click()
I died
In that game?
Q: What percentage of damage is restored as health to the wielder?

NiteCyperThe Borderlands Wiki article on the Creamer unique rocket launcher weapon states that one of the special weapon effects is "Inflicted damage restores health to the weapon's wielder." However, unlike the other Miss Moxxi's weapons, the article doesn't state how much percentage of damage is restore...

wow, you got beyond the 20 sticks?
@Rapitor Button now does 1:1 if you have crafting table.
It's a fun game though!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I reloaded and lost everything!
@RPiAwesomeness ??
@RPiAwesomeness That's weird, mine didn't.
wait, how can you do that, if there's no visuals...
It has a save system
Oh shoot...I don't have cookies enabled. Duh
@GnomeSlice ADR?
22 mins ago, by Batophobia
Did anyone in here test out my incremental game?
though it uses cookies, so if you disable those, it won't save
Maybe make it so that to the right of the crafting table you can build the recipes you've discovered with a single click?
@KevinvanderVelden Interesting idea. Maybe a drop down?
@Arperum k it's not a contest
@GnomeSlice I've been playing yesterday too.
@GnomeSlice I'll avoid sharing mine :P
@Batophobia could work
What do I get after crafting table?
@fredley Whatever you build
Then pickaxe for better axes
furnace etc.
@fredley It uses minecraft recipies
@GnomeSlice Handy
@KevinvanderVelden shucks...it doesn't work :(
can i make a porkchop axe
How do I put stuff in the squares?
@RPiAwesomeness huh, you might need to change the frame you run it in
@GnomeSlice future expansion, maybe
@fredley Click it in your inventory. Squares need 10 each
@KevinvanderVelden How on earth would I do that? I'm newish to JS hacking
@RPiAwesomeness What browser?
@RPiAwesomeness in chrome develioper tools there's a dropdown with "<top frame>"
Firefox w. Firebug
Change that to 40<random numbers>
@Batophobia I don't like how the 'adventure' screen keeps scrolling when I use arrows. Makes it so I can't see the stats unless I scroll back up
No idea there
ffs I died again
@RPiAwesomeness F12, Console tab, paste in right side, click Run
@GnomeSlice I see
@GnomeSlice Screen size?
Crafting is laborious
@Batophobia 1366x768
Should do it more like speed warp
Guess it would be better on a larger display
Nothings happening...
just this: TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
Oh my other, larger monitor it looks fine
@GnomeSlice yea developed on 1920x1080
will look into that though
Axe recipe only works one way round
making sticks is a huge asspain
You can't make charcoal :(
@fredley Yeah I had trouble with that
@Batophobia I get this error: TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
any idea what's causing that?
@KevinvanderVelden Items up to cake are added
Can't select iron ore to put in furnace
@fredley do you have 10?
@RPiAwesomeness being a cheaty face :P
@Batophobia oh
@fredley how u furnace
what is the full code you are runnin RPi
ugh 10 iron ore to one ingot?
for ( i=0;i<100;i++) document.getElementById('get17').click()
@fredley more tools = more return
@Batophobia More furnaces?
@fredley well...no
but more pickaxes
more ore
How do I put sticks in...
Any way to automate stick making?
@fredley villagers
What can you do with villagers anyway?
@Batophobia How?
@KevinvanderVelden give them tools
although they need 10 of a tool to get started
How do I get a villager?
@fredley apples
@Batophobia Do what with them?
I found out that villagers cook ore to ingots by accident, gave one some pickaxes, suddenly mas of ingots£.
How doth I craft der axe?
Knytt Underground: 6QT4Y-R2BRL-JQ2JR
@fredley Save them until you get the button
@fredley Click button once you have enough.
aww yee...automated wood getting. this game is kinda addicting once you get the hand of it...
My villager is an apprentice builder, what does that do? D:
So....wood can only collect 10 at a time...
> Sadly, Icebergs will be discontinued on September 1, 2014
Wait, does an apprentice builder just build random things? O.o
multiplayer of this....
wtf my day is ruined
@GnomeSlice Did you have your work training stuff or whatever yet? How did that go?
noooo....I lost my sword and porkchop that the cow dropped :(
@AshleyNunn Went well, but it was just orientation. They didn't actually train us for any work duties yet
How come I can't console this game?
@KevinvanderVelden apprentice is stone tools, experienced is iron tools
My first shift is tomorrow, they say they'll be going over stuff with us then
@fredley because it's in a frame
I can console it by changing top frame
@KevinvanderVelden cunning
@KevinvanderVelden unexpected feature :D
@Batophobia trivial to work around =p
@GnomeSlice Still, progress :) when do you go back?
@AshleyNunn I have shifts thursday (tomorrow) and friday
@KevinvanderVelden Before you say anything, my code does have atleast 1 comment
@GnomeSlice Very cool
g2g...I haz to mow :(
I have an interview on Friday with a security company as well
@RPiAwesomeness but when you come back, million wood
Ooh I have iron ingots now
I didn't notice getting iron ore but who cares
automatic wood shouldn't be so hard to get
@KevinvanderVelden How?
@GnomeSlice I have no idea
@GnomeSlice It isn't, just make a single axe.
I made one of my villagers a blacksmith and suddenly iron ingots
@GnomeSlice oooh yay
You get iron ore when you have a stone pickaxe
@Arperum ooh I was looking at the wrong place!
blacksmith (pickaxed villager) autosmelts. You can also smelt yourself, but that takes ages.
@Arperum 10 seconds
how do you do things with villagers
@Batophobia For getting one ingot from ten ore.
Build ten of a tool, give it to a villager
Times ten to get anything.
So I have a villager, but how do I interact with it?
why does he need 10
@Arperum party why I added the villager system :D
19 secs ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Build ten of a tool, give it to a villager
@fredley Do you have ten of a tool, select said tool, clikc on villager
@Arperum ok
How do I make him a blacksmith?
10 pickaxes
got it
oh, sword gives adventure option.
Can I make hoe?
@fredley try it and find out
I still want to automate stick production
So I exported my iceber.gs to dropbox
now where the hell are they
@fredley villagers
@Batophobia hoooooooow
@fredley Train one to be a builder
@Batophobia Sounds like more natural UI needs to get added.
Iron pickaxe get!
Q: Minecraft Scoreboard stat.mineBlock won't work?

