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Is there any internal rendering training source one could learn from (books, youtube, blog etc)? Answer much appreciated!
3 hours later…
@ngoductri this room deals mostly with cycles, color management, and related themes. For blender internal try posting on the chatroom called "the renderfarm "
2 hours later…
@troy_s Okay, I have progress on the HDRIs
Good news: Everything is linear
Bad news:
I still feel like a monkey pushing buttons when I color correct
There is banding I need to correct out from channels clipping before other channels.
Something has gone a bit wrong with the red (and to a lesser extend the green) channels in my images.
two band of color have appeared, and there seems to be more red then there is in the adobe rendered raws (which is add).
@GiantCowFilms Posterization is not caused from clipping.
@troy_s its not posterization
@GiantCowFilms If you are using an alternate colour space other than sRGB (you shouldn't be) then you need to properly transform.
@GiantCowFilms Banding is posterization.
@GiantCowFilms Otherwise you are using incorrect terminology.
@troy_s I'm still not clear on that.
I have my linear picture, now I need to unlinear it.
@troy_s probable
@GiantCowFilms Exactly why what I typed it 110% accurate.
When you don't know what you are doing, never add complexity.
That is the issue there is a "band" of hue shifted sky due to channel clipping.
@troy_s I'm on a mission to find out what I'm doing, so I can add complexity
@GiantCowFilms Except you are adding complexity before you have a clue. Bad idea.
@troy_s Well I'm framing this entire problem through the lens of my task.
which adds complexity.
@GiantCowFilms Remember where I said alternate spaces have different coloured lights?
@troy_s yes.
@GiantCowFilms If you are using a different coloured set of lights, either A) all the colours are correct or B) all the colours are wrong. You are using your eyes, which is wrong. Use your brain.
@GiantCowFilms Only one of those answers can possibly be correct.
@troy_s I'm not quite following
different set of colored lights? different from what?
@GiantCowFilms Not really. You didn't understand much prior to the start. You simply need to treat this like building a brick wall, brick by brick. You now know more about camera formats, display linear, scene linear, and a little more about ratios.
@GiantCowFilms Remember our flashlight examples?
@troy_s clearly
@troy_s you could have just said
sometimes I feel like you make this more confusing by similfying it to much
if you just gave me all the information, in its full glory, I could parse through it.
@GiantCowFilms Believe me I haven't.
@troy_s these analogies are more confusing then just giving the answer in plain strait correct terms.
@GiantCowFilms Because you clearly did not understand that there are three different lights (nuance of AdobeRGB notwithstanding)
@troy_s I do
@GiantCowFilms I said three different lights. They are there for a reason.
that bit I get
its everything else that I'm lost on.
@GiantCowFilms You had things explained to you in base terms before or at least terms you thought you understood. The results and concepts were wrong.
@troy_s @troy_s I know that the reason for color shift between images in different color spaces is caused by different responses to brightness values for each channel.
@troy_s No, all this misinformation comes from guessing.
You didn't listen.
Because I didn't understand
but you are not explaining the part I'm not understanding
@troy_s the issue is quite simple, and I actually know what is causing it.
@GiantCowFilms Then you don't need any help.
@GiantCowFilms I would suggest you don't have a clue what is wrong, but your call. :)
I'm not sure what to do to get the result I expect
I know that clipping in one channel is cuasing the hue to shift
I don't know what to do to counter that shift
@troy_s since you like analogies, I'll give you one.
I have a car that has a four cylinder engine.
I can here from the noise that one of eh four cylinders is broken.
I know enough about cars to figure that out.
but I don't know enough to fix the broken cylinder.
thats where I am now.
I know what my problem is, but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I need to do something to stop the hue from shifting when only one or two channels clip.
Ok back @GiantCowFilms
@GiantCowFilms Clipping doesn't cause hue shift in the manner you are seeing there. That is, in a proper HDRI, there is no clipping.
