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Oh man, linking to Google in an answer. That's a new one.
Q: How do i determine the center of a village

Memor-XSince an Iron Golem's spawning zone is a 16 x 16 x 6 area centered around the center point of the village i want to build a structure around this area, sometimes i will build a grinder other times i want to build something that looks like an automatic forge used to build Iron Golems (just to make...

The Google Fu is strong with this one.
Ah, bugger
Jut got exiled to the Tomb-Colonies :(
Q: Do buying "Appearance" things in AC4 do anything to the Jackdaw other than appearance?

JamdOther than the item you buy, will it change anything else like, speed, health, etc?

@SaintWacko That happens to me a lot
Aww. Winamp is shutting down.
Q: Is there a prize for buying carpets and wallpapers from Sahara?

JerryRoxI wanted to know: does Sahara give you a prize for buying a specific amount of her items, or does she give you absolutely NO award for buying her items?

@Lazers This guy right here.
@fbueckert Well, there's always VLC.
So many of his questions are just completely ungrounded and radical ideas of what miiight happen.
@FEichinger Meh. Gonna continue using it regardless.
I never relaly updated it, anyways.
@LpSamuelm Who's?
@Justin The guy who posted the question I replied to.
Q: How to get the credit achievements?

caglarI got the 100,000 credits achievement. Decided to save up to 1M to get both 500k and 1M. I woke up, opened the app, was past 500k but didn't get the achievement. Thinking maybe I should be connected to Game Center when I actually go past 500k, I purchased a level to go below 500k, and timed a big...

Q: breeding a male aggron with a ditto in a luxury ball yet still getting pokeball babies?

user62066I have a male aggron in an pokeball and a ditto in a luxury ball. i have tried breeding them but i get babies in an pokeball instead of the luxury ball. is there something im missing? i also have Pokemon Y if that may be a problem?

@Lazers Dupe
Q: How to get more puzzle swap panels?

deztructicusI switched to a new SD card on my 3DS recently. Since then I've not been able to get puzzle swap pieces from anyone. I've tried updating my Mii plaza and it says I have the latest version. However when I street pass I my mii simply jumps into the puzzle swap world alone. On the puzzle swap scre...

LG Smart TVs phone home and slurp data from your entire network.
And do it even when you turn the option off.
So don't buy any smart TVs from LG.
@fbueckert More like dumb TV.
Seriously though, I haven't had good experiences with any "smart" TV so far.
@LpSamuelm Yeah. I asked one for help with my homework when I went to Best Buy last week. Stupid thing couldn't do integrals.
@LpSamuelm I just use a separate device connected to my network to stream stuff to where I need it.
@fbueckert It advertises DLNA compatibility, yet refuses to work until after a whole lot of fidgeting and a ritual involving pentagrams and speaking in tongues.
I almost never use TVs now.
Mine's my video game TV.
Actually watching TV shows and whatnot is done on my projector.
Q: Is James Kidd a boy or a girl?

user61933Is James Kidd a boy or a girl? If anybody can tell me just say its a girl or boy. At first I thought it was a boy but then I wasn't sure if it was a girl.

@Lazers Anyone care to explain the downvotes? Seems valid to me.
Arquade desperately needs an "ignore this tag" option on mouseover.
@ToxicFrog Ignore here or on the site itself?
@ToxicFrog Click on the favourite star another time.
Hm, how come there's no "pure misinformation" flag?
/cc: @kalina
I am happy to be not on that list
Damnit, I can't wait for my girlfriend to get home :(
@LpSamuelm Better yet, "bullshit!"
Now why did that get a star?
@SaintWacko Perhaps it hit close to home with someone.
Why does anything in this room get a star?
These stars are fickle things.
She's on a cruise with her daughter
I miss her. A lot
@SaintWacko awww :( hug, if appropriate
@AshleyNunn Hugs are always appropriate
Special thanks to @PrivatePansy for providing the tools to creating the list ... And also, I want to set fire to him myself now, because of how annoying that was to set up here.
And thank you
@SaintWacko No problem. :) Missing people is an unfun feeling.
Argh. A longer answer does not equal a better one.
@AshleyNunn Yeah
Longer isn't always better. Applies to so many things in life.
@LpSamuelm DENIED
@SaintWacko Except when they're lawsuits.
@Yuki What?
@Unionhawk ...I feel bad after making that joke. It was low of me. I feel I could do so much better.
@SaintWacko What needs explaining?
Q: Single Player or Local Multiplayer?

