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@AshleyNunn I am fine with this assessment.
@GraceNote @Wipqozn Hurray. Then I shall shout it from rooftops. (may not include actual rooftops)
I'm trying to think about what I left out, except for more detail of course.
You can always provide more detail.
dammit @GraceNote! This is going to bug me all day now... what did I forget?
This is how I picture you right now.
@Wipqozn dammit I knew it was coming and you still got me
@IanPugsley I would hope you saw it coming. I feel like I post that video in chat everyday.
@Wipqozn I've never seen it before.
Search says it's only been 14 times, but I think it's lying.
@Wipqozn You only cover one form of speed modification, and only one set of priority modification.
You mention nothing at all about the non-stage speed modification, while the Bulbapedia article on priority only barely touches on non-move effects, and doesn't cover it all that well.
@GraceNote hmm, I see.
@GraceNote Wow. Pokemon is complicated
@AshleyNunn Essentially what I'm telling Wipqozn about is a tinge more than what you probably need to know as far as just getting through the game and basically understanding priority. ♪
@AshleyNunn That's why it's so awesome. It's simple to play, but it's really deep if you want to get into it.
@StrixVaria I am learning that! Here I just thought it was herpaderp battle herpaderp catch all the pokemon...
@AshleyNunn What's your party like now?
@AshleyNunn People play this game as an e-sport
One of these days I should challenge people here to a battle. Probably to get my behind handed to me, but still.
@GraceNote I don't even have a full team. I stopped playing after I spent 4 hours trying to breed a Yamask with certain IVs and couldn't get them. The odds weren't that bad, but I was just really unlucky.
@StrixVaria Hasn't changed much - Simisear, Munna, Herdier, Dewott, Cottonee, and Timburr.
@StrixVaria I just beat the 3rd Gym. :)
@GraceNote I would lose horrifically, I imagine.
@StrixVaria I haven't actually finished my newest team, either, but that's because I forgot where I was. I'm not much for IV aiming but I'm pretty pleased that I managed to luck out and catch a 31 Attack Larvitar.
@AshleyNunn I played through that game so fast I can't remember what happened in what order, but I don't think you've encountered my favorite from that gen yet.
@StrixVaria Oh?
@StrixVaria What is it, if I may inquire?
@GraceNote Litwick/Lampert/Chandelure
Hee, that is always a fun and lovable one. My favorite is Lilligant, myself.
@GraceNote I used one of those. Its Sp.Atk. was so high.
I think it was Sp.Atk.
My Lilligant kinda carried me through the end-game. I love her a lot. ♪
I just remember it completely carried me in some battles.
Yes, they have a very good Special Attack, as well as means to boost it pretty well.
I need to play through that gen again.
Mine has Own Tempo, so I use Petal Dance on her.
Which means I need to load up both my Black and White games, transfer whatever I want to keep, and then erase one of them...
@GraceNote I can't remember any movesets, but I might load up my games tonight and see what I had going on.
She actually isn't part of the team I mentioned earlier, but that's because she doesn't thematically fit. I'm still working on what team I would use with her.
Can anyone help me find the shark?
I'm having difficulty
@fredley the shark is gone.
The profile is from his old avatar
the shark is a lie.
That was a waste of half an hour
@fredley lol, I have my browser only filling half of my screen now and is half dangling off the profile
@FallenAngelEyes Me too
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, it's hanging on mine while still being full-screen.
@GraceNote How small is your resolution?
Raise on meta - 'profiles have dangling tags'?
@FallenAngelEyes I don't remember
@fredley Is this worse than dangling chads?
For my second playthrough, I bred 6 pokemon and used them all the way from the start of the game to the end. IIRC the team was: Jellicent, Chandelure, Cofagrigus, Lilligant, Crustle, and Braviary.
I like ghosts.
@FallenAngelEyes worse than changeling dads
@StrixVaria My final team was Lilligant, Galvantula, Crustle, Larvesta, Pawniard, and Sigilyph.
Y'all are making me wanna play
@AshleyNunn: Are you on Season 2 of MLP yet?
@Wipqozn Almost. Just gotta watch the Gala ep.
