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And the entire point of a fast pool strategy is to catch your opponent off guard and go for an early build order win.
Arqadudes and Arqadettes!
Tonight... we dine at 100k!
@RavenDreamer Congrats? I don't know if that sort of dining is yummy or not....
@SimonL Bad answers do not bad questions make.
cue the screams of 300 spartans
@RavenDreamer covers her ears
Hurry up you slow poke
@RavenDreamer Here, I'll downvote you to help out.
@RavenDreamer There. Now you need 115 rep, not 113.
It's more fun when there are lots of zeroes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why do you think this question is a good question? I personally do not see how it is subjective.
What if it becomes 100005 though
@badp Clearly I should downvote someone, then get downvoted twice more.
@SimonL You called it subjective yourself.
13 mins ago, by SimonL
But it is a very opinionated question.
or we can downvote you thrice and then you just need to undo an upvote!
for that sweet 99,999
@LessPop_MoreFizz What I meant to say was, good subjective vs bad subjective* to your earlier point.
As to why it's good subjective, that's because any good answer will be well supported by facts and references, and will reflect real strategic concerns about the various strengths of different openings.
Selection of an opening build in Starcraft is not the same as selection of a favorite color. There are real factual concerns that influence the decision, and there are real impacts that can come of various choices you make. Being able to properly articulate the strengths of those various decisions is what makes an answer good.
The fact that a good question is getting bad answers is not inherently indicative of a bad question. It can be a red flag, but it's one that needs to be evaluated in context. There's a reason that users can cast downvotes as well as upvotes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So do you think a question like "What are the differences between starting: boots health pots, cloth armor health pots, dorans shield and dorans sword top lane as jarvan?" is also a good subjective question?
@SimonL Ugh. LoL.
@SimonL League questions are generally total gibberish to me, but if I understand it properly, then yes, it seems like a pretty valid question.
@RavenDreamer Will there be cake?
@SimonL In the interest of avoiding a crime against grammar, I'd probably have rendered it as "How should I select starting items for top lane Jarvan" or some such, but that's quibbling.
"Strange bacon grease"
What the fuck Valve. What the fuck
@LessPop_MoreFizz Feel free to correct my grammar at any time, my English is not that good. I will have to think on what you have said. I am not sure that I can accurately answer the OP's question without providing an opinion - I thought that answering a question with an opinion and not facts is frowned upon.
@SimonL Pure opinion questions are bad.
Best TF2 item ever was just added to the game: "Strange Bacon Grease"
But if you can go, "I think this is good because of reasons X, Y, and Z", and point to facts, then those are the best questions.
Oh, @badp beat me to it
Those that play Resident Evil, is this something that's addressed at all?
Or is that a game of poke the plot hole?
Q: Is there a way to turn off auto save?

PileOfDutyI'd rather just control my own saves manually than having to wait for the game to auto save at specified checkpoints and confuse my load list. Is there a way to disable auto save?

Q: What is the difference in APM calculation between WoL and HotS?

dbemerlinAccording to the WoL observer APM counter i hovered around 90-100 APM when i was at my peak a year ago. Since then i made a long break and now with HotS i did some matches against the AI to check out the new stuff and was very suprised to see my APM average go to 130 eventhough i just fooled arou...

Starcraft II just handed me a beatdown.
@Sterno Me too :(
Crashed on the first mission.
@RavenDreamer Mine was incompetence on my part. I suck at Zerg micro and am playing on Hard, and that 3rd mission (maybe 4th? I lost track) where Kerrigan needs to take out a cannon handed my ass to me
So, yay, extra games for everyone. Does anyone want keys for Swords & Sworcery, Splice or Crayon Physics Deluxe?
Splice and SB:S&S EP is pretty neat. Crayon Physics is probably better played with a touchscreen.
Q: How do I survive until reinforcements arrive on Rendevous?

Raven DreamerI'm still early in the campaign, and the only unit I can spawn from Larvae are Zerglings, which die en masse to the Hellions, Hellbats, and Firebats roving the map, and are utterly useless against the wraiths and vikings that appear, given that they can't attack air. Spore and Spine Crawlers help...

