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I'm in an ad!
@RavenDreamer you better get that skyrim hat!
@RavenDreamer Heh, awesome.
Already did, I think.

  Hats! Hats! Hats! Hats!

Everything hats! All hats! Only Hats!
Q: What do I do with all the items I pick up?

Ashley NunnDuring the game, I have picked up various items (amber relics, golden skulls, and a couple of other things) that all seem to do a whole lot of nothing for me. What do I need them for? I assume they have a use, I just haven't found it yet.

Q: Can spontaneous killing NPCs hurt my game?

IAdapterCan I just kill hunters if I want to? I hate them, because it was a hunter that set bounty on me, because I stole from her. The guys that came for me were super-strong and I was a very low level, I was lucky I beat them. Can I kill any hunter I see? Is there any downside to it? (except selling s...

Q: How to get through the hospital basement with the woman alive? (Silent Hill 2)

overmannI'm having a hard time playing on hard combat extra riddle in Silent Hill 2, the woman dies in three hits, and even if I run all the way without bumping into a wall. Do i have to get a perfect run through the hallway? The difficulty spike jumped way too high here.

I like the look of those ads, and the design.
@RavenDreamer That's pretty cool.
Makes me sad that I'm not nearly as good at design as that.
I'm probably not going to get most of the hats.
The only one I want is the spam one anyway.
Where do you have to share the link?
I see.
@GnomeSlice That hat is ridiculous, yet awesome.
@GnomeSlice anywhere, just use the "share" button to get a link, and then find someplace to put it
it won't work if it's inside the SE network
but if you find a message board or something that might be interested in a question or answer, that might work.
Email the link to your mother!
@agent86 I was rather hoping it was 'post a link on the site that gets views'.
@RavenDreamer No. She'd get angry.
for instance, I got it by posting a link to gamefaqs for a MW3 question that nobody was interested in answering here
@agent86 Does someone have to actually use the link for the hat to pop?
@AshleyNunn yes, I believe 10 people must click it
@GnomeSlice It's only ten people though. Nothing close to the badges.
I am now using the Skyrim hat for adverterizing consistency.
@Ullallulloo Do I even have any of the badges?
you could also find 10 people to click it; but they'd have to be 10 different households more than likely. I think they're tracking IPs
@agent86 Oh, well, then I doubt I will get it. I don't think I could post it anywhere anyone would look.
@AshleyNunn every game's got a forum :)
I could be sneaky and post it on the Gaming.SE facebook page.
@agent86 That's true enough. That just seems like work ;)
@GnomeSlice nope.jpeg
@GnomeSlice That would be sneaky.
@alexanderpas Whynot?
@RavenDreamer Here you're wearing the crown though.
Does the shared post have to have been posted after the start of the event?
I don't really ask or answer things any more though.
@GnomeSlice From what I've read, yes, everything has to be since the event start.
@GnomeSlice The ten clicks do, I doubt the post would have to be though.
@GnomeSlice It doesn't have to be your own post.
I don't mean the share, I mean the post being shared.
@Ullallulloo Yes, I know, I'm just saying the hats are kind of useless to me.
I never post any more.
@GnomeSlice I don't think so. :)
@Ullallulloo I guess I should just beat down @agent86 and take the crown, then! :D
@RavenDreamer You should.
@agent86 You are a crazy fast answerer of things. Somedays I think you must be part robot or something.
You've been way over us for like a year, but having this whippersnapper passing us up makes us look bad.
I'm a fanatic, apparently.
@AshleyNunn he's infused with Jon Skeet
@alexanderpas laughs That's one way to do it, I suppose.
@RavenDreamer uh oh. hides from head-bashing crown thieves
@Gnome Because everyone is out to get you.
Are you all members of the Gaming.SE steam group?
@GnomeSlice Because you are supposed to draw a small dot in the middle and get free AWP headshots...
@agent86 You win today, fiend!
@alexanderpas I was part of a dark ritual where I gained part of his powers. They took my right arm off and installed a cybernetic search engine/fast typing machine so that I can answer questions 500% faster.
@TomWijsman That doesn't help for a) non-shooters, and b) menu screens.
@GnomeSlice Yup!
as a side effect I now understand parser-tongue, which allows me to speak Python.
@GnomeSlice Well, can't you do both by keyboard?
@agent86 /golfclap
@agent86 Is there anything you can't do? ;)
@AshleyNunn it's been rumored but never proven
@TomWijsman Often not.
@agent86 I can fly: import antigravity
@AshleyNunn I don't see you... hard to tell who's missing though, since names aren't the same.
I'm gonna play TF2...
from physics import reality
Now to be constructive, update drivers/directX, check your display settings, check driver control panel, check compatibility settings on the game, check hooking stuff like Fraps...
I need more hats.
@GnomeSlice I'm Araleith there, I think.
@agent86 ERROR: assertion FAILED
Part of it is @agent86 is asking questions, so he has about twice the upvotes compared to me because he is asking questions and answering them, and I'm just answering questions.
@AshleyNunn That's not there.
@GnomeSlice weiiird. I thought I joined it. checks
I don't normally ask this many questions.
For a while there I was raping the site with questions/answers.
I blame the hat contest. I'd normally just search, but I get to be lazy and let other people do the searching for me :)
I hardly post at all any more.
but then we both get hats, so yeah, woo
@agent86 Reciprocal hatgiving. That's the Christmas spirit for sure.
Did you all 'get a chill' in Toki Tori yet? Something tells us that you'll be able to do something with that achievement soon!
@AshleyNunn indeed. I'm a giving person :D
@agent86 I see that :)
@agent86 Stop flirting.
I'll probably be dropping some bounties on questions soon too. @FallenAngelEyes is getting one soon.
@agent86 eh?
if I could bounty today, I'd probably put a couple more out on the MW3 questions; MW3's not getting very much attention on the site :(
Q: Can I get credit for lewd gestures at people who are already trying to kill me?