I do cycle Pokemon, but I made a point of never swapping Lilligant out of my team once I got her.
@GraceNote My original team (from a real play-through where I didn't just start with all the Pokemon I wanted to use) was uh: Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Krookodile, Ferrothorn, and Scrafty.
Ferrothorn is so good.
He's like Jumpluff but even better.
I know, I just started training one.
I'm going to need to play again.
Forget about IVs and EVs because that's so boring and just play through the game.
...also what. I don't see anything between Jumpluff and Ferrothorn. Yargh.
@GraceNote I built them the same way. Leech Seed/Substitute
@StrixVaria It took until Lilligant hit level 93 or so, but I finally figured out what her IVs and EVs were from my playthrough.
@StrixVaria I don't even know what that means >.<
16 4 13 17 31 25
32 200 68 20 12 172
@AshleyNunn Wait until you finish playing through the game. They're not important until then.
punches those numbers into the lazers aiming system
@StrixVaria Agreed
@GraceNote 31's the maximum, ya?
(For IVs)
@RavenDreamer Yes, she has max SpDef apparently.
@StrixVaria ....but when I finish playing through, aren't I done?
Essentially her IVs are pretty nice for her style, but her EVs are miserable.
@AshleyNunn Hyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahya!
@GraceNote EVs can be fixed.
Berry spams!
@RavenDreamer I'm not going to do that. I love her too much to do that to her.
@GraceNote This.
@StrixVaria and I who thought the Tribes Ascend NDA terms were draconian. That you were in the beta program was one of the two things you could say at all about it!
@GraceNote I thought the ev down berries made the pokemon love you more.
@agent86 The other thing was that such a program existed in the first place.
Luckily I rejected those terms so I think I can discuss them.
@RavenDreamer It's a matter of pride, I don't want to just treat her like some kind of battle minion who I have to prime for battle. Her strengths were from our journey together.
(Can I be bound to a contract I didn't sign?)
@GraceNote oic.
From tanking Hydreigon's entire onslaught while the entire rest of my party was KO'd.
@badp I'm curious what the other was...
@badp sorry, missed that.
It almost sounds like Pokemon has it's own language
@badp EULAs are a legal gray area. EULAs that are also NDAs are likewise legally gray.
@GraceNote That Hydreigon :'(
@agent86 np, I enjoy back-replies.
I haven't tried Tribes Ascend yet.
@RavenDreamer That is totally all I hear XD
@RavenDreamer especially when you read them or, god forbid, reject them!
@StrixVaria Oh, and I was also out of healing items at the end of the skirmish. That I managed to pull through it all just makes me love her all the more.
@badp Also, it's impossible to prove who clicked them.
"Oh, my cat signed your EULA, so you'll want to be suing him"
@RavenDreamer That's just silly.
The NDA was also coupled by a few vidoes on youtube about the NDAd game, so that made perfect sense
and even if the relatively-famous uploader had specifically gotten a preferential contract or some other kind of green light (which I doubt but can't exclude), commentators commentated normally on the video
and obviously there was clause 4, saying that whatever you breach, you can be sued for unlimited damages of all kinds
I think I got an invite to that beta, but I didn't ever respond. Too much other crap going on :P
and clause I think 9.1, saying that in case of the agreement being terminated, some clauses would survive the termination
namely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.2
@FallenAngelEyes I had forgotten how bad the elevators were.
(there was no 10 or 9.3)
so that was also nice
@RavenDreamer yyyyeah
luckily the bridge doesn't have elevators. Only Quake 3 style jump pads.
So long as you travel upwards that's easy peasy.
If you were wondering what happened to Fredy - he crashed through all the landing pads for downward travel in a row.
These are great.
@RavenDreamer Slow elevators in games usually mean it's loading.
I've never seen a game pull that off realistically
@GnomeSlice Yeah. Which is why it makes sense on consoles. They could have sped them up for the PC version.
even Portal's elevators had LOADING pauses.
Depends, some games still have long loading times.
@badp you're underestimating the slowness of the mass effect elevators.
Aquadelic GT takes ages to load each area.
