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@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment This'll turn into website recs, and phone numbers.
@Krazer @Frank Unlocked Scholar today!
@Wipqozn Woo!
So I now have White Mage 30 and Scholar 30.
Planning to get scholar to 50 first, but I'm going to get white mage to 50 eventually as well.
I plan to get Scholar to 50 and Black Mage Juniour to level 26 before getting white mage to 50 though.
Might even level up a tank class before getting to 50 with it.
Mostly want white MAge at 50 to give me some more choices for healing at end game, but I plan to mostly stick to scholar, so not in a hurry to max it.
I will get white mage to 34 for cross class skills though.
@Wipqozn Best part about Scholar is that you can use the Arcanist/Summoner class to level it up.
So you don't have to heal if you don't want to.
@Frank Yeah, it's really handy.
I do really enjoy healing though.
depending on when I get Black Mage Juniour to 15 I might use summoner when doing solo content. Having a tank pet would be really handy.
Luckily scholar damage is still good because of cleric stance, but the fairies don't seem all that useful when soloing.
Hockey time!
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment this seems really localized
10 dudes all in a room watching frozen. Yep.
Cc @... Never mind
So I'm messing around with a Reddit word cloud bot. Why am I doing this again?
Oh hey, I didn't even need to cc him for him to show up
@Unionhawk I was already here.
Okay. As much as I like Frozen, it's getting kinda ridiculous when I get cc'd on anything even tangentially related.
@Unionhawk sounds fun :)
@Yuuki I don't know :D
It's like @OrigamiRobot and sloths.
Except I like Frozen.
And sloths.
Which is why I didn't
@Yuuki that's what you get for setting your avatar to something current.
@AshleyNunn Oh yeah, I wanted to generate a word cloud for this thread (WARNING: Contains disproportionate amounts of VERY GOOD).
@Unionhawk It's because there's a spammable use item that says "VERY GOOD" aloud.
I see
In a rather comical way too.
Also, the same type of item exists for "HELLO", "THANK YOU", and "I'M SORRY".
> Oh my god this thread
^ nutshell
@Unionhawk The beautiful thing is that it (at last count) has 600+ upvotes.
So it's going to show up on /r/all fairly shortly, I assume.
So we should see a lot more "What." or "how is this NSFW?" depending on how they do spoiler maskd
(some subreddits mark spoilers as NSFW so they're hidden, they show up as spoilers on that sub)
@AshleyNunn Wow.
Reading that pitch physically hurt.
@Sterno I know, right/
@Chippies uncanny valley
@MBraedley how do you know what a baby moves like from his perspective? :P
@Chippies I'm talking about the teddy bear
oh, teddy bear is cool
he looks just like a cool and slightly creepy bear should look
Xenonauts finally releases in a few days. Yay
Bridge! Code Red, Supernova, or White out?
@Frank meep?
@Frank Code Red because it's a type of Mtn Dew.
@Frank White Out.
@StrixVaria All three are types of Mtn Dew.
Well then not Code Red because it's probably the worst type of Mtn Dew.
Too late! Code red it is!
> This Stores Name Will Be Geenlight Games.
He didn't even spell his own store's name right.
Bridge - anyone know if me and someone else both using my netflix account at teh same time is going to make anything explod?
@StrixVaria That was one of my favourite mistakes
@AshleyNunn I don't think so, but I've never tried
@AshleyNunn Also never tried, surprisingly, since my wife and I share an account.
I would think it would work, considering my sister's account is shared with like 4 people and she's never said anything borked ever
(not all of the people live in her house, so its not liek hse knows who is watching when)
Is anyone else having problems loading hotmail.com on chrome right now?
@Bunyip your problem is that you're trying to use hotmail
@MBraedley Thank you for clearing that up
I hate hate hate hate hate saying this but try IE.
Hotmail is designed for IE :/
Seriously, hotmail hasn't been any good since Microsoft bought it.
Yeah it works on IE. And I hate hate hate that I had to resort to it
Chrome says this: "Something is currently interfering with your secure connection to login.live.com.

