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@troy_s multiply mix node is display referred?
@JordanSzubert Andrew misspoke. The basic maths are basic maths and hold up.
Read the AdobePDF specification 1.7 and look for 1.0 in the blend mode formulas.
Anything with a 1.0 is display referred and will break.
@JordanSzubert If you really want to be an asset to the community, start a wiki page where you gather all of the broken or awkward nodes. There are many pinch points lingering around that no one really saw.
@JordanSzubert I would guess 85% of the blend modes have been broken forever.
12 hours later…
@troy_s Is this normal?
I don't have the filmic display device, yet I have the filmic log encoding base.\
4 hours later…
@10Replies that is correct. The displays are listed as primaries.
@troy_s Then why is mine listed as filmlike?
I'm on a mac, so it may be because of that.
@GiantCowFilms Because you haven't updated.
@10Replies No, yours is trunk.
@troy_s Ah
@GiantCowFilms Check the config again.
@GiantCowFilms I fixed a typo in the commented views. Might solve the Affinity issues.
@GiantCowFilms Had colorspace corrected to colourspace.
@GiantCowFilms Would be interesting to know if you comment all but the Base Contrast view if it still sucks.
@troy_s The guy did say they didn't support looks
"The OCIO spec is quite loose" raises eyebrows
Sadly I had a typo in there too.
Which is why it would be nice to retest.
Mobile phone. Ugh.
Tried it. Still didn't work
Thanks so much @GiantCowFilms
As long as the reason it isn't working isn't because I am a buffoon and put typos in the config, I can live with that.
affinity said themselves they don't support it
The fun has started over at blenderartists :(
Instead of posting renders and discussing use cases they are hitting each other with pillows . . .
maraCZ brings up an interesting point - if you don't have any noise in your images (which in theory is the case for a 3D render), how on earth do you even measure dynamic range. it becomes infinite.
@troy_s so then how do you come up with a dynamic range figure for filmic blender? Just curious
2 hours later…
@oblomov Never. Fails.
@GiantCowFilms There is no point there. Ceiling value minus low and non-zero value.
@GiantCowFilms That peep is perhaps the most confused of them all.
For the record, BeerBaron is the type of person that gives hope.
I've got a simple question about inserting keyframes, is this the right place to ask?

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