@SSumner Not enough, though. At the moment there are about 1 third good candidates, 1 third bad ones and 1 third uncertain ones. A few more candidates for more options can't hurt, no? Besides that, it's way more exciting to have a primary before the actual election, and for that at least 11 candidates are required.
@Shog9 Now that's the right attitude! I totally "adore" those questions and answers that simply consist of huge blank boxes interspersed with stupid 3-word bridge sentences.
@Shog9 true but if you think some of the existing candidates would do at least as good a job as yourself, that lessens the impact of you running (also, the potential for vote splitting to allow a lesser candidate to win)...
Himarm was suspended today after making a joke that he targeted another user with 100 downvotes. He was obviously kidding, because his profile shows that he has made a total of 107 downvotes in two years on the site.
Unless we're supposed to believe that all but 7 of those votes were for the ...
It was a low point, but one that really made me interested in being a mod as i was never officially told why i was suspended, even after reaching out to mods it was only after my second account was deleted did i figure it out
my suspension notice to this day still states it was for targeted downvoting which i didnt do
It is however delightful to see that there are no blatant rep-only nominations yet, about posting a lot of stuff and gathering a whole lot of reputation in a short time. All the existing nominations actually do talk about moderation issues and an election platform (be that platform even questionable or unclear).
@Ixrec (and @ everyone else) Please don't use the election as an opportunity to dredge up dirt on the nominees. Suspensions are meant to be temporary corrective measures, not a permanent black mark.