I am trying to remember one of the games that came with my IBM Aptiva which I had when I was a kid sometime around 1994 or so.
The game its self was sorta cartoony but had ok graphics. It was about a boy who would adventure through this mystical forest. I think in the game you could also jump o...
So I noticed the moderator election thread today, and I noticed the nifty little info boxes they had down at the bottom (this is Fabian's):
meta participation
questions: 7 / +13
answers: 9 / +38
Is this total information available elsewhere? I don't think I'd make a good mod, and have no inten...
I have difficulties considering why I'd put promises on what I'd do as a moderator when my history as a moderator kinda illustrates exactly what it'd be like
Really, if I did get re-elected, the only difference is that I'd no longer have to qualify myself as "temporary".
Well, that's technically more applicable to us anyway, haha~
I used to spend too much time on OCRemix. It says something when you can identify the exact remix in their trivia contests by the opening sound effect.
Ooh, and you also worked at RPGamer. Huh. I somehow managed to miss you on not one but two of the places I frequent.
I've been playing Peggle for a very long time, but I still don't know everything there is to know about Zen ball (master hu).
Here's what I know (or at least think I know). Feel free to correct any of my assumptions or offer any other interesting facts. I'll give the answer to whoever provides...
I have two internet connections available to me. One is via LAN.. not a great ping, but fast downloads. The other is via usb wireless adapter.. good ping, but slow downloads. I want to connect to both of them simultaneously. I want to be able to specify which data or application will use the ...
I've been struggling to create contraptions in Garry's Mod lately simply because I have tendency to want to be moving around on a flying vehicle that is also moving around. Try as I may I can never get this to work, as I often end up falling through the base of the flying vehicle, get killed by t...
My server for minecraft has been haveing problems, a big gaping whole the size of one chunk will open up and only one player can see it. this leads to people being able to see where things like diamond are, something i want them to earn. is there a patch or a fix for this?
Based on Ivo's work on Super User, which in turn was based on Math.SE, I'd like to establish a list of questions for the candidates. Some of these will be similar questions (or the same), others will be a little different.
What do you believe is the biggest issue currently facing Gaming.se? Ho...
In connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Town Hall Chat session with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. I am working with the can...
I've just started playing Bioshock and I've picked up a few Gene Tonics. The problem is this: I didn't figure out how the selection screen worked the first couple of times, and just clicked the slot I wanted it to go into (rather than the glowing "replace" button).
How do I go back to that scree...
Hi all.
I have win7(x64) at home and i want to play an old games (lands of lore 3 specifically and some others) this game does not properly work on win 7, and no patches that I'm aware off fix it's issues.
Can i use XP mode to play this game or is there a better way?
I only have one PC and dual...
Lately I bought Sega Mega Drive Classics 1 on Get Games, featuring Golden Axe, Shadow Dancer, Crack Down and several others (also available on Steam). The games work perfectly with my ancient, game-port based gamepad, though since it is a little worn out, I decided to try a much more recent Hama ...
* I'm not a good diplomat. I'm [stubborn][50]. I'm [irritable][51]. I'm a [fanboy][52]. I'm [voluble][53]. I [swear][54]. I've been automatically [suspended][55] for that. I've casted [votes light heartedly][56]. I [make mistakes][57]. I [abandon projects midway.][58] I [rickroll][59]. I'm a [little teapot][60].
Hey all,i have one of them help me remember a game questions, but i know there was this debate about them not being allowed. are they allowed now or still a taboo?
I've posted this same question on the meta of all the other sites undergoing elections, so just in case you've missed it I'm adding it here.
Yi Jiang has put together a nice site that use the Stack Overflow API to display information on the moderator candidates.
Click here to see all the inform...
He is not really an active member on the site, so he's not really part of the community. Like anyone, he gets to speak, but I don't think he should speak/act on behalf of the community.
:For the mathematical form of proof by contradiction, see Proof by contradiction.
Reductio ad absurdum (Latin: "reduction to the absurd") is a form of argument in which a proposition is disproven by following its implications logically to an absurd consequence.
A common species of reductio ad absurdum is proof by contradiction (also called indirect proof) where a proposition is proven true by proving that it is impossible for it to be false. For example, if A is false, then B is also false; but B is true, therefore A cannot be false and therefore A is true. This only works if it is not a f...
So, long story short, some days ago I pusblished an iPhone game, I think the game wasnt that bad tbh, and still I got only 10 sells at $0.99.
Are they any publishers, sponsors, or distributors to make your game "visible" on the app store market?, or the only thing you need is to have an ama...
