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the hammer is my first weapon that I got to +10
I'll be using Alonne Knight/Captain gear to get the proper look.
@3ventic I haven't upgraded any of my gear that far yet.
I've only had enough large titanite shards to level up 2 weapons during all my hours so far.. which is annoying
My Heide Knight Sword is at +6, I think.
and I spent them on 3 weapons so I only got the hammer past those and into the titanite chunks
I also infused it with Lightning so it scales extra-well with Faith.
I had a whole bunch of those saved up to get to +10
@3ventic I think you can buy large Titanite shards outright.
At least after a certain point in the game.
I'll probably try and get an attunement slot soon so I can get some pyromancy going on
@Yuki this probably
From what I recall, McDuff had an unlimited supply of Large Titanite Shards.
I'm not that far in as far as progress towards NG+ is concerned
After I beat the Old Iron King, I think that unlocks unlimited Titanite shards.
@Yuki McDuff was where?
@3ventic Well, you'd have to get to NG before progressing to NG+.
@3ventic McDuff is in the Lost Bastille.
Oh, he's the blacksmith I can't use yet
because he's just on about his flame ember
I need to go find that
@3ventic Oh yeah, you need to get the Dull Ember from the Iron Keep.
Yeah I'm not there yet
It's not that far in. Are you still in Earthen Peak?
Doesn't sound familiar
@3ventic It's the windmill zone right after Harvest Valley.
I'm still in Harvest Valley on that front
Anyways, I can help you through tomorrow or something.
Or maybe later tonight.
15 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Does anybody know of a way to make Steam's download scheduler work again when it decides to ignore it without having to exit and restart steam?
I'd appreciate some help in harvest valley, that's for sure
I won't be able to play until midnight CST today though.
It seems strange for a game called The Last of Us to have a sequel
that's in an hour or two?
@3ventic More like 6-7 hours.
I'll be at sleep by then
@3ventic Then maybe tomorrow.
heading to bed in about 2 hours
I stop playing in the afternoon until way late at night because AAAAAAA IT'S FINALS WEEK I GOTTA STUDY.
@PrivatePansy The sequel will just be an empty environment because there's no one left.
Good luck
Q: Is the resources available to loot taken from your own stockpile?

Memor-XAfter i got attacked i was watching the replay i noticed on the side there was a number for gold/elixir available to be looted. the attack occurred during a short while i was checking my email so when i came back in i had to wait a couple of minutes for the attack to end however i noticed that th...

@PrivatePansy Something something Final Fantasy
I didn't study at home at all for my finals :|
@3ventic Yeah. I go to campus in the afternoons just so I don't distracted by games. Like Dark Souls.
I only studied during lessons
came home to play/code when they ended
Being able to totally ignore stress is awesome
@3ventic It's pretty awesome. I have to psych myself out to motivate studying though, which is annoying.
I have issues motivating myself to study too..
Random note, you probably shouldn't have increased Strength above 40, even though you only went two points above.
Yeah I forgot the magic number
The soft caps on stats seems to be 40 for almost all of them.
It was the first stat I increased though
didn't increase others until it was 42, except maybe a few points of endurance
@3ventic Ah. I shifted around with leveling my stats, mostly to match certain weapons.
endurance gives 2 stamina per level but drops to 1 stamina per level at only 25 I think
I began increasing DEX awhile back because I found out most weapons I was planning on using required at least 15-ish, if not higher.
I assume it's going to stop giving stamina at all after 40
So what did I miss while I was at work?
And INT after I found out the BKGS requires 12 INT.
I was doing invasions and coop with random people at the same time earlier today
I helped a guy with a boss
@3ventic I haven't done invasions at all.
and later I invaded the same guy and he was AFK at a boss door
@spugsley Food.
I'm so hungry
I invaded a guy and beat him really badly, then helped him beat the boss
@Frank how long have you been at work for?
@3ventic Co-op is always fun. Unless you get one of those hosts that just sits back does nothing.
@badp Eight hours?
Maybe nine.
I just one hit killed him with a backstab
@FEichinger :3
Q: Arqade needs its moderators removed and the site given a review

AssylumArqade operates after the credo "If I don't like it or I am personally offended by it, I remove it" and on the site there is a user base of two classes. Those who linger on chat to hang out with other high rep users and those who don't. If you dare to discuss those issues with those people on cha...