@troy_s This clipping is when my hdri is fitted into display reffered space
@GiantCowFilms Second, if you are using AdobeRGB lights, the colours of the lights are different (technically it is one light that is different)
@GiantCowFilms And what is that called? :)
at the end of the day, when someone uses this image as a background in blender, it has to look good in display referred space.
@troy_s the term is escaping me
@troy_s I'm not sure if they are adobe rgb, I think adobe renders the raw into sRGB
@GiantCowFilms There is always a transform from the scene referred domain to the display referred domain. It is a transfer characteristic or transfer curve. How values are mapped.
@GiantCowFilms You should be certain. Make sure that you are using the correct lights for your experiments. In this case, given where you are at, those should be 709 lights (aka sRGB)
@troy_s Let me go through the pipeline with you, so you can understand the context my remarks are in.
knowing what color space and what format all your data is helps lots of things to make sense
@troy_s What do you mean by 'lights' there?
(I know that 709 refers to a specific transfer curve)
So I have my linear light data from my camera.
after it gets mereged by the hdri software (so there is no clipping)
I have this big piece of linear data (scene referred values for all the pixels).
now I want to make these values acceptable to be displayed.
you say I need to apply a 709 transfer curve?
what exactly will that do?
@someonewithpc RGB is a relative colour encoding model.
@someonewithpc It encodes values that are an arbitrary intensity mapping. The basis colours of the lights are also arbitrary.
And so lights is an absolute analogue?
@someonewithpc So when someone says "sRGB", despite being a well documented specification, they are likely misusing the term.
@someonewithpc sRGB has a very specific two part transfer characteristic (EOTF) and a very specific set of three colours for each of the red, green, and blue lights.
@someonewithpc Which are 709 coloured lights (ITU.BT.709)
@troy_s Thanks, but that's not what I asked :P
@GiantCowFilms No. Your transfer curve will be somewhat creative as you are using an arbitrary scene referred range.
@troy_s Are lights physical lights, or does it refer to something else?
@troy_s But part of the transfer, I presume is the fix the highlight hue shift?
And are they some sort of reference light intensity and such?
that bit isn't creative.
it is 100% technical
@GiantCowFilms 709 and sRGB's transfer characteristic will only operate on normalized ranges, aka 0..1. Your scene referred series of values is infinitely small to infinitely large, and specifically a small lower value (of your choosing for a "black") and an arbitrary upper value (for display referred "white")
@GiantCowFilms Ok so you tell me how to do it. If you have the answers, do not ask.
@troy_s The issue is we are going from infinite to 0 to 1
@someonewithpc Colours are defined absolutely according to the CIE 1931 two degree observer tests.
that is the root of the problem....
@GiantCowFilms Again, you have the answers, you tell me.
@troy_s Fine, my turn to explain.
we have three flashlights, as per usual.
@someonewithpc The best way to always think about pixels / light / colour is that there are two halves: A) the linear or nonlinear way that the lights are encoded for intensity and B) the colours of the three lights.
let say, to keep things simple, they produce equal amounts of light when their sliders are at equal positions, and the slider percentages adjust the output light linearly
We want to shine a hue that is 5% of flashlight one, 20% of flashlight two and 80% of flashlight 3's output
that works fine.
@troy_s Where A is display referred and B is scene referred?
but what if we want to do it twice as bright?
@troy_s I still don'tknow what you mean by 'three lights'
it works fine until we get the flashlight three, where we have to open our slider 160%
that is my issue
I can't open my third flashlight (my monitor in this case) too 160%.
so my hue is messed up since I have less of flashlight 3.
@troy_s Changing the subject to something I think you can answer.
If you have an HDRI, and its linear, and you put it in blender and the environment, will it appear correctly as the backdrop?
Because sending linear data strait out to the screen is a bad idea.
so you'd need to perform some sort of color transform, correct?
or would you instead expect it to be just plain linear?
