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ugh, tired
$25 smartphone coming form spreadtrum running #firefoxos #MWC14 http://t.co/1mZXLoBL5R
If they can pull this off, it might actually be a game changer.
hi @FAE
Q: I logged on steam and found that all of my games on the D: drive wasnt installed, but are still in their folder

user70112Why isnt the games in the library but they are installed on the pc? when I try to launch them, they want to install them http://puu.sh/77xVR.jpg http://puu.sh/77zhk.jpg any help would be nice, thanks.

Q: I cant change my avatar picture on steam using linux

VesAWhen i click on Browse it opens some steam folder and i cant change it to open my folders. Please help me!

@RedRiderX damn, knew they were aiming cheap, didn't expect that cheap
@Lazers lol
@BenBrocka Me either
I was think $250 at the low end
No a tenth of that
But is it subsidized?
$25 seems ridicolous
especially for web apps
also @BenBrocka it turns out that very long command chains do not get queued
but truncated
@badp They do seem like they have been doing a lot of work on their JS VM
And it seems like the whole os interface runs off that JS engine.
that doesn't help!
(as anybody who tried Gnome 3 can attest)
@badp What?
Mutter takes a ton of CPU and is barely functional
Somebody just discovered the star button.
Omg star overflow
Hey, Cortex Command has Steam cards now
Yes enjoy that star limit
Embrace it
@badp who had discovered that button. can you tell. although you are a mod
@Utkarsh WAS IT YOU?!?
@RedRiderX There's already android phones under $250
no man!
@BenBrocka True
@Utkarsh WELL WAS IT!?!!?!?!
I'd have guessed $100, $50 for extremely cheap
But what is their relative power?
then I'm going to assume @Wipqozn
Although with a different OS it's hard to gauge how far any hardware power goes.
@RedRiderX 1Ghz, presumably single core? I think the Galaxy S1 was a 1Ghz
Firefox OS may be better optimized than that early android though
anyone has tried chrome OS?
it's all webapps after all not shudder java
@badp This is because I'm a Turtle, isn't it? TURTLE HATER!
It was Chrome
And only chrome
that is pretty much Chrome OS
There's a desktop now. I think the "icons" are mostly just links to webapps
@Wipqozn well look at who was lurking!
@BenBrocka Yep
So you can have multiple Chromes at once.
But it's still just Chrome.
all of the chromes
yes you are right
but still, chrome OS seems to be good :D
@Utkarsh If you like chrome
@badp I wasn't lurking! I was, uh, um...LOOK OVER THERE! THERE'S SOMEBODY BEING MOD ABUSED!
And only need a web browser
no no!
So it seems like an ideal thin client os
It's not as limited as you'd think though. With RDP support (which chrome apparently has) and Steam In Home Streaming (which I'm almost certain it doesn't) it would easily replace my laptop for 95% of use cases
@BenBrocka Ah right
@RedRiderX it also has google docs, calender and everything else!
But that is still a Thin Client
@Utkarsh Yes but so does any computer with Chrome on it.
@RedRiderX yes
Or any web browser
I wish we got a chromebook for my grandma instead of a windows laptop
@BenBrocka Hmm yeah
@BenBrocka why?
price aside I bet she'd figure it out easier. She's already better with her nexus 7 than the laptop
Q: What's a good trophy army for a town hall 8?

GoolianI've maxed out my troops for town hall 8 and I'm trying to do a big push, any suggestions?

