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Q: Is it better to continue to nightmare mode or start again with a new class?

LucianoI've just finished Diablo 3 in normal mode with a Monk. I've finished at level 32 with my stash mostly full of rare items. I know the idea should be to continue to more difficult modes in order to achieve level 60 and/or get set/legendary items, but having to do everything again with the same c...

@Lazers Worst question I've seen in a while.
@StrixVaria The fact he has 1700 rep on SO and is asking such a shitty question here makes me sad.
ugh, why did yx answer that?
Q: How do people know so much about programming?

LucianoI see people in this forums with a lot of points, so I assume they know about a lot of different programming stuff. When I was young I knew about basic (commodore) and the turbo pascal (pc). Then in college I learnt about C, memory management, x86 set, loop invariants, graphs, db query optimizat...

@Wipqozn He looks like Nicolas Cage
I downvote answers to blatantly bad questions by high-rep users as a general rule.
@StrixVaria You are a martyr @Strix. SE needs more people with your integrity.
cough votepostnottheauthor cough
@StrixVaria It's even worse when they vtc and answer.
sorry, had something in my throat there.
@agent86 The post shouldn't exist. Hence, downvote.
Its existence itself is setting a bad example, thus "not useful".
@StrixVaria It's an old-style CW - most of those need to burn
@StrixVaria there's a badge for posting a good answer to a bad question.
@agent86 This isn't just a bad question. There is nothing about this question that is on topic.
Plus it makes it more difficult to deal with the question. the point of closing is to prevent people from posting answers to an invalid question, so you can then edit it into a valid one.
Answering a question that is blatantly against the rules of the site sets a bad example.
although I believe there are plenty of questions that should not be answered. I think if it's "bad" -> "in need of closing" that's different from "bad" -> "can be saved with a good answer"
but yeah, sorting answers to downvote based on who posted them is bad too, is what I'm trying to say.
@agent86 This is not example of the latter.
@Wipqozn not speaking in specific terms, trying to speak in general.
This is a question which is just "Is playing in higher difficulties boring?"
Also, everyone, watch that video.
Michael Davis is hilarious.
@agent86 I need to be able to spit out a complete sentence in a cough. That's some diaphram-wrenching skills you have there.
@fbueckert it takes years of practice, and a steady hand.
@QAdley I negative vote anything worth negative voting, don't care who
Agree with Strix completely
I have no idea how I got to Depths 1 with a max health of 2
@agent86 I managed to hiccup and sneeze at the same time, once. I'd rather not repeat the experience.
damn Judas
@fbueckert That sounds painful.
@QAdp Judas is at least good (good initial speed, damage, etc.)
try Samson :(
@fbueckert that's nasty, sneezing with lungs full of smoke hurts too
I don't have Samson. Like in the game, at all. :)
@QAdp Did you buy WoTL?
@ickleislands So do I, I think I used to upvote this kind of thing when I joined SO though (it was very different back then though!)
@IanPugsley Now I'm considering it
@StrixVaria It was. It put me down for a little while. I didn't want to move after the contortions my diaphragm had to execute to pull that off.
it's mostly an issue of how much harder would the game get
@QAdp I got pretty lucky with health increase items on my runs with him. exploiting blood donation machines/slot matchines helps too
I give out far more upvotes than I do downvotes, but if something is bad then I will downvote it
I mean, I did win my first two victories now, but it was both with Magdalene
turns out Yum heart is a really really really good item
@QAdp her speed and damage hurt, but I find lots of those, so I'm often successful with Maggie too
@IanPugsley You get so much health to make up for it
esp. if you sped some keys in shops and get batteries
@QAdp any good activated item and batteries are amazing though
see: Prayer Card, Book of Revelations, etc.
Crystal Ball
@agent86 I hit 2k rep this morning and can now edit posts. Please sir, may I be issued my sword and shield.
@tiddy I think we're going to have to send you back to bridge sensitivity training. the brainwashing is wearing off.
red monstro 2, I thought I was a goner
dead bird saved me
There are BATTLES to arbitrarily start though!
@QAdp Mostro 2 isn't actually too bad - you can harass him into lazering continuously. Once you get that pattern down, he's no problem.
oh wow bucket of lard
@QAdp because Maggie isn't slow enough already? :P
I'm still using Judas - 5 hearts now!
does the bucket of lard slow you down?
@QAdp yeah, two hearts but hurts speed
a good find for Judas though
fucking telepills
flinged from right next to the treasure room to the other damn side of the map
also I still don't know why I have health down pills already identified but I'm happy about it
hm, chocolate shot yes or no
@QAdp I hate it.
@QAdp telepills can actually be very handy now
@IanPugsley can they?
they let you use the tooth doors that hurt you without getting hit a second time (if you're flying, you don't get hit the first time)
oh okay, in WotL
@QAdp oh, yeah
ugh, mr mega as my final item
even in vanilla you can occasionally get sent to the "I AM ERROR" room, with 0-2 items and a whole mess of pills
@Fluttershy it's amazing with Brimstone
it was broken for a while in WoTL but I think it's fixed
@IanPugsley The chocolate milk?
@Fluttershy yep - makes it practically instant-fire
They're also handy against the, uh, dopplegangers in the womb if you have a shooting familiar
Charge the shot and your familiar shoots regularly. The doppleganger however won't shoot until you release the button.
So you just stand still and hold the button until he's ded
I have no idea what I'd do otherwise
Can a mod close this? Community bumped it :/
@StrixVaria I imagine a lock works too
meh, I'll close it instead
Yeah sure, however you want to solve it.
chocolate is also useful vs hosts and bosses - charge your shot while they're invulnerable
A: Minecraft, PermissionsEx and how group inheritance works

