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Thanks for making me think of that.
hrm, while looking at Grace's different gravatars I noticed this message on CrossValidated
> MathJax no longer loads a default configuration file; you must specify such files explicitly. This page seems to use the older default config/MathJax.js file, and so needs to be updated. This is explained further at mathjax.org/help/configuration
You can look at the (incomplete) Grallery here.
I still think your SO one is pretty kickass.
@GraceNote I really like this one:
@Wipqozn I like (removed) too!
@Wipqozn She's a game development company. ♪
(Specifically, she's Idea Factory)
@GraceNote Fancy.
googles idea factory
The Ask Different one is nice too.
Oh, it's We All Love Grace Note Hour again?
@Wipqozn That is most excellent
Hmm, looks like nobody is going to be left out of the Gaming promotion.
Q: TF2 - Medic Help?

NottinylilI keep dying as a medic, now I don't run into the battle as a medic, I just stay behind my allies, but still, I'll die before I can deploy an Ubercharge. Any tips for Medic? Selfdefense? What Medigun? Help please.

@ArdaXi I believe they have 11 people, so one person will be left out.
I count 10.
Precisely 11 comments, and the one by Dave is to withdraw.
My apologies, dave withdrew.
@Lazers Needs a much better title than that
Sadly, I had to. I didn't want to be "that guy"
it's okay though. while you guys are cooped up in your rooms playing games, I'll be on the beach :)
We have one working lift (out of four lifts) in a building with >1000 people in it.
@Powerlord that must be fun.
@Lazers I tried to leave as much of the question in-tact while still making it a bit more readable.
@Lazers Sure, I checked for questions I could answer this morning, so as soon as I go to work, a TF2 question is posted.
@GraceNote It's just copy-editing... you know, routine work.
Routine important work. It's what makes sjohnston such a demon.
I've always done that.
I should really update my Wikipedia userpage.
Q: How to win a Civ V game with super powerful adversary

rgargenteI am playing a Civ V game in a standard map with 2 continents. I thought I was doing fairly well this time, but when I met the civs in the other continent, I discovered a super powerful civ. Time has passed and the situation is more or less the same. I dominate my continent, but Siam is so much m...

Q: How do I fix a corrupted Minecraft world?

Kara MarfiaOf course the first and best answer is to have backups. I couldn't believe there wasn't a question for this, so I figured I'd start one to hold the answer that worked for me, and hopefully collect a few more methods.

Q: How can I defeat The Indomitable?

bwarnerOf all the bosses I've encountered in Desktop Dungeons, this guy seems like the most difficult. He only has about 200 hit points, but he has death protection of 50. That means that after I get him down to 1 hit point, I have to hit him 50 more times. And if I walk away, he heals back up. He a...