GigazelleI've heard there are several differences between playing single player and being the only player on a multiplayer server. For example, more items can exist lying on the ground before they despawn, and some bugs exist on one platform but not the other. If I'm playing by myself, are there any tact...

Ah, that fleeting star, that one little glimmer of true happiness.
I thought that was pretty straightforward.
I have now approved an edit. Kalina keeps getting to the review queue before I can.
I feel like I could take on the world.
@LpSamuelm @kalina lives in the review queues.
@FEichinger list is not alphabetic
@kalina I've sorted it by date of first fire.
But I can rearrange it, if you want.
@FEichinger But you merely adopted the review queue. @kalina was born in it, molded by it.
@LpSamuelm ... This is awkward.
If I adopted the review queue, and @kalina was born in it ... Family matters just got a little more complicated.
@AshleyNunn On the site itself.
@FEichinger The important thing was I won!
@FEichinger Awesome! Thanks!
@FEichinger Creepy.
@RavenDreamer your victory was hardly spectacular though
I imagine edits that do nothing but worsen grammar are not the norm, though.
the amusing thing is, I deleted my account and lost all of my review progress but still rank in the top 10-15 of every review queue
by now I'd probably have gold badges in every queue apart from reopens
@AshleyNunn To be fair, family matters are always creepy here.
I dont really touch the queues
@FEichinger This is perhaps truer than I would like
@RavenDreamer Huh?
@FEichinger suggested edits
@kalina Oh, ah. I see.
@Yuki You still around?
@RavenDreamer Yeah?
@Yuki I want to talk Switchaxes some mroe.
wiggles eyebrows If you know what I mean.
I need a game to play
Right. Now.
So, again, @kalina - want me to rearrange the list alphabetically instead?
@FEichinger I don't mind
you could make it a sortable list
@kalina ToME4
@kalina That would require code.
@ToxicFrog roguelike, eww
@FEichinger are you not proficient in the ways of the code?
@kalina I am, but nowadays I get paid for it.
these are not the excuses I am looking for
Okay, fine, I'm just too lazy to code that.
that'll do
3/10, don't use it again
oooh, oooh, I have another: I would have to do JavaScript. I'd rather not do JavaScript.
it looks like you're trying to make excuses, you should totally drop that and try jQuery
@kalina <insert look of disapproval, I don't have my buttonscript installed here>
Where's @freAJDJHSAHJDNMSAJ when you need him?
he renamed to Average Game Designer
at least he uses jQuery
Oh, screw you.
@kalina Not a fan of roguelikes?
I'd rather cut off all my hair
That's impressive levels of dislike.
Do I play more Dark Souls? Or do I fire up GTA V?
@Fluttershy Minesweeper.
@Fluttershy I nominate you play GTA V, then watch your character watch TV.
No need to yell, geez.
sorry, I meant
I expected that.
Actually, I expected "I REQUIRE ASSISTANCE", but what do I know.
eww italics
Q: How do I port foward a terraria

user61933How do I port foward a terraria server because I have been trying to set it up for a long time but I cant. People say its very hard. but some say it is easy. thanks!!

