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@ArdaXi PoC?
1) which knows your community profile URL
2) while logged in to steamcommunity.com
and whoever owns that site can change your profile
@GraceNote Proof of concept
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Did anyone ever managed to beat me on the StackExchange speedway?
@RonanForman Hah, great.
I didn't want a human corpse, so it's a diggle from Dungeons of Dreadmore.
It's also a rouge-like so that's good.
@Brant Yay! ...wait, is that good?
@RonanForman Rogue
@Ronan I don't really like the heart in the QR code.
Too late.
@GnomeSlice Why?
Since there's already a large one in the text to the right of it.
It's a little repetitive
That's a point... I'll take them out.
Argh, why can't I even beat my own time on this SE track
You're too good at it? ...No that can't be right.
@Mana damn straight I am. I'm awesome.
evenin' all, anyone here used OnLive before?
just noticed it's hit the UK now and wondering if it's worth taking a look at
is officially losing his glasses
Well stop before you do, you'll never find them again.
@RonanForman Well, it's an old prescription, so they're not of that much use to me.
I love having eye sight. It's just sooooo cool!
Hey, @bobbygrace wrote a post about the new Trello card filtering system. It has cute diagrams. http://bit.ly/oWmsuL
The simple thought of "Bobbygrace" terrifies me
Although it would make for an interesting merge
What's next, barda pi?
@badp Woah. Woah.
@ArdaXi My point precisely
Assuming this is referencing a pair, who exactly would be the "bob" portion?
Bobby Brant?
Brant's a Bobby?
(At least that's how he markets/ed himself)
Huh. Never knew that.
What's up everybody?
Wow, action button dot net's new design is sweet.
@Brant Oh, god - my eyes are bleeding
@Brant They're updating more frequently?!
It's a slow trickle.
@DaveMcClelland No man, this is amazing
@DaveMcClelland You don't get to complain until you hit the action button
@badp Will it play any ridiculously loud music or anything? I'm at work and my speakers are on
Disappointingly it won't
unless my browser's broken
It actually starts looking a lot better the more I press that button
Still, that's some big-ass text
Today is shaping up to be a weird day.
They suddenly decided that the entire department (of, what, 10,000 people?) needs to convert from Novell Groupwise Messenger to Microsoft Lync by tomorrow afternoon.
Oh, but they forgot to create Lync accounts for us.
Oh, but I'm sure the accountants were reassured it would be a piece of cake thanks to the MSDN technology
> The Timeline for this transition was very compressed to meet the deadline for the GroupWise retirement to help avoid license maintenance costs and avoid any interruption in IM functionality for users.
or the executives or whatever the highly technically skilled guys who made the call were
Note: This was from an email sent to management after close of business yesterday.
@Powerlord LOL
"The license is expiring and we didn't have the replacement ready in time"
Damn it, I need to exact number of employees before I can submit this to DailyWTF.
I just have to wonder how much time ago this call was actually made, and remained stagnant in whatever powerpoint
Oh, and then I was asked to forward phones to someone earlier today, only to have it ring in my boss's boss's boss's office instead.
(good thing he's at a conference)
Turns out, if the person I transferred it to is on the phone, it goes to the big boss's office instead. I think Dave wrote a message to someone (receptionist) so we can get that fixed. It should be transferring to the other front desk phone.
I'm kinda disappointed that Minecraft's "exploit" about holding items in the inventory screen crafting area has been fixed
Oh that's cute, now auto-complete isn't working in this Visual Studio project.
No, wait, just for this file (which isn't any better)
...I had to unload the project, open the vcproj file, and reload the project to get it working again.
@Arda This is like the other day when I realized why the SE user "Popular Demand" named himself thusly
Post edited at 5:30 by Popular Demand
I dare say good chaps
I should play some TF2
@Wipqozn Good call.
@ArdaXi I thought as much. Are you planning to join us for TF2 this weekend?
I might, depends on whether I have time.
@badp That was a while ago.
But yeah, me too.
I tried to get back into minecraft with 1.8
but then 1.9 was being worked on, and I just wanted to wait.
Same reason I'm not playing dwarf fortress, I guess.
I'm on a server called Brony.
(But in that case I've been waiting 9 months)
@ArdaXi ... the prevalence of these things is frightening.
@ArdaXi Do they have the Ponyspenser mod installed?
As far as I can tell anyway. Thank god.