Oh nice, Skyward Sword is coming out November 20th
@Lazers That question gives me some pause.
> Of course the first and best answer is to have backups. I couldn't believe there wasn't a question for this, so I figured I'd start one to hold the answer that worked for me, and hopefully collect a few more methods.
I don't know, something about that bothers me. The fact she's doing this to collect methods suggests a list type question, although it is a useful question.
Lists aren't the devil, y'know
And now she's just posting a bunch of methods
@GraceNote I know, just something about her question bothers me.
If you have a concrete, solveable problem, it's fine to have multiple answers.
@GraceNote I agree, but I don't know. There is just something about it that is bothering me.
I really can't put my finger on it.
I can.
It's a solved problem.
We've dealt with an exact question like this before.
Asking and answering your own question is acceptable. We've always noted that it's fine to be hasty about it, and fine to wait.
I have this problem. I solve it like this, how do you solve it?
@GraceNote Answering it in the question however is something else.
@ArdaXi That is something to be fixed
@GraceNote This question should be answerable by 'backups' and nothing else.
But that doesn't satisfy the asker.
The fact she is posting multiple answers also bothers me.
Wow, now, this is something lots of people disagree with, but I personally find horrible.
We are a place where you solve actual problems you have.
Not just a place to dump your own knowledge.
@ArdaXi which is what she seems to be doing.
@Wipqozn Exactly.
But, like I said, consensus is to embrace them, so I'll abstain.
I think argument can be given for the degree of dumping but that depends on how one looks at the big picture parts of some of our mission versus the big picture parts of other parts of our mission.
@GraceNote I thought our mission was to help actual people with actual problems, not imaginary people who might or might not have certain problems.
@ArdaXi Our mission is to have the answers that people seek. Which is why you have a valid point.
However, not everyone sees it in the same perspective that we do right here.
Bah, stupid Bell internet, down for an hour and a half now.
Oh well.
@Manaಠдಠ How are you connected exactly ?
DSL. It's phone stuff.
And I have this cable and it hooks up to the network modem thing. And goes into the back of my computer.
So: Magic.
Why do I have a random mental image of cheerleaders shouting "D! S! L!" with a strong Japanese accent? That is... odd.
@Grace Damn it now I do too.
@GraceNote Secret fetish?
@Manaಠдಠ Gwagwagwagwagwa!
@Manaಠдಠ oh death note, assuming that was a death note reference
It wasn't. It was a stupid laugh reference.
You can feel embarrassed now.
(but don't because Death Note is sick)
DSL! That spells "Cable". ;)
and now I am reminded of this:
@Mana Switch to TekSavvy if you can. Don't buy one of their modems, but other than that... cheaper than Bell and reliable, yay.
@AnnaLear oh snap, another Canadian! I love people from Canada. Why? Because we're awesome.
@Wipqozn That we are.
Wait, AT&T hasn't swallowed Bell up in Canada?
@Powerlord I believe they are the same company.
I thought they were trying to get all the Bell companies back.
Oh never mind. I always think Aliant and AT&T are the same company.
Phone companies change their names so much it's hard to keep track.
@Wipqozn I can't see it.
@Powerlord AT&T has eaten a lot of the baby Bells, but there are still one or two independent ones, and Verizon is also a Bell descendant.
Still, I suspect within a decade that entire antitrust breakup will be completely undone.
@Manaಠдಠ Look on the left, at the traffic light.
Thanks, deregulation! I love having 1.5 choices as to which crappy service provider I can use!
...nope, still can't see it. Am I looking for a person or what?
@Manaಠдಠ Spoiler
What's wrong with that guy? I saw him several times.
I are in Germany
I'm not exactly shitting bricks
@Manaಠдಠ What was Death Note about again?
@fredley I didn't even whimper. It's just a chill guy in some neat clothin---pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
@FallenAngelEyes Welcome to Germany!
oh thank god, we found the air conditioning in here
is reading the wikipedia article about Death Note
@fredley It's definitely worth a read, even for people who don't like anime/manga
Looks interesting
It also looks long
I've still not seen/read Death Note yet
@fredley 108 chapters.
@fredley It's actually surprisingly short as far as shonen goes
No Kindle edition :(
But reading anime on a kindle's probably not that great
although it's also completely different from anything else shonen
@Manaಠдಠ HAve you watched and/or read Mushishi ?
still no
You should.
Dub or Sub?
Either actually. The dub is really well done.
It only covers 26 chapters of the manga, so if you like it you'll need to read the manga as well.
You can watch all the episodes on youtube as well. Funimation uploaded them all.
Calling it now based on the very first scene before the opening: WE ARE THE MUSHI
@Manaಠдಠ lolwhat? No.
damn it. :(
I've heard of this.
I will give a warning though, the first episode is... a little iffy. You should watch a few episodes before deciding.
I saw a preview for it in Anime Insider back when I used to read it. Yeah, I'll watch all of it.
It's my favorite anime and manga.
I own the series on DVD, along with all the volumes of the manga. I've read/watched it several times.
man that guy's explanation of Mushi was dumb and made no sense
I disagree, but to each their own.
(that was me acting dumb. It actually was pretty chill)
Ooh, I heard Shakugan no Shana has a third season that starts later this fall.
@Manaಠдಠ When aren't you?
@Arda Oooh....:(
Title Shakugan no Shana III (Final). We'll see if it really is the final season.
@Powerlord Based on season II I think it would make sense for it to end by Season III.
@Wipqozn Heh, watching 05x01 on precisely today.
@Manaಠдಠ Don't spoil season II for me, I'm only two episodes into it.
uuuugh internet
@ArdaXi I'm interested to see what you'll think of it. The 5th series has been really hit or miss with people.
@FallenAngelEyes oh you're still here >.>? You were so quiet I thought you left again
@Wipqozn Yeah, so far I think Matt is a bit too... unserious.
@ArdaXi I really like him myself, but like I said: hit or miss.
I thought Eccleston was a bit too serious. Tennant was perfectly in-between.
@FallenAngelEyes At least it's an F-*plus*
@sjohnston You summarized my attitude towards school beautifully.
@Manaಠдಠ Slower than 82% of Germany?
@sjohnston hahaha
@Manaಠдಠ Stay in school mana. It builds character.
Also, winners don't do drugs. Nancy Regan taught me that.
There's a Nespresso machine in here
@sjohnston Thanks, Calvin's Dad.
that I'm totally not gonna use cuz I don't drink coffee
but we have one!
Nespresso is awesome.
@ArdaXi You're awesome. Take THAT Arda!
@Manaಠдಠ Seriously, Calvin's dad is my role model for parenting. If I can raise a kid like Calvin, I will be pretty proud of myself.
@Wipqozn Thank you! :D
@sjohnston Also, winners don't do drugs. The local Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade machine taught me that.
@sjohnston A hallucinating obnoxious brat?
Winners do do drugs. Charlie Sheen taught me that.
@Powerlord Yes, I was referring to that. I thought Nancy Regan was involved in that campaign, but the wikipedia article has no mention of her, so it may be that I just completely made that up.
@Manaಠдಠ Charlie taught me that no matter how bad things are, you can always dig yourself a deeper hole.
@sjohnston I lol'd
> USPTO Issues 8,000,000th Patent
Which is about 7,000,000 too many.
For anyone who hasn't played yet (and would like to) I've finished my adventure map: goo.gl/T2Y3u
@fredley Adventure map for what?
Minecraft :)
@fredley Oh. Well, I'll just... leave that sitting there then
as you wish
Oh yay, more changes to the Awful Bar in Firefox 6, which released yesterday.
@Powerlord oh yes I noticed they updated.
I was too lazy to update though,so I'm not sure on the changes.
Now, instead of using black text on a white background, it uses... grey text on a white background.
That's such a huge usability improvement!!!!!!111
IE9 does the same thing, doesn't it? Only the domain name is black.
(disclaimer: I haven't seen ff6)
It's an anti-phishing thing.
Guys, what part of the DotA 2 championship do you want to see the most of?
Define "part"?
well they started today
Oh my. Literature is in beta now.
the championships roll til Sunday
And almost the entire set of questions is book recommendations.
On the front page anyways.
25% of them though
The function that auto-changes a ! into a ? at the end of question titles is annoying if that's not what you want
Haha, I didn't know it did that. That's awesome.
Posted by Alex Miller on August 17th, 2011