yes it is also, it is easy to use
anyone here, tried windows 8>
@Utkarsh Logging in, updates, virus scans, desktop icons, it's a lot of unnecessary complexity for a device she only needs to use facebook, email and share pictures on
@Utkarsh yes, I have it installed on my desktop
plus chromebooks are cheaper, harder to "break" software-wise and probably more battery efficient
@BenBrocka you are right!
I could get an acceptable-grade chromebook for only twice the price of my laptop's (dying) battery
@MBraedley how much is its idle ram usage?
@Utkarsh never really checked
@MBraedley so, check next time :D
@BenBrocka but still, chrome is hungry of ram and battery as compared to firefox
firefox must have their =own OS
@Utkarsh using 3 of 12GB
@MBraedley i am asking RAM usage, not disk usage
@Utkarsh you think I only have a 12GB HDD?
@MBraedley you could be on a 1998 e machines for all we know!
Or a Wii U!
@BenBrocka And still able to run Win8, let alone all my game?
@Utkarsh 2GB is probably plenty for chrome alone though. 4 would probably be ideal. With no Windows 7 you're saving like 1GB of ram or more I think
@BenBrocka yes you are right
Does Chrome OS have Flash?
my idle ram usage of windows7 is 899mb out of 1528mb
and in ubuntu, 181mb out of 1528mb
@Utkarsh you only have a gig and a half? Seems low for anything other than Linux.
I could barely stand 4GB on my laptop. Paging file, even on an SSD, is awful
And it's not good for the SSD, so I upgraded to 8GB
I hope to never have to use a non-work PC that uses a paging file ever again
Hoping to do that at work too once I can finally upgrade to a 64bit OS
Mind you, windows is using so much because there's so much available. If I only had 4 gigs, usage would be a lot lower.
@MBraedley no, i just have to do simple work like surfing internet and etc. why? its is not good for windows 7?
My laptop was plenty content to sit at 75% usage on 4GB with only a browser open
@BenBrocka os?
@Utkarsh Microsoft recommends at least 2 gigs these days
@MBraedley microsoft is mad!
@Utkarsh win7 x64
@JeffreyLin So you have to upload a video?
@BenBrocka x64 takes more ram than x86?
@Utkarsh my XP machine has 4 gigs, my HTPC has 6. Memory is cheap
Q: Inventory Slot Detection

James Of Da PeachIn Sethbling's snapshot 14w07b video, he uses a command block to give him jump boost while he is wearing his Boots of Leaping. I am trying to imitate this for a multiplayer map I am making. Wearing golden boots called "Stealth Boots" is supposed to give that player invisibility. I am using this ...

@Utkarsh 64-bit can use (a lot) more, and applications expect more available.
Anyone watching Twitch Plays Pokemon? I can't make sense out of the "updates" stream. SEems like they've deposited lots of stuff
@GnomeSlice Art question for you
Do you know how to save .PNGs without gamma adjustment?
@RavenDreamer I don't even know what you mean by Gamma Adjustment.
Q: How can I get pixel data from a .PNG?

Raven DreamerWithout using System.Drawing? I have a C# application that receives a list of filepaths pointing to a number of .PNG files. I would like to extract an array of pixel (color) data from the image, but I am having trouble determining the best way to extract that. I had originally hoped to be able ...