How can they be Bronies, then? :O
Of course, newer version of Ponyspenser require an Engineer to type in a command before his Dispensers appear as Ponyspensers.
@GraceNote: So, will you grace us with your presence in (free) TF2 this weekend?
Grace doesn't do Steam.
@Powerlord Did you know there's a Red Sox vs. Yankees game this weekend that I may have tickets to?
@badp Oh, thanks for fixing the clickety link, by the way.
I mean, yes, @Arda's still got the right of it, I still have a beef with Steam, but I'm pretty much gone for both days this weekend.
@Powerlord That pun was odious.
@GnomeSlice thank balpha, not me
@GraceNote The beef of not caring!
@GraceNote no biggie. There will be more
@badp Oh. Alright then.
@GraceNote What do you mean you have a life?
(besides, given how I've gotten people to accept my resistances wrt surnames, I find it now especially bad to force the hand on issues such as steam.)
Now, I have a new gate. "E quater". Sigh
Perhaps it's time I revised my naming scheme, I don't even know what'd come after quater
@GraceNote Turns out we have Game Ons scheduled for both days this weekend.
@Powerlord How late in the day is the Sunday one?
Wow, how did I just notice this now:
That's... just awesome.
Just finished listing to the entire Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack.
It makes for good white noise.
Where's @LessPopMoreFizz? I have a question that he may be able to help me with.
@RavenDreamer Including the unlockable tracks from older/other games?
@GnomeSlice I mean, the entirety of these two Youtube playlists: youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A2E3926DAFA8F80C and youtube.com/view_play_list?p=94F9315233CAFF11
@Mana the bar IS AT 40%!!!
@GraceNote 3pm EDT
Uf. That may be too early.
I cannot for the life of me remember the Melee credits screen.
I know Brawl had the sticker montage, and I can remember the original's credits rail shooter...
To the YouTubes!
@RavenDreamer Rail shooter.
The original just had a scrolling text rail shooter.
Crap. That means I can't remember the original then.
The melee one was three dimensional.
Found it. Yeah, okay. Credits have been pretty similar across the series
I still liked the one from melee the best.
Hm. What is this Pokemon Rumble thing?
@raven: what's up?
(as for where I am, at a VW dealership waiting on service.)
@GraceNote So, in other words, we just need to take a photo of everyone at the game and we'll have taken your photo?
@Wipqozn Actually that wouldn't work.
@GraceNote It's not possible to make a picture of you? Are you like a vampire?
@ArdaXi take a note of that Arda
I already have of course.
@ArdaXi Well, I imagine that if you want to take a picture of me, I'd have to be in the view of the camera. I should also note that I take my word choice seriously. ♪
@GraceNote You're referring to the 'may'.
@GraceNote oh, I know!
just announce that you won something/et cetear, need to report to the office
then we'd figure it out
@ArdaXi Not even that, actually.
THat would teach you to value your privacy
Really, what @Grace is saying is that this sneaky photo from PAX on my phone is contraband of the highest order.
scribbles notes
Wait for next PAX and I might have costume.
So are you are a sizable baseball fan @GraceNote, or just a passing interest?
@Wipqozn I'm a sizeable Red Sox fan.
I see I see
so nice
Somehow, I don't expect to make it past the end of the year without a photo of me somehow cropping up.
You'd be surprised
you know, @GraceNote, you should be glad we're talking English. If the 'lingua franca' of the world was still (say) Latin, keeping it gender neutral would be so much harder.</random-consideration-of-the-now>
@badp It'd be more likely for the lingua franca to be Dutch.
and by challenging I mean basically impossible
I rooted for the Rays yesterday. Because 1) Yankee fan schadenfreude, this red sox collapse is amazing and 2) three way wild card tie would be incredible/hilarious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're going to make a terrible fantasy league
Schadenfreude is one of those words I always forget the meaning of the day after I look it up.
You wouldn't if you were playing TF2
@GraceNote Pleasure at the misfortune of others.
Here, finally something that you can get from TF2: never again wonder what a Schadenfreude is again
@ArdaXi Thanks
@badp Err?
@ThomasMcDonald Eh, I liked Bare Noize's remix.
What's it got to do with TF2?
It's the name of a taunt in TF2
@GnomeSlice Meh, there's some good beats in there
Also, I take pleasure from the fact that my Facebook friends know I just listened to a song called Kill EVERYBODY
Could be worse
I wonder what does the reskinned rain look like in 1.9
@badp looks like a sandstorm
Posted by Jeff Atwood on September 23rd, 2011