Damn, crashed again.
Where is Oak anyway? Shouldn't he be answering SC2 questions?
Anyway, there are all sorts of neat new Strange stuff in TF2.
I know @badp wants the Strange Build Tool.
@RavenDreamer I survived until the reinforcements arrived. My reinforcements got wiped out really fast though.
@Sterno Really? When I did it, I had already lost my hatchery when reinforcements arrived. They manged to kill off all the attackers, then we just steamrolled into the base.
Had to make another batch or two of zerglings, though, since they die pretty quick.
@RavenDreamer Yeah. It wasn't even a close fight. But I was pretty much out of troops when the reinforcements arrived.
@SimonL Here's a comparable question:
Q: Dual wield 1H vs 1H + Quiver vs 2H + Quiver?

JakobudAs a demon hunter, you have three choices: Dual Weld 1H crossbows 1H crossbow + quiver 2H crossbow/bow + quiver Given equivalent level items of all of these types, in every single situation I have ALWAYS found the 2H crossbow/bow + quiver to be the highest dps of the three combos. Next highes...

I almost built almost no spine crawlers
Or this similar one (I honestly almost want to dupe the two)
A: Is there a non-DPS reason to favour a crossbow/hand crossbow/bow?

OakThe most obvious difference is that the Archery passive gives you a different bonus depending on your weapon type of choice. A second difference is the choice for the secondary hand - with a hand crossbow it's either another hand crossbow, a shield or a quiver, while with a bow or crossbow the o...

The second one is notable in particular because of a deleted answer:
> The point in all weapons in Diablo 3 is the DPS factor... Based on this you can make your Crazy build. Remember, Blizzard design based to improve your creativity about build with over a billion possibilities.
Which points to everything that separates a good subjective question from a bad one.
Bad subjective is "What's your favorite color".
@spugsley 'ello 'ello 'ello 'ello
Good subjective questions are those where the answer is going to have real impact and require evidence based explanation.
@Sterno O_O
@LessPop_MoreFizz aha! I knew it!
Q: Should this question really be marked as a duplicate?

RobotnikWhat units, if any, were removed or restricted from Heart of the Swarm multiplayer was marked as a duplicate of What balance changes were made between the final Wings of Liberty Patch and Heart of the Swarm? The first asks for balance changes to existing units in multiplayer, and the second ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz What a funny hat he's got
@spugsley He's not a/the pope. Though he is considered papabili, or a strong candidate for the position at the moment.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, didn't we have this conversation already?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yes. And since Spugs still doesn't know why I'm linking his picture, I'll continue to until she figures it out.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OMG WHY?!?!?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You haven't told her yet?
@AshleyNunn I have, she just hasn't listened.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am bad at listening
Or maybe really bad short term memory
@spugsley Go to google.com, and paste "https://i.sstatic.net/KFfFj.jpg" into the search field. Then click on "Search by Image".
@LessPop_MoreFizz pshhhh too much work
@spugsley Then you will never know.
Yay, Dropbox 2.0
OH MY GOD strange build tool in crate 50 why
Why in crate 50
It's going to be super giving expensive
And there's a S. Guilltine in crate 56
i want the s. build tool
so badly
and then maybe the splendid screen
who gives a crap about the strange guillotine when there is a strange build tool
No, fuck your S. Build tool
Guillotine beats the Build tool
any day, any night
Shut up it tracks teleports and health healed
@badp Ooh, that's real scary.. Your gun shoots medicine....Intimidating
ALL of the teleports. ALL OF THEM
and then we'll have s. farmers
it'll feed on your tears when you miss the sandman guillotine combo and people come to my dispenser to heal
The upshot is the strange eureka effect isn't in crate 50.
I also want a strange eureka effect. Best wrench.
No, why would you want a shit wrench
If anything, I want a S. Disiplinary Action
because I am the commandant. You will take my teleports, heal at my dispensers and defend my sentries
and you will be happy about it and I will blame you when they go down is that understood?
@badp Yes sir?
Ma'am, yes, ma'am!
... is the appellation still 'sir' for women in the army?
@badp I have no idea
/cc @ender
You must be shitting me
Q: CreateTexture failed(8007000E)

aearonI get this error fairly often, usually in less than 10 minutes of gameplay: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22] OS: Windows NT 6.2 (Build: 9200) CPU: AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 3601 MHz with 4095MB RAM Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (1407) CreateTexture failed(8007000E). History...