Try to reload this page in a few minutes or after switching to a new network. If you have recently connected to a new Wi-Fi network, finish logging in before reloading.

If you were to visit login.live.com right now, you might share private information with an attacker. To protect your privacy, Chrome will not load the page until it can establish a secure connection to the real login.live.com."
Whereas IE doesn't give a shit. Unless it's Chrome's fault, which would hurt my soul
It's probably that Chrome actually cares about security and IE is like "lolidk".
@StrixVaria I hope so. But then did IE just fuck me over? Sigh
You can always count on IE to fuck you over.
@StrixVaria Excellent point. I will go work out for a little bit and see what chrome has to say when I get back
eugh... Hate ticks. found 3, my skin is crawling now.
@TrentHawkins Don't go outside.
@StrixVaria That's my usual plan, yes.
@TrentHawkins Once when I was a kid, I had a tick on my eyelid.
A parody cover of Let It Go, sung from the perspective of an exasperated mom.. (And man, that woman's got mad pipes.)
@OrigamiRobot oh man, that just makes me gross
Unfortunately, slowly repairing things around the cottage involves going into the bushes to repair the fence, among other tasks.
@AshleyNunn Another time, I pulled one off in school. My teachers freaked out. I didn't see what the big deal was.
@OrigamiRobot I've never encountered ticks and I am happy
@AshleyNunn I played in the woods a lot as a kid. They're no big deal.
@AshleyNunn Oh, but if you back it at $150, you get a Retro Nintento Console!
@SaintWacko that must be exciting because I have never heard of nintento
Frankly, ticks are less annoying than a mosquito, and don't tend to involve as much discomfort - but they still give me the heebie jeebies. I'm not too fond of things that try to suck my blood.
@TrentHawkins Plus ticks are a lot easier (and more fun) to kill
I usually cut them in half
Ticks can all go die in a fire
Which, incidentally, is another good way to dispose of them
They pop
Like most arachnids that invade my living space, I just tend to flush 'em.
Q: Should we kill garth as quickly as possible

Jim ThioAnd go to the next cycle or should we build skill first on current run?

@Frank you do save some money
@MBraedley A whole $29/100g!
If you save 60¢ each grocery trip, that's $30 a year!
I don't see the problem.
@OrigamiRobot Take a look at the bottom right of the tag.
Oh, that's not being bad at math, that's just typing it in wrong.
The per bag price is the same way above
What are you talking about?
No, that's bad at math. Those are 330g boxes
@OrigamiRobot $500/100g
That's a $1500+ box of cereal.
Where do you see 100g?
@OrigamiRobot Bottom right corner of the tag.
Lighter yellow area.
Looks like "per bag" to me
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, it's a bit blurry, but it's per 100g
@OrigamiRobot those things are always per 100g or per kg in Canada.
I'll have to take your word for it.
@GnomeSlice The Forest tomorrow get hyyyyyyyyyyype
@OrigamiRobot Did you pre-order?
I don't see anywhere to pre-order yet.
How do u invent chat rooms
@stizzle84 Go to 'all rooms' at the top right.
Then 'create new room' at the bottom.
K thanks
You need 100 rep.
@OrigamiRobot Bleh, early access
I guess I knew it wasn't done
I have to go do dishes and shit
@GnomeSlice we don't need to know about your bathroom breaks
"dishes and things"
@StrixVaria It's a chrome thing. Possibly a virus? It gives me the same thing when I try to visit google.com.... I don't know how it could be a virus, I just logged on for the first time today
Q: How to open Google Chrome with extensions disabled / turned off?

t_b_bGoogle Chrome is crashing when I try to open it. I'm assuming that it's probably a bad extension that's causing the problem. How can I start up Chrome with all extensions disabled / turned off?

Try this and see if that fixes it?
If it does, then I guess disable extensions one at a time to figure out which it is.
I read an article a while back about developers selling their extensions, and spammers buying them up to "update" them with bloatware.
Which is why chrome won't allow extensions except from the play store on Windows
Q: Clan finder problems

stizzle84My friend and I sat down at my house to find his clan. We looked and looked but did not find it. We were pretty upset and I wanted too know if there is any way we can find it?