It’s been a little over a year since our last improvement to the bounty system. Bounties have been working well enough that we’re comfortable encouraging even more use of the bounty system.

As of about a week ago, you can have up to three simultaneous bounties now. We also show the history and number of bounties you’ve started or participated in on your user page, on the bounties tab.

Upon further reflection, we realized that it can be difficult to tell exactly what a bounty is for. That is, what is the bounty owner — who may or may not be the question owner — looki …

@badp The only fantasy league I'm participating in this year is a Bad Quarterbacks League. It is amazing. Thank you Jacksonville Jaguars for giving me a 100 point week last week.
@GnomeSlice okay, that remix is pretty nice
@ThomasMcDonald I thought the intro to the original was kind of... o.o
God damnit Blizzard you're going to make me fucking resub and raid again, aren't you...
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...How can they force you to do that?
@GnomeSlice Yeah, the intro is pretty poor
They are turning Rogues (the class I played) into fucking BATMAN.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "The Goddam Batman"*
Q: How long do defend quests last?

Chris RasysI played a round of Dominion last night and noticed two quests that came up for our team. One of them was for capturing a point, and the other was for defending another point. Our team wasn't doing too well at capturing the required point so I decided to help out with the defense point. We defend...

@LessPop_MoreFizz WHAT
@Brant The wings come from the new Rogue legendary
I... I think I need to resub.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Holy Rogue Batman.
Bah. That's something I'd need to raid to get. :(
@Brant (the Daggers in his hands are the legendary weapon.)
Not that it'd be hard to get into raiding, seeing as there's now a gear reset every tier instead of every expansion
@Brant Yep. I mean, it's not like I don't have the pedigree to jump into just about any raiding guild under the sun... but... :effort:.
Exactly. We can do that, we just don't want to.
@Brant No, I mean I can actually end up in a guild where I can get my hands on a set... very very quickly. Before I quit I was raiding with a guild that's top 10 US.
I know what you meant, I just think that raiding isn't something that takes skill. :P
@Anna wrong link?
@ThomasMcDonald Don't know what you're talking about. =)
@Brant And I think that you're wrong if you're talking about Heroic level raiding.
I'm pretty sure those clauses will be unenforceable though?
obv, as an EU citizen, that clause appears not to apply to me
although I haven't signed up for origin, I'm guessing my EA account has transitioned or something
I'm not saying you can walk into an instance blind and play perfectly, but it's something anyone can learn to do.
@ThomasMcDonald In the US, though, you'd have to apply in writing to be exempt from it.
As long as you put the necessary hours into the game.
@Brant Skill != Talent. Skills can be trained. Which is what putting the necessary hours in is doing.
@AnnaLear I have to say, I'm really proud of EA. They are doing a great job at ensuring no one will ever use their shitty origin service.
@Brant So that makes it a learned skill. Your point earlier was that raiding doesn't take any... which is not entirely the case.
@Wipqozn Sadly, most people probably don't know/don't care.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Okay, that's a valid point. Let me rephrase my earlier statement then: Raiding doesn't require talent.
Has anybody here actually tried it?
@badp I like Steam. One digital distribution service is enough for me.
@badp I have not, nor do I plan to. I'd rather not have spyware downloaded onto my computer, which I assume is what EA will do
I don't trust EA.
At all.
@AnnaLear That's a completely different matter
@Brant Almost no video games do. Aside from maybe bullet hell shmups and high level competitive starcraft (like GSL grade. I think pretty much anyone can learn their way up the ladders), most gaming comes down to skills, not raw talent.