@Yuki or the host lags like crap and everything teleports on your screen
Expects you to clear the entire level for him. I got one of those once in Iron Keep. I just jumped into the lava.
I hope @Sterno was suitably amused by today, btw
The horse boss (charriot?) was awful when it was teleporting around the track
@spugsley I'm having garlic bread and toasted ravioli.
@3ventic Which boss?
@badp Yeah, saw that.
@Yuki I don't remember
I was helping people in Huntsman's Copse mostly
both of the bosses there
Apr 25 at 16:56, by Origami Robot
Jan 23 at 17:15, by OrigamiRobot
If someone says "food" or some other snarky variation thereof, I will eat them for lunch.
Ooh, this is going to be a good episode of Castle
Also, you said you have two of the Old One Souls?
mostly because I rarely get invaded there myself
@Yuki the one from sinner and the one from black gulch
I find it amusing that I had absolutely nothing to do with the guy who figured I was harrassing him actually leaving.
@3ventic Ah, I haven't gone down there yet.
I think I found 3rd one, but didn't beat the boss yet
@spugsley Margherita with rocket salad and sliced parmigiano
@3ventic The spider?
@badp mmmm
@Yuki yeah
I assume the 4th one is at the end of the harvest valley path
@3ventic Yeah, the Old Iron King in Iron Keep.
I'm gonna clear out Iron Keep, grab my BKGS in Belfry Sol (which I will do offline because BELL KEEPER RAGE), and then probably start on working my way towards the spider.
@3ventic Black Knight Greatsword.
I'm going to need co-op with the spider
and I hate that I couldn't find a bonfire down there
@spugsley ASS
the closest one is miles away
@3ventic No problem, I'm up for that when I get there.
@3ventic You might be missing one behind a hidden wall or something.
@Yuki What's your soul memory at, roughly?
@spugsley chicken nuggets
This guy must've found it so good, he forgot to take a picture before eating
@Yuki probably
They did a lot better job with spreading out the bonfires in this game, I think.
@badp Go away, Italian person with yummy Italian food, and me not anywhere near Italy.
@3ventic ~800k?
Also, application for new apartment is in hand. It'd be a bit of a downgrade on size and commute, but upgrade on location, view, and facilities
@Yuki I'm at about 850k
@JasonBerkan now now you should have all you need there
at least ingredient-wise
didn't make any progress during the last 200k
@3ventic Alternately, we could just grind co-op, invasions, or something and just bypass the four Old One Souls by getting 1M Soul Memory.
@badp I can't afford parmigiano.
@JasonBerkan Perhaps grana padano? D:
But I like boss fights so I won't do that.
I've tried to avoid making progress without my coop partner, so I'm at like 33 hours playtime
he's at 13 hours playtime
but roughly the same area
@3ventic You could always just make another character.
@OrigamiRobot I'm gonna start answering "food" when you ask. All the time.
I made one but I hate gathering the items again, so I prefer to do coop and invasions
Well, I can afford the dry powdered crap, but an actual block of parmesan cheese is pricey.
A stick would do
> It's the last 36 hours of our Dwarf Tower crowdfunding campaign. Every backer will get a DRM free copy of the game on Steam. Please support the project!
They sell those here as snacks for kids or whatever
"drm free copy of the game on steam"
Has anyone else bought SE V?
Stack Exchange five?
@3ventic Knew someone was going to say that. :P
@Frank I thought we were still on SE 2.0.
Space Empires V.
@3ventic Saint's Expressway 5
@Frank I have it installed for quite some time now, haven't started it up yet though.
@JasonBerkan In a pinch the actual powder thing works too. It will taste somewhat different, but not too much
@Arperum Well, give it a shot. If you have the time, anyways.
@GnomeSlice There exist games that don't have Steam DRM, you can just run the executable separately
It's a bit of a massive time sink.
But yeah, it's not quite the same as a standalone installer
At the end of the day, it's still parmigiano on top of rocket
@badp That's what I keep at home for when we make pasta.
@JasonBerkan Yes, that one.
@MBraedley Oh and next week is the wedding.
@Frank I plan on not buying any more games until I've played the ones I have (some more). I might make two exceptions this year though. And probably bundles and possibly sales.
At the end of the day I think you have easier access to parmigiano than what Italians actually call "ham"
@Arperum Think Civ levels of time sink. And then double/triple/more it.
I hope the steam summer sale is in the week of 21st july, because then I can't access a pc at all.
@Arperum speaking of which - new weekly bundle tomorrow
@Arperum mobile app!!
@badp My phone is in a state of "your SD is not recognized, no apps for you, not even taking pictures"
@Arperum remove the SD?
It's getting old and broken.
My phone just got moved over to the company's phone plan.
And I have another $50/month in my pocket!
@Frank wee
@badp Not helping, phone tells me it's removed. it isn't. Other SD card is no help. I just have to decide what other phone I want, and then inform my boss. I'm pretty sure I can get something reasonable if I ask for it.
@Arperum what? your phone refuses to work without an SD?
@badp Not entirely, the camera refuses thoguh, and the storage of the phone is nealry non-existent anyway.
@Arperum What mobile it's gonna be, then?
@badp That is the question, I just have to decide. I want something that can easily fit in my pocket, so no near-tablet thing.
@Arperum Go for a dumbphone and a tablet then
@Arperum I think most phone cameras don't work without an SD card, at least in my experience
The current thing mostly works, so I haven't been annoyed enough to make time free to decide what I want.
which is why phones usually come bundled with SD cards
I've chosen this path and I'm happy. The only downside is it's a pain to get contacts into and out of that thing
Ugh, @Fluttershy is @RedRiderX now
@OrigamiRobot What? O_o
Earth:2066 got pulled from Steam. Good.
Pick one of them to ignore! easy peasy.
@Fluttershy Getting inb4'd all day long?
Or is that @Unionhawk? I don't know why, but I keep confusing the two.
I don't even know what's going on right now.
@Yuki I'm pretty sure I'm the one getting INB4 all over the place ever.
Yeah, that was a good episode. Castle writers are always great, even when they're not inserting Firefly references.
@MBraedley They really love their Firefly references.
Which is pretty awesome, I guess.
@Yuki I guess!? Firefly is awesome!
The writing did lag a bit in Season 3, but they totally avoided the Moonlighting curse.
@MBraedley It really depends on whether or not you find the constant references grating after awhile.
Me, not so much. My sister? Got kinda annoyed.
@Yuki it's not constant, and, other than that one Holloween episode, usually aren't all that overt. My favourite, by far, is a totally stealth reference.
Also, oley, oley oley oley! Oleeeey, oleeeeey! CC @Ashley
@MBraedley Which one? Two by two, hands of blue?
@Yuki no. Becket: Year abroad? Castle: No, a show I used to like.
@MBraedley Ah.
They made a reference in a similar manner in the sci-fi convention episode.
@Yuki That wasn't exactly "subtle", though.
That was full-on frontal assault with all the reference-guns they had.
Also, I'm still here.
@FEichinger I was more talking about that one line as they were walking in. "I'm a fan of good sci-fi. Like Star Trek, Battlestar [Galactica], that one Joss Whedon show."
@FEichinger I'm here too, but I don't see you.
Unless you are my cat
Which, I guess, wasn't all that subtle either.
Oh, did you know that the actress who plays Alexis cosplayed as Mal for Comi-Con once?
Hehe, the old Hockey Night in Canada theme was playing in the background. Yeah, CBC doesn't own the rights to that anymore.
Q: cs go.. steam follows my time playing