user3583094So I wanted to set up something that uses stat.mineBlock.snow, but it wouldn't work. I tried other stat.mineBlock, but they wouldn't work either. I did the command "/scoreboard objectives add snow stat.mineBlock.snow Snow" But it returns with "Usage: Invalid objective criteria type 'stat.mineBloc...

And suddenly 300 more iron ingots
or uuh 30
@Frank Open to suggestions, I'm not claiming to be a good UI designer
what can I do with a .json file
First diamond get!
@GnomeSlice delete, copy, move
thank you for your constructive input
@GnomeSlice Turn it into an object.
@GnomeSlice anything you want!
k well iceber.gs says I can export to .json
I did the dropbox export but I've no idea where anything is
@GnomeSlice A .json file is just a way to put data in a structure
@Batophobia Can the labyrinths be escaped?
does it actually have all of the data in it?
So: giving a new tool to a villager does not give you the old ones back =[
fortunately there won't be randoms in raids
@murgatroid99 Yes, but may require paper-pencil mapping
oh wait, iceberg export
here we go
@Batophobia I tried yesterday, and I went in to every room without any option except to move to another room
fuck I doubled everything
@murgatroid99 Can you give me your level seed?
@Batophobia I don't know. How do I do that?
In other news those who don't leave for Land of the Internetlessness tomorrow may be interested in knowing that Crypt of the Necrodancer is now available
One sec
Ugh now I need an alternative for icebergs
I guess evernote
I'm gonna go have lunch
they said they were releasing in Early Access, but the Early Access warning is gone
It says early access on the hub though
or no, on the game title image
On clearly more important news
Pre-Purchase Now - Hatoful Boyfriend: #PrePurchase http://bit.ly/1lWPli6
@badp pls no
@GnomeSlice don't you want to fall in love with a pigeon? :o
Just $8.99!
I got that in a groupees bundle and I've never played it
It's apparently Quite The Thing
anyway, I'm gonna go eat
setInterval("ticker();",200); I AM WINNER
@murgatroid99 Refresh, enter Adventure mode, should be number at the top
@KevinvanderVelden Winning 5x faster than normal!
@Batophobia 6, I can't disable the original interval
This game needs hotkeys
@BenBrocka this is one of the best thing ive heard for it
C for cobble, S for stick, I for iron ingot
@Batophobia 9667265410
@Rapitor a bit long but interesting
hope I'll have enough people to do 6 people teams though
@murgatroid99 And where about is the pyramid?
@fredley On the list of ideas
@Batophobia public repo?
@Batophobia Two steps south, one step east of the house
@fredley ?
How do you automate sticks?
@Batophobia Is the code public?
@Batophobia Blocked :(
As in, can I submit pull requests?
Same thing except not in a frame with fancy name
@fredley It's entirely HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
nope :(
@Batophobia that's irrelevant to his question =p
@KevinvanderVelden Then I have no idea
@Batophobia He's asking if you have the code in a public repository where other people can contribute, such as github
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, yea, googledrive is certainly blocked
@Batophobia why is it you need 10 of something to craft?
@murgatroid99 Oh it's on Google Drive
@Rapitor Slow the game down
@Batophobia This is terrifying.
How do you version control?
@fredley The folder is private to edit, I believe
@Batophobia I...
@fredley I'm very not good at version control

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