I also was part of the gangband that hated Windows Vista until I actually used it. shrugs
They've proven time and time again they have no professional code of business ethics.
@badp Sure, but I'm not seeing anything coming out of Origin that makes me go "oooh, gotta try this puppy".
@badp I hated Windows Vista even after I used it. :P
You'd be hardpressed to find somebody praising Vista too.
Hmm, yeah, that's true too.
Maybe I should rephrase again...
Vista is probably up there with Windows 2000 and Windows 95 as 'windows release that matter.'
(okay, maybe not Windows 95 levels. That'd be what Win8 is aiming for.)
@Brant The thing about raiding is that it tends to, in addition to it's baseline skill requirement, require a fairly large amount of time investment, both to clear shit in the first place, and to develop a slightly altered set of skills in every tier.
Hm. Shmups.
I know that I could be in a top-tier raiding guild if I had an extra 10 hours in the week to spend grinding, because I'm a smart guy and everyone else is stoopid, even though I haven't raided since AQ40 and we never got past huhu because god that boss was stupid
Thus, the time investment is disproportionately high compared to a number of other activities - and, perhaps even more noticably, the time investment required is generally much more rigidly scheduled.
@Brant Except that I haven't done any grinding for raid prep outside of a raid since mid-wrath.
Blizz has changed that aspect of the game in a huge way.
yay time to rebase and merge
And even that grinding was just farming raid trash for rep.
If you're talking mats/gold farming, not since Sunwell.
From the standpoint of economics in game, Raiding is generally gold-positive if you're even moderately successful. The gold/hour is higher than most farming/grinding that you could do.
Gold-positive? mind explodes
Poor soul. I liked him
@Brant Most raid bosses drop like 2-500 g/raider.
+ BoE epics which sell for a ton
+ once you run out of badge loot (fairly quickly), VP can be converted into sellable goods quite easily as well.
Everything's coming up maelstrom crystal!
err wait, those are the purple ones
@Brant Yeah, that's right.
I meant the blue cata enchanting reagent
Heavenly shard.
Maelstroms are junk now
@LessPop_MoreFizz Raid bosses drop BoE epics now?
@Powerlord Some do, but more importantly, Raid trash does!
Anyway: I like to think I'm a pretty smart player. I understand the game systems even though I leave actual the number crunching to others. I like to think I would excel in a raiding environment, if I had the connections and the time to get into doing them. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm just being arrogant, but it makes me feel better about myself. :P
(And only a wee bit holier-than-thou, where thou = everyone else who plays WoW except the people in this room)
@Brant Okay, that's a perfectly valid statement. The thing to understand however is that that time investment is in the form of structured scheduled raid times (read, whatever 5-20 hour/week schedule you agree to), and not time outside of raids.
The hard part about raiding re: time is the scheduling, not the raw quantity, if you're even a moderately serious gamer in general.
Also I am drenched!
Yeah. I remember something I read on Tobold's blog a long time ago that really resonated with me: "Hardcore" is not about the amount of time you play, it's about how your playtime is scheduled.
I'm a casual player because I don't/can't plan when I'm going to play. Every now and then I'll sit down and play WoW all weekend for like 20 hours, but I can't exactly plan to do that, or even plan to play for 2 hours on Thursday night.
In other words, I'm exactly the person Blizzard is making the raid finder for.
@Brant Yes. This is my point. Even if Tobold is largely dumb
(also agreed)
I like that song.
@Mana raining outside, or did you fall in a lake or something?
Raining outside.
@Powerlord you should probably update this answer with information on The Big Earner
A: What are the pros and cons of the spy knives?