@ArdaXi The page loads 3 x 100 set of tags for all candidates; the async nature of JavaScript and ajax means that the second or third set may arrive before the first; the only stat available is the number of posts with that tag posted by that person
So the thing currently only sorts using tag badges, which again on SO is a pretty good indicator
Well, most of the world won't be affected quite yet. APNIC (Asia/Pacific) expects to use its last 3 blocks in the next 3-6 months. The other areas may have longer with their single blocks.
APNIC requesting two blocks triggered the automatic allocation of the last five blocks... one a piece to the regional IP handlers.
I have two monitors, and I often use the "extend" mode to work on both simultaneously as a large desktop. When playing games full-screen only one monitor is used, and that's fine.
However, I would like to use the other monitor to still work and display some other application windows. The problem...
Has anyone gotten Wiggles to run on Windows 7 -- with sound? It sometimes works on my laptop but it's too slow, and on my main machine, the sound isn't working. This seems to be a well-known problem, does anyone know what I can do? Or know a good virtual machine with graphics support?
Oh yay, something I thought was going to be simple and straightforward is going to have to involve an AJAX call because of the (stupid) way the objects in this project are designed.
@badp I think we can put our differences behind us.
(Sorry, had to complete the quote, even if I'm posting the first part last. ;P )
This is funny, I just heard from the lady who sits in the next cube over that the Michigan Senate and their staff get tomorrow and Thursday off because of the expected snow, but not the House or any other State staff.
Granted, if we're really getting 6-10" of snow tonight, with another 6-8" tomorrow during the day, I'm certainly not going to come into the office.
I already made that mistake in December 2008 and got my car stuck in my own driveway after taking over an hour to drive home for what's usually a 15 minute trip.
@Aardvark I only care about the State of Michigan thing because I'm a state employee. I'm literally 8 floors above the Governor's office in Lansing, MI. Why the governor's office is in an office building rather than the capitol building across the street, I dunno.
@Powerlord That's the case in a lot of state capitols these days. Generally speaking, a large chunk of the actual historic building is given to tourist functions.
and what portion isn't, is largely consumed by ceremonial functions
i.e., in Albany, the capitol building is where all the conference rooms and such are, but all the legislators have offices in the legislative office building across the street
I wonder how effective applying Alinsky's rules would be to campaigning for Mod...
> 5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
I suspect that one will work well.
> 12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
is the one too many young activists forget about. :(
I honestly think my chances of actually winning an election are less than 1 in 100, but just because Microsoft canceled that doesn't mean I don't stand A chance.
Oh wait, that was 1 vs 100... reference fail.
Meanwhile, it's time to increase the size of my Dominion... bbl
@Fabian, absolutely can do a Gaming THC. The first 48 hours of the final election phase is what I've been targeting, so I generally try to get an idea of whether or not there will be a primary phase (> 10 candidates) before sending out emails to the candidates.
@tzenes but I never did get into the lack of gear/purpose above level 20 like others did, I find wow's never ending quest for gear (which makes you exponentially stronger) was a more entertaining end game
If I'm going to play an MMO, I want to play it for the MM part. If the endgame is worthless, I'd rather just play a single layer game with an engrossing narrative and less grinding.
@tzenes to be fair the leveling aspect of wow has been greatly improved, with the guild levels (increase experience gained), the heirloom gear (increase experience gained) and the ability to do dungeon finder and level in BG's I think its come a really long way
My point is this: Today it's possible to play an MMO like you would play something like Oblivion: That is, for a while. Then you're done with it. It's not a lifestyle choice like it was back in the EQ/DAoC/AC/FFXI era.
DCU's endgame shouldn't be relevant to the question of "should I play it?" because endgame is only something that exists to make people stick around after they finish the "real" game. The endgame isn't the "real" game anymore.
@tzenes I understand your intentionally being dramatic to prove a point, which I can't disagree with. I found that once I was a gladiator in wow and there wasn't a single piece of gear, enchant, or gem that would improve my stats my perspective on the game greatly changed
There were a couple quests in 80+ that I enjoyed, but most of it was: go to the next place, there are 3 quests here: Collect these 8-12 things, Kill these 10-14 guys, do one more thing (which may be clever or annoying)
And what's with the Draenai and Blood Elf starting areas not supporting flying? Did Blizzard say to the devs "ALL BURNING CRUSADE ZONES MUST SUPPORT FLYING except AzureMyst Isle, BloodMyst Isle, Eversong Forest, and Ghostlands."