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@badp ...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Now that's one way to encourage reading! I approve.
The crappy coloration is from the cellophane tape I used as a poor man's alternative to real lamination
This is the original
Q: Sign-ups for Marathon gaming

KtashAlright, let's start sign-ups for our charity games. Please comment on the game you'd want to play for our marathon. Also, please include your timezone (e.g. GMT-8 for me, for Pacific Time zone, US). Date is still TBD, but we will coordinate with everyone when we start deciding that and try to pi...

I need a better card base for the bookmark. It's still a little too flimsy.
Need to find some thin stiff cardboard
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's better with borders.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone would it help if you embiggened her hair?
No, I chose a poor base for the bookmark. Should've got out and found a real piece of card instead of this piece of stiff art paper
maybe superglue a ruler (fragment) on the back
I don't think that's going to help
while you run the risk of the bookmark bending around the ruler, it'd certainly help with the rigidity
plus... it'll have an inbuilt ruler (fragment)!
to measure (fragments of) distances!
I really should be using a penknife instead of scissors for this
Her hair is a nightmare to cut around
how about using a laminator?
I don't have one?
Borrow one?
And it might get expensive. I don't know, I'll look around
I'd rather suggest borrowing
Q: How much gold do champion kills give on Proving Grounds?

HackworthThere is a reduction in gold per champion kill on Proving Grounds. I play a lot of it, but never really had the time to watch for the gold gain because, unsurprisingly, I'm usually in combat when I get kills. So how much gold does a kill get you, including when the target has a kill/death streak?