Q: How do I get coconuts?

EBongoTo upgrade my Bazaar I need rope, to make rope I need coconuts. Coconuts seem to be something that would grow in game, but I've never seen a place where I could grow them. How to get them?

Q: Are Pepin's deals ever "bad"?

EBongoFrequently Pepin will offer to buy things from me. The game clearly displays that he is offering me a price better than "market" though I don't really know where I can sell things other than to him. Often times he offers flooz too, which seems very hard to come by. Since there are so many item...

So close to 15k, I can taste it
how does it taste?
@Jin Like rainbows
no thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can see how the answers to the diablo 3 questions are easily supported with factual evidence. Using 2h lacks a shield, 1h weps attack faster and have more synergies with on hit effects etc... But in trying to answer the starcraft 2 build order question, I cannot think of a way to answer it without asserting my opinion with facts supporting it.
@Jin Yeaaah. Ummm... Link please?
A: What build order should I use for Zerg in StarCraft 2?

tzenesAn opening dictates how you are going to start the match. The basic Zerg openings: 6–10 Pool (Rush) 13–14 Pool (Standard) 14–15 Pool, 16 Hatch (Macro) 14–15 Hatch, 15–16 Pool (Macro+) 14 Gas, 14 Pool (Speedling) 12 Pool (Sen Style) How to read these: The number indicates the number of drones...

....now I never want to be 15k because rainbows are icky
You can give me bounties to keep yourself below the line, no worries.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The question is asking "which build should I use" the answer is, here is a list of builds... It doesn't answer the question. Although I agree, it is a very good answer listing common builds.
Simply run past 15k as fast as possible
@AshleyNunn But it's unicorn poop! Who doesn't want unicorn poop?
and don't look back
Run Ashley run!
@badp flees
@SimonL That's the difference between a good answer and a great one.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So you are suggesting, instead of me answering the OP's question verbatim. I should instead try to show the pros and cons of each build order?
@SimonL A good answer lays out the build you think is strongest and why. A great answer lays out the strengths of all of the builds - even if you end by saying "Personally, I think X is strongest because of A, B, and C, but keep in mind that Y and Z do have situational utility".
@SimonL Looking through Tzene's SCII answers is a pretty good catalog of "good subjective' answers for SCII.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Link for the article on the right?
nvm found it
Still over the wifi nonsense. Nothing new there.
But it'll make headlines and lead to people yelling at me, I'm sure.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I am almost a fan.
@RavenDreamer Almost?
As far as parodies / crossovers, that one isn't too bad
But then again it's a pretty easy parody. RD even has the stripes coming out of her back.
@AshleyNunn I refuse to watch My Little Pony until I have appropriate companionship to watch it.
@RavenDreamer What is appropriate companionship?
@AshleyNunn Other people, of course!
@RavenDreamer I would watch with you!
Single, College-age programmer, sitting home alone at night, watching my little pony?
That was depressing to even type out!
@RavenDreamer I managed to get Double Perfectionist in Runner2 today. Gonna try for Triple next. =3
Q: How do I make more building "combos"?

EBongoEarly in the game I got a combo by following a specific recipe of placing buildings next to each other: Eye Glasses store, Fruit Stand, Flower Cart. This created some huge windmill thing on top of the fruit stand, and apparently I get bonuses to the shops for arranging them this way. Is there a...

