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@badp How so? I thought you were a huge MLP fan.
Q: Do you guys like the CLG Poke Meta, and Why?

Experia178Just as the title says, do you like it?! From what i've seen, a well played Poking meta (Like the 2nd CLG vs 4Not) is just too hard to handle! How would you guys beat it? Debate.

Can we get these answers converted to comments or something?
I mean, I know it's already closed, but...
@GnomeSlice Why?
I agree with converting that short one, but the first one is technically an answer.
Q: SKYRIM - how does the comand player.setav absorbchance work?

pseudonameIs it 100 for 100% of the time or 1? aka is it the % or a decimal.

Q: Does being untargetable prevent all effects?

Nick TBeing untargetable (Yi's Alpha Strike, Fizz's Playful/Trickster, Fiora's ult, etc.) prevents lots of bad things from happening to you, but does it stop everything such as: AoE effects Nunu's ult (damage and/or slow?) Morgana's ultimate (if untargetable, can she not start cast at all, or if alr...

Q: When does passive trace start in Uplink?

Billy ONealIn Uplink, I've heard that banks have the fastest passive trace times in the game; but if you have proxy bypass and monitor bypass, the active trace never starts. Do passive traces start from when the active trace would normally start, or do they start when you disconnect from the target host? (e...

Q: When should the jungler buy the oracles instead of the support?

TywonWhen should the jungler buy the oracles instead of the support? What are the advantages and disadvantages in terms of gold distribution between the two and the allowed aggression with the added penalty on dying?

@Wipqozn ...It's a debate question.
@Lazers I really don't like this, for some reason.
@GnomeSlice and this answer is an actual answer to the question. It'sjust terrible.
Part of the debate question is "How would you beat X?", that longer answer is the user saying how he would beat x.
I agree that short one shoudl be converted though.
Why on Earth are we sponsoring a tournament for a game as subjective as League of Legends...
@GnomeSlice Subjective isn't inherently bad.
A question having multiple possible answers isn't inherently a bad thing.
see that blog post about good subjective vs bad subjective
@LessPop_MoreFizz No but...
I think the problem is the community we reached out to, not an essential quality of the game
5 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Q: Do you guys like the CLG Poke Meta, and Why?

Experia178Just as the title says, do you like it?! From what i've seen, a well played Poking meta (Like the 2nd CLG vs 4Not) is just too hard to handle! How would you guys beat it? Debate.

@GnomeSlice The problem is that most of the people coming to the site are just asking terrible questions.
@GnomeSlice most of the LoL questions are dumb because LoL players are idiots, not because the questions are too subjective.
@GnomeSlice I could make a similiar question about any game.
@Wipqozn No shit, Sherlock.
@LessPopMoreFizz we're sponsoring a tournament to increase site traffic
@LessPop_MoreFizz A lot of them are just plain bad, but a lot of them are also discussion type questions.
@Rarity It could be argued that the community is an essential quality of the game, but that's splitting hairs.
@GnomeSlice you realize I'm only stating the obvious because you don't seem to understand it?
So don't get all nasty with me.
We're not a good site to handle this if the game is this discussiony, as it appears to be.
@Wipqozn I'm not...
@GnomeSlice Most of the 'discussion type questions' would be perfectly fine questions if they weren't worded by strangely by people posting on forums.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I mean the game as a game, the community still exists separate of the mechanics
Who here has played LoL? Do you seriously want that community here? It is the most vitriolic bunch of people I know of
the people that employ those mechanics are just...terrible
the core question in most cases is fine, it's just that they tend to get ended with phrases like 'what do you think' for no reason other than habit.
@NickT NO U
Ehhh, most are worse than just asking 'what do you think"
A fair amount are "how do you think they should change the game"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Exactly. Even that question @GnomeSlice posted above could be converted into a good question if the OP took the time.
and there's like...500 of them asking what happens when X ultimate is used
@NickT I'm in ur lane, killin ur towers
(I don't even know if that makes sense)
Anyway, dinner.
@Rarity Yeah, those questions are just bad, but we could get those about any competitive multiplayer game, it's not inherent to LoL.
Arg, I just went through all the trouble to put 16 videos into a play list and forgot to hit save.
In fact, we've had several idiots attempt to ask similar questions about ME3's ending IIRC.
@James That is pretty funny.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know, do we ever get that about TF2?
@Wipqozn Is not :P
Is so.
Damn it. That was supposed to one-box to nelson,
@Rarity No, but there's no reason that we couldn't. My point is that the problem isn't LoL, it's the idiots who play it.
@Wipqozn Ha Ha!
@Wipqozn it doesn't have an image file extension
True, that's what I was saying though
@murgatroid99 Yeah, I realize this now. I'm just too lazy to grab another image.
has anyone noticed that in this room we tend to argue while agreeing with the person we're arguing with?
lazers sapping my intelligence
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, the player base is what seems to be the problem.
@Rarity I do that even when I'm not in this room
@Rarity No we don't.
In other news... there is a Criterion Collection edition of Kindergarten Cop.
awww yeah blu ray edition
> can u plz tell wuts the point of the game i mean all i know is tht she is havign a ngithmare but my Q is why? plz tell me
@fredley that MMO asteroids would be more convincing if half the time you respawned every single enemy ship was pointed at you
youtube comments
@Rarity Oh, I thought that was a question asked by one of our new GG USers.
someone asked on one of my old videos
(where I show the whole damn game, if they bothered to watch)
@RonanForman YOUR MOVE BRO
Q: When does passive trace start in Uplink?