@OrigamiRobot did you know you can use Zero's action skill while zoomed in and skip the animation? I found myself using that a lot more once I found that out
cc any Assassins in BL2. I never knew that
Is that the one that crashes the OSX twitter client?
@BenBrocka If you have an OSX twitter client, there's only one way to know! (yes)
Alternately titled why every developer hates unicode
There's either lots of trolling or lots of legitimately terrible use cases on discourse's meta: meta.discourse.org/t/please-no-icon-fonts/1333/18
Oh hey I do like their "thread complete" meter at the bottom right there
Good solution to the lack of feedback from the loading bar
@badp I just saw that, you're a terrible person :P
@TimStone Editing on chat is one of the top mod abuses I enjoy as a mod :P
I am badp and I approve of my recently mod abused post
@badp mind putting a timezone in on your sign up for the marathon?
@Ktash He's GMT+1
@BenBrocka The clone still gets in the way.
@yijiang you are celestia now!
@spugsley Hullo.
@OrigamiRobot I don't notice it with B0re. Or rather I just fired it off immediately before taking a shot for bonus damage
@BenBrocka It doesn't block the actual shot, it's visually distracting.
have no idea how much bonus damage it does. I didn't even know it did until I saw someone mention it on here...or is that only for melee?
Up to 200% increased Gun Damage (minimum bonus: +40%)
Up to 250% increased Gun Critical Damage
Up to 650% increased Melee Damage (minimum bonus: +230%).
Does waiting longer or shorter improve damage with that?
Also, apparently it does block shots.
@BenBrocka Waiting increases it.
Really? I didn't notice that. Though Bore might pierce anyway or something
Yea, I never use it anyway.
Only accidentally when trying to throw a grenade.
I use it all the time when reviving people. Though it doesn't help all too much
I'd use it more if I didn't have to break a run to drop it
Or if I could move faster, like Phasewalk
I'd use it more if it didn't make that stupid clone.
The clone is pretty dumb
It ruins the ability when sniping.
@spugsley Hi. I like today's picture :)
I'd have to turn and use it in some other direction, then reaquire targets.
It seemed to work pretty well when I just cast it and immediately fired
I would comment on the pictures on flickr instead of pinging you here, but I don't have a flickr account and this seems easier haha
@Ktash yay :)
Good ol' fashioned evil
@Ktash any idea when this marathon is happening? Or even how long it is going to last?
@OrigamiRobot A weekend. As for when, not yet. Probably not for a while still (a lot more planning left to do)
once we get some people signed up, I'll have everyone email me, and we can figure out something that works for as many people as possible
On Twitch I take it? All on one channel or what?
On Twitch, yeah. Hopefully in a single channel/stream, yes
I'd be fine with streaming, but I have no idea how to do any of that.
Feb 13 at 2:59, by Ktash
user image
something like that
and I'll be figuring out streaming and how it will all work before we kick things off
probably sooner rather than later
and we'll hopefully have a practice run
Are we going to run one game at a time?
not a whole weekend, but just doing some streaming and hand-offs and such
@OrigamiRobot At certain times, maybe 2. Once we get goals, I'll have people help me get timeframes for things and try and map out a basic schedule (optimistic and worst case)
Was thinking if we do BL2 we might be able to fit a full playthrough in but it might require tagging people in/out if it's an actual 24/something hr stream. And that can get weird if the host isn't up to current main quest progress
For Terraria, the walkthrough gives a good guide for structuring goals wiki.terrariaonline.com/Guide:Walkthrough
@Ktash so just everyone in all games talking over Mumble then?
I think it would be fun to have two Terraria games racing each other.
That'd be cool
Races could work with Portal 2 too, especially for co op
@OrigamiRobot Suggest it as some goals on the meta :)
@BenBrocka That was my thoughts. Why I suggested it
tried to come up with some fun goals for the teams too for donation levels
@BenBrocka Probably yeah
something like that
@AshleyNunn So yeah, if you scroll up a bit you can see I actually made the squashed Twilight bookmark
@BenBrocka something like that will probably require some planning if it is too long for 1 person
it may come down to, if we can, we have a set of people do it in one location... if possible
@Ktash was thinking co op for BL2 also
I have no idea how long a "speed run" playthrough takes though
consensus is like 20 hours for normal playthroughs, but if you know what you're doing and skip some dialog it should be a fair bit shorter. Not sure how much though
On the other hand, I'm conflicted about each goal being to progress to the next section of the game.
4 hours seems doable
does that run require glitches/tricky shit or do you know?
I have no idea
never played the game
"We can't fight the Eye of Cthulhu until you guys donate another $50."
Oh he's "speed running" it with a level 50 doing the real work...
@OrigamiRobot I'd like to avoid main story quests and such. Have those be assumed and have the goals be extra things
Maybe a DLC run of BL2 would be better
those are beatable inside a few hours
Me jin and jared (I think) beat DLC1 on launch day,,,
@Ktash It's not like... story-based really, so that metric is hard to apply to Terraria.
@Ktash There's no like... Avoiding main story stuff in Terraria. Mostly because th... what @FAE said. <_<
Uh, Terraria has a story?
@FAE Still there is some sequence of progression to the game.
Terraria is more similar to Minecraft than like, Borderlands 2 or Portal 2.
Of the games we're marathoning, I've only played SC2 and Portal 2, so I'll be looking to you all to help get goals and such figured out
Goals could be nice to have/optional stuff
I don't think most bosses are really needed to progress except the dungeon boss
and any introduced in v1.1 I guess, not aware of those at all
Maybe for Terraria, each goal should allow us to upgrade our armor or something like that.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, but you can't like, "avoid story stuff" like Ktash said really.
@BenBrocka Wall of Flesh is pretty important.
As important as wearing the Holy Goggles when fighting Richter in SotN.
Chat's being dodgy for me.
@OrigamiRobot I was sort of thinking goals could be used to make things harder for us, or make us progress further, instead of making things easier
@FAE What I was saying was having progression milestones as goals doesn't seem like the best approach to me.
so maybe the opposite approach is better
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I can see that.
@BenBrocka For Borderlands 2 we could have like... Story missions broken down into goal tiers with side missions scattered in between. So do a story mission, do a bunch of side missions, do a story mission, etc. Maybe?
The moment you are ready to progress, but the donation for that goal hasn't been met, you're dead in the water.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that's the dangerous part. That's why, with the variety of games, I feel it will be better to assume we are doing some things by default
We have a default set of tasks, and then donation tiers add to our list of things we need to do
Goals should be restrictions on how we play the games.
Q: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Crashing

KecoeyI own Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on Steam. Every time that I launch the game it crashes and I can't play it. I am running 64 bit windows 7. Any ideas?