@Fluttershy Is that Double Perfects on every level? Or just 2 / world?
@RavenDreamer Minus the programmer-ness, that is totally me sometimes
@RavenDreamer Two per world. I'm in world 5 with perfect+ the whole way, so I'll probably work on getting perfect+ on all difficulties.
Shatter gets really hard in the latter levels. Not hard in the "you're going to die" sense, since the game starts throwing 1-ups at you like no tomorrow whenever your lives drop below 2, but the levels are built in a way that demands the bricks to be broken in a certain way
@Fluttershy Yeah, I got Perfectionist last weekend. Perfect on every level. Did it on "Quite Easy", though, so now I'm going through again on "Just Right"
@RavenDreamer Gotcha. I've been going through on Just Right. Gonna work on Rather Hard next, I think. Get it out of the way so I can just sail through on Quite Easy. <_<
@Fluttershy See, I'd have no drive to complete it on easy if I did it on hard first.
@RavenDreamer I'm gonna go through and track down all of the retro levels on easy.
@Fluttershy Did those too. One of the ones in world 5 took a good dozen tries to get to.
Also, CaptainVideo is best CommanderVideo.
@RavenDreamer That the world 5 unlockable?
@Fluttershy He is, yes.
I dunno. I've been playing as CommanderGirlVideo in the Rebel Belle costume.
I posted the list of new TF2 crate items on Reddit in the update thread an hour or more ago and my Reddit inbox exploded.
Then again, they released a Strange item that tracks 3 different stats
Strange Build Tool tracks Sentry Kills, Health Given from Dispensers, and Teleports... it seems to level off the Health Given from Dispensers.
I think I'm going to play TF2 for a bit, haven't played in awhile.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thank you for taking the time to explain the difference of good subjective vs bad subjective.
Also, I'm obsessing over TF2 even more than usual as a diversion from other, more serious things going on in my life.
Specifically, this:
My father passed away on March 12 at 6:51pm EDT. Funeral arrangements have yet to be decided.
@Powerlord My condolences to you and yours.
Anyone know what's going on here?
@MBraedley That's usually not a good sign.
Or it could be Steam is trying to access an HDD that you removed (USB?)
@Powerlord My 2 physical drives are fine though, and I didn't remove a drive when this first started
@MBraedley check event viewer
its one of two things, either your hard drive is failing or your mother board is.
motherboard port* or its an external drive that you have unplugged I think
Honestly, I'd try rebooting and see if the error pops again. If it does, delete Steam's ClientRegistry.blob while Steam is shut down, which will force it to rebuild the game installation cache.
Q: Are there any visual changes to Kerrigan when / as she levels up?

Gareth JonesAs the title says, as you (as Kerrigan) level up, does your (again, as Kerrigan) appearance change?

^ bleh
4 mins ago, by MBraedley
@Powerlord My 2 physical drives are fine though, and I didn't remove a drive when this first started
And nothing else is showing in the event viewer
@MBraedley There is no Error event type messages in Event Viewer?
Q: If I replay WoL campaign and make different chooses, would it change HotS campaign a bit? [minor spoiler]

user1032613During one of the early missions in HotS, Nova mentioned about how I helped Tosh instead of helping her, back in WoL. I wonder if that's just some scripted lines she say no matter what, or is it dynamically changing. Have you heard of her saying the opposite? Would replaying WoL make any differen...

Q: What determines how much damage a blue fly does?

quillbreakerI've had trips into the basement where blue flies seemed to do almost cosmetic damage, and trips into the dungeon where the blue flies were a murderous death swarm. What items or statistics make blue flies stronger or weaker?

Q: How could I place a rail that inclined without a block "ahead" of it

SpoonFor instance, to create the incline, I would need to place two blocks, one directly diagonal of the other above it, and remove the highest block without breaking the rail, leaving just an inclined rail.

Q: How can I speed up the "Optimization" stage of the SC2 launcher?

ResorathMy Starcraft 2 launcher is currently at 5.1% of "Reconfiguring game files. Please wait". Unfortunately, it has been like this for 30+ minutes. The launcher clearly states not to close the Launcher, what should I do to speed up (or restart) this process?