I need a game to play that has a good story and is at least 25 hours in length for the average gamer
It needs to be fun, not Minecraft, not Terraria
not roguelike
not something I've already played
You do realize you've pretty much played every game that fits that bill, yes?
that's not helpful
@kalina Dark Souls
Your criteria aren't helpful either!
Also, this has finally propagated to DNS:
I should take a picture for today but I don't feel like ittttttttttt
@OrigamiRobot it says I need a controller
@kalina Bastion?
the batteries are flat in my controller
@kalina People like @3ventic play with the mouse I think, but I don't recommend it.
@RavenDreamer added to the list of possibility
@FEichinger Oh hey I forgot about me getting set on fire.
@kalina Who are you on steam? I can give you a copy.
Woah. People answering questions in suggested edits. This is raaaaadical.
@RedRiderX Looking at it, you deserved that one.
@RavenDreamer furiouslyangelic
@kalina Do you have a backloggery or something people could look at?
(Alpha Protocol)
(Thief. System Shock 2.)
more than 75% of the games I own on Steam I haven't played
@kalina Either steam search sucks, or I can't find you.
@ToxicFrog Alpha Protocol only offers five minutes of horrible, cringe-inducing gameplay for the "average gamer".
@RavenDreamer I ADDED YOU
@RavenDreamer Both, I assume.
@FEichinger What for this?
Sep 6 at 16:28, by RedRiderX
user image
@FEichinger if by "five minutes" you mean "eight-ish hours, repeated 3-5 times to actually see most of the content" and by "horrible, cringe-inducing gameplay" you mean "an excellent RPG wrapped in a slightly janky shooter", then yes, I am in complete agreement
@RedRiderX Yes.
But that's a pretty impressive typo if that's what you meant to say.
@ToxicFrog No, I'm saying the 'average gamer' never touches the game again after playing for a mere five minutes.
@FEichinger their loss.
@kalina Check your steams.
@ToxicFrog It's in @kalina's criteria, though!
Hahhhahhhahh, the first answer and comment of this question cracks me up.
"this is a swimming idea"
Oh, thanks, guy who posted the answer!
@FEichinger Then again, the "average gamer", if the marketing budgets are anything to go by, considers Call of Duty the pinnacle of FPS design, Mass Effect the best written game of all time, and StarCraft the game that invented the RTS
@RavenDreamer thankies!
So they can go take a long walk out an airlock without a suit~
@kalina If you don't enjoy the game, I will be upset with you. :(
oh gee, no pressure
Anyway, now that the fire has been restored, I'm gonna take a nap.
@kalina Well, if it's any consolation, our Remember Me experience tells me we have similar tastes.
...I think
sets fire to @FEichinger
grrr Remember Me
you know I still didn't finish that
@kalina Oh, screw you.
I gave up several hours after I got bored of it
She's going to set more people on fire now just for you you know, right?
Also, apparently I can't english tonight but I DON'T CARE
Q: What is the difference between Spelunky and Spelunky HD?

user1306322What is the difference between two versions of the game? Are there any gameplay changed, or the graphics update is the only thing?

Anyhoo, solong bridge.
Till the morrow.
@Unionhawk Well, it's updated again.
Naptime, for realsies now.
With all the talk about setting things on fire, I think Dark Souls would be a perfect game for @kalina.
Good lord, getting this stupid printer to scan things is unnecessarily complicated
.....and of course, I need a file that apparently doesn't exist?
Printers are the devil
They are the worst thing ever
....and you dont ask me if I wanna name the files anything. Of course not.
If you're lucky it exposes some kind of network scanning interface so that you can scan from the computer and name things
If you're unlucky it only scans from the printer itself, or from the terrible printer-specific scanning software designed by satan himself
@ToxicFrog Yeah, I am stuck with some piece of shit samsung program thing that is likely created by some sort of devil worship
but I think I got everything done that I need to, which is good, means I can unplug the thing and stop my lights from flickering
I'm still searching in vain for a printer and scanner (or printer/scanner combo) that isn't completely terrible in every way.
My current one is a Canon PIXMA and it is the worst thing ever.
@ToxicFrog I have this giant as fuck Canon CLX-3185
@Ullallulloo You're only 12 reviews away from getting the third Steward badge ever! I'm getting the party poppers ready.
Apparently this thing can do everything except make me toast, but seriously if it could just print or scan without making my light flicker I would be happy
@LpSamuelm ooh
@LpSamuelm not technically true, there were two other steward badges that were removed when a certain account was deleted
@AshleyNunn I was quite happy with my Epson NX330 except that it failed catastrophically five minutes after the warranty expired
@kalina The third currently existing Steward badge ever. I do(EDIT: n't) appreciate your pedantry.
@LpSamuelm it would be fifth
I think once I can justify the expense I'm going to throw this Canon out a second floor window and replace it with a self-feeding scanner and a Brother printer.
Quick, new users go post a bunch of low-quality content for me!
@ToxicFrog Can I help throw it out a window?
@AshleyNunn it's a date!
@Ullallulloo I enjoy peanut butter.
@ToxicFrog Best date ever! <3
(Until the streetcar museum OMG it will be amazing)
@Ullallulloo I saw "low-quality" and my mind drifted to the wrong queue.
I found their website and now I am drooling over all the things
@Ullallulloo just first posts in general should do it
what you need is 12 new users who've never posted anything
@Ullallulloo Just the person I wanted!
@kalina Obligatory VTM:Bloodlines plug goes here
@Wipqozn Hi!
A: How can I make the original Dwarf Fortress tileset square?

