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@OldMan glad to hear it worked.
@troy_s You're mentioned in the comments of Blendernation again. blendernation.com/2017/02/23/man-high-castle-season-2-vfx
Some dude first gives his expertise on the lack of filmic-blender in these shots
He's then told that another one of your transforms has been used LOL
@aliasguru They better watch what they say as Lawson was at the original demo where I showed the very first incarnation of a wide dynamic range view.
Fluke and dice of course. I recall having to try and get an Alexa import in place for him.
@troy_s Did you know each other already, or how did you connect?
@aliasguru I will tell you it is frightening finding out all these colour experts have been out in the community for so long. I have likely said some horribly broken bunch of things that are wrong and confusing people. I was thinking I was getting away with it for so long because I was the only one talking about colour...
@aliasguru Absolute fluke. He happened to be at the meeting showing off their demo reel. It was quite funny because I swear the entire crowd has zero interest in the presentation I originally started with, and by the end, everyone was sort of slack jawed.
did they believe what you said from the start?
He hit me with their card. I think I cobbled an Alexa transform together to take Alexa to 709, and then maybe even plopped the LogC view in place, which at least would allow them to see the camera output with the CGI.
It is pretty compelling when you see it in person.
@aliasguru Turn a dial, look at the values, look at how proper scene referred things composite, etc.
@troy_s sounds like a lot of trial and error?
I still recall the mind bomb that went off when I finally understood that there were two models at play.
@troy_s How's the current interaction with the Blender Devs? I saw that filmic was listed as a target for 2.79
@aliasguru Haven't heard fuck all. If I had to bet I suspect they will ram it in without asking about it, and kludge the shit together. Then I will release the next mark.
I have no problem designing the damn config if they want that. Just fix the damn roles and crap.
But there are always wiser types.
@troy_s glad to hear you're still friends LOL
When I did the second iteration of Filmic I expected there would be a handful of folks like you and the few other studios that would see the benefits and adopt the scene referred pipeline etc.
I was not expecting 150000k viewers of a YouTube video on day five.
@troy_s It was a real bombshell
and it tells you how many people were struggeling with it
unable to explain WHAT's broken
Sort of seeing what is broken and how the models break down is just a start.
You are the more ideal audience for the whole thing because like your "white seams" question, you already have a huge amount of experience and understanding.
It just takes a small push and presto.
I am now apparently some lying devil that doesn't understand anything.
Quite hilarious.
If you crawl the comments on some sites you get "DON'T LISTEN IT IS ALL A LIE 32 BIT FLOAT HAS FULL DYNAMIC RANGE AND YOU SHOULD XXX YYY ZZZ1!1!!111!!!"
@troy_s what??
@troy_s a colleague of mine uses to say, it's easy to spot idiots: idiot's don't have doubts.
@troy_s by the way, I recall reading these Dev Notes here: blendernation.com/2017/01/23/…
@troy_s Ton mentions that filmic has not been officially submitted for review yet.
Which is odd
as THEY had put it on the targets, not you :)
I don't exactly know what to say. I never designed Filmic for Blender inclusion, and I am somehow now uh... Supposed to submit it?
Yeah uh no.
The funny part is where Sergey was moaning about how it violated some legacy thing.
Where it was something like "Until it is fixed I won't merge it to trunk"
To which I replied "I don't give a shit about trunk."
(I did point out that Blender should use the damn roles to solve the issues folks have. Data for example, has a data role so that as a piece of software you look to the data role to determine what transform to assign for data.)
(instead of hard coding some goofy name)
Anyways... Sergey is damn brilliant and that can make for a stubborn stick in the mud.
@aliasguru I must bed. When do we get to show some of the stuff you have been hammering on for the past many months?
@troy_s It looks like beginning of March
@troy_s We're in bug fixing stage, and the fixes do not concern the renderings any more
@troy_s It's only product related and clothing stuff
How many renderings did you end up finishing?
@troy_s So yes, very soon :)
Do you folks do blog publishing of the process?
Difficult to count. There was some stuff for press release as well. High res stuff
I was hoping to talk at BCon17 about it
But I also fancy doing a post on BlenderNation
when we are online
Anyways, thanks for the chat, and have a good night!
14 hours later…
@troy_s Yes. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.
@troy_s Sure it has full dynamic range in 32 bit but at some point you're going to have to tonemap it. filmic is for that point. Besides, its useful to have your tonemapp in your live rendered preview etc, so you are looking at the right stuff when you make your material choices. I feel slightly frustrated at those people, but I have (and still do) spend alot of time in their shoes, so I shouldn't be getting on any soap boxes.
but you already know that (as does everyone else who reads this).

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