We’ve gotten quite a few questions from people about how we go about recording and producing the Stack Exchange podcast from people interested in everything from the hardware to the software and even the process.  Given the recent revamp of the entire setup (which has been happening during our recent break from live shows), I figured this was the perfect time to do it.

Our setup is massively more complex than what is normally needed for a podcast (since its normally 2 people sitting in a room talking into mics).  We generally have 2-3 people live in studio (Joel, Alex and maybe 1 guest),  …

@Manaಠдಠ Deep in thought ?
@FallenAngelEyes It's being streamed live, actually. I'm watching it now.
@Manaಠдಠ yar
but I figured people would want pics of some stuff
Yeah, true. Can you get some pics of the setup? I'm sort of curious about that.
Do they have like a large screen or something broadcasting the action?
will people be interested in the like, the smaller random events and seeing pics of those?
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah I would.
@FallenAngelEyes That would be pretty cool, yeah.
there's like a case modding championship and even an open Parkour(!) area
The way I look at it, those random smaller events probably won't be covered as much, so if we cover them that's great
yeah I was thinking about that too
walking time is gonna suck
this place is fucking huge
Sick, haha
Dear Gaming.SE, plz to be buying me a Segway, kthxbai
@Mana last year, 245,000 people attended Gamescom
I can only imagine there's even more this year
Q: Gaming Promotional Grant - Round 4 Game Selection Thread, for 8/30/11

Brett White ΨIf you unfamiliar with the cavalcade of fun that is The Gaming Promotional Grant, please follow the link. Voting for the current round ends today, so please check out this post if you wish to get in on that batch of games. Now, to keep the grant going weekly, I present to you...Round 4! I'll be ...