@GiantCowFilms I'm probably miss understanding this, but you don't have less in the HDR, so you just need to convert that (scene referred) with the appropriate curve, in a way that doesn't clip anything (in a perceptible way)
@someonewithpc What?
it depends on what your trying to do.
I'm trying to make something nice for the average blender user to download
There can be 160% of the flashlight 3 in the scene, and the camera captures that
@someonewithpc Think about what an RGB value means; it means one thing and one thing only. It is a means of communicating the intensity of a light - red, green, or blue.
The problem is when you're trying to display it, so you need to adjust the transformation curve
@someonewithpc The key revelation here is: A) Without further information you don't know what intensity scale that encoded value refers to and B) Without further information you have no clue what the colours of the lights are in any given encoded value triplet.
@GiantCowFilms There
@troy_s Remember that I haven't read the rest of the chat, so I don't know what this flashlights analogy is
@GiantCowFilms It isn't complex. Assuming your base unit is 0.9, and you want double the emission strength, the second unit is 1.8. The transfer curve if you want to keep that dynamic range, would need to map 1.8 to 1.0 for the display referred transform.
@troy_s Is the intensity scale the ISO value?
@someonewithpc It is a great way to explain that encoded values mean nothing.
@troy_s So, is my explanation about that correct? I just want to see if I understood correctly
@someonewithpc No. When most people say "sRGB" around Blender, they are typically referring to the sRGB transfer curve; the function that maps 0.0 to 1.0 range to display.
From the display linear domain to the display referred nonlinear domain.
The transform of intensity that maps scene referred values to thedisplay referred domain is unique and depends on the context of the scene and or pipeline.
@troy_s Ok... clearly I need to do some reading to understand this. What should I read about? Like, terms or specific articles
@someonewithpc Just remember that an encoded value means some intensity of some colour of light. We don't know the colour nor the intensity mapping. You always need additional information, with which, you can properly interpret and transform the lights from one space to another.
@someonewithpc cinematiccolor.com has a good PDF. Probably a little higher level than where you are at right now, but a solid document endorsed by the Visual Effects Society
@troy_s But I still want some clipping
I want to make the sun white, its very bright
@GiantCowFilms There is no such thing as an average user. So give up on that.
@GiantCowFilms What part of what I have said makes you believe I have said it is not a creative transform?
@GiantCowFilms Make the transform whatever range you want.
@someonewithpc Physical and mathematical in some instances. If you zoom in on your display, you will see three emitting lights per pixel. Those are the lights.
@troy_s but single challenel clipping causes that to be an issue
and I don't see how a transfer function can fix that.
@GiantCowFilms Are you certain it is the display referred transform cut?
could you define: display referred transform cut
@GiantCowFilms Then you don't understand transfer functions and display referred transforms. Go back and read that post I linked ages ago.
in less jargony english
@troy_s which one?
you mean the se one?
@GiantCowFilms If you don't like the terms, I can't help you.
@troy_s I don't mind the terms
@GiantCowFilms Any given transfer curve will have a maximum value from the scene referred domain.
as long as I know what they mean
@troy_s right
the issue here is the RGB channels. we aren't dealing with proper values, we are in nasty three space.
@troy_s BTW, that pdf is awesome!
@GiantCowFilms Not sure what you are on about here. They are all proper values.
@GiantCowFilms All in that post you never read. :)
@GiantCowFilms There is no nasty "three" space whatever that is. Just legitimate scene referred values.
@troy_s I read it. I'm not so sure about understanding
I think the pdf is a little easier to shove into my brain.
@troy_s we are talking about display referred space.
@GiantCowFilms You are never solely speaking of display referred.
fair enough
@GiantCowFilms Just think in terms of transforms between a linearized range (display linear or scene linear) and display referred non-linear.
I have been doing that.
@GiantCowFilms Also remember that no intensity curve can properly map a desaturation.