Billy ONealIn Uplink, I've heard that banks have the fastest passive trace times in the game; but if you have proxy bypass and monitor bypass, the active trace never starts. Do passive traces start from when the active trace would normally start, or do they start when you disconnect from the target host? (e...

Q: From where do passive traces start in Uplink?

Billy ONealSimilar to my previous question about passive traces, I'm wondering from where a passive trace starts; from as close as the active trace reached, or starting at the target server. For instance, the typical method is to delete one's logs from the first bounce point -- typically Internic, but this...

really needed two questions for that?
I was wondering why with the second one
Winter is coming in 90 minutes
And spring just started!
Yea, I was about to close those, then I realized one was "where" the other was "when".
@RavenDreamer Merge?
@RavenDreamer mod abuse! Tyranny!
idk how merges work
@OrigamiRobot whar I go for BBQ.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What area?
@OrigamiRobot it merges the answers, so that's not exactly going to be effective.
@RavenDreamer Indeed
ummm.... Staying Here: binged.it/HdwxFB
Q: From where do passive traces start in Uplink?

Billy ONealSimilar to my previous question about passive traces, I'm wondering from where a passive trace starts; from as close as the active trace reached, or starting at the target server. For instance, the typical method is to delete one's logs from the first bounce point -- typically Internic, but this...

Q: What is the easiest way to win soloqueue games?

TywonObviously anyone can win with any hero but there are definitely easier ways than others. Awhile ago assassins dominated soloqueue like Akali, Talon, and Kassadin. Now that they are nerfed what are the new easiest champs to carry games with?

Q: MW3 Care Packages - Killstreak Challenges

CurtI previously asked this question: Black Ops Care Packages - Killstreak Challenges It's asking whether or not killstreak rewards which are given when you open a care package killstreak contribute to challenges. Do they contribute in Modern Warfare 3 as well?

Q: How to comeback from a lane that fed an enemey champion?

IrishGoldI have been invovled in many games where one of my teammates fed their respective lane very hard, while the other lanes are staying even with the enemy and we end up losing a good percentage of the time. Bringing all lanes and jungle into the equation, what can we do to comeback from this without...

Q: Will there be a new double jungler meta/jungler & roamer meta?

SmellfearI've been seeing a double jungler comp in many of my games recently. Will this actually become a new meta? What champions would be best used in the jungle for double jungle team comps?

@LessPop_MoreFizz barbqking.com
@LessPop_MoreFizz BBQ King is amazazing!
there's a place closer to @OrigamiRobot and I (about a half-hour away from you, I figure) called Elwoods, too
@IanPugsley so noted.
We are south of where you are.
time to go outside and figure out if I can stay put in this hotel for a week or am going to have to move.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would recommend Fuel Pizza, but you are from NY so idk...
@OrigamiRobot I r pizza snob
any other recommendations are welcome however.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Go to a family diner and get some good ol' southern food.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Drink some Cheerwine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz See a movie for cheaper then you're probably used to.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure what that means.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh man. Now I know where you are. I can totally watch you sleep now.
Does anyone else here play Toribash? If yes, can you not access the multiplayer servers either?
anyone else want to Draw Something?
@GnomeSlice I would like to but never have; can't help you
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nascar Hall of Fame? (lol)
Got disconnected earlier today, and still can't see any multiplayer games any more.
@wipqozn there are 90 rooms in this hotel! You don't know which I am!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll just ask the front desk which room the puppet is staying in.
I wil ask them to refuse any such requests from inquisitive ponies.
Or alots.
They can;t deny requests from Unicorns!
Pretty sure that's against the law or something
Hmmmmm. Rain all week. Lots of free time!
@LessPop_MoreFizz What is it you do, exactly? <.<
He answers video game questions, obviously
huh... It's apparently super easy to change your display name. o.O
Of course. Changing again is the challenging part
Does anyone know how to record YouTube audio to convert to mp3? Or is that highly illegal?
Illegal depends more on intent
the crudest way would be to use Audacity or the like and use "Stereo Mix" as the input
@tristan I make maps.

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