agent86In Saints Row 3, one of the Saintsbook challenges (and an achievement) is taunting gang members. I can go around and taunt enemy gang members, but I only seem to get a popup (and credit in the Saintsbook) when I make suggestive gestures towards gang members who weren't already angry with me. Is...

@agent86 Bounties are fascinating. I am always torn between "OMG I want an answer to this question of mine that is all untouched" and "omg I want to keep my rep at a happy number."
@GnomeSlice I am not sure what is going on here.
@agent86 That's because MW3 is mostly 'discussed' on places like youtube headshot montages synced to deadmau5.
@AshleyNunn It's apparently a real word.
I take it you haven't read Homestuck?
@GnomeSlice I acknowledge I may be the only articulate player of the game, it doesn't mean I've stopped searching for intelligent life somewhere in the universe ;)
@AshleyNunn once you're above 5k/10k/20k, you don't worry about rep anymore.
@GnomeSlice I take it that that doesn't count though?
@alexanderpas I just like numbers. Bigger ones are more fun.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I knew it was a word. I haven't read Homestuck. I keep trying, but I never get far, my brain gets bored. :(
@Ullallulloo What doesn't?
@AshleyNunn It gets better. Slow to start though.
I stopped.
@alexanderpas Also, I like that there was a range of points at which you don't care.
And haven't started again.
@GnomeSlice Grist doesn't count as a word in that game?
@Ullallulloo It does.
@GnomeSlice So I should give it another try?
@AshleyNunn Probably.
The beginning made me want to stab something, it's so slow.
Q: What items can I upgrade in Skyward Sword?

Ashley NunnI just learned that all the bits and bobs I pick up can upgrade my items. What are all the items that I can upgrade? I want the best of the best, after all. What do I need to do each upgrade?

Q: What unlocks the bonus levels in Slice It?

MargaretIn Slice It! (for Android, if that makes a difference), there is an extra "Bonus episode" with five levels, but no hints are supplied as to what unlocks them. At some point I managed to unlock one of them, and I haven't finished the rest of the game, so apparently it's not a matter of "Complete ...

@Gnome Do you get these feeling a lot?
@RonanForman Depends.
Man, I love Vanquish.
Such a ridiculous game.
@GnomeSlice That was always my problem with it.
@alexanderpas Oops. Upvote me instead? ;) :P
For some reason, I really like those ads. They're pretty.
(which is funny since I haven't really hit the rep cap only twice since ever)
@AshleyNunn I said something like that earlier. Makes me feel bad about my own abilities.
@badp Where's the one with me in it? It'd better be either the brain or the spam hat.
Or maybe the lump of coal. Which I own.
@badp Where are you getting these?
@GnomeSlice I can't draw a stick person, let alone make pretty things on the computer. Although, didn't you make that splash screen for the Game On stuff? That was awesome.
@badp I find the unicorn hug "hat" adorable
@badp unicorned unicorn.
@GnomeSlice Just reloading stackoverflow
@AshleyNunn Yes, but I did follow a tutorial, and reuse site graphics.
I'm doing it so you don't have to
static.adzerk.net/Advertisers/… had already been spotted
@Margaret It makes me happy every time I see it.
@Margaret It's the hat I've picked! :D
Are you seriously telling me that I did't get to be in an advert.
@GnomeSlice Even so, it is still ten kinds of awesome.
Although that tail... it kinda distrubs me
@badp It makes me giggle. Especially because it looks weird on my gravatar.
@badp Clicking on your name in chat, I can't actually get to your user profile. Your rollout menu is so tall it goes off the top of my screen.
Wait, yes I can, but barely. Can't see your gravatar.
@badp that's a secret hat, right in the advertising!
@alexanderpas That makes it slightly less secret. :P
I can't even load SO. It won't open.
@alexanderpas hey, if you're going to get that one hat, it's probably because of those advertisements!
@badp Yeah, it kind of looks like mutli-coloured flames
@Margaret We probably need an upwards nyan cat to go with it
@badp No we do not.
@badp I would love that hat. It would be the best hat.
@badp Just so long as it doesn't make noise ;)
@Margaret I kinda thought that's what it was at first, and I was confused. :P
@Margaret Noise? IT DOES MUZAK.
@GnomeSlice It's being mean?
What's the big fascination with Nyan Cat?
Human Sexual Response and Non-Platonic Relations

Proposed Q&A site for a site for medical professionals, sex educators, counselors, and others to discuss both the physical and emotional aspects of sexual and/or romantic interactions.