@troy_s a desaturation. <--- I'm thinking THAT is the issue here
@GiantCowFilms A desaturation is an additional transform in that chain. That post outlines the issue.
because the only way to keep hue consistent as such high values in display space is to change the issue.
@troy_s which one?
@troy_s thank you, I think that is the bit if info I needed.
@GiantCowFilms The wide dynamic range question that started this whole chain of events.
Should be in sidebar.
This one:
oh nvm
Q: Render with a wider dynamic range in cycles to produce photorealistic looking images

cegatonTo get images that seem more photorealistic, not only a much wider Dynamic Range is needed, but also having the color information desaturate towards white as it would happen in an overexposed photograph. This all follows from an answer on this question The default sRGB output view transform ...

^^That one
wrong bit of the sidebar
@troy_s Okay, now that I can see the problem, that post makes much more sense to me.
@troy_s looking at the github page for the luts, I just had a quick question
you have a lut for None
what exactly is that undoing?
"This removes any additional transforms on the view."
are their transforms on the view?
@GiantCowFilms Non performs no transforms. Technically that is a dump of data to your display, which means dumped via sRGB lights at whatever value. It is a meaningless view in terms of what you can infer from it as it depends on whatever device you are viewing it on.
@troy_s oh
@GiantCowFilms (at risk of complicating the hell out of things, your display also has a hard coded transform at the hardware level baked into it if it is LCD etc. But I will skip that.)
@troy_s Yeah... Its fustrating.
I don't know what transforms have been applied to my data at any given instant D:
Its tricky to take something in and out of photoshop to correct chromatic aborrations and still be confident you have linear data.
@troy_s I downloaded and read that PDF years ago, and understood next to nothing. Lets see if this time around I understand it.
@David I'm trying it, its a battle. page 8 is where it hits, and page 9 is where it shoves you under.
@David Takes baby steps. I am certain if anything new has clicked from our chats that a little more will make sense.
@troy_s I expects so, now I just have to force my self to read it.
@David It is a Rabbit Hole. Just be comfortable with not knowing and it lessens the duress. Try to latch onto small pieces and understand the small bits as best as you can. They will connect together, so a small bit at a time is a huge win.
Best advice for both is to realize that all of the more seemingly complex elements around the XYZ space and research is all just an absolute colour model and space.
Unlike RGB, which is 100% relative, XYZ is a model (three colour just like RGB) that lets us discuss colour in absolute terms.
@troy_s this is a huge win. I cant believe how stupid I (and everybody else) was for soo long trying to render out with a srgb transfer curve.
So XYZ is a Rosetta Stone of sorts; it lets us actually communicate what colour those reddish, greenish, and blueish primary lights are in an absolute way.
@troy_s that is a important distinction I did not know.
XYZ = absolute, RGB = relative.
@troy_s ok, see me coming from only knowing rgb and others made from it, did not even know there was anything absolute.
@David I keep saying it is a mantra: to really begin to grasp RGB, understand that there is an intensity encoding (display linear, scene linear, sRGB transfer, 709 transfer, 2020, you name it)
sRGB, and how it relates to rendering, are still foggy to me. I'm having quite a bit of trouble understanding this post: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/46825/…
A colour for each of the three encoded values. A reddish (not always) colour, a greenish (not always) colour, and a blueish (not always) colour.
@David XYZ is the "glue" that lets me say to you "sRGB's white point is X 0.3127 y 0.3290" and that means one precise colour and one precise colour only.
@troy_s Ah now that is the first thing that has made sense to me!
@David It also takes the RGB encoded values out of "meaningless" and into "meaningful" because with XYZ those values gain meaning.
so XYZ is the only way we can tie together all the different color spaces.
1 hour later…
@David Yes. Any time you see colour, 1931 XYZ is involved. It is the anchor for all of colour.
@David You define your lights relative to it, and we discuss colour in absolute terms relative to it.

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