UllallullooThe posted tilesets are good, but they are pretty large to someone used to the default tileset and don't scale smaller well. I would recommend Alloy. It seems to be basically identical to the default tileset, but with stuff edited to be 12x12 instead of the default 8x12 or the packaged square's...

When I do this, everything goes all blue.
Any ideas?
Q: How do I open the chest on the southeast corner of Tikari Island?

LessPop_MoreFizzI am confounded by how I am supposed to reach this chest. I managed to spawn it by hitting the (cleverly hidden off screen) archery target, but it landed on a spot that I cannot reach, as I am unable to climb this small half step ledge shown in the picture because video game logic. I am also unab...

Q: How do I join my own crew in GTA 5 Online?

Andrew StaniferI created my own crew recently, but it doesn't show up when I get on GTA online. How do I join my own crew on PS3?

@Wipqozn Did you use the one from the wiki?
Also, asking questions with freehand circles involved is unnaturally satisfying.
@Ullallulloo Yes sir.
I had problems getting the transparency to work.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've been wanting to ask you...
I basically opened and resaved it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Who's the sadistic muppet?
That's also why I re-uploaded it in my answer.
@LpSamuelm Dr Teeth
What do you mean?
The muppet in my avatar? Doctor Teeth isn't sadistic.
He's a voodoo New Orleans jazz man is all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, hey, it's actually a muppet. Now I see it.
I thought his beard was some kind of frill on his coat.
@Ullallulloo There we go. Just copied you one.
Here, have an upvote!
@Wipqozn :D Glad to help.
This is exactly what I was looking for, because the 16x16 one the game provides is too big.
The rectangle thing always bugged me. now that I'm playing again figured I should track down a square set.
Would you look at that? It's a quarter to four in the morning.
This is unhealthy.
@Ullallulloo Added a short blurb to your answer
> I initially ran into problems getting the transparency to work, but opening an re-saving the image seems to fix the issue. I've uploaded my fixed version of the file.
Considering we both had this problem I think it's worth mentioning.
If someone asks, I've been asleep since 10 or so. Good night.
@Wipqozn Sounds good.
I need to go to bed.
I really need to start getting to bed earlier.
@Wipqozn or get a time bank to save your hours
Q: Simcity train problem

allenylzhouI've heard of people plopping multiple train stations to get more people into the city. But from my experiences, trains only stop by the closest station before making a uturn back to the region. Other stations that follow rarely if ever get a train to stop (waiting times go up into the hundreds...

I made a huge mistake
@spugsley D: What happen?
let's just say
reddit is talking about my boobs
@spugsley ... <_< wat.
and there's a lesson to be learned
don't let you stuff get posted on reddit
@spugsley But why are they talking about your boobs? O_o
@Fluttershy a photo, why else
@spugsley :o Oh my.
apparently I'm "not too bad in the boob department" Thanks, reddit. Because it's not about art
I mean I wanna be like yay a photo of yours hit reddit, but damn, that attitude sucks major balls
@spugsley how hard was it to get all that paint off of you? :)
@AshleyNunn hahaha yeah. I'm not like overly butt hurt about it, because attention is attention after all and not everyone is being dumb. But I just want to be like...you're missing the point lol
@AshleyNunn HAHAHAHA funny story
@spugsley Bleh. :(
I had another idea after I covered myself in paint
and so I called "Iannnnnn....I need help...."
because I couldn't touch anything
Now I am making a terrible mistake!
and so he comes in and is like, "Oh no....What did you do?"
@Fluttershy good terrible, or I need an intervention before I blow up a thing terrible? :P
@spugsley I'm hearing this in your voice, and it is hilarious. :P
@AshleyNunn Well, it's 9:22 PM, I have to be up for work at 5:30 AM... so I am just starting a movie and having a soda. >_>
@Fluttershy and so I said, "I has paints...."
@Fluttershy good times lol
@Fluttershy you are gonna be so tiiiiired :P
@spugsley which I suspect was obvious by that point ;)
@AshleyNunn absolutely lol
the only place I had a hard time getting it out of was my hair
and there wasn't that much in it
I <3 washable paint
it's my new favoritest thing
@spugsley I can imagine :P
I remember once I used that spray in hair colour junk when I was Queen Amidala for halloween one year and it was hell to get out
@AshleyNunn yeah hair and paint is just no
@spugsley It looked great, but I spent FOREVER in the shower after :P
@spugsley ...
....so I am trying to find a kid's movie to watch while I cross-stitch, and I am horrified by how many Bratz/Bratz Babiez movies there are because those things are total nightmare fuel
@AshleyNunn Watch Lilo and Stitch while you stitch!
@OrigamiRobot ....I might have just finished doing just that
@spugsley I jsut watched it a week ago :P
Also, there is a fuckton of Land Before Time movies
@AshleyNunn Too many!
Q: Switching between mii's

javamomHow do I switch between wii characters, players aka mii while playing skylanders? I am not looking for two player action, simply how to go from one player to a different player.