@GnomeSlice Granted, but ME is not one of them, not on my PC.
@fredley Haven't gotten to that one yet, that's awesome.
@RavenDreamer at some point the game is going to have to load everything from disk?
These kinds of galleries make me wonder why I'm even bothering trying to get into this field.
@GnomeSlice So you can 1-up all of them?
@Wipqozn Not likely.
@GnomeSlice Not with that attitude.
Also, it's only '1-up' if you're talking about a video game, otherwise it's 'one-up'.
@GnomeSlice If you're passionate about it, you should stick to it, that's how I figure.
I've seen some of your work, you've got talent.
@Wipqozn I appreciate that.
@GraceNote These things take time. See norvig.com/21-days.html
(Programming, but still - mastering anything takes years)
@Wipqozn Oh, by the way, who won your last FS game? I don't recall, and I've got the bracket here.
@GnomeSlice I did.
@fredley I know that it takes time, that's why one should stick to a path
@GraceNote Ah, meant that to go at GnomeSlice not you!
That makes a bit more sense, then.
Reading more than one letter of someone's username is clearly too much effort
@fredley I do that all the time.
@Wipqozn How awful, how do you cope?
@fredley You just have to get through it day by day.
@GnomeSlice remember the 10,000 hours rule.
@RavenDreamer 30,000 for me.
@GnomeSlice Also remember not to do them all at once
It takes three times longer for someone with ADHD to build a habit, etc.
I think you're missing a zero then.
@GnomeSlice It's not all about habits (though that is a part of it). It's a lot about understanding and insight.
I'm not creative enough for this kind of thing, hah.
You shouldn't sell yourself short
Why does everyone keep telling me that.
@GnomeSlice Creativity is something you can practise. A lot of people forget that.
Why is everyone talking about me all of a sudden
@GnomeSlice Probably on account of you selling yourself short.
Man, I really need to work on my self-presentation. You should see me in an interview.
@GnomeSlice Again, practise. Go to interviews for jobs you don't even want, just to get practise.
I've only ver had one interview, to be honest, recently.
I thought I did alright, even though I didn't get the job.
@GnomeSlice All the more reason.
My problem is that I can't get to a job.
I don't actually know if I've had a real official interview.
@GnomeSlice It's ok to contact afterwards and ask what went wrong
@GraceNote What about when SE hired you?
@GnomeSlice Having a job = money = payment for some form of transportation
@GnomeSlice SE doesn't need to interview, they have everything they could possibly want to know about you on their servers
@fredley The problem is that I don't drive because of my tourettes. I can take the buss, but the nearest bus stop is a good 15 minute drive.
i.e. I need to move in town to get to a job, I need money to move, and I need a job for money.
@GnomeSlice Bicycle?
It's circular.
@GnomeSlice I'm not really sure, most of it happened through talks about other things to begin with, not an actual interview. Likewise, I never had an interview for my first job.
@fredley Country roads, so probably a good hour and a half by bike.
Also, not in this weather.
It's also why I'm really bad at resumes because I've never really written one.
@GnomeSlice Could at least bike to the busstop, and honestly a 15 minute walk isn't a big deal
@fredley 15 minute DRIVE.
@GnomeSlice Can't find a local job?
@fredley He said 15 minute drive.
@GnomeSlice Ah ok, sorry!
@GraceNote I live in Bumfuck Egypt.
@GraceNote If only there was <elaborate explanation that really boils down to SO Careers>!
i.e. middle of nowhere.
@badp I have a "thing" on Careers. I don't know that it looks good.
@badp What?
There's a careers.se?
@GnomeSlice careers.stackoverflow.com is a service for finding programming jobs.
@GnomeSlice Not quite
Ah, crepe.
That's disappointing.
@GnomeSlice That was Tuesday
@fredley I had them yesterday.
(No meat on Ash Wednesday)
@GnomeSlice We still have about 100 left in our office fridge
@fredley HAHAHAHA.
@GnomeSlice I don't really see careers.SO expanding with Area51 anytime soon
That's awesome.
I mean, there's no careers.SF
@badp SF?
@badp That reminds me, I should unpropose tattoos.se

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