Basically, I have a PNG that when I open in paint, the pixels are one color
And then I open that file programmatically, and the pixels report being a different color.
I'm trying to verify if there's some aspect of the PNG that I can remove to get the two colors equivalent.
That sounds odd.
MS Paint? MS Paint won't save transparent PNGs I think
can you save it in something else?
Sorry, I don't know anything about that.
@BenBrocka It doesn't, and I'm not using transparency.
Have also saved it with Paint.net, no change.
chrome too hungry
@FAE no, you have to submit a random name and email, and then it will give you an amazon coupon for 100% off the game
@JeffreyLin You don't even have to verify the email?
@FAE nope
You do need to give Amazon a credit card number though, it doesn't matter if it's real or fake
Wonder why Crystal is going so well when they got stuck forever in Red
@JeffreyLin I kinda does if the files contain a virus
"Rngplayspokemon: Bias is now left"
Dux and Cabbage were released :(
Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking about the actual download
@badp wait they're adjusting it? I thought the only bias was to keep it from pressing start all the time
@OrigamiRobot are bird jesus and lapras safe?
@MBraedley download is from steam
@BenBrocka They're in the box, so not really.
@JeffreyLin the website just looked a little sketch though
@OrigamiRobot ffs. Did they even manage to withdraw zapdos?
@MBraedley who says, it is cheap? it is so costly here in india
@JeffreyLin looked like it was just for windows
@MBraedley all it does is give you an Amazon coupon
@FAE I don't know about that, you'll have to look at the steam page
@BenBrocka I dunno, I see spinning kappas
What game will you recommend to a 14 year old?
> The best way to teach people is to teach them in a way that they don't realize they're learning until it's too late.
@Utkarsh Minecraft!
@OrigamiRobot but they'll still need the box again to get someone with Surf right?
@JeffreyLin but its not free
@BenBrocka According to the progress doc, yes.
I just called my city councilperson and told them to give Google Fiber a thumbs up!
@Utkarsh I mean prices haven't come down recently, but in the grand scheme of things, it can be a small portion of the cost of a new computer
Woo! Go Cary municipality!
Why is that something they have to ask about
"Hey would you like competitive, cheap extremely fast internet?"
"Ehhhh nah"
@BenBrocka It's something similar to this:
user image
But with Comcast / TWC, and the politicians.
That gif is way less funny without the mountain dew explosion
@BenBrocka You're welcome!
Look at me not hotlinking to images! What a guy!
@RavenDreamer Did you give them your thumbs up or did you tell them the Official City Council of Sharks Monocled Or Otherwise gave them their Official Bitemark Of Approval?
@BenBrocka "RNG is running with a 5% bias on start, a 15% bias on A, and a 10% bias on B. The movement bias will be set for ~2% toward the current goal in the event it's needed, and if RNG is on to make it current."
"C sometimes needs assistance. These assists vary from reloading savestates (to prevent losing an important Pokemon) to teaching TMs and HMs, and changing party members (for HMs required to continue). Assists are always voted on beforehand. A list of past assists can be found on the progress page."
@badp oh, hm
It's an interesting system but it's not really RNG playing if it's getting that much assistance
 Save State Zone 1: 19:55:20 - ~ 21:20:00
Progression: New Bark Town - Union Cave Pokemon Center
Intervention 2: ~46:50:00
The Great Confusion; Teaching Cut
Intervention 3: 72:00:00
Buying a TM48 for Ty, putting Hot Pidgey into party, renaming Swift Rat (I)
Intervention 4: 73:10:00
Morty puzzle
Intervention 5: ~77:05:00
Putting Ty in party, catching water pokemon, teaching surf
Intervention 6: ~113:20:00
Boxing Abra
I wish they'd list gametime not realtime, realtime is meaningless with the emulator on speedup
non-constant speedup, too.
I guess that's what makes it so hard to get the actual in-game time
you can see it when he saves...which happened a lot more in the gen 1 version
gen 1 must have defaulted to save for the start menu?
I can't tell if TPP went insane or botting like mad
Q: The Wolf Among Us - Season Pass

KingofBlissI have purchased The Wolf Among Us - Season Pass last night, but couldn't find it in my download list. But the product page shows it as purchased. Also Do I need to purchase the "The Wolf Among Us : Episode 1" game too? (Which costs few more bucks)

@RavenDreamer I wonder if Pineville is technically Charlotte enough
@Arperum :D
Q: Assasin's Creed 1 help needed! Unable to complete missions?

user70099I've started playing the entire Assassin's Creed saga again, however in AC1 I'm having some problems. In the assassination missions, you need to scale a tower and synchronise viewpoints in order to see your objectives and further your progress in the game. However, I've already scaled all of the ...

@fredley I'm laughing already, and I haven't even clicked on the link
@fredley It annoys me that it says "Sochi 2014", but depicts Vancouver 2010.
@Unionhawk What do you think this is? Some kind of pedant hangout?
Apparently Nintendoland was removed from the eShop. It's like they WANT people to have no use for the gamepad
@fredley YES
@Unionhawk Any idea what upset that guy last night? I was very confused this morning
@fredley Nope.
We're pretty much on the same page. I have no idea.
@Unionhawk I searched through the chat log and could only find two interactions between us, neither of them were anything to write home about
I haven't exercised any mod powahs against him
@fredley are we talking about that guy who kept talking to me and linking to your SE profile?
@spugsley Yeah
@fredley You should clearly stop being a psychopath. (No clue here either)
@fredley ugh. That was super weird. I finally ignored him. First time I've ever ignored anyone :/
I'm kinda bugged by it, I'm trying to find out what it is that caused the outburst, but I can't find anything
@fredley anything on meta? like a comment or something?
I've got absolutely no idea. This particular user is... I don't even.
@spugsley Not on this site's meta
I'm checking other sites now
he might be mad that you pointed out he was awkwr or whatever his name was.
But I've read every google result page featuring both of our usernames, and come up with nothing
@fredley he told me that you called him a name or something but he wasn't being super clear. And that really didn't seem like something you would do
@spugsley Yeah. I scoured the chat logs, there's nothing like that.
@fredley I didn't think so :/ wish I could help. I probably could have pried it out of him but he was really pushing my patience limit
@spugsley It's just bugging me that's all
@fredley understandable.
I missed drama. Sad.
Probably related, but it only deepens the mystery
@fredley huh. Strange.
did you try searching your name and his old username?
@spugsley Yup
@fredley super weird. I have no idea why you're the target of his ranting then
good nuight
@3ventic I'm sure that comment won't contribute to this drama at all
What drama?
@Sterno eh, there wasn't much to miss. It was really weird and confusing
Who are you even talking about?
@3ventic That user kind of acts like @fredley is a reincarnation of some evil god.
What user
I'm totally not understanding anything you're saying right now.
@Unionhawk inf
@fredley Yeah yeah yeah
1 min ago, by Arperum
@3ventic That user kind of acts like @fredley is a reincarnation of some evil god.
Where "that user" is the poster who you replied to.
anyway, I'm back out, food making time.
I'll be back later when I can wrap my head around this
for anyone who thinks abandoned places are cool, here are some abandoned restort pictures: weather.com/travel/abandoned-hotels-and-resorts-photos-20140219
Netflix agrees to pay Comcast to ensure movies, TV shows stream smoothly - @WSJ http://on.wsj.com/1jqXewQ
Abandoned places are creepy
@3ventic I like to explore them :D
Unless it's my home that's abandoned by the rest of my family
that's awesome.
@3ventic A user was in here yesterday going on about how @fredley is a Psychopath without actually providing any specific examples of what fredley has done.
Q: How to keep stuff when you die in terraria