Which is silly; it's a walled garden.
@Frank you'll be able to install from disk if you enable developer mode
Although that can be restricted with a group policy
The embarasment. (Shacking head)
Bad call, ref
Offsides 5 trillion yard penalty
They don't usually give yardage penalties in hockey.
I am talking about foot bal mr alien
I mean mongoose and football
Football is about as out of season as it gets.
I think we're about equidistant from the end of the last season and the start of the next season right now.
Hooray atlanta falcons
@StrixVaria probably close :P
@StrixVaria Wait, are we talking football, or *foot*ball?
(Souls fans might note the "FROM SOFTWARE"...)
@stizzle84 Are you continuing your random conversations without actually joining in the conversation in the Bridge? Remember what happened last time you did that?
@TrentHawkins American football, I think
@TrentHawkins I use the word "soccer" for the other one, if that helps disambiguate.
@BenBrocka The description makes me think it's a scam.
Me 2 i use soccer @ strix
@Frank It's just the first idiot to upload it to Youtube. It matches the leaked screenshots earlier
@StrixVaria gotcha - Although I think the start of the season is soon, I wouldn't call this equidistant. (Although This might just be the CFL.)
the original leak is a bunch of webm files: neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=827572
@TrentHawkins I know the season ends in February, and I think pre-season for NFL starts in August. So I guess we're a little closer to the start of the next one, but by less than a full month.
@StrixVaria technically, the regular season ends before New Year's Day
@MBraedley That doesn't seem particularly relevant, though.
Hockey is still going now, and it "ended" a month and a half ago.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I don't think there's any way in hell Football could be played in Canada much past November.
@TrentHawkins Didn't even think of that :P
The NFL usually schedules the Superbowl in a warm area, but Canada doesn't have those.
Past November, and it would turn into curling, as people curl the frozen players down the field for touchdowns.
Also, I bought an entire box of Crunch bars.
And that's that for MTL.
Crunch bars are ok.
@MBraedley Now I feel a little bad.
Go Kings go, I guess
Yay Kings!
They're the least awful team remaining.
@StrixVaria That's pretty much true
This also eliminates me and at least one other from the pool. I'll probably finish third, and can't do any better.
Wonder how the shotgun is supposed to work in beast souls
Okay, bed time
I'm running rifts! cc @spugs @origami @Chippies @everybody else who plays D3
Talking about sports seasons - does MMA run in a "season"?
(aka it every friday/saturday ALL YEAR?)
I should read more Mistborn.
Does Elend get more interesting?
He's still super boring.
@AshleyNunn @Frank @StrixVaria
@OrigamiRobot Sorta. But not a whole lot.
@Frank I'll join your for a run or two
Q: Cheat not working?

stizzle84I was playing Gta 5 on Xbox360 and I used the bang bang explosive bullets thing and I know I put it in correctly and all of the other cheats worked except this one. Can someone please tell me if this cheat does not work?

Zzz this divemastering stuff is so damn tiring
We had to swim out about a hundred yards to another group with a less than competent dm who surfaced that far from the boat.
Yeah. Should be an interesting week.
Q: How does Condemn - Reciprocate work?

z  'The game guide for the skill states: 50% of all damage taken while the explosion is building is added to the damage of the explosion. Is this pre reduction via armor/resistances, post reduction? Is this damage multiplied in any way by your modifiers?

@Unionhawk I'll trade you jobs!
@mods/10K'ers This needs deletion
2 hours later…
Q: What is the point of stars?

3DoubloonsWhen I finish a course, at least in Grand Prix mode, in the top left corner, there is a prompt to press + to add (or remove) one star out of six. What do these stars do?

@Frank Why delete Frank? If the info was publicly available about the game already then its a valid question and answer. Its only questions about unreleased content??
Maybe the youtube video isnt official? I would assume it to have been taken down.. I dunno
Q: Why does Reaver get away with all he did in Fable 3?

hydeIn Fable 3, Reaver is a pretty nasty person: the Hero personally sees him murder a worker in an intentionally slow and painful way for example, and he tries to get the Hero and Page killed in the Mansion. So, how come the Hero will seemingly happily tolerate Reaver in their court for the year, o...