Q: How much damage does Hecarim gain from ghost?

RapidaHecarim gains AD based on his movement speed. Is it worth the investment of ghost over flash when jungling Hecarim based purely on the AD gained (ignoring the benefits of flashing over walls etc). So, how much damage is gained at each common movement tier (Level 1 boots, Level 2 boots, Boots of M...

@OrigamiRobot Also a good way to think of goals :)
Like each goal for Diablo could be to play with one less piece of equipment.
Now, I don't know how realistic it is, but that's just an example.
If anything can get people to donate money, it's watching other people suffer.
@OrigamiRobot Heh, except Diablo didn't make the cut ;)
@Fluttershy Just concerned that would get too long. Including sidequests would almost certainly push time over 20 hours, at least in the main game. With the DLCs we could probably do all 3, possibly 100% (possibly not counting raid bosses unless it's a level 50 run)
@Ktash Still a valid example.
@FAE Action 52 stream, go
Borderlands 2 is going to be a tough one.... it is a long game
@BenBrocka I don't know what this meeeeans.
@FAE An NES multicart of really, really, amazingly bad games
Games that are worth playing just because you would not otherwise realize they could be that bad
How are we going to track donations?
@BenBrocka Haha nice.
Something like IndieGogo?
@OrigamiRobot Baby steps, man. Baby steps.
@OrigamiRobot One of the many things for planning. I'm going to have to look into paypal's API and see what others do
Oh right paypal might work
That'll come in with site design, which hasn't quite hit planning yet lol
@BenBrocka Paypal is what Child's Play uses
I've seen lots of donation counter widgets around, I'm sure there's something
@Fluttershy It is pretty important.
I know it's possible already, since Mario Marathon does it
@OrigamiRobot Right. But this is still just the first stage of things.
just need to take the time to figure out how
@Ktash Probably easy enough to get current amount paid from the API, show a bar showing the donations + goals?
@Fluttershy It's crucial to the entire system.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking
alright, I need to go pick up my food... bbl
Should I just sign up for one game or indicate all which I might be interested in?
@BenBrocka Either or. If you put your name in for multiple, we can be a bit more flexible with how we plan out with people to fill in the gaps
and if we have too much, we can figure out how we can manage multiple streams or something. But that's a problem I'd love to have haha
Q: Prevent a fullscreen game from disabling the volume control keys

MatrixFrogI just installed Puddle which automatically goes to full-screen when you start it. As soon as it starts, the keyboard shortcuts for increasing/decreasing the volume (Fn+F5 and Fn+F6) stop working. (I seem to remember the same thing happening for other games.) Is there a way to make those keys con...

If we can have two donations tracks, one could be for restrictions and the other could be for rewards.
@Ktash I volunteer my Twitch channel, though I'll have to learn how to stream more before I do it
@OrigamiRobot Pay to punish/reward players? Interesting idea
Added some thoughts on BL2 goals, but they could use some fleshing out
A: What should our marathon goals be?

Ben BrockaBorderlands 2 THVM all bosses run (as in just bosses, playing in an already completed game) DLC 1-3 story quest DLC 1-3 side quest run Main quest speedrun Complications: Borderlands 2 is a long game, ~20 hours for main quest completion. That time can probably be cut down significantly, but I...