That's ridiculous
I know @_@
Also, can someone take my place here? I need to drop out it seems since I'm going to be gone from next Monday to Friday.
A: Gaming Promotional Grant - Round 3 Game Selection Thread

Dave McClellandI'll represent the awesome people who want Deus Ex!

Cool, thanks @fredley
I just down voted @mana.
@Lazers Gaming.SE: Your #1 source for Veggy World answers.
Because Unanimous Mandates are for chumps.
@Brant Hey we could be! We cover Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds
@LessPopMoreFizz Spoken like a true bro.
@LessPopMoreFizz resists urge to upvote
@Manaಠдಠ It's not like anything else on the list is particularly promising.
Upvote for involving me indirectly.
Well, okay, maybe Tropico 4.
@LessPop You know, you're right
I just assumed Tropico 4 would be the one selected.
@FallenAngelEyes Do you know when the DOTA2 tourney starts?
@Powerlord No way man! Veggy World is gonna be it! The next Great DS game!
> You or your kids can choose from weapons like the Mushroom Torpedo, the Strawberry Missile and even a Lightning Laser. There are 21 incredible stages to play through and multiple game modes. Veggy World for Wii -- vegetables have never been this fun before!
@LessPop_MoreFizz OBJECTION! The next great game is clearly... wait, never mind, Capcom "has no plans" on releasing that game.
Oh, this is the DS version. Even better!
Q: I want to be able to die, but I can't

fredleyI have infinite health (due to hacking with WorldEdit, or possibly TooManyItems, I'm not sure how I did it). This is on an adventure map, so this is not desirable. How can I reverse the effect?

We need to upvote the crap out of this to get it in the MultiCollider dropdown next to the other death question.
I wanna fix that title though so badly. It doesn't end in a question mark. I'm like dying here.
Q: I want to be able to die, but I can't

fredleyI have infinite health (due to hacking with WorldEdit, or possibly TooManyItems, I'm not sure how I did it). This is on an adventure map, so this is not desirable. How can I reverse the effect?

Hmm, I think it'd be more effective as "Why can't I die?" or "How can I die?"
@Brant just committed that
Changed my mind.
> I want to die, but I can't. Why?
That's the best.
Better? Worse?
I don't think it's better.
He knows why.
So tacking it on is weird.
that doesn't work, he knows why
Oh. Actually reading the question is for chumps.
Let me try.
!!! Is this the part where Arda makes a terrible mod(ification)?!?
Hrmph. How can I die is too short.
(Sorry for mangling your question @fredly, but the potential for hilarity is too great to ignore)
has death on the brain today
@fredley What about "How do I end my life?"?
@fredley o_o
@Brant That's fine!
I didn't mean for those two questions to neatly mirror each other
it just kinda hapenned!
freakin EA has like a bajillion tiny 15 minute presentations arrrrgh
@FallenAngelEyes Do you need Origin to get into them? :D
@ArdaXi I like the question as it is now
As you wish.
Now upvote everything!
A: How are "Hot" Questions Selected?

Jeff AtwoodWhat Formula Should Be Used To Determine "hot" Questions? Based on my analysis of the above and the comments so far, here's the second version of what I have implemented so far. This might suck. I don't know: (log(Qviews)*4) + ((Qanswers * Qscore)/5) + sum(Ascores) ----------...

What should I do here?
I wonder when Chrome and Firefox will stop the ePeen contest they seem intent on having.
A: Is there any way to start Steam in offline mode without logging in first?