TylerCan you check my file for spelling errors? The paraser checking was fine. groups: default: prefix: - You need to register!!! default: true permissions: - modifyworld.* - -bukkit.command.kill Citizen: prefix: '&e [Citizen]&f' default: false inherita...

Jesus Christ, what do I do with this?
I mean, besides the fact that it's listed as an answer...
@GnomeSlicE It's not an answer.
Flag it as such.
@GnomeSlicE what do you do with what?
@QAdp I just finished my comment too... =[
> Hi there @Tyler. This space is reserved for answers to the original question. If you have your own question, I'd ordinarily suggest that you ask it, but this particular question will almost certainly be closed as 'too localized' if you do, since the issue (spell check) relates only to you. Sorry.
You guys stink.
This is really weird.
@GnomeSlicE You called?
@TylerShads Er... no actually, sorry.
Wow, you got a ping for that?
Three cubes of meat+
I thought I'd never see the day
except... is this thing any useful
@TylerShads Sorry, didn't think you'd be pinged for that.
@TylerShads oh noes mod wrath
Lol its fine, haha
it was nice knowing you, everyone
@QAdp If you're making wraps, go with beef, or grilled chicken.
@agent86 Wha hoppen?
@GnomeSlicE @tylershads is the best ever
somebody set up us the bomb
pushes @GnomeSlicE out in front as a meat shield
bah, down to two hearts
I ain't gonna make it
@QAdp BoI?
yeah. Double gluttony got me to 3 though
@TylerShads Oh. Oops, I thought he was talking about his lunch or something.
@agent86 @tylershads should be the CEO of SE
I should play tBoI again. The soundtrack in that game is fantastic.
@agent86 ...Is someone else using your account, by chance?
@GnomeSlicE These aren't the mods you're looking for.
You guys are the worst.
@agent86 if anyone reads this, I'm being granted life by the savior @Tylershads
By the way, you guys should check out Aquadelic GT, it's tons of good fun.
...Just ignore the gnome in the comments.
if I use the moon
on a level with no secret rooms
what happens?
I do not want the i am error room on Womb 2 :/
@QAdp I wish I had your conviction to keep talking about things when nobody cares, that would be awesome for me. :P
The thing I didn't like most about The Binding of Isaac was that none of the items are explained.
@QAdp Also, did you ever finish Inferno+?
and I take on mom's heart with 2 hearts and die
not to the heart but to the bullshit eyes
@QAdp I'll... take that as a 'no'.
@GnomeSlicE Take that as a "I'm trying to help you have the conviction to keep talking about things when nobody cares"
@QAdp Aha, well in that case, thanks.
...You know I was joking right? =[
Don't think I'm a dick.
A: Why am I 100.3% complete with the campaign?

anyoneIt is a mistake on part of the developers. Nicks's answer about "Mind the Gap" is wrong because it actually has two parts, the first says 0/2 and the second 0/1 (or vice versa), so it's never 3 out of 2.

Can anyone with the game confirm this?
@QAdp Let's be friends.
@Mana I'm on a boat.
@agent86 Is it a friendboat though?
@Mana Is that boat named friendship or something?
@GnomeSlicE No, I was just symbolizing the launch of a new friendship, sailing out to sea
...I see.
Well, you know, I can only have so many friendships at once, so I had so sink another one to accommodate this one.
These are all my neglected friendships
Q: How to get the Steam Workshop to work with "Civilization V" for a Mac?

Nick AugelloI currently own Civilization V, (not the Gods & Kings expansion,) and have the latest version of it and have subscribed to several items on the Steam Workshop, but when I start-up the game, none of them appear to be in effect. Is there something I'm doing wrong because I'm on a Mac?

Q: What does the AP Mid GP10 meta entail?

KlokworkkI've heard a lot of talk from high level players about AP Mids starting to build a GP10 setup and having a lot of success with it. TSM Mid player Reginald has even expressed how much he hates the "new mid GP10 meta" because of how passive it is. I've looked around several of the common League of ...