@BenBrocka Isn't it TVHM?
@BenBrocka Make sure that nobody abuses the Evil Masher glitch. Otherwise it really takes the fun outta TVHM
@Fluttershy Spoken like a noob who hasn't unlocked True Hunter Vault Mode, where you play as The Vault, trying to kill vault hunters
But yeah it was a typo
@BenBrocka woulud this include Terra and Verm?
Because Verm is only a luck spawn
and Terra is ridiculously hard in TVHM, unless your using a glitch
or using Zero+OneShotOneKill+B0re+Infinity+Beeshield
Vermi wouldn't be too hard if he's still as common when they did that Norfleet event...not sure how hard he is to spawn otherwise
I've tried it yesterday, it takes forever.
Literally, it takes FOREVER to get one Verm to spawn
It's ridiculously sad, but it took forever. My party had a shit ton of Ultimate Badass Varkids, but no Verms at all
that's a shame. When they made Vermi common it was actually pretty fun.
And I've been pratically dying to see some sort of Legendary Soldier. I'll never get one T>T
Also, ensure if they do BL2 marathon events
nobody can abuse evilmashers
because that thing completely wrecks the game
warrior down in 2.5 seconds, as long as you have an infinity
If we're starting a playthrough we probably wouldn't ever get one anyway, sidequests take too long. But yeah, no exploits seems reasonable
@BenBrocka Not necessarily, you can get the quest for the Evil Smasher before you actually have to go through Sawtooth Cauldron for the main quest.
I'm sad TF2 didn't make it on to the list though. We should have had a marathon where donations came in hats.
@tombull89 I'm interested....do you still have it?
I had no clue you and Gnome were like gay BFFs!
@Retrosaur the fact that you would take an article like that about someone doing something stupid and generalize it to be about women being silly in general really lowers my respect for you.
But maybe I take things like that too seriously.
No, you're completely right.
But, take a look at this.
The latest in royal women's wear no doubt
is that a shoop
Given the felt texture it's either real or a very convincing fake
Makes a phone call. "OH GOD PLEAS DON'T PICK UP"
Me, calling in sick
Q: Getting a lot of money in Far Cry 3?

FendiI just started playing the game today. Two hours in and I already have about 1500+ dollars !! I just feel that it's really easy to get money : Looting, selling items, mini quests etc. Also, some stores will sell weapons for FREE as I have read somewhere in the guide ?? This makes the game so easy...

1 hour later…
Q: AD Thresh, possible or not?

ScottttieI have seen some people playing AD thresh and I have always played him more tanky. Is AD thresh a viable build?

Note: Driving in blowing snow is hella scary.
@fbueckert Oh god Mistwraiths
@OrigamiRobot Mistwraiths aren't bad.
I didn't say they were.
They are, however, terrifying.
@StrixVaria asked what Lovecraftian was. Mistwraiths are Lovecraftian.
Formless blobs of goo that can take the place of other creatures.
That they've eaten.
How else are you supposed to figure out how their muscles are put together?
I only wrote in caps because I was extremely pissed off that people downvoted without saying why. Because it has happened to me many times. Which yes is my own fault. But nevertheless it is extremely irritating — Kecoey 49 mins ago
Perhaps if you're getting downvoted often, you should take a look at the common thread.
And if it's your own fault, why are you getting mad about it!?
@Kecoey Also, regarding the rules of this site - they are there because the StackExchange network is deliberately unlike most other online communities. These sites are dedicated to generating useful Q&A content that helps more than just one person asking one question. The rules are there because they have worked toward this end. Regardless of whether or not you like them, you should try to honor them or - just as with any other community - expect to have a bad experience. If you have questions or suggestions, check out: FAQ, About, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Meta. — Iszi 42 mins ago
Why is that linking to SciFi's meta?
@OrigamiRobot I haven't the foggiest.
Stealth plug?
Also, I found this
Q: Where can I find Chip's Challenge Legally?

George StockerI'd like to buy/download/play Chip's Challenge on my Windows 7 PC. Where can I buy this game? If there's an iPhone port, I'd also buy that.

Silly '10 questions. How adorable.
What makes Steam a "gaming platform" and Amazon not? — Kyralessa 1 min ago
...I'm going to break my desk.
I liked Mr. Old Gamer re-posting his question after it got closed.
It shows that some generation gaps can be bridged.
@fbueckert I get the feeling he is being intentionally ignorant.
@OrigamiRobot Almost guaranteed. If he comes up with another bullshit question, I'm done. He's not asking in good faith.
See also: Why can't I use Jeff Atwoods gravatar?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that was a fun one.
Bets on him looking for anything on Amazon that can be miscontrued to represent friend's lists, him asking it, then freaking the hell out when we close it.
Well, regardless, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see any of that, 'cuz I'm seriously tired.
G'night, Bridge!
wow, have you seen the user description?
Q: Can Pets' Attacks Crit?