Currently in commitment.

I don't see anything particularly great about it at all.
@alexanderpas What's the problem?
@GnomeSlice I just like that it is a cat, a rainbow, and a poptart. Those are three of my favourite things. I don't like the song, though
I thought there was a "Sex.SE" on Area51 already. Is this a different iteration of the same thing?
@RavenDreamer No.
I really wish I was more well-spoken.
@AshleyNunn I only like it for the song.
I guess it's different things to differnt people.
@GnomeSlice Looks like it is, actually.
@badp .......
@GnomeSlice What? It's catchy!
The cat is entirely forgettable.
@alexanderpas The sad thing is that I know people who've watched that.
@AshleyNunn A woman I know tells me the song is all a rip-off of something else and everyone are idiots etc etc. She's a snob though...
I mean, okay, it's a cute little pixel art thing.
So? There's LOADS of that shit on the internet, much of it far better.
@alexanderpas What's funnier is Joel Spoelsky commited to it.
People aren't doing videos of nyan cat dancing to other songs, they're doing the nyan cat song wiith other faces on it
@badp I just don't like how it lodges itself in my brain, sets up shop, and refuses to leave.
Nyan Cat is the name of a YouTube video uploaded in April 2011, which became an Internet meme. The video merged a Japanese pop song with an animation of a cartoon cat with the body of a Pop-Tart, flying through space, and leaving a rainbow trail behind it. Origin Animated GIF On April 2, 2011, the GIF animation of the cat was posted by 25-year-old Christopher Torres of Dallas, Texas, who uses the name "prguitarman", on his website LOL-Comics. Torres explained in an interview where the idea for the animation came from: "I was doing a donation drive for the Red Cross and in-between drawings...
@RavenDreamer what‽
@Margaret Well, I have heard it said that there are no original ideas anymore...but its a CAT WITH A POPTART! You really can't go wrong with a cat with a poptart. (So says a girl with a planner that has a new picture of a napping kitten for each week.)
None of the Resolutions for Flotilla are even remotely small enough for my screen...
@GnomeSlice I just like things that are cute. :)
@GnomeSlice, did you flag that? ._.
@KevinY You're god damn right I did.
@alexanderpas Check the "commited" bit
WhoTF flagged nyan cat wikipedia‽
This sucks, I can't play Flotilla on this machine.
@GnomeSlice Do you really want the suspension you narrowly escaped yesterday?
@badp Listen!
@RonanForman I am listening!
@badp What the hell did I do yesterday?
No, I suppose not...
@badp That is ridiculous. The internet is full of ridiculous.
Got, the Nyan Cat song is so freaking ANNOYING UGH
^ Muzak
I was actually trying to go to the "The Song" section of the Wiki article, but apparently the grab system they're using doesn't allow that...
Man the gamersgate people are almost as good as us, some times.
@GnomeSlice False. We have hats.
hmmm .. SMB is funny in the sense that, you can have an aha-erlebnish, how to complete a level, and then waste another 15 minutes doing so
@RavenDreamer The important things.
@Raven hats aren't everythi-- ppffftt sorry, I couldn't do it!
@Margaret Exactly. My head would be cold otherwise! :P
finally finishing up those foamy rapture levels ... lvl 20
@AshleyNunn I'm in Australia; it's not exactly cold here ;)
@StevenJeuris Please tell me you're talking about Super Meatboy and not something more disturbing.
@Margaret So what are you doing for Australian Christmas?
> On December 18th, 1788, less than a year after the first settlers colonized Australia, an old cutthroat named Nicolas Crowder arrived on a boat with some other new settlers, took one look at the heat and privations, said "screw this," commandeered the boat, and set course on a one-man voyage to conquer the South Pole. Legend tells that he lives there still.

Every December 18th, "Old Nick" returns down under to find out if Australia's children have been naughty or nice. The nice children are given the greatest gift of all -- they are not abducted along with the naughty ones and carted off
Hm. My chat-fu is weak tonight.
Can't get the quotes to attribute properly.
@RavenDreamer What is this from? It is ridiculous and wonderful.
@RavenDreamer Not playing TF2 as much as Valve would like me to? ;)
@AshleyNunn Team Fortress
@AshleyNunn The TF2 Christmas update is "Australian Christmas"
@Margaret Very cool. And ridiculous. It sounds like that game has a sense of humor. :)
@AshleyNunn Hard to tell which is TF2 and which is Valve.
@Margaret Not only that, this is the SECOND year of Australian Christmas!
@RavenDreamer what's the difference?
@RavenDreamer Wouldn't it be both?
I have an account on TF2, but I don't really play it. I once was sort of wandering around a server alone and got upset that one of my friends logged in and started shooting at me. I may play the game with the wrong attitude. ;)
@Margaret lol, get on the same team with your friends.
@Margaret Just a touch, I think, from what I know of it... ;)
@RavenDreamer yeah yeah .. meat boy :)
I log in and get the free holiday items that don't require actually playing the game! That's the important bit, right?

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