Q: How does the Void Ray's Prismatic Alignment ability work with upgrades?

ResorathThe void ray's new Prismatic Alignment ability increases the damage it does versus armored by 6 when used. However the ability also says "This does not scale with upgrades.". What does that mean exactly? It would stand to reason that the void ray's normal damage of 6, with the prismatic alignmen...

@SimonL Nothing that I'm worried about. There are always errors, but most are trivial.
@MBraedley hmmm, sorry I am not quite sure what the problem would be then. The only times I have had errors of that sort are from bad hard drives/connections. I have always been able to resolve them by looking in the event viewer log and reading the exception detail.
If you figure it out I'd be interested in knowing what the resolution is
100k rep!
On an xcom question, actually.
@RavenDreamer That's pretty impressive!
Either I got worse at twin stick shooter or something, but Jamestown somehow seems harder than I remembered
The last time I played I could get through the first three levels without a scratch at normal. Now I died 4 times.
@SimonL Looks like it was looking for something in my card reader, despite nothing being there when I started the machine
@MBraedley Strange
Hrump, I really shouldn't be dying on Normal at all.
Stranger is that steam was looking for it.
@SimonL And out of the blue for no reason
Jamestown only supports local co-op, right?
Okay, let's try a restart
later all
Q: Swtor class questing help

JohnI am about 4 levels lower than I should be. I keep dieing and can't find a quest that's the same or lower level than me. I'm a level 8 consular on a level 12 consular class quest. Nothing has seemed to help me so I decided to ask.

Q: Is the fortune wheel deterministic?

EBongoI have noticed that when I "click" the fortune wheel it seems to always drift a few spaces and then land. Is this a deterministic behavior? In other words, can I time my spin to land on a particular space - or are the results determined by the server and it doesn't really make a difference when...

Gah.... fail to login to starcraft 2 3 times and my account becomes locked... go to reset my password to get rid of the lock and... its still locked. if only I had known caps lock was on sooner...
Why do people think locking an account is a security improvement is beyond me.
@RavenDreamer grats on 100k, you chinese farmer
@Jin This means I get a unicorn signed by Jon Skeet, right?
@RavenDreamer I believe I was promised dinner.
@RavenDreamer no you get an unwashed sock, signed by me, in bacon grease.
@Jin "Strange" bacon grease. O.o
@Coronus you're using the word Bacon in vain.
@Jin :O Not me! I worship bacon! It was TF2! Valve made me do it!!!
@SimonL It's to prevent multiple guesses of your password.
It is really annoying that you can't VTC something as a dupe if the thing it's a dupe of doesn't have an upvoted/accepted answer
Because this is definitely a dupe of this
Although hooray, you can get around it by upvoting an answer, then VTC'ing the dupe, and then removing your upvote :P
I saw that one, I was wondering if the subtle difference would be enough to keep it alive.
It's really already basically answered in the body of the other question, but even if it wasn't, it's basically just a very specific case of the more general one
Q: Where are the essences for the bonus objective on the level "Waking the Ancients"?

deutschZuidSince the map for this level is fairly big and the essences are not marked, I spent a few minutes scrolling the minimap trying to find the other two essences to no avail (I did find the one closest to my starting base). Where are they exactly? Would anyone be able to pinpoint them on the map?

@Fluttershy Your face is a life sustaining environment.
@OrigamiRobot My face is very lively, yes.
@Fluttershy Fuck yeah Scishow
@AshleyNunn I've only recently started watching it, but I like it.
@Fluttershy I love it. Then again, there are very few John/Hank Green related things I do not like
@AshleyNunn Wait... same John Green? O_o
@Fluttershy Yep!
Man... that guys does everything!
@Fluttershy He really does
Q: Can you completely delete a city in SimCity (2013)

robob1988I ran out of money completely in my city to the point I can not continue. I can not get to positive $/hr for it to continue, so I'm curious if it is possible to completely redo a city in my region. Abandoning does nothing but offer a change of ownership. Is it possible to send money from another ...