@Fluttershy Yeah, totally.
I love Martin Freeman!
Q: What are the advantages you get upon taking Six Sigma Training?

Emily BrownWhat are the advantages you get upon taking Six Sigma Training?

I smell like paint
@spugsley I can think of worse things to smell like, so... that's something.
@Fluttershy This is true there is plenty worse
I've stumbled into the flash mob and improv part of youtube again...
Q: On AC4 it wont let me buy the last upgrade's for the Jackdaw, is this normal?

JamdI have completed the game and yet it still wont let me buy the last upgrade's for the Jackdaw, why is this?

Q: Is there a list of all known searchable terms for the item shop?

Domenik VanBuskirkWhen they added the search feature and redid the shop however long ago, they added certain searchable terms for popular items (I believe "tons of damage" pops up trinity force for example). In this patch 3.14, they added "hats" to be a searchable term as well. What other just-for-fun or short-ha...

game hackers are the lowest form of retard
@Lazers woot, spam flags
Git yer Civic Duty badges!
What is this fire thing?
Q: How do I debug "There was an error connecting with Maestro."?

Ross RogersI'm getting this message from league of legends when I try to start the game: There is an error connecting with Maestro. League of Legends will now exit. Please try restarting the client. This is prior to login. How does one debug this issue? I've tried: "turning it off and on again." ru...

Q: For the Noobs: Starting Bitcoin games. I cannot transfer Bitcoins, or use Faucets

Christopher RucinskiI started with Bitcoin a few days ago, and have mainly been going to free faucets and sites like that to get free Bitcoins. I just recently found out about Bitcoin games like the one at https://satoshimines.com/. I played around with it and like it, but I tried to transfer some Bitcoins to my acc...

@OrigamiRobot I use a controller
Q: XBOX 360 controller query

NexusI don't have an XBOX however i am planning to buy a MS XBOX 360 controller for Windows 8 PC. As of now ( and as per my RnD), current XBOX 360 controller is compatible with Surface RT and most of the games on it. Does the same holds true for RT games we download from Windows 8.1 store ? Will XB...

Q: Bind a key for multiple units to use the same spell

krikaraIs there a way for me to bind a key that will allow multiple units in my control group to all use the same spell at once? For example, if I have 3 centaurs as chen, and I have them all selected. Can I press one key to make them all warstomp at the same time? Or if I have 3 familiars as Visage....

> Q: Is there any peripheral support? A: Need for Speed Rivals will not support any driving-wheels or other peripherals.
@3ventic dafuq? a racing game with no support for racing wheels?
Yes, that is a thing.
@3ventic That's just retarded.
Well, they also hard capped the game to 30 FPS and uncapping it makes the game run faster, which makes it impossible to play
Q: What is a great strategy for taking down Mon o' Wars and Legendary ships in AC4?

JamdIn Black flag i'm not sure which stategy to use for big ships, I usually go with a massive Mortar attack, but its not that good.

@3ventic Oh boy.. Here's a video
TotalBiscuit also has a good video of it
Q: How to flag off-topic questions that are not game related

SysDragonI think there should be a general option for flagging on the "off-topic" section. How to flag a question that is not game-related if not?

user image
@KevinvanderVelden Morning
Q: Mini map not showing

ValamasI have just started playing and am lost because i do not have a mini map. I tried the B key however, it does not show. B is the only command bound to it. I have tried rebinding the key and it does not complain about a conflict with another binding. I can see the map with the M key but would like...

@KevinvanderVelden Morning
@3ventic 3310?
Curse you @3ventic, you were faster than me.
Q: What is a Weapons Technologist

Mr UniverseSo I was travelling around, and I came across a person with the same symbol as an Engineer but he was titled as a Weapons Technologist. I noticed that I could hire him. What is a Weapons Technologist? What does it do?

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