PowerlordComparison table Base (Max) Disguise Backstab Hitpoints Kit Icon On backstab Knife 125 (185) Yes Yes Disguise drops Enemy screams (crit-death) YER 125 (185) No No Disguise as the enemy, ...

@Mana Are you back in Tdot? It's been raining all day this side of the province. >.<
Made up Gaming word of the day: Rebooquel
@AnnaLear Yeah...:(
@Brant Sequoot?
@Brant So, basically, a continuity reboot.
@AnnaLear Nova SCotia looks like it's about to down pour, but we haven't seen a single drop all day.
I fucking love Disco. It's Amazing.
I am now TheEpicUnknown - not awesome404
@TheEpicUnknown If you tell us who you are, does that make you TheEpicKnown?
But who AM I?
I'm out - bye
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have Warlock Season 3. I already have wings.
Also, I was hoping you had some experience on playing media files programatically.
I'm looking for a better way than the AxWindowsMediaPlayer COM, which is what I'm currently using.
The biggest issue is to be able to get the first frame, to "preview" where the video file is after a seek, which my current player can't provide.
So apparently there's a 1% chance of spaaaaaaaaaaace debris raining in this general part of Italy
Don't die.
If I should unexpectedly cut off communication, let it be known that I died in the most awesome way possible.
I heard last time it fell in Australia. They fined NASA $400 for littering.
@badp You could've been hit by a space toilet.
If @badp died, would we need to hold another moderator election?
@badp Hope you don't get hit by a flaming toilet
@FallenAngelEyes I knew I'm not the only one who watched Dead Like Me.
@ArdaXi I've not seen the whole series, but they showed it on Comedy Central for a while here back around when I first moved here
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, same here.
I should watch the rest of it sometime
Hi, Fallen! Hi, Arda!
Apparently spppaaaaaaaaaaaaace debris is also covered by sppaaaaaaaaaace toxic gases
HEY FALLEN. Not saying hi to Arda.
Err... hi. Oh. :(
We're both advised to keep away 20 meters from debris, and to sleep in the bottom floors
Oh, snap.
quietly leaves
Dominion is available again!
@RavenDreamer Hi enthusiastic Raven!
To the League of Legends!
@Mana You're a jerk. :(
DEAL WITH IT. shades
> The Great JavaScript Debate: Improve It Or Kill It
Gee, I wonder which side I'm on there!!!
There's nothing better than bias!
@RavenDreamer I hate to say it, but that "debate" is about nothing but bias.
@Powerlord No, discussion is.
A: What kinds of bad question askers exist?

Jeff Atwood those that belong to the Emperor, embalmed ones, those that are trained, suckling pigs, mermaids, fabulous ones, stray dogs, those included in the present classification, those that tremble as if they were mad, innumerable ones, those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush, others, t...

@Arda I'm afraid you're about to get question banned :(
@badp "About" to? From something back in April?
> Dish misses out on opportunity to cash in on Netflix missteps
Apparently they're offering a Blockbuster Movie Pass thing with streaming and DVDs for $10/month. Restricted to Dish's (satellite) subscribers. Whoops.
Did you consider that they might be losing money at that price point and using it as a loss leader to drive their satellite business?
People can actually be persuaded to subscribe to Dish Network?
Luckily in the future we won't need TV subscriptions, because we can get all of our action-packed entertainment from recording @GraceNote's dreams.
I can boot Linux if I disable UEFI signing. No shit Sherlock!
@TextMate2, On a notebook near you!
A great operating system, lacking only a decent editor.
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