Q: Are there choices to make along the campaign?

jmfsgIn Wings of Liberty, there were two missions where you could choose who to side with and there were differences in the story according to what you did. Are there such missions in Heart of the Swarm? If so, what are the differences between choosing one or the other option (as regards to the story...

@Lazers Duuuuplicate
So after the SC2 event, we can look forward to (hopefully) a game giveaway in some form.
@fbueckert In general those happen before a game is released
And to be frank I don't think they're doing that anymore
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yes, however this is what @AnnaLear was saying.
Feb 7 at 20:53, by Anna Lear
Basically, once the SC2 Thing is wrapped up, we're gonna see about grants again. Likely in a different format than before.
@fbueckert I am curious to know what she means
Ooo, nice, tiling Rainbow Dash wallpaper pattern fallenzephyr.deviantart.com/art/…
Tiling patterns are so interesting. I should find out how to make them
Q: Can I freely take items from any container?

Petr AbdulinThere are some obviously NPC-attached houses/places in the game, and it seems like NPC are completely fine if I search all their bookshelves, desks, etc. and take items stored there. Is doing such things somehow affects the game, or only stealing directly from NPC affects you?

Q: What is Blizzard Time?

ahsteeleI'm reading through the Reddit AMA Transcript (link to entire /r/IAmA) which was conducted a week prior to the release of Heart of the Swarm. Several of the questions and answers refer to Blizzard Time not being equal to Real Time. I am unfamiliar with Blizzard Time: What is it? How does it rel...

Q: Changed Partition from NTFS to EXT4 and owner is set to root

user139879I just changed the file-system of one of my partitions to be able to install games from steam on it. It is now ext4 and Owner is set to root, I can not create any folders there or do anything with it. What shall I do? I'm running ubuntu 12.04 dual boot with windows 7. And that partition is not ne...

Q: Have there been any changes to Heart Of the Swarm Multiplayer since the Beta?

nathan hayfieldI played the beta till it closed a few weeks ago. Since launch I have been playing the campaign. Before I do my trials and try and get placed in a decent league, I'm wondering if there were any changes to multi-player since the beta. Any links would be appreciated.

Q: How do I rotate components when designing a ship?

XenoxIn the Stardrive beta, is it possible to rotate components during ship design in the shipyard?

Q: Reclaiming an abandoned city results in an error message

ValamasVia the CityLog I found regions with abandoned cities. I click on a city which shows the details or what is has, sort of looks like and its current name. When I click the reclaim button, I get an error. Am I meant to be able to reclaim a city? What is the problem?

morning non exsisting people
Oh shit, I don't exist
no, it is just not morning for you
good afternoon?
Yeah, it's 3pm here
@Lazers seems to local
Just finished The Demolished Man. Fantastic book.
Haven't read anything like it in a while now
And this was from 1953. Classic.
Is it better than the movie?
oh, wait im thinking of Demolition man
Im still working on A Song of ice and fire
but i am getting close to the end, thinking of starting on Foundations after
Oooh, good choice
I think I've gotten through a few of the books in the series, but I never finished it
Someday, perhaps
well there is a lot :)
Q: What is the level in your Starcraft 2 profile for?

corrodedI haven't bought SC2: HotS yet but from this question: What bonus experience can you get? I can see that you now gain some experience after a battle? If so, what effect does it have if your profile is "Level 5" or something? Do you get transferred to a higher league? Or do you have in game bonus...

Q: How to find unlit points or fence leak points where mobs come from?

SF.I've surrounded a village with a 2-high fence and lit it up with torches, and all was hunky-dory until I heard a zombie trying to tear a door down. It was just one and I dealt with him quickly, but there was a creeper somewhere in the area of the village too. I placed more torches, made the fenc...

Q: How long will SimCity (5) be supported?

user43840How long will SimCity (5) be supported? If the game is dependent on EA's servers, is there a published figure on how long they will keep them running? When the servers go offline at the game's EOL, what happens to the saved cities? Does the game become permanently unplayable?