csGocsGocsGoIs it possible to avoid recording of the time you play cs GO on steam? Me and my friend had a deal that we will spend same time playing it so it would be fair . And now I have like 30 hours more on record. I wanna play more and get better but i dont want everyone to see i spend almost all day pla...

Hi @LessPop_MoreFizz
@OrigamiRobot but trees don't have feelings...
@MBraedley Wow, how insensitive of you.
@OrigamiRobot just being a realist
Trees do have feelings.
@OrigamiRobot ... Well, that was surprisingly blunt at ... 1:40am
@OrigamiRobot [citation needed]
@MBraedley Such a kingdom-ist.
@MBraedley Find your own citation, tree-hater.
Fungi are people too!
@Yuki fungi aren't trees
Treeeeeeeeeeeeeees. They are us.
@MBraedley Yes, I know. But fungi are also a separate kingdom and dammit, I don't know where I'm going with this.
I blame my disjointed chatting on studying statistics.
@MBraedley Arborealist.
Math. Not even once.
cc @FEichinger
ugh canadiens
... are awesome!
... is not how you spell that!
@Yuki It is the french spelling, which is what the team uses.
@Yuki actually, it is
@StrixVaria Ah. But is it capitalized?
@Yuki yes, it should be
@Yuki I was clearly going for all lowercase for maximum disgustedness.
@StrixVaria Are you expressing disgust at the spelling, or of us in general?
@Frank Of the Canadiens. The hockey team.
This is acceptable.
@Frank no it's not
You don't hear me bad mouthing the Jets, do you?
I am disgusted by all professional sports.
@MBraedley I wouldn't care if you did.
Because honestly, I have no idea of sports whatsoever.
That said, if it's something you feel strongly about, I apologize.
Apropos of nothing: This post is a perfect example of an interesting new answer to a “solved” question
Ugh, I just want to watch an LP of Tomba, but they're all terrible.

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