user70107When I die all the things we work out. I've seen the joutube that they remain with them. If you know how to make me stay with me, let me know.

@Wipqozn I am trying, and failing to find examples of my own psychopathy
(sigh) Netflix, I think you just screwed yourself
@fredley Well there was that time you burned down that childrens hospital.
@Unionhawk you were like a brother to me! Wait, that didn't hold up.
@Lazers play on "mediumcore" or easier (default - and it says right freaking there in the tooltip for that setting)
@Wipqozn Yeah, but I didn't call anyone any names!
I hate the joutube.
If anyone's maybe a psychopath, it might be @fei. But I doubt even that.
@MBraedley They were supposed to be fighting this
Also wasn't comcast saying like a WEEK ago that they weren't throttling netflix?
@BenBrocka I know, hence the sigh
@Unionhawk There's a button on that page you can click to answer the question. Try it today! :)
@Sterno nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo okay
And I KNOW they just said that if they bought Time Warner Cable they wouldn't do this (but they already are)
if you insist
And downvote it while you're at it.
If it weren't for the title, I'd totally be VTC'ing that question as unclear.
@3ventic inb4 me, not even mad
Because I would have apparently gotten it wrong
@Wipqozn Is this Alex? Just remember, he's the one who used to (and apparently, still is) posting random images and videos.
I thought softcore was "keep everything"?
Q: How Can I Improve My Macro & Micro?

RivianHow can I improve my micro/macro skills from the bottom?Which hotkeys are most useful for macro?

@Frank isn't that @GnomeSlice?
@Frank yes, it was Alex.
I think I know what happened
@fredley find your psychopathy?
@MBraedley Like GnomeSlice but 1) Not, and 2) Worse, and different.
@Wipqozn His username used to be axwrkr, or something to that effect.
@Frank Worked out that Alex was awkwkxrw, and it would appear that he got confused and thinks it was me
@Frank was the psychopath all along!
@Frank Yeah, I know.
@fredley It all makes sense now!
@fredley I'm not a psychopath! You guys are just too uptight about things like death and murder!
@fredley well, at least there is that mystery solved, hopefully.
@frank we did murder the murder tag after all.
@AshleyNunn I got to feel what it's like to be @Frank for a day though! *shudders*
Oh snap, almost all my wooden houses are upgraded to stone.
Oh snap
@Unionhawk Banished?
Not sure how you can confuse @fredley with @fbueckert. They're nowhere near similiar!
@Frank You... you spelled fredley wrong...
@fredley how terrifying :o
They both have f and e and r and...that's all I have got in terms of connection.
But then I could never spell fbeuekert right without autocomplete
@spugsley I never want to be @Frank ever again
@Wipqozn fuck yea
@fredley Aw, c'mon! It's not that bad!
@fredley very @Frank
Oh, my church is full.

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