Q: What are the pros and cons of taking the Skeleton Key?

DavidI heard when you take the Skeleton Key you will be kicked out of the Theives Guild. So I want to make an objective decision on whether or not I should take it. How does your relationship with the Thieve's guild differ if you don't take the skeleton key, vs. if you do take it?

@Lazers Mmmmmmm, not really sure how appropriate this is for the site.
@FAE Hard to say. In my experience, LoL tends to have a 'you should do this' answer in many situations that's largely recognized by the community as 'correct', even if it sounds like it should be a discussion.
@GnomeSlicE I don't think it's VTC-worthy, but it's one to keep an eye on because I'm worried about it getting too discussiony due to the fact that it's apparently a new part of the metagame.
So even by the LoL community standards itself, it's not largely recognized yet.
I see. Sounds good to me (what you said).
Yay, debugging classic ASP code!
well, no more shitty job :) As of today, I'm officially done
@GraceNote Dynasty Ahri skin is on sale this weekend.
@spugsley No more job at all?
@spugsley Congrats? I am not sure if this is yayworthy or not, as it usually depends on if you have another job lined up.
@fbueckert not currently.
@FAE I do not, and I'm dealing with it
but it's still good
@spugsley Well, I am glad then.
@spugsley where did you used to work?
@agent86 pediatric doctors office with some of the worst people I've ever encountered in my life
@spugsley :-(
@spugsley yeah, I could see how that would drive you to learn the ancient art of baby punching
@agent86 Especially since there would be lots of babies around...
@agent86 and now you understand
@spugsley spugly thx
@spugsley it's better to be unemployed than working somewhere that destroys everything that makes you, you
@ickleislands There is something inherently off about this statement but I can not figure out what it is.
@ickleislands At the same time, it's better to have a job, any job than let your debts grow.
@ickleislands it took me long enough to figure that out, but you're right.
@fbueckert I disagree, a job that detracts from who you are in a way that is in detriment to your personality is not better than unemployment
Q: CounterStrike Pass name parameter on game start

user525717Does it possible to pass name parameter on counter-strike ? I have tried this and it does not works -nojoy -nomaster -nointro -game cstrike -appid 10 -gl -steam +nameExample