DarkAnimei can confirm that this works.. just create a steam.cfg and put: BootStrapperInhibitAll=enable ForceOfflineMode=enable but you need to have checked: remember my password first. then this works great :) thnx for the info mate ^_^


It seems to be a comment along the lines of "just make sure you have remember my password checked first", but it could also be made into an answer with an edit, albeit one that mimics the accepted one.
@Manaಠдಠ They fixed that bug in the latest Steam beta.
The Steam Trade Beta version, that is.
@Brant he isn't asking why, he knows why. He's asking how.
PETA is going to... launch a porn site?
@oak fixed.
@Brant plus, he doesn't want to die, he wants to be able to die. The previous title was spot-on, I rollbacked
Bah, I settled on comment on Matthew's answer. We'll see how it goes.
I edited it just before you did.
Mine's still better :) he doesn't want to die, he just wants the option
Sorry. ahem
Man, my edits are always better than anyone else's edits, it goes with my unbounded wisdom of the forest
But think of the construction, Oak!
You're still a mod in my mind, so I defer to your wisdom
Ah, the day will soon come when the youngsters who knew not the beta will dominate the site and rule us all.
And then... then we will be obsolete.
nods solemnly
(I was totally in the beta, just not active enough to get the badge. Grumble.)
Oh man that's frustrating
How much rep was required? Or was it some other measure of activity?
@Brant I don't think I got the Beta badge either.
I forget.
Probably because I did jack during the beta.
Oh come on, I'm sure I did at least that.
Q: Is it possible to play a perfect run on every floor in Wolfenstein 3D?

ChristianI see videos of perfect runs of Wolfenstein 3D showing up all over the place, with 100% kills, 100% treasure, and 100% secrets, but I have yet to see a single one of them that achieves this while also finishing the floor under the par time limit. Is this even possible? I can imagine it being do...

I'm surprised no one reworded the title to "How do I lose my immortality?" or something
I actually fucked up my promise... I committed to game-dev but didn't live up to the requirements. Then again I sort of committed by mistake... and when I tried to undo my commitment, like 5 minutes after I did it, I couldn't anymore because I was like the last person to commit and the private beta just launched :\
I mean, one for my profile, one for an upvote, one for being upvoted...
@Oak I'll have you committed for that!
Did I really not post a single thing during the entire beta?
When did the beta end, again?
@Brant That's not really the requirements

Launched Q&A site for passionate gamers from all platforms (computers and consoles)

@Brant "ten months ago"
actually this is pretty sucky:
@Oak Hah, I actually decommitted from Game Dev very early on since I knew I couldn't actually keep that up. Guess you weren't as lucky.
391 users committed
88.5% signed up for beta
28.1% fulfilled commitment
@Powerlord lol what?
@GraceNote Oh?
I don't think I fulfilled whatever the commitment requirements were, but I definitely had 3 bronze badges by the time the beta was over
If my recollection is correct, the Beta badge applies primarily to activity during the week of private beta.
@Brant ok I found it. Private beta started July 7th, public beta July 14th, launch October 6th
It's also not strictly about badge earning.
I can recall at least one individual who only had two badges, one of which was Beta.
I wonder how Game-Dev is doing. checks
ooh...bit less activity than I expected. Still, not bad.
Check out this user with the beta badge:
ggalmazor, San Sebastián, Spain
28 1 3
@Oak Deleted posts
Namely, guess what, game-rec.
Yep but just 3 badges
@Powerlord and PETA wonders why no one takes them seriously.
They have a good cause, but that doesn't matter when you're batshit insane.
Hmm. So what were the requirements (at the time the Gaming beta badges were awarded)?
And, more importantly, can someone give me the badge retroactively? Because I waaaaaaaaaaaant it.
Thinking of which, I wonder how nobody got the epic badge yet
I'd image tzenes or Raven would have had it by now
You need to actually cap every day. We don't have the traffic for that to provide the necessary questions for that.
@Brant You probably didn't post enough, given that you only had one question and one answer by the end of the Private Beta.
@GraceNote what do you mean by "every"? I thought it's just capping in 50 days, but not necessarily one after the other
@Oak Yeah, it isn't sequential. Point is, getting to hit the cap, rather than having all that rep accumulated over multiple day spans, that's the key.
Yeah, I thought it was the earned at least 200 reputation on X days on /reputation.
It is
@Oak "rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 28 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 46 days"
Which means I only have 45 days left.
So I'm 4 days shy.
(I think...)
Yes, you're 4 days shy
Last time I hit the rep cap was in May.
All Portal 2.
Your gravatar changed again!
I've capped a grand total of 3 times.

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