Jonny BSimply put, do pets have the chance to crit when they attack? If so, would the critical damage be improved by Infinity Edge if bought?

yesterday, by fbueckert
> If you spend your time finding two-or-three-year-old questions to close, perhaps it's a sign that you need a real hobby. (One would think, if you post here, that gaming would be enough of a hobby.)
It used to be that.
Oh, same thing. Never mind.
I'm tired.
yeah, I saw it the other day, but it is crazy to put it in your description
I saw it as a comment though
@Ktash It's them taking the closure of the old, crappy question personally, and getting all bent out of shape about it.
psh, users
@Ktash I fight for the users!
The users are all useless, just ask @OrigamiRob
@Ktash ಠ_ಠ
@Ktash Could you skip cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts II?
@Fluttershy Yes. Probably the most requested feature for II lol
@Ktash Gotcha. Thanks!
I don't think an image can get more epic
@ktash Challenge accepted
If anyone is interested, I made a subreddit for when games giveaway free stuff: reddit.com/r/gamepromos
I can't use a ruler to stiffen the bookmark because the ruler is thicker than the paper used, so if I close the book the bookmark will fold along the ruler @badp
Morning yall
I don't suppose anyone here is familiar with styling subreddits?
OK, solved it
D: urgh
why does my body feel like I've been beaten up each morning ?!
Q: Minecraft redstone level system? [SOLVED]

user42603Ok,so i'm making a map which needs a level system.Level system i mean,like this: you push the button first time,output A lights up. you push the button second time,output B lights up. you push the button third time,output C lights up. And etc...i need some help i tried RS NOR LATCH but shit happe...

"But shit happened"
Well, fuck
well dang.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You will just have to be specific with the shape of the ruler fragment!!!
Q: Gear for Pandaria

LadinekoI play a Holy priest / Shadow priest (for questing) and im currently level 85. However how can i achieve gear fast that highers my gear level to unlock the dungeons in Pandaria? Also, how is your average gear level defined?

Q: is running speed deteremined by distance or coins or score

CelAs a strategic motive, I would like to speed up less, but I don't know how running velocity is calculated? Is it fixed to the meters run, so not much can be done about it? Or to coins, so I could collect less coins if my primary goal was to maximize distance or score? Or is the speed caused by ...

Q: Should I upgrade a Shield Talisman to level 2

PeteI upgraded a Guardian Amulet Lvl 2 (critical: protect) to a Shield Talisman (Auto: Protect) Lvl1. It now has 600 EXP, and turns to a Lvl 2 at 1500 EPX. Does it have any beneficial effect to upgrade it to Lvl 2? For example better protection, or longer duration of the effect?

you'd think that toll number support services (I spent ~€2) wouldn't take you for a stroll through their menus and then ask you to rate the service after you're done talking with the person who didn't even say his name when asked to
I spent ~$8 for a half hour call on my prepaid mobile line to my ISP's tech support just so that they can walk through all of the usual troubleshooting options and finally send someone in to replace the router
because the residential telephone line also went through the router (digital voice line)
I hate making calls to tech support, where I've already done all the diagnostics required but get asked repeatedly to do them again
especially when I say something like "my router is completely dead" and get "and what are you basing that on, ma'am?"
HN has been down for a few hours, hmmmm
@kalina My problem was a bit more subtle. Error lights on the router indicates a connection problem, but the tech support person said everything looked fine from their side.
yeah it all looked fine from their side
I'm sat with a router in my hands that won't switch on
getting told to turn it off and on again
They had me first switch on and off the router, then reset my router, then they reset the connection on their side, then had me look at the router configuration, then when all that failed they finally sent someone through
well my connection has two devices
the first one establishes the connection and the other is just a router
so I just plugged my PC into the first box and set up a pppoe connection
and then they closed the call because "my internet is working"

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