@Lazers Hmmm, is this answerable at all?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone An official statement from EA on some minimum lifetime would answer it, but I'm pretty sure nothing like that exists
And damn EA for naming this game SimCity. Having to edit all of the 5 and 2013 out of the titles are really annoying me (and god knows what the impact on SEO would be)
Can't be long before EA drops it with all the problems there have been ;D
The SEO problem is we don't know if people searching for the game will use SimCity 2013 or SimCity 5 or some other variants of the name
And even though EA, and the press uses the name everywhere consistently, a lot of the questions we're getting aren't. Is that an indication that people are more likely to search for, say 'SimCity 2013' than just 'SimCity'?
I heard that the new C&C Generals is also just gonna be called C&C and didn't they do the same with Devil May Cry?
I blame apple for there naming of iPad
@Blem The new Devil May Cry is DmC: Devil May Cry
Which is just plain stupid
Command & Conquer (previously known as C&C: Generals 2) is an upcoming real-time strategy video game in the Command & Conquer series, developed by Victory Games for the Microsoft Windows platform. The game will use the Frostbite 2 engine and will also introduce downloadable content to the series. It is the first game in the series to be developed by Victory Games, making them the series' third developer after Westwood Studios and EA Los Angeles. Command & Conquer will be available exclusively on Electronic Arts' Origin distribution service. The game was announced as Command & Conquer: Gen...
Oh my !@#$%
What were they thinking?
How strong must the magnet be if it's going to be floating like that?
And wouldn't it be a bad idea to have a magnet that strong near other electronics?
was thinking the same
it says it floats at 10mm with 1000g of weight, i am pretty sure i put more weight at my mouse
my hand leaning on the table most of the time, if it was floating I would move that weight to the mouse
Another few weeks of waiting for Strange Part: Long Distance Kills to drop in price so I can put it on my Flare Gun because this Strange Part: Pyros Killed is getting boring
But eh, I'm not sure about having a part start at zero while the weapon itself is already at 14k. And I'm not keen on resetting the main counter
@BoltClock Gimme Crate 50 plox danka
@BoltClock Get a S. Detonator, use it on that!
Detonator is boring. I would rather have long-distance crits than flare jumps
Fine, then on manelmter
wait no strange one, nevermind
> In fact, if you're watching QI now and you believe in astrology, you're banned from watching it
I'm considering selling my Strange Dead Ringer as well. It's too much work trying to get Strange Spy watches
@BoltClock Gimme Crate 50
so I can get dat S. Build Tool
hue :3
Q: How can I appeal against a moderator decision?

AschrattI've asked this question: Is it possible to use my PS Vita as additional PS3 controller? As I just noticed, my question got marked as duplicate by a moderator, so that it is not open to accept answers any more. In this specific case I described in the original question, that I am not looking for...

Q: What does the Mann Co. Painting Set do?

RetrosaurQuestion is stated in the title. What does the Mann Co. Painting set do? Is it like normal paint? Does it allow paint to be changed on hats?

@BoltClock boo, flare jumps are awesome. Also detonating your flares just short enough of their target
@BoltClock uh? the strange DR is both cheap and fun to grind with
...just like the sapper
Why would I grind deaths feigned?
Also Steam needs to stop suspending its download once every 2 minutes
@BoltClock you wouldn't grind, you would accumulate them normally
The best stranges accumulate stuff you would do normally anyway
unless it's silly stuff like Strange Market Gardener with Explosive Jump Kills for the bragging rights
@badp Well that explains why Strange Homewreckers go for a scrap
Levels on player kills, really?
Sappers removed is a strange counter that exists
It could level on buildings destroyed instead... like the sapper
It's similarly odd for the mediguns to level up on ubers deployed whereas the build tool levels up on health healed
Strange weapons are strange
like, since I'm big on the teleporter mini-game in TF2 I'm happy to have paid 32 refined for my strange sapper
and look forward to pay roughly as much for a strange build tool in roughly a year from now
I know that even in the odd chance I was gifted with a level 50 crate, I'd probably get something crappy like a strange splendid screen out of it
...or even worse - an unusual.
Teleporter mini-game?
go spy, kill teleporters, go engie, build teleporters
teleporters win and lose games. true story!
they drive engineers mad, at any rate
Huh. I thought you were referring to sap -> wait for unsap -> telefrag or farming teleporter sappers
Q: What's the point of a enchanted book?