Morning Bridge!
@James If the game can't be played yet, questions about it are off topic, anything based on a trailer is speculation, because things change. And if it's some other random youtube video, that's even more speculation...
What the fuck, @LessPop_MoreFizz?
Seriously, I don't typically participate in the whole "mod abuse" stuff, but ... what? He stepped down on 21st. He then - three days later - changed my question (again) to a less clearer version without giving any reasons at all and then used mod tools to lock it. And didn't even made a meta post about the dispute (aren't we supposed to do that?).
What. Mana is the one who stepped down
Ok, so I misread that announcement then (let me re-check). Still, WTF is it with putting the whole thing in dispute mode.
As for "content dispute mode" the post notice is purely cosmetic
I suppose the lock is there because he knew you'd revert it and he didn't want you to do so.
So .. .what now? Flag for mod attention, when it's a mod itself who's doing there? Post on meta? Escalate up to SE's admin level?
I actually wouldn't revert. There's a guideline from Jeff Atwood, and I'd stick to that.
Well, flagged for now, I'll let you guys sort it out for now.
oh half minute hero
OH half minute hero.
Q: Why not ADC Nami?

JutschgeWell yeah... I know what you're thinking. ADC Nami WTF?? But I just had some thoughts and theorycrafting on this one and I was really surprised with the results. I couldn't find a real point that speaks against an ADC Nami or at least not one she can't compensate for. First of all her more impor...

Now will I pick English US or English GB?!?!
Deutsch and Francais obviously
IT GETS BETTER. And by better I mean Origin-er.
I still think they should make games dubbed in swiss-german. Oh god that would be so much fun.
I bought Description unavailable for DB60, and several pages' worth of Description unavailable for DH1s.
Why did I buy the same thing so many times?!
There's also a couple DV45's and DB140.
1 hour later…
dem ovens
1 hour later…
Q: Why can't I use my reactor terminal in space engineers?

user77652I am looking right at my reactor terminal in survival mode however when I press K it opens up my inventory and I cant put uranium in the reactor (I am using a small reactor on a small ship). My friend has the same problem but it works fine on a large ship.

@James Nope. If the game isn't out, it's off-topic, regardless of it's source.
Cake for breakfast: Bad idea.
Bad Best idea.
Q: Inflict damage when player is hit by minecart

DatEpicCoderGuyWhoProgramsIs it possible to test when a player gets hit by a minecart, then inflict damage on the person hit by the minecart based on the speed of the minecart? If testing for the speed of the minecart isn't possible, that's okay. This is as far as I got with this: /testfor @e[type=minecart] Unfortunate...

@TimStone Nah, cake is abad breakfast.
I'm not really a fan of sweets in the morning.
What if it's angel food cake with strawberries? WHAT THEN?
@StrixVaria Depends on the cake.
Cheesecake best cake.
If it is angel cake or like...pound cake or coffee cake or something that is okay
if you are talking birthday cake, yeah, not so much
Or carrot cake. Start your day off with some veggies.
I forgot what kind of cake it was described as. It had cherry compote in it, though, which was the only breakfasty thing about it.
Carrot cake is best cake.
Your mom is best cake.
Cheesecake isn't even cake.
Oh buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn‌​nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
@JasonBerkan They should call it Objective Crap instead!
Hey guys, I made a funny.
@Wipqozn That's not a funny, that's a facepalm.
@Frank You must not have understand it. Here, let me explain it. Jokes are funnier when they need to be explained after all.
ignores @Wipqozn
You see @Frank, Objective C is terrible, aka it's crap. So instead of calling ot Objective C, I called it Objective Crap! te joke is I'm pretending the C stands for crap!
It's a really brilliant joke.
Also, are you planning to pick up Mario Kart 8 @Frank?
cc @OrigamiRobot @yuuki @ravendreamer @Fluttershy
@AshleyNunn Are you facedesking from laughter?
@Wipqozn SOmething like that

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