Know what's a detriment to my personality? Not getting paiddddd
@fbueckert yes having a job is good, but the psychology of being eaten away/nagged away by one that is bad beyond your control means that its not always better to have one
@James i think it's the double "you"
@ickleislands Nono, I understand that. I agree with the underlying nature of what was said but the way it was said seems more like admitting defeat instead of controlling the situation.
@fbueckert it's not right to make impulse decisions, but you're no use to anybody both professionally and personally if you get soul-destroyed by turning up to work. Work is a huge part of our lives (9+ hours a day, every day) so having a job you're at least content with is a requirement, not a privilege
@James its naive to believe you can control every situation
@fbueckert I disagree...my job made my anxiety so much worse. I didn't sleep. I got nauseous all the time. I'd rather be unemployed :/ It's stressful but not as bad as staying there
@ickleislands And its ignorant to think you do not control every situation. You may not like your choices but you always have a choice.
@spugsley I had a roommate who decided to quit his job and not tell me.
He then went broke and couldn't meet rent.
@fbueckert well that's the wrong way to do things
@James the choice in situations like this is "leave", which causes a strange contradiction in this particular discussion
@fbueckert I guarentee without even asking that this has been discussed more than once with @spugsley's other half
@ickleislands If there was only something spugs could do that would reduce stress, anxiety, nausea, and lack of sleep
@ickleislands Leaving is not the same as accepting to be unemployed.
@spugsley That's the point I'm making.
@James unemployment to me is a temporary state, not something that you'd willingly accept in the long run
If you can manage to make ends meet by being unemployed, awesome.
@ickleislands and he wanted me to quit more than I did. I was super hesitant at first but my anxiety and all around irritability being at this soul-crushing place was not a good situation for us :/
@ickleislands exactly. I'm a senior in college, I have a bright future ahead of me. This is temporary :)
But letting the bills grow just so you don't have to work is not the way to go about it.
@ickleislands I mean keep the job but actively look for another job. I think it is known to be so much easier to get a job while you have a job ;)
@fbueckert oh, don't get me wrong I agree with that 100%
@spugsley What are you studying?
@fbueckert The one and only time I have quit a job was a junior programmer role, where they found it acceptable to discuss rape in the open
@James English and Psych.
@ickleislands omg wow. That's horrible.
@fbueckert = I left, and is part of the reason I have attitude towards programmers
@spugsley Nice, While I like english we never get along.. Love Pysch though :)
@ickleislands The sad part, I didn't boot his ass out the door as soon as he told me he was broke.
@fbueckert now tell me that its not acceptable to declare unemployment as wrong in comparison to sticking it out
@fbueckert I can both understand and respect that, even if from an outside point of view it is wrong that you left yourself open to abuse like that
@ickleislands There are always mitigating circumstances. I agree.
But if you have obligations to meet, being unemployed should be as temporary as you can make it.
@fbueckert once again I believe the problem is my fault because I didn't write a 10 page essay clarifying circumstances on my initial statement before hitting enter :P
seems to be the start of every single discussion I cause in this place
Even if you have to work at McDonalds. Find a job. Any job.
@ickleislands What does that tell you? :P
@fbueckert that I start my conversations in context of what is being discussed and others don't see that
@fbueckert I join a discussion making assumptions that others will pick up the angle I'm coming from, while others make assumptions that I am bat sht crazy
@ickleislands Hmm. I think you need to learn a bit more. :P
It's important to clarify your angle.
So! On a slightly and completely unrealted topic
no its not, some of the best conversations I've had are when we're all talking about different things
New TableTop episode today! :D
@fbueckert yes, I agree, I just think it would be a bit weird for me to enter every conversation with so much clarification
The conversation has taught me an important lesson. The rent is too damn high.
@ickleislands That is a very frightening declaration :P
@spugsley LOL If that had been all one sentence I would have starred it :D
@fbueckert next thing that will happen is: "why are you telling us this?"
@ickleislands Try to condense. Like I did:
10 mins ago, by fbueckert
@ickleislands At the same time, it's better to have a job, any job than let your debts grow.
@James fixed :p
@fbueckert that was at the end!
Yeah, economy is no joke.
@spugsley Thanks! :)
@tiddy Economics is though :)
@ickleislands That was my first comment on it!
@James No problem. I do think it's important that people know that the rent is too damn high.
@fbueckert mmmh fine
@spugsley I can do one better. I had JUST defeated the Warden with my 5 stacks when I got disconnected. Never got to pick up the 3 yellows that dropped.
@spugsley And I think its important people get the lesson out of any conversation ;)
@bwarner nasty
On the plus side though, I got my first Legendary drop last night (and that I did get to pick up)
Blizzard should have designed their system in Diablo 3 to be more resilient to disconnects, like having a 'resume' and a 'new' game button rather than just ending your game world if you D/C
@spugsley I'm nice to my roommates; I charge them peanuts for rent, and they get all the benefits of living in the house.
@ickleislands I couldn't even reconnect to Battle.Net, and I just gave up and went to bed, so it wouldn't have mattered.
The loafer got to stick around for six months before I came down on him.
@bwarner @ickleislands Welcome to my life.
@GnomeSlicE you disconnect from life? and can't get back in? after dropping epix?
@ickleislands His life is defined by his internet connection
Of course the legendary I got was a set item for a different class. But hopefully I can "trade" it into something useful on the auction house.
That's a rather unstable life
especially with your on going issue with streaming video
@bwarner I dreamt I found a legendary last night. Diablo addiction, anyone?
"Authenticator: Secure your legendary gear"
Too much emphasis on gear
good evening people
Q: In Mass Effect, where is the small station that sells special items?

SaintWackoI beat Mass Effect on the Xbox a few years ago, and now I'm replaying it on PC so I can carry my save over to ME2. I remember from my previous playthrough that I found a little station with a guy on it who sells really powerful, expensive, high-level items. I remember when I landed on the station...

Q: Supreme Commander 2 community lobby

PajaFor Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, there is a community-driven lobby called Forged Alliance Forever. They provide their own lobby, so you can play the game in multi-player even once the devs decide to stop providing on-line servers for the game. Is there something similar for Supreme Command...

@Blem Evening
@MarcoCeppi What do we need to do to be able to set up rooms on Mumble?
@Fluttershy admin privs :)
Woo! Long weekend!
if a scorpion can carry its babies on its back, is it reasonable that it could also carry food stuffs on its back? For example, a cracker.
@spugsley scorpion^ Cool.
@spugsley It could stab them on its back too.
I dunno, someone else here might find that image/joke funnier than I did.
@GnomeSlicE Omg, I'm not trying to be funny. It's a legit question
ahem, jk, you meant the picture
@spugsley No no, I was talking about the picture.
@spugsley But no, you're right, I was trying to make your scorpion thing into another joke about child abuse.
@spugsley It's a legitimate assumption.
@spugsley ...Why do you ask, anyway?
@GnomeSlicE Sadly, I'm okay with this
@GnomeSlicE because @OrigamiRobot does not find this reasonable
> The number of young – called Scorplings – will depend on the species as well as the environmental factors that surround them. Sometimes the mothers will consume the young rather than to take care of them. It isn’t fully understood why that happens.

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