tombull89I've seen that you can have enchanted books in Minecraft with enchantments such as Sharpness and Knockback...but is there any point or advanctage to beat someone to death with a book than, say, a sword?

more like tp-focused spawn camping
(the latter of which got me 147 points in 1 Pyro life and 91 points in 1 Engineer life)
This is just too awesome:
A: How can I cast a spell more quickly?

mlmvceveryone my name is mlmvc from USA i never ever believed in spell until i meet a man called Dr upesa, who help me cast a spell that bring back my ex-lover who left me for one years before our marriage,His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i am happily married two kids and me and my [e...

@Sterno Spellcaster spam, Arqade and RPG get that occasionally, this is not the first time I've seen it
Q: Corpser or Vile Roaches in HOTS?

JonathanJ There are 3 Evolution Chamber choices in the HOTS campaign: one is between Corpser and Vile Roaches. Corpser roaches create 2 roachlings when they kill which have a limited life like locusts from the swarm host, while Vile roaches have an attack that slows enemy units by 75%. What are the adva...

Q: Splitter or Hunter Banelings in HOTS?

JonathanJ There are 3 Evolution Chamber choices in the HOTS campaign: one is between Splitter and Hunter Banelings. Splitter banelings split into smaller bombs while Hunter banelings have a Kamikaze pounce. What are the advantages of each?

Q: Do character positions at the table matter?

moeTiQuestion is already in the title, but I'll be more precise. Is there any difference in the character positioning? Should I always have tanks left and supporters right or something like that? I read something about Necromancer buffing himself and his neighbors, but can't find the statement anymor...

1 click, 3 flags
destroying users is the best
Wow, temperature dropped from 30 degrees to below zero in one week in Nanjing
According to this, Ischaemic heart disease kills more than cancer does.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Now EA just needs to release Simcity 5: "Fuck Your Naming Conventions, Gamers" Edition
...which will be called SimCity 2013: Maximum Spite Edition in Russia
I was wondering if not naming the SimCity tag hurts SEO
@badp ....and? The fact cancer doesn't kill, but the complications thereof kill.
Along with the stress, depression.... etc.
which then causes the above XD
@djsmiley2k depression is on the diagram - a tiny "1m" bubble
@badp as a direct cause, depression kills no one.
however it lowers your immune system.
It's credited with as many deaths as Multiple Sclerosis
My point is when you get cancer, you then feel sad, you get depressed, your immune system lowers while your blood pressure shoots through the roof. Blam, your a heart attack victim waiting to happen.
@djsmiley2k Strokes are a different category - credited with 410M
@badp nod.
However strokes are generally caused by lack of blood to the brain, no?
I'm just thinking about the causes of heart attacks, and how that can be tied to cancer.
Q: XP/Gold decrease when fighting low-level monsters

moeTiI added a new player to m party yesterday and he started at lvl 1, the rest is around lvl 17. Costs for new player is 270g and I miscalculated the travel costs, so I only had 260g. After fighting a group of 7 castle guards (with 4 ~lvl17 guys in the party), I got ~1800xpand 4 gold. After adding...

Q: Best AMD Catalyst Application Profile settings for SimCity (2013)

EasyDotI have a AMD RADEON HD5970 graphics card, which are using Crossfire technology. What are the best settings for SimCity (2013)? I have experienced some flickering in the game when Crossfire is enabled. I read something about AFR friendly mode will help a bit.

@djsmiley2k uh... no, that would be an aneurysm wouldn't it?
I dunno.
@badp I think they can occur anywhere, but a stroke specifically has certain effects.

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